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Dear Dawn

Page 13

by Aileen Wuornos

NAME Aileen Wuornos (Carol)________ NUMBER A150924 DATE 5-3-94

  Dear Dawn,

  Yoooo! glad to hear your doin O.K. As for me, I bide time by the word. God is keeping my sanity. This will be a one pager, so let me answer your letter in it quickly here. On the drawings. This is all up to you, for I draw them for this purpose . . . On my bank it is “Frozen” which means any money coming in, its being ripped off by the state . . . This is what must be cleared up, before any further help in finances can be sent. So canteen is on hold until it is. And money cannot be sent to me, until its cleared up . . . Okee do Kee. in the pokey! Got me yogi! The state cannot take any money from my art-work. Has nothing to do with the crimes. Only interviews, books or movies are priorities of there interest . . . As for other people making money off of the crimes. They can do it . . . Like Arlene, (cops) (Steve) media, producers, book writters . . . And being misrepresented by dirty dealin Steve on the Son of Sam law left me to believe the (2) grand was OK too. So by the law, he threw me off “by the Law” so I shouldn’t be the one being bothered, with a bank freeze. Anyway! . . .



  INSTITUTION Broward Correctional Institution CELL/DORM & BUNK DR #1

  NAME Aileen Wuornos (Carol) NUMBER A150924 DATE 5-7-94

  Dear Dawn,

  This 1st question

  was answered in

  Fridays letter I recieved


  . . . Remember when we use to work for 100 or 180 an hour. I worked as a maid, the “Rochester Motel” for 75¢ an hour. No kiddin, was around ō 15½. Only worked for about 2 weeks. Some guy at the motel turned me on to 50 bucks for sex. And that did it for the slavery job. Ha Ha Ha. . . I believe this is where hookin began. Realized I could make dam good money to help myself in my homeless state and took it up Do ya blame me! . . .

  Ō my god! Amy Fisher’s some big wig now Ā! Bigger than us capital cases. Well Ill be Darn On the program, yes that is “Disgusting” the families greedy like that. UK. I for one would never be like that. Wasn’t even when Keith died. The 10,000 he left. I blew in one month to get rid of it . . . I just wanted him “alive” But! Fate wouldn’t have it . . .

  Stay Cool, and don’t worry about me, Im doin Okee do Kee in thee ol pokey! slokey!


  Aileen Wuornos

  Ha Ha Ha

  INSTITUTION Broward Correctional Institution CELL/DORM & BUNK DR #1

  NAME Aileen Wuornos (Carol) NUMBER A150924 DATE 5-12-94

  Dear Dawn,

  . . . On new Lawyers! . . . Presently there names I wont disclose yet, until, some real action gets on the way . . . Don’t feel like disclosing leads to these people here. yuk . . .

  On Steve, Im actin as if he never was hired . . . He hired himself. “Really” and I used his assistance since he was avialable. So Ill let him just float . . . These 5 attorneys are getting the ball rolling, and guiding me along in the institutional remedys I have to (exaust) before they can, step in an take over, So cool Ā! The Lord, brought them to my Aide. Love him so!

  Havent heard from Mommy dearest111 yet! But I wonder if a lien was put on her (or) not . . . Jerry Springer wanted to interview me, was asked today. But said “NO” Why, because he’s a (He). All the men have lied over me in the U.S. Nicks the only one who didnt/splice tamper/or distort the tape and the truth . . . Montel Williams, Jeroldo, (spelt wrong ō well) and Date line, did me all wrong. Even Michelle Gillen . . . So I’m being selective. “Very” and waitin for the right one, as God directs me.

  O.K. Time to close ...

  (P.S.) Hope your Moms doing “Well” tell

  her I said hi and “ALWAYS” am praying for

  her, exspecially that she’ll read the Bible more,

  and find the closeness to him, she may

  be missing. OK. See ya





  Dear Dawn,


  You wrote about being afraid of dieing, or the tribulation comin, you being left behind. Well, according to the Dake . . . The tribulation will affect the World . . . But as for War. This will be oversea’s. Now U.S.A. will be bombed, but there more then likely will not be any enemies of entering our soil. They’ll only send nuclear missiles . . . O.K.

  Being left behind. Well, if one isnt into Jesus Christ, as he left us instructions to be. Then yes. You’ll be left behind. This is why bible reading on a daily basis should be done, to “Learn what the Word says” . . .

