Book Read Free

Dear Dawn

Page 14

by Aileen Wuornos

  Well Wrist break. Ill be back in the next one. OK. 4-now Love



  Dear Dawn,

  Hi Hows things over there going!? You should see over here . . . Why, just this weekend a [sergeant] wrote me up. Yep! quite ol’ me She claims I said to her this . . .

  “Inmate Wuornos, complained that her cold water would not shut off. After about 30 minutes I put the intercom on to ask her if it had stopped running she said “No” . . . Then she said . . . I am going to kill you bitch, Your next on my hit list, that will make you number #8. Yes, I am going to get out of here and kill you”121 . . .

  Well what really happened, is that they’ve had my room bugged through the intercom . . . they shouldn’t be noseing around my privacy of my thoughts in my room . . . So I decided to play back and be a royal “Bitch” This D.R. is from probably some of the bull I’ve said to myself to fuck with em.

  What I actually said to her when she turned on the intercom was . . . yes its still running, and I’d really appreciate it if you could get someone out here tonight + hopefully fix the thing otherwise my room may flood up because my sink clogs. This is all that was said . . . So she/ Flat out/ made up this D.R.

  Arlene wrote, so I decided, O.K. Arlene! I’m gonna ask you to do me a favor. I need a good Lawyer. Steve sucks, if you can swing one, Then! Ill be more then happy to make amends again. So we’ll see, right!?

  I got 15 days and 15 knocked off on the “Lying” D.R. if I talk to a phycologist . . .

  I talked to thee phycologist today. Nice Lady! So I’m having a ball tellen her, what “Really” happened in all this “Corruption” . . . She is a nice gal . . . so No problem. Kinda pretty too. Aileen!!! I’m Just kiddin . . .

  Well. Got to go. Time to hip, zap, + seal with a kiss . . .




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . You kissed Derek Kolb. Scarry.! But thats OK . . . If I remember! But its vague. I see us near a pond ... We’s fishin for polly wogs. Is in maybe 6th grade,

  He’s askin for a kiss. I say’s maybe. He lays one on’s me / Unexperienced one ... yuk. He begins to play with my ittsy Wittsy tail gate + head lights. Curiousity is flashin! He whips his fly out on the rod. When I see how small the Worm is. I drop the hook and, Sink-er . . . No pluckin, Just a dunk in . . . Do you remember, “Max Reed . . . Took him over to my pad. and we got it on. Buddy he blew my mind. That guy had a club between his legs. 2 1/2 inch circumference by 12” . . . U Did ya take it all . . . Did ya take it all! Aili. Tell me! Come on. me No u Come on Aileen.! me Ō okay. No! I held it with 2 hands while he pumped. Honey it was “Too Big” . . . But Ō was it good. Emmmmm. drove me to oz. Whew Weeeee Funny Aileen.

  . . . going way back to the bar David took us to . . . I remember when he gave you first kiss . . . I was scarred for ya. Cause I knew how guys were . . . So I believe I got mad about this . . . Sorry if I blew that night of fun a bit. I was so lit, I barely remember all we did . . . You know me I always got blitzed . . . being so free too . . .

  See ya in the next Kite till then, Love Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  [Check] this out. Theres something strange going on with my bank account again. Strangers sending money I dont know, with the wierdest names, and I believe /Steve and Arlene/ are involved in this as well. Some of the wierd names have been. Instead of/Dick stain . . . Dickstein. and instead of hang her . . . Dangler. and instead of snow job Snow man . . . and instead of execution . . . Sparkman. Incidently Sparkman hasn’t written since Arlene moved outta tennessee. Must have been her . . .

  So on this bank buisness and people I don’t know with the wierd names sendin me bucks. 20 a piece. Some are from New York, others Chicago. Yeah, sounds like Steve. You see, when he came to visit me, he was telling me about “Free-person” havin written me. A friend of his. Neighbor friend. Then I questioned him on the name, is it real (or) made up. He said . . . made up . . . To make you feel good. So . . . Walla! Either he’s behind this (or) otherwise the Cops! ...

  Dinners here, so I’m gonna wrap it up with a kiss . . .

