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Broken Pieces (Leaving You, Finding Them Book 1)

Page 9

by Tammi Lynn

  Getting my composure I step towards the bike. Cade hands me a helmet, and I slip it on. I hike my skirt up a little to swing my leg up and over the bike behind him. By the time I’m nestled on the seat behind him, my skirt has ridden up more, and my panty-clad mound is snuggled up against his hot jean ass. I wrap my arms tight around him, his white shirt now also drenched and sticking to his muscular frame. His abs are hard against my hands as I relax against him when he starts up the bike with a roar. I feel the vibrations go straight to my pussy against him and he takes off.

  I’ve only ever ridden on a motorcycle once and when I was a teen. One of my brother’s friends had one, and I took one ride and one ride only with him, I was terrified. The way the bike leaned towards the asphalt when taking corners, I vowed to never get on one again. So much for that vow. Scooting as close as I can against him as he drives to our neighborhood, I lean my face against his back. I’m not even able to be scared of the ride I feel so relaxed against him, watching the night go by in a streak of houses and rain.

  When we finally get home, he parks in my driveway instead of theirs even though theirs is still only about twenty to thirty feet from my front door. We could have easily walked from their carport. Does he want the guys to see it in mine? Why do I like that? Getting off the bike, he turns and lifts me off as well, hands on my arms to steady me, before taking my hand, threading our fingers together than walking us to the front door.

  When we reach it, he turns to me with his hand out. I look down at it, not realizing what he is wanting. Laughing, Gah he has a beautiful laugh - as if he wasn’t perfect enough, he says, “Your key Baby Girl, we need it to get in.” Baby Girl? I love that coming from his lips.

  “Oh yeah, of course.” I bend down and pull it out of my boot to hand to him.

  Unlocking the door and opening it he gently pulls me into the dark house, all of the lights are turned off, the only light is coming through the open drapes on the windows as the lightning continues to streak across the skies. Leading me down the hallway and into my room, he stands me by my bed and slowly takes his jacket off my arms throwing it onto a chair I have near my closet. Turning back towards me, he places a hand on my waist,

  “Is this okay?” I nod Hell yes! Grabbing the zipper on the top side of my skirt and slowly bringing it down, my skirt then falls and pools at my feet. I step out of it with one foot and fling it across the room with the other. He kneels down on one knee and zips down the side of each boot as well. I brace my hands on his shoulders to not fall over while he pulls them off and sets them aside. Standing back up his fingers, then go to the buttons on my shirt, staring into my eyes as he slowly unbuttons each one. When he slides the shirt down my arms and tosses it to the same spot I flung my skirt, I wrap my arms around me, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

  When I had been with Jesse and Roman just yesterday, it had happened so suddenly, so fast, and I was filled with so much desire I hadn’t had the time to even think about my body. I’m not big, but definitely not super skinny either, more soft and curvy than anything else. Although the look in Cade’s eyes make me think he likes what he sees. He turns and heads to my dresser, opening drawers until he finds what he’s looking for and lifts up a t-shirt. A t-shirt Dre had given me.

  “Here, Ma, I want you to have this.” I look at him smiling, seeing his dark navy Yankees shirt in his hands. “I know your favorite number is forty-two and you like the Yankees as much as me.” I take the shirt out of his hands and hold it out. On the back is Rivera, my favorite player and the big number 42, and on the front left breast the Yankees logo. I hold it to my chest and look at him before saying, “I love you.”

  Coming out of the memory I look at Cade and shake my head no, trying to keep tears out of my eyes. I can tell he sees the reaction on my face and turns to put the shirt away and pull out another. This one's an actual Pj shirt, red with the words Bougie in black across the front which makes me giggle. I nod, and he comes back over to me, throwing them over his shoulder.

  First running his big rough hands down my arms, he then reaches behind me with one and unclasps my bra in one swift move. I feel tingles down my arms as he pulls the straps down and away from me, dropping my black lace bra to the floor. He looks at me keeping that god damn intense eye contact before looking down and bringing my raw wrists up kissing each of them gently. He leans forward to place a swift soft kiss to my lips before kneeling back in front of me.

