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Broken Pieces (Leaving You, Finding Them Book 1)

Page 10

by Tammi Lynn


  Good Morning handsome! I didn’t want to wake you, hope you slept well, please lock the door when you head out. See you later!

  Baby Girl

  After I leave the note, I run outside to Jayson’s older model Dodge truck that looked almost brand new. It was lifted with dark blue paint, and a lime green pinstripe going around it. Seahawks fan, I bet. Jayson was standing outside the passenger door with it open. At the height, his truck is lifted, and with my shortness in question, I was glad he was there when he effortlessly grabbed my waist and lifted me up. While waiting for him to get in on his side, I noticed the weather, gone was the rain from yesterday and light cloud coverage was now all that showed for it.

  “I got you a vanilla iced coffee and a glazed donut,” Jayson said when he gets in.

  Handing the coffee over to me, I take it and quickly take a drink. “I love you. I mean I love coffee, thank you so much!” Blushing I look over at him, and he seems to be trying to keep a laugh in.

  “Your welcome. I’ve seen you in the morning before coffee, didn’t want to take you anywhere without it.”

  “Haha,” I say as I glare at him amusedly. “So where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise, you’ll see, just be patient.”

  He pulls out of the driveway and heads down the street. Grabbing my donut from the box between us on the bench seat, I start to eat it looking around the truck. His truck is immaculate, super clean, and I notice a picture fastened by a clip to his sun visor. Leaning to get a better look at the picture, he sees and grabs the picture to hand to me. An adorable little girl sits on his lap, his arms around her and big smiles on both of their faces. The resemblance is undeniable, same smiles, same sparkling blue eyes. “That’s my daughter Emma.” You could hear the pride in his voice, that brought warmth to my heart.

  “She’s beautiful Jayson. How old is she?”

  “She just turned six at the beginning of the month.”

  “Is she with her mom?”

  “Yeah, before she started kindergarten this year. We split the time with her evenly, but when school started, I now get every other holiday and one weekend out of the month. I miss her, it feels like I’m missing so much. I’ll get to see her this week, she’s on Fall Break as well, and I’m going to go and stay at my mom's in Seattle to take her out and spend some time.” He was melting me with his fatherly affection for his daughter, and his sexiness went up even more notches if that is even possible.

  “I bet that’s hard, they definitely grow so fast. Feels like yesterday Miklo was a little baby, and now he’s thirteen and taller than me.”

  Chuckling, “Yeah, I noticed that, he sure didn’t get your short genes did he?”

  “Haha.” I smile back at him. “His dad isn’t super tall either, he actually does get it from my side of the family, it’s just my grandma and I that ended up short.”

  “Mini Mia, I like it.” I turned and gave him my best glare. “Okay, okay, just playing!”

  “That’s what I thought,” I say smiling. “Thank you for admitting I’m right!”” We both laugh, and I feel a comfortability settle in my chest.

  We’re now on the outskirts of town, and he takes a left onto a dirt road, the tires flinging mud behind us. When he gets to a large dirt clearing, he stops and puts the truck in park. Pointing to the trees in front of us, he says, “We’re halfway there, see that trail? We are going to have to hike the rest of the way.”

  “Um… dirt lot outside of Sammamish, the forest, no one can hear us for miles? I’m getting Ted Bundy vibes here Jayson.” I try to keep a straight face, but a giggle sneaks out when I see his face looking concerned as if I really am scared. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding, I trust you.” And I do trust him. I don’t know why, but I feel safe with him. You know how certain people just make you feel that way? Make you feel as though no matter what, you can rely on them? That was Jayson.

  “Come on funny girl, let’s go.” He gets out of the truck, and I open the passenger side door and jump down into an inch or two of mud, my boots squelching as I walk over to Jayson. He’s put on a backpack I didn’t see him get out of the truck and has his hand extended out toward me. Grabbing his hand, he starts leading me to the trail he had pointed out in the trees.