  Stay Cool





  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Check this out . . . [A sargeant] asked me if I wanted to be interviewed by 60 minutes out of Australia. I said sure! . . . she said. “Gee, I hope you dont get sick by the time they get here!” . . . Well, then Saturday Mornin came along and/the Coffee Cake had some strange jazz at the bottom, that I didn’t see and ate a few bits, until I noticed it, and said. UK, heavin it into the commode. Slam dunkin that baby! YUK Later in the evening I felt “poison like” growing through my body . . . Ever since Saturday, I’ve had a sick feeling ... So you see what I mean about “Conspiracy” . . .

  O . . . CBS. “The Cops” tried to play a fast one. Had one of their corrupt “I bet” paid off. . / one of them type of fish reporters to ask me if I wanted to be interviewed, to use after the movie, overkill is aired Sept 6th. Tricky! . . . I’m not replying, for the Answer is a diffenate, NO ...

  4-now / Love the Sis, Aileen

  The Kid


  oops! 11th

  Dear Dawn,

  . . . You’re the life of me! . . . I’d have to live down the street from ya, if I were with ty. Live with ya if I weren’t, if ya wanted me too. U O God . . . NO.. She says . . . No way . . . Man. Her 2 german shepards would tear my garden + house up, and that constant Sun bathin in G-strings . . . The Boom Box blarin all the time, and the garbage can full of beer cans . . . Nah! I dont think you’d care to have me 24-7 around. Sis-tar! . . .

  Aili Be truthfull, what would ya really be like? Aww rats . . . I wanted ta keep ya fooled. Darn. OK this is what I’d really be like . . . Always keeping my things clean ... I’d probably read the Bible everywhere. Like I did when I was in the free-world. Sit and commune with the Lord, gardenin, cook outtin, or mowin lawn, (or) Just plain Sun bathin . . . Love washin dishes. Its a mellow time for me. Also love cleanin, I think that relaxin and mellow. Can be anyway! As for hell-raisin. Those days are by-gone. I’ve had my fill of... Thanks to “fate” it dealt me a royal flush of evil. So I was never able to pick up any broken pieces and to start all over to do, as I “Really” wanted to do . . . and Be! To Be! I wouldve loved to of been in the Marine’s, and climbing up the ladder in any Red or Green beret. And if not this, then a buisness of my own, living “alone” and keeping it together in, God . . . as I do . . . Why Alone? Because I cant handle “Relationships” . . . I fall toooooo, in Love . . . and then I blow the whole thing ... because I cant control my Love Emotions. I become . . . “Possessive” . . . Possessiveness would destroy the relationship eventually. So why even start one.

  Live alone . . .

  OK! How’d I get on all of this stuff . . . Hum! Ō yeah! If ty and I were at your place! ... if only it could be true. I miss her. God knows I do.

  See ya!


  The Kiddo


  On Arlenes Visit

  1st in like 2 years

  Dear Dawn,

  Hi Well I gave Arlene a shot.... We got along great . . . and had plenty of munchies to past the crave away. Ha Ha . . . Its been quite awhile since Ive had . . . commossary stuff. The Calzone’s here are vantastic . . .

  Anyway! She gave me the good news122 . . . Look at me! I’m “all” Smiles . . . Weeeeeeeeee Hooooooooo. The Buddies gonna be down to see me. Arlene wants to come down, and stay in a motel near by and meet ya too. I think this is one Kool idea, if your all for it . . . So will you!

  She explained – arlene – how your trying to/as – well., trust Steve . . . Arlene is like dough. She can be softened. But Steve is like below 0° /zero, A creep and corrupt to the core . . .

  Love ya!


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Say on visiting Buddy. When will y
ou be here. (?) So I can get my clothes pressed and my makeup on. chuckle. I cant Wait. I’m all Super excited too . . . 6 hours certainly will fly by. To bad to. I’d love a comfy room, with stereo, T.V.

  micro-wave, carpeting, lounge chairs, and munchies, and spend at least 3 days of 6 hours a piece with ya. Then! at least enough could be caught upon, so our letters could be fresh with, new – news, and not old . . .

  Anyway! OJ/what a royal “Scum”. I really feel for Nicole. Poor gal, See! Mixed marriages. God is totally against it. All throughout the Bible . . . You can read about it, on page 114 O.T.123 Second Column #10 on Segregation Laws. OK . . . Well, Shoot! I have ta close er up!





