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Rescue Her Heart

Page 6

by K C Luck

  “You need new clothes of your own,” Nat said. “Go get dressed. There’s a big mall across the boulevard out front.” She smiled to soften her tone. “What do you say we go shopping? My treat.” Catherine started to smile too.

  “Really?” she asked.

  Nat laughed, letting all of the frustration over the situation she found herself in slip away. In her heart, she knew Catherine making things clear sooner rather than later was probably for the best. Now there would be no confusion.

  “Really,” Nat answered. Catherine leaped off of the couch and threw herself against Nat in a hug. Instinctively, Nat wrapped her arms around the woman and hugged her back. She could feel Catherine’s naked body through the fabric of the robe and closed her eyes to stop from reacting. Nobody said this was going to be easy, she thought. As much as she reasoned with herself, the chemistry was still there. It would just take time for her to snap out of it, or at least that was what she hoped. After patting Catherine platonically on the back, she stepped away. "Go on," she said. Catherine nodded and rushed off to her room to get dressed.

  THE MALL WAS GIGANTIC and packed with tourists. Every imaginable kind of shop was there. Electronics, jewelry, shoes, and clothes. Lots and lots of clothes. Catherine was like a kid in a candy store, pointing at items in every window and laughing with delight. Nat could not have been happier. "Haven't you been here before?" Nat asked at one point. "You grew up on Prospo, didn't you?" Catherine had sobered at the question, and Nat regretted asking it, but then the woman shook her head and smiled again.

  "It was a bit out of reach to come here," she said, and Nat thought it was a perfect answer.

  "Well then, I am happy to be the one to bring you here," she said and meant it with all her heart. She might not have a future with Catherine, but these moments were perfect. Catherine gave her a quick hug and then raced off to look in another window. Nat caught up with her and then she saw it. A drop-dead dress. It was a sheath of silver and would look fantastic on Catherine. "Come on," Nat said and took Catherine's hand. "We are going in here."

  "But Nat," Catherine said. "We can't shop here. It's the most expen—"

  "Don't say it," Nat said. "My credits work here as much as anyone’s." They stepped into the lobby of the department store and were surrounded by racks of classy, expensive, and beautiful clothes. Everywhere Nat looked she saw things Catherine would look spectacular in. A clerk came forward. She was an elegant female alien with a bob of silver-gray hair framing smooth skin tinged with a flattering hint of green. She was dressed impeccably, and Nat could see her light-yellow cat eyes took them in with a look.

  "Hello, may I help you?" she asked warmly with only a touch of an Heulian accent. Nat liked her immediately, especially when she considered how she and Catherine looked. Probably not a lot of girls in baggy sweatpants and a Space Ranger hoodie wander in here, she thought and was grateful there was zero judgment in the alien's entire demeanor.

  “Actually, I believe you can,” Nat said. “My friend lost her luggage and now needs some new clothes.” The clerk nodded and held out her hand.

  “You are indeed in the right place then,” she said. “I’m Ms. Violet. And who do I have the pleasure of helping today?” Nat took her delicate hand and shook it.

  “I’m Nat,” she answered and turned to Catherine. “And my friend is Catherine.” Ms. Violet nodded and held her hand out for the woman.

  “Please come with me,” she said as she started to take her along. “Is there something specific you want to start with?” Catherine looked back at Nat, her eyes wide with excitement. Nat gave her a wink.

  "She needs everything, Ms. Violet," Nat said to the retreating figures, one the picture of elegance and the other a rumpled mess. She saw Ms. Violet lean into Catherine.

  “Well, that makes it the most fun,” she heard her say. “We will start with the basics.”