  Looking around everywhere I’m in awe, there are trees everywhere glistening with moisture from the recent rains, moss-covered trunks, and rocks. “It is so beautiful here. You’d have to go up north in Arizona to see this many trees, and even then they’re pine trees, not as green and still a lot of dirt.”

  Talking about it also makes me miss it a little, I hadn’t really let myself miss it since we got here. Staying busy to not think about anything but the here and now. If I let myself miss it too much, I’ll give in and go back, and I just can’t go back.

  We hiked for about two hours, talking about everything and nothing at all. I felt so at ease with him as If we’d known each other forever. I start hearing water in the distance as we continue to hike, and just when we are about to come into a small clearing in the trees, Jayson stops me and places his hands over my eyes. “Okay Mia, step forward, I won’t let you fall.” I knew he wouldn’t. He leads me about ten more steps forward, and I can feel the sun on my face.

  “Okay, now open your eyes.” I open them and am awarded one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever come across. We are standing near the edge of a wide creek, a waterfall feeding into it over the hill and through large rocks. “What do you think?”

  “Jayson it's amazing! So beautiful!” I just stand there and take it all in while he pulls the backpack off his shoulders and begins to open it. He pulls out a blanket and places it on a large rock since all the grass near the creek's edge is still wet from the rain. He then pulls out two sandwiches, a container with strawberries in it, and two bottles of water. I go and sit next to him on the blanket still taking in the scenery around me.

  “I’m so glad you like it.”

  “Like it? I love it! How did you find this place? The trail didn’t seem used much.”

  “I used to go hiking with my dad all the time. He’s the one that first brought me here. I like coming here to just get away sometimes. Other than you I’ve never brought anyone with me before.”

  “Well, thank you for sharing it with me.” I lean over and place a quick kiss to his cheek before leaning back and taking a bite out of my sandwich, he is gone in no time. I feel a slight shift as a flash of heat turns his eyes dark. When my lunch is gone, he takes a strawberry and places it to my lips. For a moment I hesitate because holy crap this felt intimate. Then I lean forward. I take a bite, savoring the sweet but slightly tart taste, and he spreads the juices over my lips with what remains, leaving me shivering with lust. He moved over and cups my jaw as I tilt my head back slightly for a kiss. Followed by his tongue that swipes along the crease of my lips lick off the red juice and finishing with a nip of my bottom lip. When he draws away, I grab the front of his jacket and pull him back in, kissing him again, but deeper and longer.

  I could feel how hard his body was against mine as he tucked me against him, his large hand tilting my head just how he wanted it. His lips trailing from my lips down to my neck in such a toxic pattern had me getting dizzy.

  But he clearly has far more control because he pulls back and gives me a sweet smile and asks. “Will you dance with me, Mia?”

  “There’s no music to dance.”

  Pulling his phone from his pocket and a portable speaker from his bag, he turns the music on. The song playing is You’re Beautiful by James Blunt. He reaches his hand out for me, and I grab it so he can pull me up from our picnic blanketed rock. He pulls me into his arms, keeping my right hand in his and his left on my waist. We are pressed against each other as we start dancing. Every now and again he leans down to place a kiss to my lips, my forehead, my jaw, and I’m so glad he has a hold of me. If not for that I’d have melted into a puddle on the ground with how he’s making my heart soar. This man was a
classic romantic down to his bones. Everything about him was classic and charming like someone had literally picked him from a romance novel.

  We dance for a few more songs before the sky starts to darken and a few sprinkles land on my face. He spins me and brings me in for a kiss, before whispering in my ear. “I could dance with you all day, but we better go before we get stuck up here in a storm.” Now, why did that not seem like the worst thing in the world? I help him fold the blanket to put back into his backpack and hands held together we start back down the mountain.

  When we reach the dirt lot his trucks parked in, it has just started to get dark out, and the sprinkling rain has turned into a slow drizzle. We get to his truck, and he releases my hand to open the truck door for me. “Careful it’s slipp…”

  “Oomph” Fuck my luck!