  Angels are recording at all times. What kind of a record do you think yours would look like, if there was “no prayer” links to God. He could then say to you. I never knew you, although you claim you knew me. See all that I’m trying to get at.? I, Do hope so!

  Well Sis . . . . . tar! Guess Ill rapp this one up with hugs + kiss, Em . . . . . . . . . EmmmmmMmMmph. And Ill catch ya in the next kite . . .

  P.S. Tell everyone I said.

  there all doin, real good.


  okee do kee

  Stay Cool now,

  Love ya with all my heart,




  and hope

  nic, nic

  Later Baby!

  (Humprey Bogart )

  ha ha ha.


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi Buddy! Well, looks like someones lookin to help strategic manuviors in discrediting “Nicks” film. and those someones are coming from “Cops” and “Tallahassee.” You see, I never gave Geraldo your number. Someone had to lift it from the recent letter I sent to Nick Broomfield . . . Just like people magazine that recently tried to set up an interview . . . Please do not be interviewed by anyone, unless its Nick. ok . . .

  Arlene’s written, desperate letters to me. She wants info, to give back to the cops + steve. No can do, but she’s tryin hard . . . Claimin even to give the whole $10,000 back if only Ill write. So you see! Steve + Arlene always were workin for the cops . . . Steve + Arlene conned me into “waiving off all remaining trials”, so thered be a sure warrant of death . . .

  Assholes! That’s O.K. Gods opened up a Satalite in my direction, and is now saying. Tell em. I will Lord. I will . . .

  Let me close now,

  Hope your doin good Buddy! . . .4-now




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . It’s a bummer and not being able to write you, as I used to, due to this bank freeze. But hopefully this will change soon. An injunction has ben filed to have it reopened. An injaction is a court order. Guess who put it in. New attorneys! ... Nope! “Steve!” The new attorneys weren’t ever hired, but were only counseling me, until we could see if they could do anything for me . . . Do you think she112 did.? Well, hell no! and its now been nearly a month now . . . I believe the strategy was to try to get me to rid myself of Steves legal assistance. So I wouldn’t have him to waive off trials . . . Because Dawn, a new trial is more money in there pocket . . . it’s the last days! Evil is at its contractions, and about to be birthed . . .

  OK, gotta close er up. Hope your doin “Super” . . . 4-now Love ya Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi sis Whats cookin!?

  Em! Smells good. Ha Ha . . . Sure do miss home cookin. I use to have those 2 inch stakes and pork chops. Good ol Barbecued chicken and ribs ... if you use a regular round stand up grill, once the grease drops in the coals and lights up, all you need to do is use a spray bottle of water and spray the coals. Fire goes out! . . . One other best way at cookin ribs is to Boil them first. Like thick country ribs.

  Boil em for am hour + a ½. When they get to near peelin from the bone, then take em outta the water and into a bowl of BBQ sauce, then gently onto the grill. If you’d like them to be flamed up a bit, all you have to do is throw a bit of butter into the coals . . . This way you get flamed broiled ribs . . . You can also pre cook corn and vegetables
, then rap in foil and leave on grill for extra smoke flavor, always poke fork holes in aluminum. Ty + I use to cook out all the time. Our back yard was nothing but BBQ stuff all ready ... I use to have 2 squirt bottles. 1 Butter and slightly of water.... Don’t ya Just love all my Heloise advice. Ha Ha Ha

  . . . good idea Aileen, Thanks. No problem buddy! Just send me some of them thar ribs when ya get done, with 1 can of Coors. OK. I quit drinkin, but one for the road I just had to slug down, ya know! Well, be catchin ya in my next kite. Untill then. This is Chieff “Lee da Vee” and heres “Cookin at you kid” chuckle chuckle, may all your mouths water! while I dream up another back yard Barbee for next weeks set.

  cha, cha,Love




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . What a relief to know you’ve finally seen the “Breathtaking” Documentary. 113 (Whistle) – Shew . . . Great! You should copy the tape for perservance. That way if it should ever get eatin up by a VCR, you’ve another on hand . . .

  First of all, let me tell ya a shocker, that had my hair rise! after you informed me on Steve and his gig he did on the tape . . . He doesn’t smoke – Period. So therefore, it was a joint, because he told me he smoked pot, for his heart condition . . .