  While Nat waited, she set up a tab with a substantial deposit of credits. Once that was settled, a helper was dispatched, and the shopping began in earnest. Sitting on a lounger with a glass of champagne in hand, Nat watched as Catherine came out to show off outfit after outfit. Everything looked perfect, and Nat could see why Ms. Violet was successful at her job. She was dressing Catherine in young, fashionable clothing with a flattering mixture of classy and sexy. As far as Nat was concerned, she could sit there all day and watch Catherine twirl in front of the mirrors, but when the helper, a flamboyant cat mutant named Jared, came with a fresh glass of champagne, he had a note for her. "What's this?" Nat asked taking the piece of folded paper from him.

  "It's from your lady friend," he purred with a sly smile. Nat set the champagne aside to read it.


  Nat laughed. Fair enough, she thought and waved Jared over. “Seems I need to find an outfit. What do you suggest?” she said. The cat mutant’s eyes widened with excitement.

  "With that body? Oh, honey, I have just the thing," he said and raced off. In a minute, he was back and waved for her to follow. When she saw what he picked, Nat had to admit, it was a hell of an outfit and was about the last thing she would have ever have picked out. Slipping into the cream-colored pants of leather so soft it made Nat think of butter, she had to admit they hugged her ass like a glove. The sleeveless chocolate brown rayon shirt was a perfect contrast and left her well-defined arms exposed. Taking it all in, Nat shook her head. There was no place in her life for an outfit as sexy as this one, but it was still fun to try it on. Getting ready to take it off again, there was a tap at the door. "Ms. Nat?" the helper asked. "Ms. Catherine wants you to show her what you've picked out." Nat snorted a laugh. It was not exactly like she picked it out, but it only seemed fair to go parade it for her. Stepping out of the fitting room, she saw Jared's feline features light up when he saw her. "Even better than I imagined," he said.

  “Thanks,” Nat said with a grin and decided to have some fun. “Don’t suppose you have a jacket that goes with this that I can throw on really quick?” Jared clapped his paws.

  "I do!" he said and sprinted from the room. He was back in thirty seconds with a supple leather jacket which brought it all together perfectly. Nat slipped it on and had to admit it felt terrific. I might be buying this piece for myself at least, she thought and with a smile started to make her way to the waiting area. As she hit the door, she mustered all her confidence and put a little swagger in her step. Catherine and Ms. Violet were waiting for her, and both stopped to stare. Ms. Violet smiled first, and with a nod of appreciation, Nat watched her wave the staff out of the room as she made a subtle exit. Now she and Catherine were alone, and when Nat saw what Catherine was wearing, she froze in mid-stride. It was the silver dress from the window and was so spectacular on her Nat was speechless. The two women stood and stared at each other for a moment and then Catherine came closer until they were only a few inches apart.

  "Nat, you look..." Catherine started and then she shook her head, clearly not sure what to say. Electricity filled the air around them, and Nat swallowed hard to try and keep herself in check.

  “Catherine, that dress...” she was able to growl out. Catherine nodded.

  “I knew you liked it,” she whispered. Nat raised an eyebrow.

  "I more than like it," she said. A bit of color rose to Catherine's cheeks, and it was just enough for Nat to get under control again. She stepped back and cleared her throat. "Well, I want you to get it," Nat said and started to turn away.

  “But where will I ever wear it?” Catherine said. Nat paused and thought about it. Then she looked back with a grin.

  "I know a place. We're going out tonight, and that dress will be perfect," she said and then walked back to the dressing room knowing she would be buying her clothes too. As the door closed behind her, Nat let out a long breath and rested her head against the mirror. God, I want that woman, she thought with a moan. She was playing with fire, and she knew it. Straightening up, she took off the jacket and started o
n the shirt when there was a tap at the door. "One sec," Nat said thinking it was the helper, but then the door opened, and she saw it was Catherine, only she was not in the dress anymore. Instead, she was in a lacy white bra and panties. Nat felt her jaw drop. "What are you doing?" she whispered to Catherine. With a playful smile, Catherine turned in a slow circle.

  "I just thought you should see these too, since you're buying them and all," she said. It was too much, and Nat let instinct take over. She grabbed Catherine around the waist and pulled her into the dressing room with her. Catherine let out a happy squeak of surprise.

