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Spoils of War

Page 3

by Susan A Bliler

  “I’m not going to hurt you, Nora.”

  The words did little to stay the rapid beating of her heart.

  “What is your full name?”

  Taken aback by the odd question, it took Nora a moment to stammer, “N-Nora. Nora Elaine RedRun.”

  “RedRun?” Reign smiled. “I’ve heard of your pack.”

  Nora asked in a brittle tone, “Y-you have?”

  “You come from good stock, Nora Elaine. The RedRun pack has a good reputation.”

  She didn’t know how to respond to that. Unsure whether or not she should tell him she’d only just joined the pack, she opted to keep her mouth shut. Instead, she looked up at Reign and waited for him to do his thing.

  Expression going serious, there was no denying the sincerity in Reign’s eyes when he said, “On the blood of my ancestors and on my honor as a vampire, I am indebted to you, Nora Elaine RedRun. For so long as we both shall walk this earth.”

  Nora couldn’t help but tense as he lowered his mouth to her neck. She felt the fan of warm breath on her skin and pinched her eyes closed. Hands curled into tight fists, she waited.

  “You sure you don’t want the pleasure, sweet wolf? I’ll make it good, just for you.”

  “Just bite me,” she gritted out between clenched teeth. “This isn’t pleasure, Reign. It’s business. I’d appreciate if you stick to it. Get us out of here and then we’ll find a safe place to hide out, away from Castamere Croy and your crazy-ass War God friends.”

  His chest rattled with what sounded like an appreciative moan, and then the sharp points of his teeth were sinking into the tender flesh of her exposed throat. And he kept his word because holy hell it hurt. The pain was so intense that Nora had to really concentrate to keep her wolf from ripping out of her. It was extremely hard to do when her animal’s fight or flight instinct kicked in. The searing pain intensified in an explosion of light as Nora felt the first tug of Reign’s mouth. In her ears, her heartbeat grew rapid and then slowed. It grew even more sluggish with each pull from Reign.

  Feeling herself growing tired, Nora tried to jerk away, but Reign’s arms had grown strong and were now like iron bands around her holding her in place for his feeding frenzy. Mouth opening to tell him to stop, all she managed was one quiet sigh before her vision collapsed and everything went black.

  Chapter 4

  Pacing his armory, War was taking inventory. It was a job that could have been handled by any one of his shifters. It probably should have been taken care of by Tallius, but War didn’t like sitting around. It was important to have his hand in as many aspects of running his fortress and ruling his pack as he could, especially right now.

  Four nights ago they’d decimated the Dark Moon and Night Walker packs. The following night they’d fought and defeated the Shadow pack, and just last night they’d fought an epic battle against Cray’s Yellowstone Pack. Soon, it’d be time for the final battle. The confrontation with Castamere and his Imperial pack was imminent and had War determined to stay as focused as possible. Castamere was known for hiring outside help to aid in battles. It was cowardly and went against everything wolf shifters stood for, but Castamere had zero fucking honor. It left War preparing for battle in a way he normally wouldn’t. Frowning at the multiple boxes of ammunition and weapons lining the shelves built into the walls, he wondered if other misshapes would dare to take up arms with Castamere against the War’s pack. It’d be a mistake if they did, because War had zero intention of granting parlay or taking prisoners. This battle with the Imperials was going to be it; the victory would cement War and his pack’s position in the hierarchy of packs, and then the real work could begin. He couldn’t afford to get distracted by the future now though. No, his sole focus had to be on Castamere Croy and whatever sneaky plan he was formulating. Castamere didn’t fight fair ever! It was fine with War, but it made strategizing difficult.

  Moving a box of shotgun shells to the proper shelf, War tensed when the fine hairs all over his body stood on end. A sudden pulse of power stirring in the air had him restraining his wolf from taking his skin as he slowly lowered his hand and turned. He knew what it was. Correction, he knew who it was. War and Reign had been friends since War was a mere pup. Still, each time the vampire teleported into War’s compound, it had War’s hackles rising. It also had War feeling a deep sense of appreciation that he was friends with the vamp rather than enemies. Reign’s ability to teleport freaked War out and often had him lamenting on the ways a vamp could use it against his enemies.

