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Rescue Her Heart

Page 8

by K C Luck

  Throwing caution to the wind, Catherine strode across the room and, hesitating for the briefest moment at Nat's bedroom door, opened it and went in. Steam billowed from the attached ensuite, and Catherine followed its trail until she was standing in front of the shower door. Licking her lips, she mustered her courage and let the robe slip to the floor. It was now or never, and she knew it. Taking the last step, Catherine opened the glass, and more steam billowed out, but through it, she could see Nat standing beautifully under the hot spray. With her head tilted back and her eyes closed, she looked a million miles away. Trying not to startle her, Catherine stepped into the shower and pulled the door closed. "Nat," she murmured. She saw Nat frown and then open her eyes. They widened with surprise.

  “Catherine, are you crazy?” she asked. “I’m only human.”

  "Shhhh," Catherine said and took the liquid soap from the shelf to pour it into her hands. "I just want to help wash your back. To say thank you for everything." She watched Nat's face to see if she should continue. A myriad of emotions rolled over it until finally the woman gave a nod and turned around. Catherine paused when she noticed the scars. There were four, all about two inches long, and looked like they were made by something hot. She could tell they were relatively new from the pink around the edges. "Oh Nat," Catherine said, feeling her heart hurt knowing what she was seeing was part of the story of space pirates Dee was trying to tell her at the club. Somehow, somewhere, a person had wounded this special woman, and it made Catherine furious to think about it. "Do they hurt?" she asked. Nat shook her head no.

  "It's okay, Catherine," she said. "You can touch them. Unless they freak you out.”

  “They don’t,” Catherine said and reached out to run her soapy hand across the muscles of Nat’s back. She felt the woman stiffen in response.

  “Just relax,” Catherine said and moved closer to use both hands now. Sliding them all along Nat’s shoulders, she felt the woman slowly loosen. Encouraged, Catherine trailed her hand down Nat’s spine and worked the lower muscles. “Does that feel good?” she asked.

  "You have no idea," Nat murmured, and Catherine smiled with satisfaction until she was finished. "Now my turn," Nat said as she twisted around to stand face-to-face with Catherine. Their naked bodies were so close to touching Catherine could feel the heat between them. She licked her lips and knew letting Nat touch her anywhere would be trouble. But I want it. I so want it, she realized and handed the soap over before turning to face the wall. There was a pause, and she thought for a second Nat had changed her mind, and then she touched her. The heat of the water, the woman's strong hands, the slippery soap. All of it felt exquisite, and a moan slipped out before she could stop it. Clearly encouraged, Catherine felt Nat move closer until now their bodies were touching.

  Catherine’s physical reaction was so intense it shocked her. Immediately her nipples tightened, and an ache ran between her legs. She felt Nat's hands still moving, only now they were sliding away from her back and coming around to cup her breasts. Nat teased the nipples gently, and Catherine felt her knees start to buckle. Too much, her mind screamed, but then Nat's strong arm wrapped around her waist and held her tight so she would not fall. The woman's other hand lingered at Catherine's belly, and there was no doubt what could happen next. Conflicted as hell, Catherine knew she had to stop this now, or there would be no turning back from it. "Are you okay?" she heard Nat breathe in her ear. Am I okay? Taking a deep breath, Catherine nodded and gathering all her courage, put her hand on top of Nat’s. Before she could back out, Catherine slid Nat’s hand down until it was on top of her sex. Even if she wanted to wait now, Nat did not let her.

  The woman pressed with a gentle finger until Catherine felt it slide her lips apart and left her clit exposed. Unable to help it, Catherine shivered with want. She felt Nat's lips kiss the side of her neck and her arm was still wrapped tight around her waist to hold her, but Catherine's real focus was on the woman's hand. The magical touch which was now tracing a circle around Catherine's clit, softly at first, but then started to add more pressure. Catherine shuddered. Never had she felt so on fire. Whenever she touched herself, it was good, but this sensation made her dizzy. Amazingly, Catherine realized the pleasure was only just beginning as now Nat used her fingertips to rub directly onto the pleasure spot in long slow strokes. The rhythm started to build a tightness in Catherine she never felt before. A longing for release filled her mind as Nat moved faster. Involuntarily, Catherine felt her hips buck against Nat's hand, pressing the touch even harder.

  "Oh my God, Nat," she said as the finger kept probing and prolonging the waves. "How are you doing that?" Nat growled behind her and kept going, faster and faster over the top of the clit. Her whole body quivering now, Catherine threw out her hands to brace herself against the wall and for a fleeting moment thought she should stop this before she lost control altogether. "Nat," she started. "I don't know -" It was too late. Everything inside her exploded, and the orgasm ripped through her with such force she let out a little scream of pleasure.



  “Why does everything feel so good with you?” Nat heard Catherine murmur and she opened her eyes to see it was morning. The woman was wrapped in her arms, spooning like they had back on the P-527 in what seemed like forever ago, but in reality, was almost no time at all. She felt Catherine rub her hand tenderly along her arm and the girl sighed. It was a sound Nat could wake up to every morning for eternity. But it won’t be, she thought and pulled Catherine into her a little tighter knowing time was short for them. I will face it all later. Just not now.

  "Good morning," Nat said in answer. "Sleep okay?"

  "Mmmmm," Catherine breathed. "Never better than this, which is crazy considering everything." Nat felt some unease at the comment, not sure how much the words reflected their ever more complicated relationship. As if sensing the change in her, Catherine rolled over and looked into Nat's face.

  "I don't mean you," she corrected. "Well, okay, maybe a little is you, but you're the good crazy. It's my father who is my real worry." Nat relaxed at the tenderness in Catherine's words but also wanted to know Catherine's story. Whatever made the woman worry was something Nat needed to hear.

  "Can you share?" she asked. Catherine let out a deep sigh and Nat could see the hesitation on the woman's face. "It may help," Nat continued. Nodding, Catherine sat up, realized she was naked and blushed as she pulled up the blanket. The look was so sweet, Nat chuckled. "Let me get our robes," she said. "And then I'll order us breakfast. We can talk on the balcony and watch the waves." Catherine nodded, and Nat hopped out of bed, unconcerned about her nakedness as she walked across the room to go fetch their things from the bathroom. When she returned, Catherine was looking thoughtful. "What is it?" Nat asked as she slipped on the white terrycloth.

  "I'll share if you will. I want to know who hurt you. About the scars," she said. Nat froze. It was about the last thing she wanted to talk about, but she also knew sharing should go both ways. Within reason, she thought.

  "I'll order room service," Nat said. "Then we can see." It was all she was willing to commit to for now.

  AS THE SOUND OF THE ocean rippled through the air and they sat on the room’s balcony, Nat sipped her coffee and watched Catherine eating her breakfast with relish. A double-stack of waffles with a mound of strawberries all bathed in whip cream. Taking another bite, Catherine closed her eyes and gave a little sigh. “How can this taste so good? What is it about this place?” she asked. Nat chuckled.

  “It is pretty impressive, I’ll agree,” Nat answered and meant it. Never in her life had she felt happier. Or more alive, she thought. Catherine's presence had a profound impact on her. Nat knew it, and frankly, it scared her. In less than forty-eight hours, the fantasy would be over, and Nat would be back in uniform ready for duty. But where will Catherine be? Who says we can’t make it work out? Nat sighed. Just about everybody in the galaxy, that’s who. Nat had worked hard to avoid getting e
ntangled in relationships with the one mistake being Olivia. Just like everyone predicted, the long stretches of time apart killed any closeness.

  Even though she knew Dee and the others wanted to tar and feather Olivia for cheating on Nat, she did not blame her. Nat just had not been there enough to satisfy the woman. Something she refused to put Catherine through. Assuming the girl even wants me that way, she thought. After last night, Nat had no idea where they stood, but the last thing she was going to do was ruin this moment together. The sweet normalcy of it touched her heart. Looking up from her coffee, Nat saw Catherine watching her. “Where did you go?” she asked. “You suddenly looked sad.” Nat put on a grin and shook her head.

