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Spoils of War

Page 4

by Susan A Bliler

  I should just kill her.

  Eyes slicing to where Reign had been, War inwardly cursed the vampire. Reign knew War couldn’t keep Nora. He also knew that War wouldn’t let her go either. Whether it was a ploy or not, she’d saved War’s old friend, and she was a she-wolf who needed protection from War’s greatest enemy . . . supposedly.

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Rolling his head on his shoulders, War weighed his options. There wasn’t much to decide. Reign had made a blood oath, and there was a good possibility that Nora wasn’t working for Castamere and had legitimately made an enemy of the Imperial pack Alpha. Staring down at her pink lips, War pondered, Enemy of my enemy?

  Maybe Nora would have her own ideas of what he should do with her once she woke. Decided, War carried her out of the basement armory and up the two flights of stairs to his chamber, trying to ignore the stamp of possessiveness his wolf was trying to declare simply because they were holding her. Touch was an odd thing for wolf shifters, especially for Alphas. By nature Alphas weren’t affectionate and rarely touched others with the exception of their mates and their young. Holding Nora now, War noted how sleight her weight was, how good she smelled, and how cautious he was about measuring his steps and keeping her close. Instinct. Inside, his wolf was clawing at him to protect and to claim, and this was why he didn’t want females at the Fortress.

  Inwardly admonishing his wolf, War quickened his steps to his chamber. It seemed like the safest place to take her for now. While she was at the Fortress with him and the rest of his War Gods pack, he’d have to make sure to keep her close. If he didn’t she’d find herself mounted and mated before she could even blink, because he hadn’t been joking about the shifters under his rule. They were beasts in every sense of the word, and a luscious little thing like Nora roaming around was guaranteed to get them riled up. Unless . . .

  Glancing down at her, he entered his room and crossed to settle her onto his massive four-poster bed. She looked even more pale and delicate against the mottled gray rabbit fur blanket beneath her.

  I could pretend she’s my intended. It’d keep the men away and be an excuse to stay close. Shouldn’t take me long to determine if she’s working with or against the Imperials. It would be the wisest and easiest thing to do. Wouldn’t it?

  Chapter 5

  Nora slowly pulled herself up out of the cloudy haze she’d been floating bonelessly beneath. First aware of how dry her mouth and throat were, she swallowed instinctively. It was a mistake. A searing pain shot from the side of her neck and zinged all the way down to her toes. With a moan, she lifted a hand to rub at her neck. At least she thought she did, but no contact was ever made. Forcing her heavy-lidded eyes open, Nora blinked up into the darkness.

  Where . . . where am I? For a moment she thought she was still in Reign’s tomb. The fear that him feeding from her hadn’t worked hit hard. She tried to sit up, but couldn’t. With a whimper, she blinked the rest of the sleep from her eyes and looked around.

  A room! She was in a room that was different from Reign’s tomb.

  She tried to move again, but nothing seemed to work. Her limbs refused to cooperate, and it had terror ripping through her. Pinching her eyes closed, she reached for her inner wolf. At first, she felt nothing and felt panic rise, but she kept on searching until . . . there! There she was! Her she-wolf was intact; she was just asleep.

  Relief flooded her and left Nora’s lips on a shaky breath.

  “Nora, right?”

  Nora tensed. Well, she tensed as best as she could considering her body wasn’t listening to her.

  She let her eyes drift to the side, and they landed on where the voice had come from. There was someone standing in the shadowy corner of the room, and it wasn’t Reign.

  Swallowing hard, she watched as the figure stepped out of the shadows. With her wolf sleeping, her eyes and nose weren’t working the way they should have been.

  All she could do was watch as the largest wolf shifter she’d ever seen stepped forward sending chills blasting up her spine as goose bumps rose all along her arms and legs while a tingling sensation drifted over her skin. Even without full use of her senses, there was no denying the man slinking out of the shadows was a wolf, and not just any wolf. Power and menace radiated off of him and filled the room to near suffocating. The male was an Alpha.

  “Who are you?” Nora asked softly. Eyes darting around the room, she asked, “Where . . . where’s Reign?”