  The air rippled and shimmered, and then there he was. In just a blink, Reign stood facing him looking as pleased as ever as he cradled an unconscious woman his arms.

  War inhaled deeply, a habit he had formed once he’d realized that if he scented Reign soon enough after a teleportation, he could pick up scents that would tell him where the vamp had just come from.

  The smell of musty earth was familiar. Reign’s tomb. But Reign showing up with a guest didn’t make sense. Inhaling again, War picked up the distinct scent of she-wolf.

  Had Reign taken a wolf shifter into his tomb? And if so, why?

  Eyeing the woman, War snarled, “Where the fuck you been?”

  Reign shrugged but didn’t respond.

  War motioned toward the unconscious woman in Reign’s arms. “What in the hell is this? And why’s it dressed like . . . that?” His gaze shot to Reign and zipped down his frame and back up. “Why are you dressed like that?”

  “She’s a gift for you,” Reign supplied with a grin. “A she-wolf.”

  “My nose works,” War grumbled, unimpressed. Angling his head, his eyes narrowed on the woman’s throat. “A gift with your teeth marks all over it? Pass. I don’t want or need a female you’ve just finished pleasuring. Keep your fucking leftovers. If I want pussy, I can find my own.” His expression darkened as he continued, “And if you’re not going to tell me why you’re here, then go down to the war room and wait for me there. I’ll be down when I’m ready.”

  Turning his back, War stalled in the act of reaching for a box of thirty-aught-six cartridges, when Reign said, “She refused the pleasure.”

  War glanced over his shoulder, his eyes narrowed on Reign.

  “It’s true. I offered twice.” Reign was smiling approvingly down at the unconscious female in his arms. “She saved my life, War.”

  Turning to face his friend, War looked at Reign, really taking him in. His ridiculous clothes were shredded and singed, and the acrid smell of burnt flesh clung to him even though his skin looked fine.

  “I went to Castamere’s masquerade ball.”

  Reign’s confession had War seeing red. Castamere knew Reign and War were friends, and from the moment he’d found out, he’d hated Reign with just as much vehemence as he reserved for War.

  “I told you to stay the fuck away!” War boomed.

  With a negligent shrug, Reign looked down at the woman. “You were right. I should have. He knew I was there and he sprang a trap.”

  War’s body went rigid.

  “He tried to make my demise the final entertainment. I was trapped in the ballroom. The sun was rising quickly in the glass-domed ceiling. When its rays hit me, she sprang into action.” Looking up, he frowned at War. “She made an enemy of Castamere and was the only shifter in the room who stood for me. Hell, she raced forward and covered me in her cloak to keep me from burning up.” His appreciative eyes dipped back to Nora. “I got us to my tomb, but didn’t have the strength to get us out, so she had to sacrifice for me again and refused the pleasure for the pain.”

  The fact that the woman refused Reign’s pleasure was interesting, but there was another more important detail that caught War’s attention. “So your secret’s out?”

  “Secret’s out,” Reign confirmed. “Castamere and every other shifter at the ball saw me teleport.”

  It was problematic for War. Wolf shifters didn’t like things they didn’t understand, and they liked even less things they couldn’t fight
, kill, control, or protect themselves against. A teleporting vampire was going to be an issue. Wolf shifters near and far would be baying for Reign’s blood. Worse than that was the fact that War had kept the knowledge of Reign’s abilities from his own pack. He didn’t want to deal with the headache of his War Gods demanding he kill one of his oldest friends. Now the information would spread far and wide, and soon, his own pack would be looking to him for an explanation. It was more than just answering to his pack though. War had always held serious concerns that once Reign’s gift was revealed, he’d be targeted, and not just because misshapes feared him. War knew there’d be those who would seek to use Reign’s talents to their advantage. Reign was a walking target now.

  Fffffuck! Another headache he didn’t need.

  Annoyed, War’s eyes lowered to the woman. He wanted to blame her for the problem that had just been dropped at his feet, but if what Reign was saying was true, then she wasn’t at fault. On the contrary, she’d embarrassed Castamere, and in the eyes of Cas’s pack and his guests, she’d gone against her own kind, which was an affront punishable by death.