  “Nat, what are you doing?” she asked as Nat pressed her up against the wall. She leaned in with her body and held Catherine in place with her hip while planting one hand on the wall on each side of her face.

  "What do you think you are doing, Catherine Porter?" Nat growled. Her heart was racing a million beats a second, and she was not sure what she was going to do next. Catherine tilted her head back and looked into her eyes.

  “I can ask you the same thing,” she said trying to sound confident, but Nat noticed the tremor behind the words.

  “I’m going to kiss you, that is what I’m doing,” Nat said and moved in closer until she could feel the heat from Catherine’s breath on her lips. Catherine gave a slight shake of her head.

  “No, you’re not,” she said. “We talked about this.”

  "You're standing in my dressing room in the sexiest damn bra I have ever seen. We didn't talk anything about that," Nat replied. Catherine licked her lips, and Nat knew the woman wanted to be kissed. She could feel it in her soul. But does she want all of me? Nat thought suddenly. Or is this just a big tease? Slowly, Nat backed away and a flicker of disappointment shown in Catherine’s eyes for an instant, but then it was gone. “You’re right. We talked about it,” Nat said. She rubbed a hand over her face and realized it was shaking. She laughed. “I love the underwear, Catherine. Please get it too. Thank you for showing it to me.” Catherine did not move for a second, but then laughed too.

  “You’re something, Captain Nat Reynolds,” she said as she opened the door. “But I’ll figure you out yet.” Then she was gone. Nat shook her head. Well, if she does figure me out, that will make one of us, she thought and started to get undressed.



  The shuttle lifted off smoothly, and Catherine looked out the window at the city below, awash with hundreds of thousands of lights against the dark night backdrop. It was mesmerizing. She had never really paid attention to it when she flew with her father in the past. But my eyes are opening to a lot of things lately, she thought. Turning to Nat, who looked stunning in her new outfit, Catherine smiled and took the woman's hand to squeeze it. Nat turned from looking out her window and raised an eyebrow. "What's that for?" she asked. Catherine giggled, simply overwhelmed with all of the excitement of everything she was experiencing.

  "Just a thank you squeeze," she said. "Don't worry." Nat grinned and shook her head.

  "I'm not worried, Catherine," she replied. "I just hope you like the place I'm taking you."

  "Why won't you tell me where we are going?" Catherine said. So far, Nat would not reveal details other than it was a satellite club with dancing. The idea they were going off-planet to a place was thrilling. Everyone knew the most exciting and upscale bars in the galaxy were those which revolved around Prospo. Plus, I am dressed to kill, she thought. The sheath dress of shimmering silver was a perfect fit and hugged her every curve. Nat's eyes had turned hungry when Catherine came strolling out of her room at the last minute before the shuttle arrived and it made Catherine feel powerful and sexy. Wherever they were going, she knew her look would attract some attention, and for once, she welcomed it. Why not have some fun? For too long her wardrobe was recycled designer jeans and sweaters from the second chance thrift store. People in high school were not fooled, and sometimes kids could be awful mean. If they could see me now.

  The shuttle arrived, and Nat jumped out to come around the landing platform to open Catherine's door. Flattered, Catherine held out her hand for Nat to take and exited with all the grace she could muster. As she looked up, she noticed a couple of women at the edge of the platform vaping and they were both staring at her. It was the same hungry look she noted with Nat back at the room. Blinking with surprise, Catherine did not know what to make of it. Where are we? she wondered and then saw the club’s sign. Sappho In The Sky Girl Bar. Her mouth dropped open with surprise. Nat had taken her to a lesbian club. Holding back from where Nat was trying to lead her by the hand, Catherine felt a hint of panic. I won’t fit in here. "Nat, I don't know if I can go in there," she said. Nat paused and turned back. Her look was warm and understanding.

