Master’s Fate

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Master’s Fate Page 17

by Red Phoenix

  I always knew she was a free spirit, I remind myself.

  I sweep my hair back and force a smile. “I couldn’t be happier for you, darlin’.”

  “So, what’s your big news?”

  I chuckle awkwardly, feeling extremely uncomfortable now. But, as I look down at glee’s sweet face, I know what I need to do for both our sakes. “This couldn’t have happened at a better time, really. I actually brought you in here to let you know that, as much as we enjoy each other’s company, I don’t feel like things are progressing between us.”

  “Oh,” she says, sounding surprised.

  “So, you can imagine my relief to hear about your happy news. It’s almost like this was meant to be. No hard feelings here.”

  She grins, her eyes sparkling again. “Agreed. No hard feelings. We started as friends and we’re ending as friends.”

  Even though I feel sick to my stomach, I look at her tenderly. “But, no matter what, these arms will always be open to you, darlin’.”

  She melts into my embrace and purrs, “Thank you, Master.”

  Realizing she will never call me by that title again once she leaves, I tilt her chin up with my finger and say, “That’s Brad to you.”

  I’m silent on the way home, lost in a mix of emotions.

  When Thane and I get back to our dorm room, he gives me a nudge. “What’s up, Anderson? You’ve seemed out of it all night.”

  I figure there’s no reason to keep it a secret from Thane, so I take the collar out of my pocket and throw it to him.

  He stares at it for a moment before understanding the significance of it. “You were going to ask glee tonight?”

  I snort. “Yeah, perfect timing, huh?”

  “You still could have gone through with it. I’m sure glee would have chosen to wear your collar and stay.”

  I shake my head. “Yeah, but it wouldn’t have been what’s best for her.”

  Thane walks over, placing his hand on my back. “How are you feeling?”

  “Shell-shocked, mostly.” I sigh, still not believing how everything went down tonight. “Thank God I didn’t make that leap.”

  “What? Do you mean asking her?”

  “No. Letting myself fall in love with her. I was close—been teetering on the edge for weeks now.”

  “So, you’re not brokenhearted?”

  “No, but I’m damn sad.” I turn away from him. “I’m going to miss that girl…”

  “We all will,” Thane says mournfully. “The dungeon won’t be the same without her.”

  “No, it won’t.” I shake my head. The idea of her not being at the dungeon anymore sends a chill through me.

  “Is that it, then?” Thane asks. “Are you done with love now?”

  I glance over at him and chuckle. “No, I’m not a cynic like you. I still believe in love. I’ve been thinking about it, and I realize I need to be more thoughtful in my choices.”

  “What was wrong with glee?”

  “She’s so experienced and hungry for more, I doubt I could have been enough for her in the long run. I need to set my sights on the wild ones.”

  “Wild ones?”

  “Yeah, the girls who don’t know about their submissive sides yet.”

  “You mean vanilla girls?” he asks, sounding surprised.

  “Yeah, if I introduce them to the lifestyle, we can progress together without worrying about competing with our pasts. When I fall in love, it’ll just be me and the sub I’ve trained, with a lifetime ahead to explore our kink together.”

  “Sounds to me like you already have someone in mind.”

  “Nah, but I’ll know when I find her,” I tell him, feeling a certainty in my bones.

  Thane pats me on the back. “More power to you, my friend. As for me, I’m going to stick to the sidelines. It’s much safer there.”

  I whole-heartedly disagree. “Never give up on of love, buddy.”

  Steamy Sendoff

  There we are, the four of us gathered in the commons area outside our dorm, sitting in the grass, enjoying the warm California sun together. Samantha’s lying against Durov, who has his arm around her, while Thane sits against a tree and I lay, spread-eagled, on the ground.

  I turn my head toward Samantha. “So, I never asked. How did it go with your parents over the break?”

  I hear her low growl of frustration.

  “That well, huh?”