  Just as he was telling me to be careful, I had taken a step forward, my foot slipping in the mud, and I fly back landing on my ass. I’m covered in mud, the wetness soaking into my jeans and shirt, clumps in my hair and I just stare up into the rain coming down. When I look over at Jayson, I can tell he’s trying to hold in a laugh which just makes me want to laugh too.

  “Hey, don’t be mean, help me up, please?” I say sweetly while grabbing a handful of mud in my left fist. When he reaches down and pulls me up, I step into him, placing my mud-filled hand over his chest giggling.

  “There, now we’re even.” I turn and try running off, slipping and sliding he’s caught up to me in seconds, lifting me and spinning me around, before he slips too and we both end up on the muddy ground. I wish I could tell you it didn’t turn into a mud fight like we were a bunch of kids, but it did, and my grin was fucking huge on my face. Until I got cold. Once my teeth start chattering? I’m out folks.

  “We better go before you get sick, those pretty lips of yours are starting to turn blue.” He says while pulling me to him and we start walking carefully this time to the truck.

  Before getting in, we remove our boots while standing on the running boards and throw them in the back, followed by our sopping clothes. I am now in my matching black bra, and boy shorts and Jayson is in his boxers safe inside the cab. It’s freezing, and I reach over to turn the heat up when he starts up the engine.

  He looks over at me and grins before saying, “What are you doing all the way over there?” Before I can answer, he turns the wheel hard to the right and takes off, starting the truck in circles and making my panty clad ass slide across the bench into Jayson's side. He continues making donuts in the mud, it flinging everywhere before he slows the truck to an idle and puts his arm around me. “That’s better.”

  I poke him in the side, trying to stifle a laugh. “All you had to do was ask silly.”

  He grabs my hand that I poked him with, bringing it up and kissing my knuckles. That simple act has heat burning through me, and my clit starts to throb. When Jesse kisses my hand I know, he’s just messing around, but when Jayson does it, it’s nothing but romantic.

  Feeling bold, I decided to go with it.

  I turn and throw my right leg over his and straddle him, the wheel at my back. Our lips crash together in a deep and devouring kiss, tongues gliding and teeth nipping like some rubber band snapped and out flowed sexual tension. When he places his hands at my waist, fingers skimming the band of my panties I lift up so he can pull them down and over my left foot, leaving them hanging from the right one. Pulling the cups of my bra down and under my breast, they lift from the pressure, my nipples instantly hardening in desire. Leaning forward, he takes one into his mouth, gently suckling while his hands reach around and grip my ass. I throw my head back with a moan as he switches to my other nipple, nipping at the bud and making the pain turn into pleasure when he soothes it with a kiss.

  I reach down and free his half-hard cock from the opening in his boxers. Gripping it at the base, I add a little pressure and start working it up and down. When he lengthens and fully hardens in seconds, he then reaches into the glove compartment and pulls out a condom, ripping the packaging open. I take it from him and roll it down his hard shaft. With impressive ease, he lifts me up as I guide him to my opening before slowly working myself down until he’s fully sheathed inside me. Oh fucking my.

  His hands-on either side of me grip the wheel as I dig my nails into his toned shoulders. His entire length feels like it is stretching me to the point of pain and pleasure, a small needy sound coming from my throat as he offers a deep kiss that has my toes curling. I start slowly raising myself up and down, taking him fully inside of me each time, as he puts his foot on the gas and starts to drive. He never goes above ten miles an hour down the dirt road, but the bumpy road sends vibrations through us that has my clit pulsating. I pick up speed while making sure he still has a clear view of the road. When we’re almost to the paved road, my orgasm hits hard, toes curling and my grip on his shoulder tightening as wave after wave of pleasure rolls through me. I cry out just as his muscles tighten and his cock jerks inside me, reaching his release. My name falls from his lips between our rough breathing and god do I fucking love it there. Collapsing on him, he stops the truck before heading onto the main road. Pulling the blanket we used on our picnic out of his bag, he wraps it around me before I lift off of him, pull up my panties, and curl back into his side. The storm is growing, but I feel entirely safe tucked under his arm as we start to drive home.