  But why?

  War’s informant within the Imperials hadn’t been in contact recently, so War only knew that Castamere was throwing a ball, he hadn’t heard yet how things had turned out.

  Staring down at the woman, War wondered if having her here at the Fortress would be the catalyst for the coup on the War Gods that Castamere had been rallying for. Instantly, he wondered if he could use her to that end. His plan had been to go after the Imperial pack, but having them come to the Fortress would be ideal, and doing so now while War had a wolf hidden in the Imperial Pack’s ranks was perfect. He’d know Castamere’s plan of attack, and more importantly, he’d know when Castamere planned on attacking. Still, using a woman to that end didn’t sit right, especially a woman who’d risked so much to save Reign.

  Eyes still on her, War couldn’t deny that she was beautiful. Curvy and sweet smelling, she looked like trouble even in her pale and lifeless state.

  “I made her a blood vow in my tomb.”

  Reign’s admission had War’s eyes shooting up to the vampire’s face.

  With a chuckle, Reign nodded. “I did. I am indebted to her, which is why I bring her to you.”

  Brows knit in confusion, War frowned at Reign.

  “She stood for me alone in a room full of wolf shifters. She stood against her own kind for me, a vampire. She stood up to a lord for what she felt was right. Then, she made a blood sacrifice and refused the pleasure.”

  War’s eyes lowered to the woman again as something hard thumped in his chest. Reign didn’t make blood vows . . . ever! The fact that the vampire had felt compelled to do so now meant the depth of his gratitude toward the female was immense. Hell, War only knew of one other instance when Reign had made a blood vow. They’d been adolescents and War had stood up to his own father to keep him from killing Reign when the young vampire had gotten lost and had stumbled into their territory. Reign had made a blood vow always to have War’s back, and they’d been friends ever since.

  “She’s an Alpha She. Meant for an Alpha He. And I know what you won’t say. Hell, I know what you won’t even admit to yourself.” He lifted his eyes to War. “The war’s almost over, and soon, you’ll be looking. Sooooo . . .”

  “I’m not looking,” War grunted, but then fell silent to quietly study the female as he processed all that Reign had said.

  “Her name is Nora Elaine RedRun.”

  RedRun. War had heard of them. They were a large pack, but nondescript. They had no great battles or enemies to speak of. The RedRun pack lived under the radar. Until now.

  Hurrying forward, Reign all but shoved Nora into War’s arms before stepping back quickly.

  As War held the female, the delicate scent of her wafted up to War’s nose and had his gut tightening with some feral emotion he couldn’t place. There were no females in the War Gods pack, and it had been a long damn time since War had smelled anything so delicate and enticing.

  “I owe her.” Reign backed up further. “And to be honest, I seriously thought about keeping her.”

  War’s eyes shot up to study his friend.

  “Yeah,” Reign snorted a laugh. “I know.” Slowly, he sobered. “But I’m not joking, War. I seriously considered it. But me owing her means me doing what’s best for her, and that means putting my selfish desires aside and giving her to you.”

  With a snort, War shook his head and muttered, “Giving her to me.” Looking down at Nora again, he asked, “And does she know that? Does she know why you’ve brought her here? Does she know that you’re giving her to the god of war?”

  “Oh!” Brows shooting up, Reign grinned. “I spoke to her of your pack, and she wanted nothing to do with you. She has no idea I intended on bringing her directly to you, or why, for that matter. But she needs a safe place. She’s certain Castamere will be hunting her, and I promised her safety.” He made a sweeping gesture. “Where better to protect her from Castamere than here.”

  Reign was so wrong. “And her pack?” War asked.

  “She said it’s large. Larger than Castamere’s anyway. She doesn’t think he’d want to make enemies of the RedRun pack considering their territories are so close and seeing as he’s already made a number of enemies. Great enemies,” he tagged on. “She thinks he’ll simply hunt her alone and leave her pack out of it.”