  Unfortunately I’m stuck with a slight problem of. And that is . . . Steve wants me to sue, to get my bank open. Fine! Good idea! . . . But his catch is. He wants to go about sueing, by the 1st amendment rights of my constitution . . . Why!? Because he doesnnt want to have to give Florida the 9,000 he swindled me to do in interviews so he could collect. He is therefore once again. “Using” me for his own benefit.

  As for crying for me buddy Dearly beloved Sis and all, because of my “Humiliating Spell in the testimonial box!”114 doing my “what he did to me number!” Please don’t! Don’t feel sorry for me, for such reason’s. The road was a rough life . . . But there deaths. Feel sorry for them, O.K . . . And if you need to – blame anyone – blame Society! not them . . . [The world has] gone so far in Wickedness, we have these problems today . . . Love ya Aileen



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . And now your tellin me about how she tried to kick Broomfield off her property.115 When Nick came to see me, he was pissed and at the top began to ask, “Whats Arlene’s problem!?” I said, Why, whats wrong? Then he laid it all out to me on Arlene + Steves money hungry attitude. I then explained to him I was aware of it . . .

  Ō my God! I’m shocked.! Steve calls himself in this film “The Great Defender” . . . Ō what a laughing stock to the World he made himself. And! that Doctor Legal116 has “Got to Go!” . . . Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha . . . What an Ass-hole! Ha Ha Ha Ha Hawwwwww! . . .

  On being a musician before he became an attorney. He told me, He was a truck Driver, and back when he was in his early 20(s) had a small group with kid dreams of makin it big someday. Then decided to become a lawyer when friends were getting in jam’s and gettin busted on smoking pot or doin Chemicals. Wanted to defend them so decided while truckin to . . . Get pre-pared . . . and then take his bar exam and “Presto!” Im in Just us.! As the System goes to say, + Steves Corrupt ass . . .

  See ya in the next one. Love ya much





  Dear Dawn,

  . . . This Ass-hole. Don or Dan, or heck whatever his name is.117 The one I spent 3 days with. that’s lying here about me wantin to be raped. The jerk smoked pot + sucked up beer’s like crazy. So apparently on one of our rap sessions I must have been telling him how I was raped once, in my teens, tied to a bed. Actually twice this happened to me. This fuck head . . .

  And Dawn “Everyone is out for money!” But you are different . . . “You I trust to the Core.” and do love ya dearly.! But the bottom line is, that if it takes my death to get to the corruption, this is the way then itll have to be . . . Let me close, one last letter on the way . . . 4-now Love Aileen



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Lets see! says here, Arlene adopted me for Buriel purposes and easier visitation access.118 Yes! This is true . . . But I hadn’t any idea the “Power” . . . To become so to speak / a power of attorney over my life. Alive (or) dead . . .

  Arlene + Steve dressin like slobs. Arent they slutts,! Not even ty + I would dress like such. Never in a million years. If we wore even T-shirts cut off at the sleeves + V-necked out, they still were clean as heck . . . These people! Like anyone can see now. Have something extremely wrong up-stairs. And! They wanna examine my skull. Why! TO find out what made me “So intelligent” . . . Like what makes you so honest + wise Wuornos. . . . If I only had an ounce of your guts + all. Geez! Ha Ha Ha . . .





  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Awwww! Clips of ty was in it, Good. Let the world see the gal I loved . . .

  On Cannonball. I met him around 12 years back at the Daytona Bar. When I walked in for the 1st time in the last resort and seen him, I recognized him immediately . . . Was the paintings of me still around the Last resort? Some biker air brushed a sketch of me on the Vynal Van seat cover,119 I heard it was a female who did it. They got an idea of my looks from the mug shot in people magazine. Cough. Cough ... So needless to say. No wonder the portrait didn’t fit me looks . . .

  Alright Jarvis. Way to go! Theres only one thing I don’t approve on about his beliefs, and that is he thinks Ty was in on a murder or murders. And of-course she wasnt. She was always at work . . . After Mallorys death though. Fear swept over her, and she became distant. I angrier. And then she just didn’t know what to do. She merely hung on, so I wouldn’t seek retaliation . . . And sadly she knew I’d lost my mind. This must of really torn her in two . . .

  Boy I am super relieved the Cops have been getting busted at this evil they pulled. Good, Good, Good. This was my major big wish. Guess I can relax now. The lids open, and its travelin around the World.