  “Gone,” the behemoth clipped out almost impatiently.

  God, he was huge. Larger than any man she’d ever seen! Heavily muscled, the lean lines of his tanned forearms flexed as he lowered arms that had been crossed over an impossibly thick chest. He was wearing a tank top and jeans. A hairy chest peeked out from beneath the soft-looking material that covered his torso like a second skin. His dark hair was mussed, which would look playful on anyone else, but on him it just seemed wild like his eyes. His piercing eyes were a bright yellow that glowed in the dimly lit room. She’d seen wolf shifters with varying eye colors, but never this one. It was unique and had whispers emerging in the back of her mind.

  Yellow eyes. Yellow eyes.

  Where had she heard the rumors of a yellow-eyed Alpha before? She couldn’t concentrate. Her head felt fuzzy like she’d just woken from a ten-day sleep.

  She lowered her gaze to the dark scruff along the man’s jaw, her eyes narrowing on his mouth before lifting back to his eerie yellow gaze. “Who are you?”

  “I’m the Alpha here.”

  The answer had a wave of unease rippling over her. Was that evasion she detected? And if so, why?

  “Where is here?” She was stalling, trying to remember something Reign had said, but her head just kept spinning in circles.

  Again, her question was deflected as the man canted his head and studied her. “Reign says you’re Nora RedRun. He said you saved his life and that you made an enemy of Castamere. Why? Why’d you do it?”

  She didn’t like this. Being interrogated when she couldn’t move, didn’t know where she was, and had no idea who this Alpha was had her reaching down deep inside and shaking the shit out of her wolf. Wake up, damn it!

  Eyes narrowing, the man studied her intently. “Reign had to take more from you than he’d initially thought. Your wolf is asleep. She needs rest.” He jerked his bearded chin toward her. “You too.”

  They stared at each other in the bloated silence, when he finally growled, “Well are you going to answer my question? Why’d you save Reign? Why’d you defend a vampire against your own kind?”

  Was there a hint of disdain in his question? It’d make sense. Wolf-shifters were supposed to stick together. At Castamere’s she was expected just to keep her mouth shut and watch as the Alpha tortured the other misshape.

  Jaw clenching at how helpless she felt, Nora tore her eyes from the man’s and stared up at the ceiling. Her eyes had adjusted to the dark, and she could now see that the room was large, nice, and odd. The walls were made of large flat stones that made it feel like she was in a castle. The air in the room was cool, but other than that she wasn’t picking up anything else. No sounds outside of the room, no scents drifted to her temporarily pitiful human nose.

  “You avoided answering my questions,” she bit out finally. “Why should I answer yours?”

  When he stayed silent, Nora lowered her eyes to look at him. His eyes were flashing brightly and his lip had ticked up in a sneer that had her insides flooding with dread.

  When he finally spoke, his voice was low and hoarse, almost dangerous as he growled, “You’re in my territory. I’d say it’d be in your best interest to do as I ask.”

  Forcing down the unease that ripped through her, Nora tore her eyes from his. Swallowing thickly, she licked her dry lips with a parched tongue as she frowned up at the ceiling. He was right. Absolutely right, so reluctantly, she answered, “He’d done nothing wrong.”

  Disbelief laced the man’s tone when he asked, “That’s it? You were willing to m
ake an enemy of Castamere Croy over a vampire you don’t know simply because in your estimation he’d done nothing wrong?”

  Her answer was instantaneous and rushed out on a confused breath, “Yes.”


  War’s eyes kept snagging on Nora’s breasts. He’d been eyeing her body the entire time she’d been unconscious, and because he couldn’t seem to keep his attention off her tits and tiny waist, he’d sent at least a dozen texts to Reign, all unanswered.

  Lying there like she was, her breasts were thrust into the air by her too tight bodice, and like a fucking perv, his eyes keep sliding to them. The pretty pink of her nipples was just barely peeking out at him because her chest was just too much for the tight confines of the dress. It occurred to him that Nora might be uncomfortable, but he was enjoying the show too much right now to offer any solace. Hell, the mere sight of her lying on the bed, defenseless as a newborn pup and one hundred percent curvy, succulent female had his dick pressed up hard against the zipper of his jeans.

  When she’d asked his name and where she was, he’d felt compelled to tell her the truth, but that would only end badly. His reputation had been hard fought for. He’d earned every ounce of his infamy, and his name wasn’t one that would soothe this woman. No, if she knew where she was, her sluggish little heart might just stall out completely. Best to wait.

  Sluggish heart.

  Even from here he could pick up the too slow rhythm. He also noted how difficult it was for her to swallow. She was in rough shape thanks to Reign and his greedy little fangs, and War had been no better. Devouring her with his eyes, he hadn’t even had the decency to offer her food or drink.

  Contacting his Beta through their pack ties, War commanded, “Bring food and drink to my chamber. I’ve got . . . company.”

  He wasn’t surprised when Tallius instantly responded with a clipped, “On it.”

  Tally always followed orders and rarely asked questions. It was one of the main reasons he was War’s Beta. Being fiercely dominant, War didn’t like having to explain himself. It had taken six Betas beneath him before his men had finally caught on, or rather before Tallius had finally put the men out of their misery and stepped up to challenge for the spot. War was glad for it. Tallius was impossibly strong, fiercely loyal, and fully competent, the three best qualities in a Beta. Still, War wondered what Tally would think about having an unmated female in their ranks, especially after War’s speech about women a few days ago.

  Women weren’t allowed at the Fortress; they just couldn’t be, not right now. It was going to take some work to get his pack to accept Nora at the Fortress, and he had mere minutes to figure out what he was going to tell Tallius.

  Chapter 6

  Staring at Nora, War could scent her unease. He got it. Wolf shifters loathed the sense of helplessness, and right now she was as helpless as one could get.

  “My Beta is bringing you food and drink,” he informed her smoothly.

  Nora’s eyes followed him as he crossed to stand beside the bed. Towering over her, he tried to keep his lips from curling up. She didn’t like needing help if the angry glint in her eyes was anything to go by.

  Pretty eyes.

  Sobering, he cleared his throat. “I’m gonna need to explain you being here. It’d be best if my pack thinks . . .” Lifting a thumb to scratch at his beard, he stalled, not certain this was a move he wanted to make. Thinking on it, he saw no other way.

  Lowering his hand with a huff, he continued, “It’d be best if they think you’re here as a potential.”

  He grinned when Nora’s delicate brows speared down, and she bit out, “Potential what?”

  He liked that she didn’t immediately cow and give him a “yes, Alpha.” Honestly, it’s what he’d expected. Instead, he got righteous indignation, and it wasn’t an emotion many had the brass to hurl at him. It was refreshing in a way nothing had been in a very long time. He didn’t get to answer her questions because a heavy knock hit the door and filled the room.

  “Enter,” he commanded, eyes locked on Nora.

  When the door pushed open, War turned his head slightly to watch Tallius enter. He wasn’t surprised in the least when Tallius took three steps into the room, tray in hand, and slammed to a halt.

  Nostrils flaring, his Beta’s shocked eyes shot to the bed as his mouth fell open.


  Nora knew what the asshole meant. He was talking about his pack thinking she was a potential mate, but whose? His? Screw that!

  Nora couldn’t see this Beta who entered, but she knew he had. She’d heard his knock, heard the man with her tell him to enter. She heard the door open and then nothing.

  With just enough strength to tilt her head to the side, she let it fall so that she could see the giant of a man standing just inside the door. He looked like a Viking warrior. His head was shaved on the sides leaving a thick mop of blond hair on top that was combed back in a stylish mohawk. His beard and mustache matched his light hair. He wore a white tank top that displayed his heavily muscled arms, and Nora narrowed her eyes on the one arm that was covered in a sleeve of tattoos. From this distance she couldn’t make out any details, so she lifted her eyes back to his face, where sky-blue eyes landed on hers for just a brief moment before slicing to his Alpha.

  “War? What’s going on? Who’s she?” The guy glanced at the window. “How in the hell did she get up here?”

  War? Nora’s gaze jerked to the Alpha standing at the foot of the bed. War? War! The War?

