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Unleashed Desires 0f A Noble Lady (Steamy Historical Regency)

Page 24

by Scarlett Osborne

  He counted down the days to the newly scheduled wedding ceremony with agonizing anticipation.

  Soon my long wait will be over.

  Chapter 38

  Emma chewed her bottom lip nervously as they made the trip once again to the estate in Derbourg. This time the trip was much simpler, just one carriage rather than the affluent four like before. In the carriage sat Donald, Emma, and Josephine.

  She had been worried about whether Donald had been ready to travel. It had been scant more than a fortnight since Donald had both been shot and almost drowned. She stressed to him that he need not push himself. That she was not going anywhere and they would be married no matter how long it took him to heal.

  But Donald insisted that they must be married as soon as he was strong enough to travel. Emma had blushed when Donald had told her that he wouldn’t be able to properly work, sleep, even eat until they found themselves wed. The truth was she had felt the same way, but her concern for the health of her betrothed was probably the only thing that could outweigh her desire to be close to him.

  In truth, his injuries were one of the threadbare reasons Emma hadn’t explored more with Donald. To have him touch her and explore her, made her feel that wonderful mounting pressure again.

  The carriage thrummed along slowly. The summer heat had grown high and thick as they neared the season’s middle. There had been frequent thunderstorms since the great one that had followed them both to London. But the storms since didn’t carry the darkness that the first one did. It felt warm and refreshing. The pitter patter on the roof of the carriage created a peaceful silence among the travelers, simply enjoying the presence of company and the sound of the distant thunder. The consistency of the storm had even managed to lull Josephine into an unplanned nap.

  Emma had been sitting next to Josephine and across from Donald but now that her escort had fallen asleep, she took the opportunity to quietly nestle herself next to him. Donald wordlessly moved over to accept her company, offering only a smile.

  Emma nestled her head into the crook of his shoulder, gently, to be mindful of his healing body. She enjoyed the sound of his steady breathing as it intermingled with the rain. He smelled of the tropical oils that the physician had given him for pain. It was medicinal but in a soothing way.

  She turned her head to look up at her beloved, and found him already looking at her. His honey-caramel eyes had always been one of her favorite attributes about him, and now those beautiful eyes were filled with love. She couldn’t help but stare into them, to lose herself in that love that was held for her and only for her.

  She braced her hands on his thigh to push herself up. His strong thigh supported her as she rose to meet his lips. The kiss was gentle and soft at first, meeting Emma with all the caring and love he held for her.

  But Emma burned with a passion that needed more to be quelled. Emma, giving Josephine a sideways glance to make sure she was still asleep, pressed more into the kiss. She felt the gentle rush turn to a burn as they explored each other’s mouths hotly.

  Emma wanted more and more. She had since the first time they had lain together. She wanted to lay with him as his wife. She wanted to feel his flesh touch her flesh, to feel his want for her and his need for her. She wanted that so much it almost frightened her. She had been taught about the nature of husbands and wives in love, but no one ever told her how strong the sensation would be.

  The more they kissed the more Emma’s thoughts drifted to what more she could have from Donald. Her hands roamed over his thigh, sliding to the inside to find his firmness once again before his hand stayed hers. “There will be time for that, My Darling,” he told her, his breath hot against her ear. She looked up into his eyes and saw that he was glancing nervously at Josephine.

  It was true, she didn’t have to wait for long.

  Only a short few more days until our wedding.

  But the shortness of it almost made the ache between her legs much more dire. A fire so close to being quenched yet it was demanded of her to wait.

  She planted another long and longing kiss on his lips. She needed Donald to know how much she wanted him, right there in that moment. But instead of conveying she learned something. She could feel in that kiss that Donald needed her just as much as she needed him.

  So she pulled away, a little, and was prepared to endure the agonizingly long carriage ride with her needs having to be put on hold once again. Donald reached out and squeezed her hand, assuring her that the longing she felt was indeed a pain they shared.

  Emma didn’t seek out more intimate affection from Donald, but she didn’t move back to her seat either. She still enjoyed his warmth and smell and the feeling of him being close, even after Josephine had awoken. Despite Donald’s slightly uncertain expression and nervous movements, she stayed next to him the entire time to Derbourg.

  * * *

  Emma flushed with pride at Donald’s welcome. He was heralded by not only his family, but by the servants as well. Many of the staff had been employed with the Stafney family since Donald was a young boy. Although many of them had the good grace to be considerate of Donald’s recovery, that resulted in a flood of questions to Josephine. Emma found it extremely amusing how much her lady’s maid was enjoying the attention but would never admit it.

  Emma was also touched by the warm welcome they received from Helt. Emma knew her betrothed’s valet only in passing, she had little chance to become acquainted, but found his commitment and concern for his lord rivaled that of the young Marquess’ parents. Helt had been the one to ask Emma about all of the lord’s medical needs, when his medicine needed to be administered, questions about bandages. Some might see this as a professional learning for the sake of his performance, but Emma could tell there was true caring there.

  There was a pulse underneath it all, though, and Emma could feel it. Matthew may not have succeeded in stopping the wedding but he may have tainted the affair. Not only had he betrayed Donald and Emma, but the families that had help raised him. He had left the scar of his betrayal on everyone there.

  No one would talk about it. No one wanted to. Everyone was hurt but no one wanted to risk possibly hurting Donald all the more. Which was why Emma knew she needed to say something to him. A gentleman’s wife, or soon-to-be wife, sometimes had to be the one to say what he needed her to, even without him asking.

  That evening she had found him preparing for the dinner. One final small affair to celebrate his good health before the guests started to arrive the next day. “My dearest, do you have a moment before dinner?” Emma asked from the doorway.

  He turned, smiling at her in pleasant surprise. He moved with a strength that had carried him before. She could never guess that he had been at death’s door only weeks before. “I always have time for you, My Dear.”

  She returned the smile, but only for a moment. The subject she wished to discuss left a bitter taste in her mouth. “It’s about Matthew.”

  Donald cleared his throat in discomfort. “I appreciate everyone's willingness to let the matter lie, but I too think it’s one that bears discussion.”

  “I am very worried,” Emma admitted. “I know the wedding will be one of the greatest events I ever get to experience, but I am worried that since Matthew was so close to everyone here that his betrayal has tainted the whole affair.”

  Donald was silent for a moment. “I was thinking on that as well. Worrying about it, if you will believe it.” He smiled weakly and Emma couldn’t help but return it. “I believe something must be done before tomorrow. To lift the spirit of dread that hangs over the whole affair. I understand why no one has brought up Matthew during my recovery. Appreciate it, actually. But we can’t deny what happened forever. ”

  “What do we need to do?” she asked.

  He looked down at her with a mixture of emotions that were hidden for her to distinguish from one another. Sadness, amusement, pride. His face was unreadable. But he placed his hand gently under her chin and planted a sma
ll kiss onto her lips before pulling back and grasping her hands in his. “Worry not, My Dearest, I have a plan.”

  Emma didn’t doubt Donald for a second, and let him lead them both down to the dining room.

  Chapter 39

  Donald had enjoyed his welcome-home dinner. It did much to alleviate the stress of travel and healing to know that he was back in his family home, surrounded by those who cared about him. Even his father seemed to be surprisingly considerate, more pity than anything, Donald knew, but it was still more than his father often allotted himself.

  After dinner, while everyone was discussing gathering for coffee in a sitting room, Donald had actually taken Lord Westfolk aside. “If you have a moment, My Lord, I would like to speak to you in private.”

  Lord Westfolk looked surprised but nodded, following Donald to a spare study that was kept for his father’s employees when they visited from London. Donald gestured for his future father–to-law to sit. “Would you care for some brandy?” he asked the other lord. “I have been using it to help with the ache in my shoulder, but my Father keeps good brandy in here to encourage his employees to feel at home.”

  “If you are offering, I prefer a drink to coffee after dinner,” Lord Westfolk admitted.

  Donald held out the glass for him and took a seat in the high-backed chair across from him. This was the chair that was usually reserved for his father during meetings but, despite sitting across from an elder and the father of his betrothed, he felt now that he filled it well.

  “I must confess to a bit of a conundrum,” Donald said before he took a sip.

  “Another one?” Lord Westfolk tried to ask with a bit of levity. “I know you Stafneys have a penchant for a dark attitude, but you’ve been through enough recently, My Lord.”

  “Unfortunately, like most things, this is all related,” he said with a sigh before taking another sip. “With my business operating back at its previous capacity I find myself again flourishing, but with a caveat.”

  “A caveat?” Lord Westfolk asked.

  “How can one enjoy success when it comes at the cost of one’s dearest friend? I have plucked the rot from my business and it costs me dearly.” Donald was filled with a brief melancholy as he watched the golden liquor swirl in his glass. He had worked through his grief over Matthew in his weeks of bedrest, but he doubt he would ever be able to entirely shake himself of his feelings of the matter. Nor would he truly want to.

  “That is certainly a conundrum, no doubt about that.” Lord Westfolk’s voice was hesitant, clearly uncomfortable in discussing the matter of Matthew’s betrayal with someone who felt it so much more than he had.

  “Which is why I have concluded that I have to do something with the profits. Something that will clean them of the discomfort that they bring with them,” Donald told the Lord, who was giving him a slightly quizzical look, still not having figured out his role in all this. “I think paying off your debts would be the wisest use of the capital.”

  Lord Westfolk sat and stared at Donald, clearly taking some time to process what he had just said. “Excuse me, My Lord, did you just say that you wanted to pay off my debts?”

  “I did.”

  “I cannot possibly accept that.”

  “You must. In fact, I think you have little choice in the matter.”

  “I appreciate the gesture, My Lord,” Lord Westfolk stuttered, “and forgive me for being so forward in asserting this, I believe you are acting out. Having near death experiences often makes people act irrationally. I once had a friend who—”

  Donald held up a hand to stop Lord Westfolk. “I can assure you I am in my right mind. I simply wish to use this money to do some good. I know it seems like I am doing something that I believe I am obligated to do in marriage, but that isn’t my reasoning. I know that the reason for your debt is in respecting the wishes of your tenants and the way they wish to do business and live their lives. I see that as a truly generous act on your part, one I am arguably taking advantage of.”

  Donald continued, trying to downplay his choice. “Speaking frankly, the debt is a convenience. It is a way to spend the money in a way that I know will do good. Will you give this to me, My Lord? Consider it a gift for the wedding.”

  Lord Westfolk was quiet and thoughtful now. “I will accept your wish to do this for your own reasons, but I will not accept this as any sort of favor to you. This is a gift to me and a great one at that. A gift that I, as a result, will forever be indebted to your kindness. And although it is not a debt that I take lightly, it is a debt I accept happily.” The older lord turned his head and wiped his eyes.

  Donald smiled and shook his head. He wanted to tell his father-in-law that he would not accept him simply trading one debt for another, but this was not the time for that. He simply wanted to breathe easy and accept the relief that came with doing a good thing with his success.

  “I suppose we should rejoin the others,” Lord Westfolk said huskily. “They will be waiting on us and we will all want to retire early tonight. Tomorrow will be a big day. You have relieved me a great deal, Donald, not only in the debt but also getting to see my daughter so happy.”

  “Your daughter makes me as happy as she makes you,” Donald said, smiling and standing, gesturing to the door so they could rejoin the rest of the soon-to-be-joined family.

  Chapter 40

  Donald thought he might have trouble sleeping, knowing the excitement that would be greeting him the next day, but that wasn’t the case. He slept soundly, rest brought by the relief from the conversation he had with Emma’s father the night before.

  The relief was evidently contagious as he noticed that the cloud of recent events that had hung over the estate was not present at breakfast. His efforts to clean himself had clearly spread throughout his loved ones. The Stafney were known for carrying powerful moods with them, perhaps it worked with optimism as much as pessimism. Donald had never had an opportunity to try it in the reverse.

  Then the carriages started to arrive.

  Many of the guests were acquaintances of the betrothed’s parents. Normally the continued socialization and the welcoming before the festivities would have felt incredibly draining on Donald, but he found himself enjoying standing next to Emma and greeting people with her.

  At first he was ready to chalk it up to Emma sharing her brightness and warmth with him, giving him a strength that she would lend to him every day as his wife, but that wasn’t the complete picture.

  Donald had spent the last year learning to be the social gentleman he had always desired to be. He had no choice if he wished to run the business in Matthew’s absence, a need that was all the more compounded now by the recent events. But Donald was proud of his ability to grow. He could quibble and banter with the most silver-tongued gentlemen now, or at least that was how he felt on his wedding day.

  Two guests managed to catch Donald off guard. The first was one that had simply slipped his mind in all the commotion with Matthew, the Duke of Castron. The Duke had been heavily involved with arrangements of flowers in Donald and Emma’s absence. He took particular pride in arranging the one that accented the centerpieces.

  But all the talk of flower and arrangement seemed so far away as Donald’s mother updated him. Now everything was solidified in front of him, as the Duke and Duchess stood in the foyer of the Derbourg Estate.

  “Your Grace, you honor us with your presence,” Donald said with a deep bow.

  Emma matched his bow with her own polite curtsy. “I am humbled and eternally grateful for the beauty you’ve brought to my wedding day.”

  “No thanks necessary. In fact I should be thanking you for the honor of being at one of the most prestigious events of the season,” the Duke chuckled which caused Donald to quirk his eyebrow in confusion. “Oh well, I guess you were laid up in bed the last time you were in London, you are the talk of the ton, My Lord.”

  Donald cocked his head to one side. “From my incident at the pier? I hardly did more th
an get shot and tossed into the ocean.” Donald fought the indignant edge in his voice, knowing that his offense had no place being aimed at the Duke.

  “Considering that few gentlemen do more with their lives than trade stories at the clubhouse, you’ve given them enough to gab about for ages. I daresay, the only thing that would have stopped you from becoming a hero in the eyes of the high born is if you had die—”

  The Duke of Castron’s words were cut off by the Duchess gently grabbing him by the arm to continue them down the line to the estate’s ballroom. “It is always a treat to see young love, and seeing my husband’s work appreciated is an added bonus.” she said pleasantly as she escorted her husband away.

  Almost immediately, following was the last person Donald had expected to see at the wedding. Lord Gallanville arrived dressed as ostentatiously as usual.


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