  “It was nothing,” she said and noticed the breakfast plate was empty. “Wow, you killed those waffles.” Catherine leaned back in her chair still giving Nat an appraising look.

  “You’re changing the subject,” she said.

  “Maybe I was thinking about how I could talk you out of that robe?” Nat challenged hoping the aggressive pass would throw Catherine off the scent. As she watched Catherine blush and tug the robe closed, she knew it worked.

  “I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t make you look sad,” she murmured as she glanced away. Nat laughed. She has a good point, Nat thought and for a moment had a warm tingle run through her as she remembered the shower and feeling Catherine quivering against her. Maybe that is the best answer to any of this. Pick her up, carry her to bed and take her over and over until she is out of my system. Nat licked her lips at the thought, and this time Catherine laughed, still blushing but now with more heat than embarrassment. "Now I'm certain that was not what you were thinking," she said. "So spill it." Nat sobered, feeling the ache in her change from longing to sadness.

  "I was thinking I'm going to miss you," she said softly, but when Catherine's face fell, and she actually saw the first glisten of tears, Nat leaned forward to change the subject. "But I don't want to talk about it. What I want is to find out why in the hell you were trying to fly to Untas in a thirty-year-old ED-90?"

  "Okay," Catherine said as she wiped at her eyes. "So. My ED-90." She sighed. "I didn't have any other option. I need to go see my aunt about something." Nat frowned.

  "You couldn't take a public transport instead? They run at least four times a day. Albeit a long and uncomfortable ride, but far safer than the ED-90," Nat said. Catherine picked up her orange juice and did not meet Nat's eye.

  "I couldn't afford it," Catherine admitted as she took a sip. "Actually, I used the last of my credits to buy the ship I did have." She looked at Nat almost defiantly. "Nat, I won't hide it from you, I don't have a credit to my name." Nat paused to consider her words. What she said explained a lot, but also just added more questions.

  "But what about family? You mentioned an aunt," Nat asked. Now a sad look crossed Catherine's beautiful features, and Nat hated to see it but needed to know the answers.

  "My mother died when I was a child and my dad's a drunk," she whispered. "And now he's missing. I've looked everywhere for him. Bars, cops, hospital. He's vanished, and I am not sure if I think he's dead or just deserted me." Nat heard the hurt in Catherine's voice, and it made her angry. What kind of bastard does this to his daughter? Especially one as wonderful as Catherine? she wondered.

  “So how does your aunt fit in?” Nat asked. Catherine shook her head.

  “I thought she might know something so I called her. She was mad when I told her, but she also asked me to come to Untas and see her,” Catherine answered. “So, I was, by the only means I could figure out.” She looked up and smiled a little. “And then I met you.” Nat smiled back, but she was also calculating what to do to help Catherine. She would use her contacts to make sure Catherine’s dad truly had not been found dead in a ditch. Then she would get her to Untas. But how? Get her a seat on a transport? Nat thought. And just say good-bye? The idea of it made her stomach hurt. "Sorry to just dump all of this on you," Catherine said, breaking into Nat's thoughts. She was clearly embarrassed and lowered her head to hide behind her hair. In that instance, Nat realized how young and afraid Catherine was, and it made her wonder the girl's age.

  "Catherine, how old are you?" Nat said. Catherine looked up surprised.

  "Why?" she asked. "How old are you?" Nat shrugged.

  "Twenty-eight," she answered. "But I was asking you." Catherine hesitated and then with a blush admitted she was only eighteen. "I just graduated from school last month." Nat's mouth dropped open. Well at least she’s out of high school, she thought and remembered Olivia's crack at the bar about how young Catherine was, which Nat had disregarded as bitchy and not thought about it. Nat tried not to look as surprised as she felt but was too late.

  "What?" Catherine said with a hint of defensiveness. Nat raised her hands in mock surrender.