  "I need you to trust me," she said. "Everyone here is open-minded about straight people, or at least as long as you are with me. I promise you will have fun tonight." Catherine knew she trusted Nat completely. With her life, in fact. Slowly, she nodded and squaring her shoulders, let Nat lead her forward and into the club. When they walked inside, Catherine's eyes widened. The place was wall-to-wall with females of every shape and size. Humans, aliens, mutants. They were all in attendance and intermixed in small groups and couples, yelling over the sounds of dance music spinning from a six-armed DJ in the corner. The best part though was no one gave her a second glance as she let Nat guide her through the throng to the bar, which was three layers deep with people ordering drinks.

  “This is crazy,” she yelled over the noise of it all. Nat leaned in close.

  “But you’re okay?” she whispered into her ear. Catherine thought about the question and realized she was fine. The place felt fun.

  "Yes," she answered. "But I can't believe you brought me here without telling me first. Very brave, Nat." Nat shrugged.

  "If you'd said no, I would have turned us right around and taken you somewhere else in a second," she said, and her face turned serious. "I never want you to do something you don't want to do." Catherine gave Nat's arm a hug.

  "I know. That's what I find so special about you," she said. "You make me feel safe." Their eyes held for a second and Catherine could tell Nat wanted to tell her something important, but then they were both enveloped in a friendly hug.

  "Hey!" said a stranger. "My God, is that you Nat? And who's this hot mamma? Yowza!" Catherine saw Nat grin as she turned to the stranger and laughed.

  "Vic Patterson. Well, I'll be damned. Fancy meeting you here," Nat said. Vic threw her head back and belted out a laugh.

  "You know I pretty much live here," she said. "But not you! What's it been? Three years?" Nat kept grinning.

  "Something like that," she answered and turned her attention to Catherine. "Let me introduce my friend, Catherine Porter. It's her first time." Vic's eyes narrowed playfully.

  "Ohhhh, a fish!" she said with another big laugh. "Well, welcome Catherine. That is an incredible dress." Catherine could not help but laugh along with Vic. The woman was hefty, probably well over three hundred pounds, and her relish for life was evident in every ounce of her.

  "Thank you," Catherine said. "But I'm not sure I like being compared to a fish." Vic patted her on the shoulder good-naturedly.

  “I’m sure you’ll be fine,” she said and turned back to Nat. “Come sit with us. I think you know everybody and we can make room.” Nat nodded.

  “That sounds perfect,” she said. “Lead on.” They all walked together to a corner of the club. Catherine tried to keep her nerves under control. She was not sure she was ready to meet a bunch of Nat’s friends, but if it made Nat happy, she would do it. I just hope I live up to expectations, she thought but then frowned. Although I'm not sure what those would be. We're just friends, and this is hardly a real date. Everything was always so confusing. Luckily, when they approached the large horseshoe shaped booth, everyone was happy to see them. A long-haired blonde at the center of it all, with a very masculine woman beside her draping an arm possessively over her shoulders, looked t
he most overjoyed.

  “Captain Nat,” she said. “If I live and breathe, you are the last person I expected to see in here. I thought you were on emergency leave?” Nat nodded.

  “A little R&R is all,” she said. “Long overdue.”

  "I hear that," the blonde said. "Well pull up a chair. And who's with you?" Nat put her hand on Catherine's back and smiled.

  "This is Catherine Porter. A new friend of mine," she said and looked at Catherine. "And this ringleader is my longtime friend Dee. She's a Space Ranger dispatcher."

  “New friend?” Dee asked, and Catherine did not miss the emphasis. Nat nodded.

  “Yes, friend, Dee,” Nat replied.

  “Well then come sit by me, Catherine,” a girl with slicked back black hair said happily as she slid over to make room.

  “My straight friend, Alex,” Nat corrected.

  “Oh,” Alex said. Then she shrugged and patted the seat beside her. “I’m sure it’s not catching.” Catherine giggled. Alex was fun and after a look to check with Nat, who nodded with a smile, she took her offer.

  “Nice to meet you, Catherine,” Alex said and held out her hand. Catherine shook it.


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