  Dear Dawn,

  ... But where’s, Springer! I find it Strange Autralia came in before Springer. Hum! Where’s his interview. Phil124 will be next. Ill ok his too. Get em while the getting’s good. Cause Gods talkin me there gonna try executing me soon. Sooner then usual. They want me dead. All of em . . .

  Back to your Visit!

  Yes I’m Excited Excited Excited!

  Weeeeee Hoooooo! Say have Arlene give ya munchie money! 3 soda’s Coke’s, 3 bags of Chips (2) BBQ + (1) Regular, and (1) Big Bag of peanuts, and a Calzone that/cheese + meat filled.

  If you can! If mommy dearest will give you x-tra money! O M+Ms too peanut + plain.

  Then dont forget Munchies for yourself. Ha Ha Ha. Itll all cost about 10/15 bucks . . . chuckle, chuckle. Are you 4-Real

  Yep! 100%. Economy man, even in prison.

  But if you “Cant” get. Then at least get the Soda’s. OK! And dont forget a straw. Hee Heeeeeee.! Ha Ha!

  OK Ill quit! Footballs comin on, so I’m outta here. Ill write more tomorrow . . .

  Stay Cool!




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Shit! I gotta tell ya this one, once upon a time, “deal,” long ago and far away! Well, there was a girl who was Close to me. Like you + I! nic nic We called each other sisters, and so . . . One night we were in this Bar, and she had her purse ripped off . . . [She] asked me if I could help her get it back . . . So I go up to [the thief] and . . . tap her on the shoulder and told her “Alright! my sister here tells me you’ve got her purse. How about Just given it back, and all’s will be Cool!” She was like a Viper, beginning to yell . . . So we went outside. She had these pointed toe, “steel I believe” tipped cowboy boots on with her 2 piece outfit. Were standin there, I am mouthin off to her, to just hand over the purse. She kicks me. DAWN . . . She does this with all her might and Just miss’s my clit by fractions. Hits the lip . . . I bend over slightly, and immediately straightened up. and said “That didn’t hurt!” and punched her. Were fighten away! . . . They break us up. “Eventually” . . . Ouch!! So the next day . . . One side of my puss was black, and I mean blackish/blue/black, as well as my leg all the way down to my knee/inside my leg. Talk about “Lucky”! I bet ya had she of zeroed in on my clit . . . I wouldnt be able to turn on if I hammered it. Jack hammered. Ha Ha Ha . . . Della gots her purse back the next day . . . Incidently she also was Maxs sister. The guy I shot myself over. So/She found it lying in a ditch along side the road . . .

  When I met Toni + Ty, I learned an excellent remedy from getting I.D.(s) or cash stolen. “Wear a Wallet.” Chuckle, Chuckle. So purses went out the window . . . So it worked also well on the road hooken. If any guy rode off with my purse + bag (duffle) while in a store getting a beer, or takin a piss. He’d get shit . . . When I got the gun., Then my bag went in the store with me, And so! This is how, I kept my funds and I.D. and my protection safe from bein stolen. Good idea A!? . . .

  Well, let me close this one up . . .

  4-now Love



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . In a bit my beloved friend, we shall see each other again, for the second time in 4 years since my arrest, and the second time since some 20 years ago. Its really a blessing, to me!, . . . Seeing you brings back the 70(s) . . . Remember stealing gas from the rich neighborhood near your house for Loris Big Black Crysler Newport. Ha Ha . . . We wanted to cruise around. So we did.! . . . Roomy too! The entire neighborhood gang could fit in it. The Troy gang! Owners of the Pits. at least thats how we felt . . .

  Tom Case’s Parties! I can still here the stereo playin and see all the Cool lookin black light posters . . . Cant you! . . . Boy them guys didn’t like me! at all! I was Soooo Protective of Lori. Wasn’t I though! But that was because some guys we all/knew threatened me they would Rape her . . . Guys! “DO NOT” repeat DO NOT care about girls ... the basic majority would rape a girl if they could . . . Well time to get ready for our Visit . . . LOVE AILEEN . . .


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi Silly Wabbit! That was, FUN! We just finnished up around 5½ hours of get down on Arlene, Steve, Linda, Laura,125 60 min, Hotel, “Munchies” Ha Ha Soda’s Chuckle. And man, am I lovin it. Barbara Striestands song “Memories” is goin through my mind. So glad to see you. Love ya much . . .