  My knees start to shake. His hands started at my delicate ankles as he slowly brushed across my calves, over the back of my knees, and up my thighs, before landing at his final destination: my hips. He looks up at me, waiting for me to object, I nod at him again, my voice lost at the feeling of his hands on my body. Curling his fingers into the waistband of my black lace boyshorts, he gently starts pulling them down my legs, off one foot and then the other.

  Thinking he’ll put them along with my other wet clothes he shocks me by placing them in his pocket with a devilish grin I never thought I’d get to see on his face. Oh Fuck, this guy just keeps getting hotter and hotter. He places a kiss to my knee, pulling it out a bit so he can slowly trace soft kisses up my inner thigh, stopping at about four inches from my throbbing sex.

  Suddenly standing, he chuckles. “Come on Baby Girl, let’s get you to bed. You need to sleep.” Wait. Sleep? Does he think I can sleep now? How?! He grabs the shirt that was still over his shoulder and places it over my head, my arms go up and into the armholes before he drags the rest down my body.


  “Yeah, sleep. Baby Girl you may be able to drink like a fish, but you are going to be drowning in a hangover in the morning.”

  I don’t want to sleep, and I don’t want him to go, the events of the night have me not wanting to be by myself. “Stay? Please?”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” He says while pulling back my covers and getting me into them to lay down. I watch him as he steps back and pulls his shirt off. His chest is impressive, I can’t help staring at him, trailing my eyes down his abs. I anxiously wait for him to take more off, but he turns and heads into the bathroom. I hear water running, and it sounds like he’s going through the medicine cabinet.

  When he returns, he’s holding the full glass of water that I keep next to the sink and Tylenol in his other hand. He hands them over to me. “Here take these, it’ll help for when you wake up.”

  I take them from him, slowly putting the pills into my mouth and taking a drink to get them down. Satisfied he nods at me, then begins to unzip his jeans and takes them off. He stands there in a pair of black boxer briefs, looking like sex on a stick, and I’m willing him in my head to take them off too.

  He doesn’t. He does get into the bed behind me, putting an arm under my pillow beneath my head and reaching around my waist to pull my body against his. I can feel the hard bulge in his still slightly damp boxers against my ass, and I push back against it.

  “Sleep, Baby Girl, sleep.” He says chuckling. Then begins to run his fingers through my wet locks, making tingles go over my whole body. In no time, my eyes get heavy, and I fall into a dream-filled sleep.


  The next morning I wake and turn to the space behind me. Cade’s gone, his side of the bed is cold as if he’s been gone a while. I start to get emotional, so many nights Dre and I would lay down at night, and I’d wake up to him gone, and wouldn’t get to see him for days to weeks after. Just as I’m about to cry, remembering last night how sweet Cade was to me, punching that guy and then bringing me home to take care of me, and not even trying to get into my pants Well he took them off of me but still I see the note on the pillow. I grab it seeing a message with actually nice handwriting for a guy written across it.

  Baby Girl,

  Sorry to leave you this morning but you were sleeping so peacefully I didn’t want to wake you up into the hangover I’m sure you're going to have. I had to go into work for a few hours. Oh and Jayson bought donuts this morning and I left a couple on
your kitchen counter for you. I also left the glass of water on your nightstand with some more Tylenol. Be good.


  Glancing over I see the pills on the nightstand. I smile and immediately take them the pain in my temples had me squinting as I read his note. Be good? How not good I want to be with you, Cade. Smiling to myself I go over the events of last night, from having a blast with the girls to the awful near-rape experience with Blue Shirt, Cade coming to my rescue, and then finally to falling asleep in his big comforting arms. I then look over to the clock and see it’s already noon, start to get up, remember no one's home and I have nothing to do and then lay my ass right back down to get more sleep.

  After dozing off for about an hour, my text message tone wakes me up with a new message. Reaching over to my nightstand and grabbing it, I see a text waiting from an unknown number and a bunch from Dre that I loathe to read. Wait... wasn’t my phone still in my boots last night?