  I fell asleep by the time we made it home, the motion of the truck and being cuddled into Jayson’s warm side had my eyes drooping closed in no time. I wake up when he pulls into his parking spot, stopping the truck and opening his door. When he jumps down, he reaches over and slides me across the driver's side, keeping the blanket tucked around me and pulling me into his arms, before shutting the door with his shoulder.

  “It’s okay, I can walk.”

  “I got you, you don’t have shoes on,” I promise you if he gets any more perfect I may melt. Who am I kidding?! I am a puddle.

  When we get to my front door, he uses the key that he had held onto for me in the truck while we hiked, and unlocks the door somehow while I’m still in his arms. Can we say talented? He then walks down the hall and into my room, before depositing my ass on the bathroom counter while testing the water temperature of the shower with his fingers. When it’s warm and steaming the room, he takes off his boxers and steps into the spray. I can’t help but run my eyes from his head to his toes, the man is gorgeous, and I want to place my hands over every curve and dip of muscle and hot body. Jumping off the counter, I remove my bra and panties and step into the shower as he moves away from the spray so I can get under it. Brown muddy water rinses from my hair as I dip my head back under the spray. When I raise my head, Jayson is squirting shampoo into his hand, and I turn so he can run it through my hair. His hands feel amazing on my scalp, and I lean back into him, loving the way he’s taking care of me. He makes me feel so wanted. I’m always taking care of myself, it feels nice to let someone else for a change.

  “Hey, Jayson?” I whisper.

  “Yeah, Mia?”

  “Thank you.”



  I’m naked in the shower with this beautiful woman, and she tells me 'thank you'? “What for Sweetheart?” I grab the shower head from the wall and start to rinse the shampoo from her hair, watching the water and bubbles go down her back and over her round ass.

  “For today, for everything. It’s been a really long time since anyone has taken me on a date and today was perfect.” I don’t like the faraway look she gets in her eyes. I can see the pain behind them, but I don’t want to ask what’s wrong and ruin the moment.

  “No, thank you for going with me.” I have never taken a girl up to the waterfall before. It’s always been my special place. Somewhere to get away for awhile. But when I thought of places to take her, I wanted nothing more than to show her, to see her face when she saw it. Dancing with her in my arms, I could have stayed there for far longer if it hadn’t started raining.

/>   I nearly told her about my dream to one-day purchase property near there to build a cabin. But I felt like that was a conversation for later.

  When we got into the truck, and she straddled me, I hadn’t been expecting that her body gliding over mine. Fuck I’m going to get hard again just thinking about it. “We’ll have to go again sometime, maybe in the spring or early summer when everything is in bloom.” Chuckling, “And maybe a day with no rain and less mud.”

  Finishing with her hair, I turn the water off and step out to get a towel, wrapping a fluffy dark purple one around my waist, I grab its twin and wrap her in it. The woman has such a vibrant personality that I sometimes forget how small and feminine she is. I follow her back out to her room where she grabs a long t-shirt to sleep in and puts it over her head and down her body, not bothering with a bra or panties first.

  “Do you want me to find you something to wear? I think Miklo has some shirts and shorts that are still too big for him that you might fit in.”

  “That’s okay, I need to get home anyway.” Before I take that shirt right back off and never go home. “If you don’t mind me borrowing your towel, it’s all I need to get next door.”

  “Hmm, maybe I should just make you walk the lawn in your birthday suit?” She says while giggling. The little minx. “But I guess I’ll let you stay covered, don’t want any of our other neighbors getting jealous.” She gives me a wink.

  This girl is going to have me wrapped around her little finger. I already can’t stop thinking about her and after today… Let’s just say I have no intention of letting her go anytime soon. Leaning down to give her a kiss, I wrap my arm around her waist to pull her closer one last time before I head home.


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