  I seen ya Wave on your way out. I’d of had loved to of said, See ya tomorrow, take care, but were not allowed to yell out the window. Instant D.R. So I waved if you could even see my white palm goin back + fourth. Tomorrow Ill ask you to look for it on your way out.

  . . . I hope you see the ocean tonight . . . Well this is a short but Sweet . . . Love ya Much,

  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Aileen


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Hey remember when I was trying to explain why I think [Lori and Barry] were different from Keith and I genetically. OK, what I was trying to say was that, Diane126 was there 1st child. So my grandparents gene’s probably weren’t as dis-troyed yet from booze. Like my grandfathers. So Diane’s make up was O.K. . . . But “Barry and Lori”, came next afterward, and I believe “NOW” dads sperm count wasnt so good as when Diane was brought fourth into the world, So with it off in genetics, not much, but enough to warrent a slight characteristics problem,

  once they were birthen . . . Lori + Barry . . . both Graduated + Barry went to college. See Keith and I’s “neglection” by the family, in being always 2nd class, had us “Run away from home” . . . If mom127 hadnt of died. I bet, Lori couldve went to college also. But had we wanted to. No go! ... So now you see. why (?) Lori + Barry would jump on the money to witness against me . . . Lying for the State and for the Money ...

  Time for me to study my Bib-ble . . .

  Stay Kool!

  The Kiddo!




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I GOT MY CANTEEN – Weeeeee Hoooooo! Whistles/claps! Yeeeeeee Haaaawwwwww. I feel like a human being again.! Thank you GOD! and thank you, anyone else. Steve . . . ! I don’t know about him., He’s a turtle-head, But I give him credit too . . . So get prepared for some mail comin your-a-way Buddy. Jesus stuff ! Lots of . . . I wrote Linda & Laura today ... also one to her Mom. Her mom is quite, tiny, and cute like my mom was. Real Serene, laid back type. Is your mom like that!? I only remember her being at the kitchen table puffin on a cig and askin ya were you headin out with me. She didn’t seem to mind our friendship. But I believe your dad did a little. I dont blame em. I was wild lookin. Hippie to the Core. Wasn’t I though?!! Beads Beads Beads! I believe I started getting you into wearin em.

  . . . Do you remember my Boyfriend “Bobby Rowland” I had. A big guy named Danger Dan . . . he was always with . . . Bobby had Blondish/Brown long hair almost to the shoulders, and a blondish/Brown mustache. around 5'8" then, always wore a leather jacket. Bobby He od’ed on Herion . . . Dan came alone to the Hickory party... I called him up an he came a runnin. Bet he thought. hussy! But he didn’t get any. No one I knew did. Why!? Because I was always afraid of them runnin an tellin others they scored with me. So I only went ta bed with, “outta town boys”” Bobby
was from Royal Oak . . . So guys like, High School, (or) any Troy boys/weren’t even allowed in my box, only Rochester, Clawson, Royal Oak, anywhere away from ever knowing anyone we

  hung out with, so word wouldn’t get out. That’s why when ever anyone did say. I fucked Aileen, I was like.... You bold faced Liar! Never! Now Mike Fairchild, Carl Maddox and Jack West got a little. Real little, They were the “Only ones!” oh! Gordon Marks once too, and Ben Lloyd. But that was “it .” . . . Say! you think your Mom + Dad would mind if I spent the nite, tonight! (?) Man its gonna hit 40. Ill freeze to death. // And I wasnt “Even” usin ya back then. NOT IN THE LEAST! Loved ya dearly! Even after I couldn’t stay over many of times and slept in sleepless nites of cold, sleet, snow, and rain. Those were some ROUGH nites. And had many throughout my life-time. Its like being a soldier/sleeping out in a battle field. Only no gun fire, Just “Silence” you must at all times keep a keen ear on, in case someones coming ... There was a time I was sittin out at the pit. ō. . . . around 1:00 in the morning. (2) cops from troy noticed me. Beaming there flashlights in my face, they asked who I was, what I was doing out here, and were I lived. Well I was at the pit next to your house! Lights were still on at your place, and the porch light too. So I told em, my name was “Dawn Nieman”128 and I live right there.! Just am out for some fresh air . . . They asked me for your parents names. Were your dad worked . . . Well they left. And so did I real fast. Took off into the woods . . .


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