  Unknown: Hey! How are you feeling?

  Me: Who is this?

  Unknown: It’s Cade, I pulled your phone out of your boot this morning, turned it on for you and then called myself from it, so I’d have your number.

  Oh wow, He got my number so he could check on me? The butterflies in my stomach start and are mixing with the alcohol that’s making me queasy. I hurry and save his number into my phone.

  Cade: You um have a lot of texts that came in when I started it up.

  Me: I know, sorry, and thank you, my head is killing me, and I’m about to greet some porcelain, but I think I’ll live lol.

  Cade: :) Get some more rest Baby Girl. Gotta go.

  Placing my phone over my chest above my swelling heart, I fall back into my covers. I don’t know what to do with these neighbors, I like them all, and they keep surprising me. What’s a girl to do?



  I’m wrist-deep in grease, fixing up a bike I never should have said I would come in to fix this morning. I should have made him wait till regular hours on Monday, but I also wanted to start working on the dirtbike I got to build from the ground up. I love fixing up bikes, It took a lot of hard work to get my own shop, and I love it. But right now instead of having my hands all over this gorgeous Harley, I’d rather have them all over the girl I left sleeping peacefully in her bed.

  Last night at Jokers when I saw her out on the floor dancing with her friends, her curvy body moving in a way that got my dick hard, I wanted to go right out there and grab her to me. I’ve been trying so hard to stay away, to not even look in her direction since she got here. My friends, my brothers, all like her too. So of course, even though I never really see her leave her house except for work, she happens to be at the same bar I always come to, sloshed off her ass. Then I ordered her the water, hoping she would drink it and not any more liquor. Instead, she turned to stick her tongue out at me, and lift her shot my way before downing it. It was hard to stay on my stool. I wanted to go over there and teach the little brat a lesson; one that would end with my tongue down her throat not that fucking guy.

  It was when she started playing pool that it became really fucking difficult to stay seated. I could tell she kept looking over at me at first, but when they kept filling her drink or getting her a new one without her noticing, I started to get angry, and then that asshole putting his hands on her, around her. Max had seen where my hard look was penetrating, and he had started to shake his head, like don’t do it, man. Usually, I may have listened to him, but what happened next had thrown me off the edge. The asshole started pulling her away from her friends. His grip looked tight around her tiny wrists, and I started seeing red as he led her out the door to the side alley. It took me less than a minute before I was up and off my seat to head out there after them.

  When I pushed open the door to get outside, I was left with my teeth-gritting and my fists clenching. He had her against the brick wall unable to move, tears streaming down her face, his hand starting to go up her skirt. I was on him in an instant pulling him away from her and punching squarely in the face, satisfied at the crunching I felt beneath my knuckles as his nose broke. I had to get her out of there. I didn’t want her leaving my fucking sight for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, I had to leave her briefly when I went in to make sure her friends would be okay and when I came back out and saw her standing near my bike drenched to the bone it had my heart beating hard.

  When I got her home, I promised myself I wouldn’t let anything serious happen. She was drunk and had quite the night, but I still had to touch her in any way I could. Trailing my hands over her body feeling her shiver under my touch, kissing her wrists, her lips, her creamy thighs... Fuck she’s gorgeous! I wanted her so bad, and my dick was equally as fucking ready to take her, hardening till it was uncomfortable. Laying down with her naked under her shirt, pulling her close to me, my dick against her ass, was beautiful torture. It made it extremely hard not to pull my boxers down right there and enter her from behind. It wasn’t till I finally heard her breathing slow and her body melted against me that I was able to relax.

  Waking up to her had me wanting to call this guy and reschedule his appointment, but knowing he was heading out of town this next week, I pulled myself away from her and got up. After watching her sleep peacefully for a second, I wrote her a note, got her some pain killers for when she woke up, turned her phone on so I could call mine with it to get her number All those texts from “Baby Daddy”… It fucking bothered me way more than it should. I left to get ready for work. When I snuck back in, placing donuts on the counter for her, I checked on her one last time.