  "Nothing," she said. "I was just curious." It was a bit of a lie as the information was unsettling. Not so much the number of years difference, as it did not matter to Nat, but instead she was worried about the gap in life experience. Nat had been through space battles and the rigors of military life. She had survived rocky relationships and made lifelong friendships. Now Nat realized Catherine had none of it. "I was only making sure no laws were being broken," Nat said trying to make things a little more playful. Catherine blushed and looked away again.

  "Cute," she said. "Well, for the record, you're the first person to ever touch me like that." Nat froze. What is she saying? Nat thought as a mix of emotions raced through her. Nat cleared her throat. "So, uh, you're saying—" Catherine cut her off.

  "Yes, I'm saying I'm a virgin, and I've never..." she paused clearly searching for the right word. "Never felt like that." Nat swallowed hard.

  "You mean have an orgasm?" Nat asked. Catherine looked at her, and there was an intensity in her gaze.

  "Yes, Nat, you're the only one," she said.

  Nat had no idea what to say. Clearing her throat, she picked up her coffee cup and tried to take a sip. Her hand was suddenly shaking so bad, she had to set it down before she spilled it. She stared at the table. Never in her wildest imagination had she thought Catherine was so innocent. The passion Nat felt for her had nothing to do with being her first. But you are, so now what are you going to do? she wondered feeling an entirely new closeness to Catherine. And responsibility. "I don't know what to say," Nat said. "I hadn't realized." Suddenly she heard Catherine's chair pushing back and looked up to see the woman getting up to leave the table. Her eyes were snapping with fury.

  "Well, sorry to surprise you," she said as she headed for the balcony door. Nat jumped up and was beside her in a moment. She put her hands on Catherine's hips and turned her around so she could look into the woman's face. Nat hesitated unsure of what the right thing to say was, but then decided to just be honest.

  "It's a good surprise," she said and realized at that moment how true her words were as she remembered the feel of Catherine against her. Knowing no one had ever been with the woman filled Nat with a renewed passion. "I like being your first." Catherine slipped her hands around Nat's waist and leaned into her as she rested her head on Nat's shoulder. She sighed.

  "What we did," she started and then paused. "How it felt. Nothing was how I imagined it would be, but I wouldn't change it." Her words made Nat's heart ache. There was nothing she wanted to hear more than that confession, but it also filled her with fear. How can we make this work? she thought. Catherine was eighteen and had a world of experiences ahead of her. Being tied down to a Ranger who was gone six months at a time was no way to live. Nat thought for a second of saying exactly that, but then stopped. They still had a couple days. Anything could happen. Pulling Catherine in close and wrapping her arms around her, she kissed the top of her head.

  “I wouldn’t change it either,” she said. “You’re a special woman, Catherine.” Nat knew then she would do anything to help her.



  Catherine was restless. Nat was gone.
Off on some errands she had to do alone. It was all slightly mysterious, but Catherine guessed there was something to do with tracking down her father. When Catherine tried to come along, Nat asked her not too. It was clear she did not want Catherine on hand if the news was bad.

  And at this point, it has to be bad, right? she wondered. It had been well over a month, with no word and no sign of him. The thought she was possibly alone in the world clenched at Catherine’s heart. With her mother dead from an accident when Catherine was four and now her father gone too, there was no one she could turn to when it mattered. Other than Captain Nat Reynolds. Catherine sighed as she pictured the woman’s face. Nat was quickly becoming her world and Catherine had to admit she could not remember a time when she felt safer or happier. The woman was so strong and smart. And sexy. The thought caught Catherine off guard. She was still wrapping her head around the fact Nat was female. It never crossed her mind growing up she would fall for a woman. Not that Catherine had a problem with lesbians or any alternatives. The galaxy was filled with every variation of human and alien imaginable. Her high school was mixed, and one of her few friends was gay. Still, now that she thought of it, she rarely found herself particularly attracted to the boys either. It was more about the person and appreciating a good body, and Nat definitely fell into that category. The woman's physique was incredible. Remembering Nat walk boldly across the bedroom that morning to get their robes gave Catherine a bit of a tingle even. Yet therein was the real problem. Catherine had no idea how to make Nat feel as good and appreciated as Nat made her. Let’s not forget satisfied too.


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