  She purses her lips. “Rytsar already knows this, but I don’t mind sharing with you. My parents were not understanding in the least. In fact, my father told me that even though they’ve already suffered the loss of one child, because of my deviant lifestyle, they feel they’ve lost the other. Neither of my parents wanted anything to do with me once I told them about it.”

  I prop myself up with my forearms. “That’s terrible.”

  “How could they be that short-sighted?’ Thane snarls. “You’re their only daughter.”

  “Not anymore—according to my father.” Samantha retorts.

  I see anger flash in Thane’s eyes as he shouts, “It’s not right!”

  “Do not fret, comrade.” Durov says calmly, smiling seductively at Samantha. “She can stay at the beach house over the summer, if she wants.”

  “But my mother caused this,” Thane growls. “Because of her, you felt pressured—”

  “No,” Samantha corrects him. “Telling my parents was purely my decision. I don’t regret it. If my parents can’t accept me for who I am, then I’m better off without them. Fuck it.”

  I can see she’s hurt, despite her bravado and assure her, “You’re not alone. Think of us as your family now.”

  Thane agrees. “You can always count on me. I won’t leave your side, no matter what.”

  Durov gives her a wicked grin. “If we are family, then you and I are committing incest, sister dear.” He lets out a low growl.

  “Enough you two,” I blurt. “On to other things…”

  I’m hesitant to voice my idea, but it’s been rolling around in my head ever since glee told me she was leaving. I have no ill feelings toward the girl. I still care about her—and I know I always will.

  But, I’m not the only one who is going to miss her. She’s played a significant role in all of our lives, so I decide to throw caution to the wind.

  “So, you guys know glee’s leaving at the end of the week,” I toss out there.

  Durov grunts in disapproval. “I have decided to hate Dominus Leo. He is stealing away all of our fun.”

  Samantha looks over at me. “I agree. I’m not happy with the man at all.”

  Thane sighs heavily, glancing at her. “I can’t imagine our lessons continuing without glee.”

  Samantha nods, looking disappointed.

  “I know it’s easy to blame Dominus for this, but glee’s a free spirit. She was always meant to leave us. Traveling’s in the girl’s blood. He was just the first person to offer her the world.”

  “I’m surprised you’re okay with this,” Durov states, sounding upset.

  I shrug, having accepted the truth. “You can’t keep what you never had.”

  “Well, I for one am not okay with it,” he growls. “She was my favorite sub in the dungeon. What am I supposed to do now?”

  Samantha gives him a seductive kiss. “You could always let a certain Domme teach you how to kneel.”

  Durov laughs. “The day I kneel to another is the day vodka rains from the sky.”

  She smirks, telling him, “Maybe that can be arranged.”

  Durov pinches her butt and she lets out an unconvincing reprimand.

  But we all know she enjoys it.

  “I had a thought…” I continue.

  Samantha starts kissing Durov, ignoring the rest of us. Those two are still infatuated with each other. Seriously, it’s so intense, I’m beginning to think it’s unhealthy.

  “Go on,” Thane encourages me while they kiss.

  “What if all four of us give glee one last scene?”

p; Samantha breaks her embrace and turns to me. “All four of us at one time?”

  Yeah.” I draw the word out as I smirk at all three of them.

  Thane leans forward, liking the idea. “A proper sendoff.”

  When Durov doesn’t say a word, we all stare at him, waiting.

  He looks at each of us before grinning wickedly. “It’s perfect.”

  “Good! Then we’re all agreed.”

  Remembering Thane’s advice concerning our threesome, I ask, “Where should we do it?”

  “In the dungeon,” Durov insists. “She gave up her Master when the group split so she could remain with us. There is no other place it should be.”

  I glance over at Thane. “What do you think?”

  He mulls it over for a moment. “In this case, Durov is right. It won’t simply be a sendoff from us, but from everyone at the dungeon.”

  Thane turns to Samantha. “Any objections?”

  She frowns at us. “I think you’re forgetting that I’ve never been invited to join the dungeon.”

  “If Dominus Leo can invade our dungeon, then the Dungeon Master should have no problem allowing you one-time access for this occasion, since he created this situation by inviting the man,” Durov states with a huff. “I will personally plead your case to him,” he adds, biting her on the lip.

  We lose the two for several minutes while they have a biting match.

  Thane rolls his eyes, but I see the smirk on his lips. We both find their pairing odd, but also incredibly entertaining.

  “Since those two are preoccupied, we get first pick on positions,” I announce to Thane. “I’m claiming her ass again for the scene.”

  “Then I claim her mouth,” Thane states. “Glee is quite talented with that tongue, and I want to experience it one last time.”

  Durov’s answer is muffled as he continues kissing Samantha. “I claim her pussy.”

  Samantha pulls away from him, looking annoyed. “And what does that leave for me?”

  “Everything else,” he growls huskily.

  “I have no problem taking turns with her mouth,” Thane tells Samantha. “In fact, I think glee would prefer it.”

  She smiles at him. “I like that idea.”

  “Then it’s settled. Durov will get permission for Samantha to join us at the dungeon and we’ll send glee off one extremely happy sub.”

  Even though finals are looming, the four of us take the night off to say goodbye to glee. Although she has no clue about our plans, the rest of the dungeon was informed about our scene, and a special area has been set up for it.

  When we enter with Samantha in tow, I hear the whispers start up as the Doms around us openly admire the striking Domme.

  Glee cries out in joy when she spots us, but she’s clearly confused to see Samantha here. “How is this possible?” she gushes. “All of my favorite people here on my last night?”

  “We’ve come to say goodbye,” I inform her. “And, to give you something.”

  Her eyes light up. “I’m so honored?” she says, bowing before us. “Now I’m dying to know what you got me.”

  “It’s not what we got for you, but what we’re going to give to you,” I explain, dragging out her anticipation.

  She giggles. “Okay, then. What are you going to give me?”

  “A scene,” Durov tells her.

  She smiles. “Lovely!” She looks at Samantha, obviously thinking the scene must be with her. “What will we be doing, Mistress?”

  Samantha’s bright red lips curl into a smile. “It’s not just me.”

  Glee grins, looking at all of us, her gaze finally landing on me. “You, Master Anderson?”

  I nod.

  “And me,” Durov states.

  Her eyes grow wide as she looks to Thane. “And you, Sir?”

  “Yes, glee.”

  She puts her hands to her mouth and starts jumping up and down in excitement. “Oh, my goodness! All four of you at the same time?”

  We nod in unison.

  She looks around at her friends. “Can you believe this?”

  “Lucky girl…” one of the other subs says, jealousy tainting her voice.

  “Do you consent?” I ask.

  “Are you kidding me? Of course, Master.” Tears come to her eyes as she looks at us. “I’m deeply honored by this gift.”

  Glee kneels before us, her gaze on the floor, and says with awe in her voice, “Thank you.”

  “Stand and serve your Masters,” I command.

  With grace, she rises from the floor. I walk her to the central area reserved for us. The only furniture for the scene is a bed set on a raised platform so everyone will be able to watch, and a side table with instruments.

  Rather than have glee strip, Samantha walks over to her and begins undressing her. The three of us stand back, admiring the beauty of the exchange. As Samantha unclothes her, she leaves kisses on different parts of the girl’s body. Soon, glee is peppered with the red impressions of the Domme’s lips.

  Once glee is free of her clothes, Thane commands her to kiss each of us. She turns to Samantha first, and I stand there, my cock growing unbearably hard as I watch these two women kiss each other passionately.

  Glee then moves to Thane, who fists her hair, kissing her deeply as he presses his body against hers. She responds to him, melting into his embrace.

  Rytsar is next. Grabbing her by the throat, the Russian is rough as he claims her mouth, and her moans of pleasure fill the room.

  Glee then moves on to me. “Master…” she whispers as our lips touch. Knowing this is our last time, I kiss her the way I know she likes to be kissed, starting out slow with tender kisses that grow more ardent as my tongue enters her mouth. We get lost in our kiss, and I don’t realize I’ve taken too long until I hear Durov clear his throat.

  I give her a wink as I break away and release her from my arms.

  She stands before us, seemingly a little dazed while she waits for her next command.

  “Undress your Masters,” Durov orders.

  Glee smiles, turning to me first. I relish the feel of her touch as she unbuttons my shirt, slipping it off my shoulders. She then kneels, helping me out of my boots and socks. Looking up at me with sultry eyes, she stands again. Biting her bottom lip, she slowly unbuttons and unzips my jeans. My cock stands at attention as she pulls my briefs down along with my pants. She folds my clothes into a neat pile, then faces me, running her hand over the bolo tie around my neck before turning to undress Durov next.

  She treats each Dominant as if they are the only one in the room, making it sensual to watch her undressing each one.

  When she is done, Samantha commands, “Stand before us so you can take pleasure in the bodies of the four Dominants who will be challenging you tonight.”

  Glee stands with her hands at her sides, palms up in an inviting pose, as she looks at each of us, her eyes luminous with lust.

  Knowing that I am the first, I take the lubricant off the table and tell glee to coat my cock with it. I grit my teeth to keep my desire under control as her expert hands rub the lube evenly over the length of it.

  I lie down and command her to stand next to the bed. Reaching between her legs, I play with her swollen sex. Damn, the girl’s hot down there…

  I lick the taste of her from my fingers before telling her to mount me reverse cowboy style.

  She squeaks in excitement as she crawls onto the bed.

  I hold my shaft in position and take one of her hands to help her balance as she slowly takes my cock into her ass. I don’t hold back my groans as I watch her grind herself on it until she’s taken the length of it.

  “Good, girl,” I growl lustfully.

  Reaching around her, I grab her breasts in my hands and tell her to lie back against me. I release a breast to cup her chin and turn her head. Then I kiss her while tugging at her nipples, my cock wedged in her tight ass the entire time.

  If this isn’t heaven, I don’t know what is.

bsp; Now that glee’s breasts and pussy are exposed, the others can partake of her.

  Samantha climbs onto the bed first, a set of nipple clamps with a chain in her hand. I feel glee tense as the Domme attaches the first clamp to her left nipple.

  Glee’s breathing increases as she watches Samantha pinch her other nipple and attach the second clamp. Glee whimpers softly when Samantha starts tugging on the chain.

  Samantha leans down to kiss her, pulling the chain harder as her tongue enters glee’s mouth. I have the best seat in the house while I watch the two tongue-wrestle each other.

  Durov enters the picture next, playing with glee’s clit as he coats his own shaft. Samantha stops what she’s doing and lays back to watch while Thane lies down on the opposite side of me. He cups glee’s breast, teasing the clamped nipple with his tongue.

  When Glee squirms in pleasure, it gives me pleasure, as well. I have to close my eyes, trying to ready myself mentally for the intense stimulation about to come.

  In this position, I have far less control and will have to rely on the Russian to control the rhythm of our thrusts.

  Durov cleans his hands, tosses the towel on the floor, and moves into position between glee’s legs. Samantha and Thane stare at glee, wanting to see her expression when Durov pushes into her.

  I, however, close my eyes to concentrate on the pleasurable tightness of glee’s body as Durov’s shaft slowly sinks into her pussy.

  Being an experienced sadist, he knows what he is doing and makes no missteps as he starts ramping up his thrusts. I grab glee’s waist with both hands, partly for leverage and partly so I can try and match Durov’s pace.

  Glee screams out, “I love it. Oh, God, I love it!”

  Thane changes position, kneeling on the bed beside glee so his cock is level with her mouth, and commands her to suck him. She immediately grabs his rigid cock and opens her mouth, bouncing with each thrust of Durov’s cock as she sucks Thane’s shaft.

  All of this is an overload of stimulation. So much so, I force myself to think of others things to keep from coming too fast as Durov and I coordinate movements and start thrusting faster.


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