  Yeeeeeeeeee Hawwwwwwwwww!

  Höo Höo Höo Höo Höo

  Right on!

  I’m gonna close er up now Buddy and get some rest. Smilen away thinking how the Cops and System has been put to Shame . . .





  Dear Dawn,

  . . . O.K. now I’m confussed. You see. I explicitly clarified myself to/Nick, my father [grandfather] never raped me, and that the cops made it up120 . . . My dad had nothing to do with these killings. My Dad was a stringent (strickt)

  bastard, but he was otherwise alright. He never was a perfert of any of us. Matter of fact he was so shy of his tits + belly from being big. If he mowed the lawn, he’d leave his shirt on. He never hardly swore even . . . Anyway! The reason they were killed was because of “Society” . . . I’ve been raped over some 30 times, violently in life. And all by married men basically . . . and date raped hooken about around – Shit wont say. Its to embarrassing.! You’ll say how could you keep hooken. And then I have to say! Because the way my life was left, all broken + torn to pieces by many hands of wicked people ... O.K. Ill tell ya how many date raped. Its over a 100. OK OK OK . . . Last time I ever mention it . . . So you see. It wasnt my DAD. It was “them” out there. And the Cops drummed up Daddy rape to hide the real gig . . .

  O.J. is going through it right now. There’s nothing but money to be made off of his ass. Guilty or innocent, it doesn’t matter! . . . Seems like 2 people did the job. Because how could you fight to people with a knife and cut both of there throats as well. Sounds like O.J. didn’t have the guts either to literally kill her. Only beat her. So he hired somebody. Thats my feelings on it . . .

  May God be with there departed souls.

  Let me close now,

  Stay cool!

  until next time

  Love dearly



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . this notion of yours that if only you’d a done more as a kid for me! Quit! There was no-way you could, help. You were a teen. You had no-way too.! Your parents couldnt either! Being as barely makin it themselves + for you 3. Others could of helped me in life but didnt. Instead, abused me, (or) tried to in one way or thee other. These ones are diffenately to blame. So pleeeeeease dont ever feel guilty about such. No need too. OK. God knows percisely who they are . . . [My back is hurten so my handwritten is off OK.] Did you know, did I ever tell ya?, I was shot by a 22 bullet . . . I shot myself. with a rifle/22 at that over cough cough cough . . . spittle gag . . . Yes . . . A-GUY.


  you heard right. a guy man. ha ha. I was lost in love, and he was gonna leave me, because his “Mommy” told him too. I was 22 around/maybe 24. He was like a year or 2 older then me . . . I was sloshed when I did it. I have to admit. A drunk does me no-good. I always., “get in trouble,”. . .

  Well let me go on to somethin else . . .

  Thank-you for telling me you’ll keep good care of My Bible. Great! . . . Its my heart, too you. And my dear beloved Buddy You will always be Loved and thought of too, by me, from above . . . To guide you into the Land of Oz is going to be one Beautifull Bliss-filled moment indeed. Ill be there. Waiting for you . . .





  Dear Dawn,

  Still in answer to your letters.

  Ha Ha Ha I’m laughin about you sayin here. There only pissed on the prostitution Jazz cause I didn’t have to pay taxes . . . No there punishing me here on Earth because I got caught ...

  On Antonio. I was told by one of thee investigators interviewing me during the confession he was found by hunters 5 days later. I was Amazed when Munster (or) Horzepa told me, Because! Where I left him at. He should of never been found. So I figured the helicopter. But when you told me Dead Ends says 24 hours. “DAWN.” Guess what! I never recognized this note in the book. So now I know it was the helicopter as for the reason why he was discovered so quick. And! now I know it was “The Cops!” Because! why would they tell me 5 days later. Burress was found 5 days later, but I distinctly also remember them telling me “Hunters” found Antonio. It was not hunters who found Burress. It was Campers. Yes there was absolutely “No respect” for thee deseased. Mr. Antonio. was there. Nude/dead . . . . . Evil. To be publized. Yuk! Evil . . . . . . . Was he engaged.? Him as old as he was. The ring! I doubt it. I couldn’t even pawn it off but for 20 bucks. Some engagement ring. I believe he was near more so like me. Had no one. So they used his photo to print. Who’d care, no-one will complain ... But for the family to allow his nude/dead body to be published in a book. Sure doesn’t’sound right, at all....


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