  That didn’t make sense. Any wolf worth their salt would be worried about their pack, especially if they’d made an enemy of Castamere and his Imperials. The size of Nora’s pack wouldn’t matter, and the fact that the War Gods were saving Castamere until last to deal with was a testament to that fact. Castamere was a ruthless enemy, and this woman’s easy dismissal of him had suspicion rising to the surface. Lowering his gaze to the woman, War felt a sudden flood of concern. “Her heart is beating so slowly.” Brows furrowing, he growled, “She doesn’t look well.” Jerking his chin toward the door, he took a step toward Reign and commanded, “Take her somewhere else to die. I’ve got better shit to do with my time than to bury some she-wolf.”

  “As I said, I was pretty bad off,” Reign explained with a disapproving scowl as he held up his hands and backed up a step. “Not only did I need to heal, but I needed to get us out of my tomb as well. Teleportation after healing is extremely difficult and requires a great deal of energy. I had to drink deeply.” He glanced at Nora. “She’s not dying, War. She’s just defenseless and drained. Her wolf is asleep. I wouldn’t leave her with anyone besides you. She’ll be okay. Rest, fluids, food. She’ll be back to normal in a day or two.”

  “And then what?” War snapped.

  “And then you’ll have a pissed-off she-wolf on your hands.”

  Reign started backing toward the doorway. “Take care of her, War. Don’t let Castamere get to her. Tell her I’ll be back to check on her.”

  “Reign!” War snarled, tone heavy with warning. “This isn’t a bed-and-breakfast! I’m not fucking keeping her!”

  Reign completely ignored War’s words. “Don’t fuck this up, king wolf. You won’t find another like her, I promise.”

  War barked, “Reign!” But it was too late. One second, his vampire friend was there and the next, with a ripple of power, he was gone.

  War loosed a feral growl, and his jaw ticked as he lowered his chin to stare down at the feminine burden in his arms. He really didn’t have time for this! He needed to prepare himself and his pack for the imminent battle with Castamere and his Imperials. Reign had no idea that Castamere wasn’t afraid of War or of coming into the War Gods’ territory and attempting to claim the Fortress. It was something Castamere had been rallying for. Honestly, War prayed that sniveling little fuck of an Alpha introduced his pathetic little pack to their deaths by bringing them to his door. Still, the female complicated things. If Castamere found out she was there, he might be incited to bring the battle to War, and if that was the case, she’d be both a nuisance and a distraction.
Hell, War wasn’t certain she wasn’t one of Castamere’s Imperial pack, sent to infiltrate his ranks.

  That thought set his teeth on edge.

  Nora Elaine RedRun. He wondered if she’d risk her life by secretly doing Castamere’s bidding. It had him eager to find out as much as he could about the female who’d supposedly offended Castamere and had the centuries-old Reign considering taking a wolf shifter as a mate. Her staying at the Fortress, though, would be a problem. There were no unmated females in his pack for a reason. His males were volatile. Vicious, hungry beasts, his men’s appetites for females were voracious, especially now.

  Maybe I should just kill her and save myself the trouble. It’d take him two seconds to snap the delicate column of her throat. Eyes dipping to it, his gaze focused on the slow, barely-there rhythm of her sluggishly beating heart as he wondered if fate would take care of it for him. Kill her, wait to see if she dies, dump her outside the perimeter of his territory . . . War wasn’t sure what to do. He was tempted to keep her though, and not just because of how she smelled or the way the swell of her breasts was barely restrained in the satiny fabric of her dress. He could do a lot with a female that Castamere was hunting for, and he could do a shit ton more with a female that was working with Castamere. She’d make a great pawn or be made into a great example. Yet even as he thought it, his inner wolf snarled disapprovingly. He chalked it up to the fact that she was unconscious and was . . . what had Reign called her? Defenseless. Wolf shifters protected their own, especially females and pups.

  War dipped his head low, his eyes locked on the sooty lashes that rested on Nora’s pale cheeks as he inched his head lower and drew her scent in slowly through his nose.


  Her ripe smell made him light-headed and had his wolf shooting to his feet in sudden interest. Cock instantly hard, he lifted his head and clenched his jaw. Keeping Nora here was going to be impossible, but he needed to know if she was working for Castamere.


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