  “Hey Cade, when do you think you’ll be done? I’m gonna head across the street to the diner for a while.” The man whose bike I was fixing said while leaning against the garage door.

  “Give me two hours tops, and she’ll be good as new and back on the road for you.” He nodded and then turned to head across the street. Wanting to hear from my Sleeping Beauty, I pulled the phone out of my back pocket to text her.

  Chapter Eight

  Dancing and Donuts

  I had slept all day, my hangover lasting till at least five this afternoon. It wasn’t until I made some posole with extra chile added that I really started feeling normal again. Around eight I heard a knock at the door and went to open it, clad in a full piece zip up pajamas, not including the feet and with pandas all over it, no judgment it’s super comfortable! Opening the door, I found both Cade and Jayson on the other side, they both looked up and down at me, perusing my pajamas with grins on their faces. Cade walked in and around me without saying a word, heading down the hall while Jayson stayed where he was.

  “Do you have any plans for tomorrow? I want to take you somewhere.”

  Stunned a little at the question, I answered, “No plans for tomorrow, what did you have in mind?”

  “It’s a surprise, but you’ll need to wear some hiking boots and warm clothes.”

  “Ok sounds good, I’m intrigued. What time?”

  “Well I’ll let you sleep in, I know how you are early in the morning so how about ten?” he said with a chuckle, obviously remembering the first morning I’d been here and he’d woken me at an ungodly hour.

  “Ok, I’ll set my alarm, see you in the morning.”

  “See you in the morning, and Mia...” He then stepped closer to me and put a sweet quick kiss to my lips. “Have a good night.” Turning away before I could say anything else, he headed across the lawn back to their house.

  What in the heck is going on?

  A little stunned, I turned back around to find where Cade had disappeared to. Walking down the hall, I found him sitting on my bed in just his boxer briefs again, this time in blue. An episode of Star still playing on the tv on my dresser. “Hey, do you mind if I… um… sleepover again?” Like this sexy man really has to ask? Hell no, I don’t mind!

  “No, of course not. I um, don’t like sleeping alone actually anyway.” I saw a quick sadness go through his eyes before it we
nt back to his usually impassive face.

  “Come here.” My body didn’t even hesitate to follow his order, my mind barely even registering what he said yet. Stepping closer and in between his legs as he sat on the bed, my heart started beating faster and faster. He looks up at me and then grabs the zipper of my pajamas to slowly unzip it from my neck all the way down past my knee, exposing my matching purple polka-dotted bra and undies.

  “Okay so I didn't like these a few seconds ago, but the ease in taking them off and the lack of what’s beneath changed my mind.” We both laughed and then grabbing each side of the open zipper he pulled me closer, kissing my belly with soft sweet kisses. I felt like I was melting and locked my knees to stay upright. He then slipped the PJs off my shoulders, making them fall to the ground all at once. I stepped out of them, placing my hands on his warm shoulders for balance. Grabbing my hand and scooting back onto the bed he pulled me with him to lay down and once my head was on my pillow he slid his arm under it and pulled me against him like the night before, and also like the night before he started playing with my hair. With his fingers massaging my scalp and watching the tv, I was out in no time.

  Sunday morning, I was awoken to someone softly shaking my arm. Looking up with sleep weary eyes, I see Jayson with a big smile on his face. “Good morning, sleepyhead. Did you forget to set the alarm?” Whoops! Wait… How did he get in? Did I not lock the door?

  “Morning, sorry I guess I did. Give me fifteen minutes, and I’ll be ready to go.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait for you in the truck.”

  When he left the room, I realized he had just seen me from my waist up bare but with only my bra to show for clothing. Crap! Well...not that I’m apparently shy anymore with being naked, just ask his roommates. I slowly slide out of the covers, not wanting to wake Cade. He looks so peaceful I don’t want to wake him up, and hey, I like the way he looks in my bed. Grabbing clothes out of the closet and dresser I quickly change in the bathroom, throwing my hair up into a ponytail, and adding a quick fix of make-up to my face. Before leaving, I decide to leave Cade a note like he had left me. So after putting on a pair of hiking boots and my jacket, I left one on my pillow.


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