  War’s lips were moving, but Nora didn’t hear a word he spoke because her heart was pounding in hard in her ears. She knew him! Well . . . she’d heard of him, and oh God! She’d snapped at him earlier. War KingWolf Vox was Alpha to the infamous War Gods pack, and she, Nora Elaine Nobody, had snapped at him! Oh God, where had Reign taken her? What had he done?

  Tamping down her apprehension, Nora concentrated on what was being said.

  The Beta was staring at War in shock. “You sure that’s best? What’ll the pack think when you let her go?”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, but I’m not worried.”

  With a snort, the Beta grinned. “Of course you’re not. You think any of them is going to say anything to you? Hell no! I’ll be the one bombarded with questions and complaints.”

  Crossing his arms, War commanded, “You can deal with the questions. Send any complainers to me.”

  Nora was kicking herself for not having paid attention. What were they talking about? What was the plan? And what did the Beta mean, “What’ll the pack think when you let her go?” She assumed they were talking about her, but let her go where?

  Clearing her throat, she proceeded more lightly than she had earlier when speaking to War. “I’m sorry. I missed it. What . . . what’s happening?”

  War and the Beta glanced at her, and their expressions made her feel like they’d forgotten she was even in the room.

  “Nora RedRun, this is my Beta, Tallius.” War gestured toward Tallius and said, “Tally, Nora.”

  Nora just blinked at Tallius before looking back at War.

  “Leave the food,” he commanded.

  Tallius crossed to a stand beside the bed and bent to set the tray down. He cast a quick glance at Nora, and she felt dumb just lying there, so she flashed him a nervous smile.

  Hands empty, Tallius slowly stood and growled, “Shhhhit, she smells good.” Turning, he stared at War. “You’re gonna have your hands full keeping the pack out of here.”

  “The fuck I will,” War growled. “As I said, everyone is to think she’s my potential, which makes her their potential Phena. I’ll tolerate zero disrespect. Spread the fucking word,” he snarled.

  Nora felt his authority lash through the room like a cracking whip. He’d just made an Alpha decree that had Tallius lowering his chin and his eyes with a muttered, “Yes, Alpha.”

  Tallius backed out of the room, lifting his eyes one last time to Nora before he disappeared out the door and pulle
d it closed.

  Alone with War, Nora didn’t waste any time. “You’re War. War Vox?”

  He shot her a hard look.

  “I-I’ve heard of you.”

  A lopsided grin wrecked his face as he rounded the bed and pulled a chair from where it sat against the wall. Settling the chair beside the bed, he sat and studied the tray Tallius had brought in.

  “If you permit me to rest here, to get my strength back, I’ll be gone as soon as possible,” she promised.

  Eyes still on the tray, War studied its contents and answered matter-of-factly. “Ain’t happening, lady.” He grabbed a glass off the tray and stood to slide an arm behind Nora’s back as he gently lifted her to a sitting position. “Drink.”

  He held the glass up to her lips, and while Nora wanted to protest, she didn’t because (a) she was parched, and (b) she sure as hell wasn’t telling War Vox to back off. In fact, she was well aware of the fact that she was in the presence of the most dominant Alpha in existence. His reputation wasn’t inflated either. No, it’d been well-earned, and every shifter knew that the stories of this fabled Alpha were true. It had a blast of unease pressing against Nora’s skin as she looked up at War and took a drink. The water felt so good on her dry lips and parched throat that she drank deeply until almost the entire glass was empty.


  Nora nodded.

  Pulling the glass away, War settled her on the bed.

  Trying to move her limbs, Nora wanted to growl in frustration when nothing happened. She didn’t know why she thought one glass of water would change anything. Still, she hated this. She hated having to be cared for.

  “Reign fed from me, but once I can move, I’ll . . .”

  “You’ll do as I say,” War cut her off. “Reign brought you to me for safekeeping. He made a blood oath, which means I’m responsible for you until he comes back.”

  That’s right! He’d told her earlier that Reign was gone, but gone where? Nora’s eyes shot to the door. “Where did he go? When is he coming back?”


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