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Rescue Her Heart

Page 7

by K C Luck

  “You too,” she said.

  "Yes, nice to meet you," Catherine heard Dee say, and she looked up to say hello. The protective glare she found on Dee's face gave her pause. Clearly, Dee was not thrilled Nat was there with a new "straight just friend." Trying to look as innocent and reassuring as possible, Catherine smiled at Dee.

  “You as well,” she said.

  Undoubtedly sensing the chill in the air, Nat jumped in and made the rest of the introductions before offering to fetch everyone some drinks. "Nitro-gold tequila shots for everyone!" Alex exclaimed. Nat laughed.

  "Fine," she said. "Anything else? Catherine?" Catherine shook her head. It felt like a situation where she wanted to stay as in control of herself as possible.

  "Maybe just a coke?" she asked. Nat raised her eyebrows, but thankfully let it go as she turned to the rest. A few more orders were tossed out, and Nat left. Catherine felt her nerves tighten in her stomach at being left alone. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she looked to Alex, the friendliest of the group. "So how long have you known, Nat?" Catherine asked.

  "The real question is, how long have you known Nat?" Dee interrupted. Catherine felt a blush coming on but tilted her head with a touch of defiance.

  "Not long. She rescued me, you know," Catherine said. She saw Dee's eyes widen for a moment and then narrow.

  "Wait a minute. You're not the woman Nat risked her life to go fetch off of Taswa are you?" Dee asked. Now Catherine did blush. Seeing the reaction, Dee shook her head. "Oh, fuck me," she said frustrated. "Just what Nat needs. She always did have a hero complex." This time the heat rising to Catherine's face was a touch of anger.

  "Hey," she said. "You can criticize me if you want. But not Nat. I've never met someone more humble and kind."

  "True that," Vic jumped in. "And you'll have to excuse Dee. She's a bit defensive when it comes to her friends. Right, Dee?" Dee nodded.

  "You know it,” Dee said. “But especially Nat. Her last mission against the Space Pirates really messed her up, and the last thing she needs is...” She looked at Catherine and then paused as if finally realizing how mean she was coming across. "Well, she just needs some support and not head games." Space Pirates? Messed her up? Catherine thought.

  "What do you mean? What happened?" Catherine asked. Before Dee or any of the others could comment, Nat was back with a tray full of colorful liquids.

  "Here we go," Nat said cheerfully as she sat the different drinks around the table. When she put down the tequila shots, Alex slid one over to Catherine.

  "Nitro gold. Loosen everybody up a bit," Alex said as she gave everyone at the table a warning look, especially Dee. Dee saw it and shrugged.

  "Fair enough," she said and picked up the shot glass. Catherine shook her head.

  "I'm seriously going to pass," she said.

  "Oh, come on—" Alex started when Vic raised her hand.

  "Here comes trouble," she whispered to the group, and everyone including Nat turned to look. A gorgeous woman in a black dress as tight as Catherine's and a head of long deep purple hair was swaying toward them. Sexiness radiated off of her, and it only took Catherine a second to realize the woman was making a beeline for Nat.

  "Nat Reynolds," the woman cooed. "Where in the world have you been?" Catherine turned to look at Nat who seemed almost mesmerized by the appearance of the sexy stranger.

  "Hi Olivia," Vic offered up. "Good to see you." Olivia smiled, and it was all heat. She shifted her gaze from Nat and looked over the group until her eyes stopped at Catherine. Narrowing them a bit, Olivia looked Catherine up and down appraisingly. After a pause, she held out a perfectly manicured hand tipped with long burgundy nails.

  "I don't believe we've met," Olivia said. "I'm Olivia." Catherine instinctively stood up and took the woman's hand. When Olivia saw the silver dress, her eyes narrowed even more, and it made Catherine feel powerful.

  "Nice to meet you, Olivia. I'm Catherine Porter," she said and then tilted her head. "Nat's friend." Now Olivia raised her eyebrows and turned to Nat.

  "Nat, you devil. She's a little young," Olivia said with a sensual playfulness. Catherine saw Nat blush.

  "She's just a friend," Nat said. Olivia looked pleasantly surprised at the news.

  "Oh really," she said and then took Nat by the arm. "Well, then she won't mind if we dance." Olivia pulled Nat out onto the dance floor and slid her arms around Nat's neck. She started to sway to the music, her body moving dangerously close. In response, Nat took Olivia by the hips and began to follow her moves. Catherine slowly sat down, unable to take her eyes off the couple. A knot started to tighten in her stomach.

  "That's Nat's ex," she heard Dee say, and Catherine turned to look at her. "Cheated on Nat about three years ago when Nat was out on a six-month deployment. Tore her up a bit."

  "Yeah," Vic said. "She's trouble." Catherine saw Alex and the others at the table nod in agreement. Catherine turned back to watch Nat and Olivia. The music changed to something slower and sultrier. Olivia took full advantage and slipped even closer, pressing her hips suggestively into Nat's. With a glance over at Catherine, Olivia smiled and making sure Catherine was watching, started running her hands over Nat's shoulders. The two of them started to move together in rhythm to the music. It was the most sensual dance Catherine had ever seen.

  "You're just going to sit there and watch this?" Catherine heard Dee say to her and without looking, Catherine picked up the tequila shot from the table. In a swift motion, she downed it, picked up a second one and stood up. Oh, hell no, she thought and headed for the dance floor.



  Nat was conflicted as hell. Olivia. Curvy, sexy, Olivia, who was her ex, but who Nat knew was a tiger in bed. But she's a cheater, and you know it, Nat thought as the woman ran her hands over Nat’s shoulders and pressed her hips forward to make friction between them. God, that feels good. She had not realized just precisely how pent up with sexual frustration she was until this minute. There was never a time when Nat was more aroused than since she met Catherine. That woman really had her number, and Nat knew it. As Olivia leaned in, Nat could smell her perfume, and she closed her eyes, wanting the woman in her arms to be Catherine. Not Olivia. Catherine. The one who Nat wanted to touch and taste. And take. As she relished the fantasy, she heard Olivia whisper in her ear. It took a second for Nat to comprehend Olivia's question. "Have you fucked her yet?" Olivia murmured. "Does she scream like me?" Suddenly snapping back to reality, Nat opened her eyes and saw the woman dancing with her as the person she was and not who she was pretending to be tonight. Olivia was a bitch, and everything was a game with her. Nat was about to walk away from the dance floor when suddenly Catherine was beside them. She held a small glass of tequila in her hand.

  “Nat, you forgot to take your shot,” she said and then tossed her head with a little laugh Nat had never heard from her before. It did not travel to her eyes, which were shooting daggers at Olivia. “I think Alex will steal it if you don’t drink it now.” Even though Nat did not know quite what was going on, she was thankful for the interruption and took the glass.

  "Well, where's mine?" Olivia snapped. Catherine shrugged.

  "You weren't here when we ordered, but I'm pretty sure Vic has extra. You should go ask her," she said and smoothly cut between her and Nat. It was such a surprise to have Catherine suddenly so close, Nat almost dropped her drink. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a very pissed off Olivia stride away. The whole situation was crazy, but Nat knew one thing, and it was she was not going to waste the drink or the opportunity. She belted back the tequila and then tossed the glass to Alex who she saw was watching the entire interaction with a big grin on her face. Only Dee was not smiling, yet she did not look angry either. Nat could not read her face, and before she could make it out, she felt Catherine's hands on her face. "Look at me, Nat," she said. Nat obliged and saw a look of possessiveness in Catherine's eyes that sent a ball of heat straight through her. What has gotte
n into this woman? Nat thought but was not about to interrupt it. She gazed at Catherine and lowered her head until they were nose-to-nose.

  "Is this better?" Nat asked, and Catherine nodded a little. "Now hold me close. Like you were with Olivia." Nat raised an eyebrow but did as she was told and a little more. She slipped her hands onto Catherine's hips and then pulled her in with force. Once they were in full contact, Nat started to grind her hips with the music and took great pride in hearing Catherine gasp with surprise and pleasure. It was all Nat could do not to groan she was so turned on. Never had she wanted anyone as much as she wanted Catherine. Never. As if feeling the heat too, Catherine leaned forward until her breasts were brushing Nat's and they were riding the beat as one. Tilting her head back, Catherine looked up at Nat with half closed eyes.

  "Kiss me," she demanded, and Nat did not hesitate, trying to go slow but her heart was pounding. As soon as their lips brushed, Nat felt her entire body stiffen with desire. The heat coming off of Catherine was incredible. Not holding back now, Nat pulled Catherine even closer and kissed her with all the pent-up passion inside her. Slipping her tongue along Catherine's bottom lip before tickling it just inside her mouth, she heard a moan come from Catherine's throat. Encouraged, Nat plunged deeper and was rewarded by the tip of Catherine's tongue touching hers. Nat shuddered. It was too much. She pulled back and pressed her forehead to Catherine's while they danced.

  "Let's get out of here," Nat breathed. "Please." Catherine nodded, and without missing a beat, Nat gave a wave to her friends and then took Catherine by the hand to lead her out of the bar. The wait for the shuttle back to the planet was excruciatingly long as all Nat could think about was how Catherine's mouth tasted on hers. So luscious, she thought shifting from foot to foot as she held Catherine in front of her and tried to be patient. Finally, the shuttle made it, and Nat held the door as Catherine slid past her. Running to the other side, Nat got in, typed their destination into the GPS and for once was thankful the planet to satellite shuttles were unmanned craft. Nat wanted no distractions. As soon as she hit GO, Nat turned to look at Catherine. The woman's face was flushed, and her eyes were sparkling with passion. Without letting Catherine change her mind, Nat moved closer and pressed her face into Catherine's neck to nuzzle the soft, smooth skin there. As Nat let her lips slowly linger over the skin, she could feel Catherine's pulse beating. It was racing and knowing the girl was as turned on as she was, Nat pulled Catherine onto her lap. Catherine giggled at the unexpected move but did not complain. Nat decided to press things further.

  Reaching up, she turned Catherine to face her and looked into the woman's eyes. They were half closed with need and Nat did not hesitate. She pulled her in close and kissed her, slipping her tongue into Catherine's mouth just enough to make the woman moan. Bold now, Nat put her hand on Catherine's leg, only at the hem of where her dress had ridden up. The skin was on fire, and it took every ounce of Nat's willpower to go slow. Gently she moved her hand up until her fingertips were under Catherine's hem. Catherine broke off of the kiss and gasped. "Nat, what are you doing?" she asked.

  “Do you want me to stop?” Nat asked with a growl. Catherine paused.

  "I don't know," she whispered. Nat hesitated. Her whole body was aching to move forward, but she remembered what Catherine said in the hotel earlier. She was not attracted to women.

  “Do you trust me?” Nat asked. Catherine gave a little nod. “I promise I will stop whenever you say.” Nat did not wait for an answer and inched her hand higher onto Catherine’s thigh. Catherine slapped her hand down and stopped Nat’s progress. She held onto Nat’s wrist and moaned.

  “Nat,” she said. “I just—” Catherine did not finish and instead loosened her grasp on Nat’s arm. Slowly, Nat slid her hand higher. Her fingertips felt the lace of the white panties she knew Catherine was wearing and Nat closed her eyes to relish the moment.

  "Oh God," Catherine said in a breath. "Oh God." Nat moved slow, knowing at any second Catherine would say stop. She let her fingers brush lightly over Catherine's mound. It was swollen and moist. Catherine flinched, and Nat had to freeze to stifle a moan of her own. "Wait, Nat," Catherine whimpered into Nat's neck. Nat did, hoping the shuttle would hurry up with its descent. She wanted to get Catherine back to the hotel and undressed as quickly as possible. The thought of the woman naked under her made Nat shutter with lust. How can I want her so much? she thought. Nat was never shy about sex and knew passion, but Catherine had her head spinning and her knees weak. At last the shuttle arrived back at the hotel’s rooftop landing pad and stopped.

  "Are you ready?" Nat said before she moved. Catherine did not say anything, and Nat looked into her face. She saw tears.

  “I can’t do this,” Catherine said. “It’s not that I’m not turned on, but I am just not like that.” Nat felt a dagger of ice rip through her heart. How can she say it when she is sitting on my lap shaking with desire? Nat wondered feeling frustration rising.

  “But,” Nat started and then paused. Arguing would do no good. If Catherine said she was not ready, Nat would not press her. She just knew the night ahead would be long. “Okay,” she said. “Let’s just go back to the room and get some sleep.” Catherine shook her head.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she said. “I need to find another place to stay I think.” Now Nat’s heart really did ache. This was the last thing she wanted.

  "Where will you go?" Nat asked, and Catherine shrugged.

  “I have a few friends I can stay with. It will be fine,” she said and slid off of Nat’s lap. “You should go. I’ll just wait here and give you a minute.” Nat blinked. The girl did not even trust her alone in the elevator. Now she felt angry but checked it and pulled out her wallet. Taking out a few credits, she handed them to Catherine.

  “For the Ubercab,” she said and started to climb out, but then hesitated. Turning back, she noticed the anguish on Catherine’s face but forced herself not to react. Enough was enough. “Do you have your room key? You know, just in case.” Catherine nodded without looking at her and with that, Nat closed the shuttle door and stalked across the roof.

  Once back in the lavish hotel room, Nat was beside herself with frustration, arousal, and disappointment. She knew Catherine wanted her as much as Nat wanted Catherine, but the girl could not see past the labels. Who be it for me to fight that battle? Nat thought and wished there was more wine left. Slugging back what was there, Nat tried to figure out what to do next. A run sounded good. A pulse-pounding, grueling race down the street would do wonders for all her pent-up emotion. Unfortunately, it was after midnight, and even the streets of Prospo were not that safe. She would just have to work out in her room. Striding to her half of the suite, she yanked off her clothes and put on shorts and a sports bra. Then she dropped to the floor and knocked out twenty-push-ups. Transitioning immediately to a high knee sprint in place, she ran until she could hardly catch her breath and then dove back the floor for more push-ups. Almost frantically she pushed herself from one exercise to the next until her heart was racing and sweat was pouring off her body. It was not enough, and she kept going, wanting to pound out everything within her. The pain over the last year. The lust for Catherine. All of it.

  Finally dropping to the floor in a spent pile, she heard the front door to the hotel room open. What the hell? she thought and dragged herself to her feet to walk out into the front room. Catherine was standing there. She would not meet Nat’s eye. “I have nowhere else to go,” she said. Nat’s heart nearly broke at the defeated sound of the woman’s tone. It was all she could do not to take her in her arms, but she resisted.

  "It's okay, Catherine," she said instead. "You're welcome here. Always. Go ahead and get some sleep. I'm going to take a quick shower." Catherine looked up, clearly noticing for the first time Nat was half naked and glistening with sweat from working out. Nat saw the girl's eyes widen a little and she knew she looked good. Her muscles were swollen from the workout, and her body was ripped,
all of it accented by the glisten of perspiration. Nat smirked and took pleasure in seeing she was not the only one who was frustrated. "See you in the morning," Nat said and with that, headed for the bathroom.



  Catherine threw herself down on the bed and covered her face with her hands. She had ruined everything. How could I have let things go so far? she thought and moaned with frustration. Now all she had accomplished was hurting the one person who made Catherine feel special. Nat was the most incredible woman she had ever met. Don’t forget sexy, said a little voice in her head. "Stop it," Catherine said back to it and slapped her hands down angrily on the lavish bedspread. It was precisely that kind of subliminal thinking which was making her crazy and letting her do things she should not do. Taking a deep breath and trying to steady herself, she sat up and looked around the room. Her deliciously soft robe was thrown over the chair where it landed when she raced in to dress hours ago. She thought of the fun she had getting ready to go out and how excited she was to put on the silver dress. Catherine ran her hands over it now and felt the sleek fabric, so shimmery and sexy. I wore this for Nat. I wanted her to be attracted to me, but then I tell her no when things get too hot. Catherine stood up and shook her head angrily, realizing she was being nothing more than a little cocktease and hated herself for it. None of it was fair to either of them.

  Unzipping the dress, Catherine slipped out of it. She went to unclasp her bra and caught her image in the mirror. Delicate white lace. Innocent, but then not in the least. Just like me, Catherine thought and puffed out an annoyed breath. She pulled off the underwear and slipped naked into the robe. Knowing sleep would be impossible right now, she wandered into the front room, hoping there might be wine left. As she crossed the space, she could hear the sound of Nat's shower and the memory of the woman standing in her workout clothes all hot and ripped popped into Catherine's head. A bloom of heat flared low in her belly, and she growled with frustration. Her body kept betraying her mind, and it had to stop. Distracting herself, she went back to searching for the last of the wine but could not find it. She wondered if Nat had taken it into her suite and Catherine contemplated going in to look for it. Now, why would I do something as disrespectful as that? She bit her bottom lip and knew exactly why. As crazy as it was, she wanted to see Nat come out of the shower. Or I could even see her in the shower. The hot bloom she felt from before now turned into a throb which ran lower and she wavered. I could just help wash Nat’s back as a way to apologize.


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