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Unleashed Desires 0f A Noble Lady (Steamy Historical Regency)

Page 25

by Scarlett Osborne

“Lord Stapleton, Lady Emma,” he said loudly as he approached the hosts of the prestigious event. “I am expressly and extremely grateful that you invited me to your wedding.” He offered a low bow to Lady Emma, and only Lady Emma.

  “We are honored to have you,” Emma said.

  Donald, on the other hand, said nothing at first, and it was up to Lord Gallanville to initiate the conversation.

  “It’s quite all right, Lord Stapleton, you can tell me exactly how you feel about having me here.” Lord Gallanville told him with a wry smile. Donald searched his face to see if he was leading him on, but the viscount seemed genuine.

  So Donald took him up on the offer. “I don’t know how I feel about having you here. You saved my life and I consider your actions honorable. I am thankful and I know that I am indebted to you despite our past confrontations. ” Donald shifted from one foot to the other. He couldn’t deny that he felt a begrudging respect for the gentleman, but he didn’t have to like it. “So...”

  “So?” Lord Gallanville asked.

  “So, where do we stand?” Donald asked.

  “Well, don’t worry, I’m not going to let any kind gestures on either side get in the way of our business rivalry. Though I will assure you that I do have standards about how to deal with my competitors. I came to promise you that I will never shoot you.”

  The joke was certainly in bad taste but Donald couldn't help but laugh and laugh hard. He laughed so hard that he surprised Emma.

  After everyone had been tip toeing around the subject, having this gentleman address it so frankly and with an attempt at humor was deeply refreshing to Donald. He didn’t want to find himself coming to like Lord Gallanville, but sometimes such things are unavoidable.

  Lord Gallanville shared his laughter for a while before continuing. “Jokes aside, I must admit Lord Stapleton, I am envious.”

  Donald stiffened lightly at this comment, thinking that Lord Gallanville was referring to Emma, but the Viscount saw his discomfort. “Not for the lady, not any more than a normal male with blood pumping in his veins.” He appeared to ignore the cautionary looks the guests to the left and right of the couple were giving him at his crass remark. “No, I mean I am envious of your marriage. I used to think the idea sounded extremely unappealing to a gentleman who values freedom as much as I do. But seeing you two so happy together gives me second thoughts. Perhaps by the end of the party you two will have won me over.”

  “I think of you as of genuine character,” Emma commented, once again catching Donald off guard. He would have been angry at this remark if he didn’t trust Emma’s assessment of people so fully. Perhaps he was wrong. “I’m sure there are plenty of high-born ladies who would be more than interested if you came to court.”

  He smiled sheepishly. “You flatter me, My Lady, and on your wedding day. You should be the one swimming in compliments. Too much kindness is bad for you, you know,” he said enigmatically, and just as suddenly as he approached them, he disappeared into the crowd heading toward the ballroom.

  Chapter 41

  Emma had finally been able to wear the dress that had been waiting for her at the Derbourg Estate for a few weeks now. Mr. