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Page 5

by B C Morgan

  “What the hell is wrong with my hair?” I demanded.

  “Nothing, the colour is exceptional, but your hair will definitely make you stand out.”

  I let out a deep sigh as she once again bounced off into the wardrobe and came back out with a pale blonde, ringlet curled wig.



  I had no idea what was taking so long, I mean what were they even doing in there. My patience was growing thinner by the second when I heard Kat’s door open, and feet beginning to descend the stairs. I made myself stay in my chair but couldn’t hide the look of shock that must have crossed my face when I finally laid my sights on Unya.

  She looked incredible, and a completely different person. I’ll admit that she was showing off more flesh then I would have liked, but it was still quite understated for the likes of Venom. The dress melded to her like a second skin and the blonde hair fell effortlessly around her face, her makeup was a subtle gold with barely a hint of black anywhere. I honestly could not believe that it was the same girl, although I did feel a stab of resentment towards Kat for replacing the ebony with blonde.

  “Lawson put your tongue away, you’ll give her a complex,” Kat said while giving me a sly grin and a matching wink.

  “You certainly look different,” I stated as I slowly circled around her, once I made it full circle, her hands found their place on her hips.

  “Do I meet your expectations, Lawson? Cause I think it’s all way too much, I’d much prefer to wear my tatty jeans.”

  I couldn’t hold back my laugh as I slowly shook my head. “This is fine for where we are going, we’ve still got a couple more hours before we go so you may as well try to relax.”

  I fingered one of her golden curls and she informed me that it was a rather hideously itchy wig, that she couldn’t wait to tear from her person. The very first chance she got.



  At least the time had finally arrived, I wondered how I was supposed to ride on the back of his bike dressed like this when he silently led me to a rather sleek looking car instead.

  It was then that I realised that he had not donned his usual biker clothing, and was finally able to take him all in. He had on a pair of low rising jeans, that hugged his hips perfectly and a plain black tank top that provided a sighting of the vee that crept below his waist band. He had a flat, well-toned stomach, as well as muscular arms and a firm arse. He was the definition of eye candy.

  “Before you ask, its Kat’s car,” He informed me as he opened my door and waited for me to climb in. I hadn’t expected the chivalrous act and was reminded of the fact that I had no idea who I was sitting next too. He really was a stranger to me, all I knew was that his name was Lawson, he lived with a girl called Kat, he rode a bike and could dislocate a guy’s arm with relative ease. Not forgetting the fact that he had told me that I most certainly should not trust him, that was one thing I was trying to keep in the front of my mind.

  We drove in silence and I realised we were driving away from the populated areas, and seemed to be driving towards the farms and fields. It was the moment we turned off onto a dirt road that I started to wonder why Kat would make me look so pretty and girlie if I was been driven off towards my own early demise.

  “It’s an awfully long way to go, just to kill me you know.”

  He looked slightly taken back by my statement and seemed to contemplate his reply for quite some time.

  “You seem rather calm for someone who’s about to die.”

  He said that with such a sense of finality that I’m sure I should have panicked or at least flinched, but as usual, I lacked any response.

  “I’m not going to kill you Unya, besides Kat would have my head if I ruined the dress that she lent to you.” He laughed as he said this and I began to think that maybe I had gotten away with my lack of emotions to his obvious threat.

  “So, if you are not leading me to my death, where are you leading me too?”

  “The club that we are going too is well hidden, it prevents the ‘nobody’s’ from trespassing. It stops any unnecessary casualties occurring.”

  I stared at him as he said this and wondered who exactly would constitute as ‘a nobody.’

  We finally pulled up outside a barn, I mean a barn for Christ sake. I rolled my eyes and pushed the car door wide open.

  He ran around to my side and grabbed hold of my elbow, I felt a zing of electricity spark between us and he quickly let go. I wasn’t sure if he felt it too, but by the way he reacted I suspected he had.

  “I know that Kat went to a lot of effort to hide your true self, but maybe we should be extra cautious and go the full shebang with a new name too.”

  “Yeah sure, whatever you say.”

  He stared at me hard, as his eyes burned their way into mine and I told him that I would go by Luna.

  He nodded his approval and slowly raised his hand to my face, I wondered for a moment if he was going to try to kiss me when he tucked a strand of ebony hair, that had managed to become loose, back inside the wig.

  He took my hand inside his and that electric feeling buzzed its way up my arm, he glanced down at me as though he wanted to say something, but obviously chose not too as he guided me to the barn door.

  He had a quick look around before placing three hard raps onto the door, I honestly did not expect anything to happen when it suddenly flew open and I was left staring up at a giant of a man.

  He had a decidedly evil looking face and I honestly felt as though he was going to gobble me up right there. That was until he looked at Lawson and with a bow of his head moved aside so that we could gain entry.

  We climbed down a set of thick stone steps that led to yet another door, but this one had no body guard on the other side, just a throng of bodies writhing to the overly loud music that was playing.

  The club was practically black, accept from the strobe lights that were hitting the dance floor and the lamps were dotted around by the bar. I’d never seen anything like it and suddenly wished Addy was here to experience it with me. My hand was still sat firmly with Lawson’s and he was soon leading us over to the bar, where two stools suddenly became empty upon his arrival.

  “I’m going to go and get us some drinks, you should be fine but if anyone bothers you, just tell them you are with me and they’ll soon leave you alone.”

  He quickly set off and didn’t even wait to see if I had anything to say back to him, I wondered if I should pretend to be angered by his obvious lack in my-self-preservation. He sure as hell didn’t seem to think I was able to take care of myself, but that being said this was his crowd and maybe he knew something I didn’t.

  I sat there rather patiently, waiting for him to return, just watching the bodies move to the beat. I did understand why my previous attire would have been frowned upon, I mean the girls were practically naked and the guys weren’t much better off either. I was starting to wonder where Lawson had gotten too when some guy approached me with two girls hanging off of his arms. They were practically naked with just a silk ribbon covering their breasts, and what was probably a pair of bikini bottoms covering the rest of their modesty. The word cheap whores definitely sprang to mind, but the man was something else.

  He had broad shoulders connected to a very well defined torso, he had dirty blonde hair with streaks of red running through it and the bluest eyes I had ever seen. He reminded me of what I would assume a Viking may have looked like, but without the bulkiness that usually went with the image. He was easily six foot two and would tower over my five foot six frame.

  He didn’t seem like he was the type to ever not have a girl fawning all over him, but taking in his present company he obviously didn’t have a great sense of worth either.

  “Do you like what you see my dear?” He asked as he took a step closer towards me. The girls on his arm started to whine at the lack of attention he was showing them, but he chose to ignore it.

  “I’ve got to admit, I’ve seen bett
er, besides guys like you are way to high maintenance for a girl like me.”

  The girls looked on at me in horror, obviously feeling insulted for their man candy, when he let out a raucous laugh. He shook the girls loose and shot them a withering stare when they began their protests.

  “I wouldn’t lose the chicks if I were you, you were definitely on to a sure thing there, something that I can guarantee will not happen with me.”

  “Who are you? I know for a fact that you have never come in here before and by the way that you talk to me indicates that you either have no fear or absolutely no clue as to who I am.”

  “I’m no one of consequence, I’m only here to pass the time,” I replied as he inched closer and closer to me.

  He seemed to breathe me in, and then he literally did. It was as though he was nothing more than a hound, which just caught hold of an unfamiliar but pleasant scent.

  “It will do you no good to try to deceive me dear, I can smell the power on you.”

  His face was inches from mine, and I didn’t even notice his hand edging closer to me before he was holding mine in his. I was hit with an overwhelming urge to wrap my body around his and go wherever he deemed fit to lead me.

  His mouth was on mine in an instant and I realised that I was feeling lust and it was all so wrong, I don’t feel anything, so why was I suddenly feeling this with a guy that I had just met.

  I managed to break our contact, even though my body was screaming at me to let it continue. But the moment it was broken, all those senses went away and I was back to my standard numb self.

  “I could drink you in for weeks, seriously girl, who the hell are you?”

  His tone held an edge to it and he seemed frantic, I tried to step away from him but came up short when my back hit the bar.

  “I think you should go and find those girls now before Lawson comes back.”

  I inwardly cringed at the fact that I had used his name as a protective shield, but it seemed to work as recognition shone on the stranger’s face and he finally stepped out of my personal space.

  “You are here with Lawson, that seems rather far-fetched, maybe you are trying to deceive me again. Seeing as Lawson is very much wrapped up with Lilith.”

  His fingers curled around the back on my neck and I suddenly felt the need to tell this guy everything there was to know about me.

  My traitorous lips parted to tell my secrets when he suddenly pulled away from me and spun around into Lawson’s waiting fist.

  His head snapped back but he quickly shook it off, before he returned his gaze to mine with a crooked grin on his face, even while blood was pouring from it.

  “She warned you Malachi, you know you should never touch what is mine.”

  “Look I’m sorry, but the last I heard you was messing around with Lilith, how was I supposed to know that she was being honest?”

  “I don’t care for your excuses Malachi; you just better hope I never catch you sniffing around her again.” With that final statement he slammed his fist into Malachi’s sternum and sent him flailing into the crowd.

  “Luna I’m sorry, Kat was right I never should have brought you here.”

  It took a second for me to realise that he was speaking to me as I had completely forgotten that I had chosen Luna as my alias for while we were here.

  “It’s fine, there’s no harm done,” I stated, trying to sound reassuring, despite my utter confusion over suddenly being able to feel anything, when Malachi touched me.

  We spent the half an hour in companionable silence, as he bought me drink after drink. The only problem was that it was rather quite dull just sitting there, I tried to eavesdrop on the conversations that were going on around me, but it was ridiculous the things that they were saying. There were mentions of Gods, sorceresses and I even think someone said something about a nymph. Maybe the reason this club was so exclusive was because it housed the weirdos.

  I caught Lawson watching me intently when he suddenly took hold of my hand and led me to the dance floor.

  “You really should ignore what you hear in this place love, it’s all inconsequential anyway.”

  He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me flush against him, as I coiled my arms around his neck and swayed along with him to the music.

  “Why was that guy so intimidated by you?” I asked, wondering if he would actually give me an answer.

  “You saw what I did to your boyfriend’s arm right, and you wonder why people are wary of me. Damn girl, you really are an enigma.” He said it with a playful tone, but I could tell that he was being serious.

  “Yes, I certainly did see that to be fair it was kind of insane how quickly you could do that,” I replied hoping that my masquerade of emotions was still up to the task after all the alcohol that I had consumed.

  “It was nothing really, all you have to know where to apply the pressure, but enough about that. I do have to ask though, what the hell were you doing with someone like that. He really was an awful example of the human species.”

  “Honestly, it was because he asked. And I guess I just wanted to see if I could make myself feel something for him. I tried really hard too for the past year and a half, but there was nothing there for me. He was definitely more invested in us then I was, while he was planning vacations, I was trying to come up with the best way to end it with the sappy idiot.”

  He laughed at my choice of words and I smiled back at him before my face fell back into its usual dead pan expression.

  “I think there may have been better ways then telling him to run off a cliff, but you definitely have the flare for dramatics down, I’ll give you that.”

  I shook my head at his teasing, hating that it came so easily to everyone else, where as I had to work damn hard to pretend to be normal. I was getting sick and tired of it, I just wished that I could stop pretending once and for all.

  “I think the fact I forgot to say the words ‘your dumped’, might mean that we are effectively still in a relationship,” I replied and his smile slipped away from his face.

  He released himself from me and took a couple steps back, before gripping my elbow and leading me away from the throng of people and out towards Kat’s car.

  “I think it was pretty obvious that it was over between you two, even an idiot like him could have seen that,” He said this while opening my door for me, yet he would not look at me.

  “Have I pissed you off, caused you are definitely giving me the cold shoulder right now.”

  He walked around to his side of the car and climbed in, before finally looking right at me.

  “You kissed Malachi, even though you still thought you were taken, what the hell were you thinking.”

  “Hey I have no idea what happened between myself and that guy, one minute I was trying to convince him to return to his little tarts and then the next he’s gripping my hand and my thoughts don’t feel like my own anymore. It’s only because I knew that they weren’t that I managed to get control over myself again.”

  Lawson looked shocked by my confession, then he quickly shoved the car into gear and sped off back down the dirt road.

  “Where are you staying tonight?”

  “Probably the back seat of my car, it’s kind of impossible for me to go back to where I live at the moment.”

  “Look I’m sure Kat wouldn’t mind if you crashed with us tonight, that’s if you want too of course, if not we can get your things and then I’ll drive you back to your car.”

  “Where would I even sleep?”

  “There’s a couch or my room, but I will not be giving up my bed, so that is completely down to you,” He stated; not once taking his eyes off of the road.

  I found myself agreeing to stay at theirs, but no way in hell would I be spending the night with him.

  Chapter Eight


  We stepped inside and I realised that the couch wasn’t going to be an option for poor little Unya, seeing as Kat had decided to throw a party of her o
wn while I was out.

  The living room was littered with empty bottles and bodies, luckily none of them were dead. Otherwise, I would have had no idea how to explain that one to Unya.

  “I’ll see if you can stay in Kat’s room tonight,” I offered and she just nodded her head and headed up the stairs.

  I mean sure we have other rooms, but unfortunately, they are definitely out of bounds where Unya is concerned. She would probably be horrified to discover exactly what we had hidden behind closed doors.

  I rapped loudly on Kat’s door and she eventually answered with her hair all dishevelled and wearing nothing more than an inappropriately short dressing gown. She stepped out and discreetly closed the door behind her.

  “Unya, there’s my new favourite girl,” She said as she flung her arms around her neck, Unya just patted her stiffly on the back, before managing to extricate herself.

  “Is there any chance that Unya could stay in there with you tonight?” I asked, not feeling at all hopeful.

  “Oh, I am sorry pet, she could’ve, but I’m definitely not alone in there,” She replied with a wink in my direction.

  “Just promise me that it’s not Marcus,” I pleaded with her and by the way that she wouldn’t meet my eyes, I knew that it was.

  “Hey, it’s just for tonight, we both know that nothing can last between us, so we are saying goodbye, now if you don’t mind, I’m going to go and enjoy our short time together.” And with that said, she turned her back on us and slammed her door shut behind her.

  “Looks like you’re in with me Love. Unless you want me to take you back?” I wasn’t really bothered what option she picked, but it surprised me when she said that she would rather stay. But I guess staying with me was still going to be a lot more comfortable, then the back seat of her car.

  She followed me into my room and for the first time I wished that I’d placed a couch in my room like Kat had. Instead all I had was a bed, a wardrobe and a desk. It never bothered me before, I never stayed up here long enough to feel the need to decorate, but I wondered what she thought of my room.


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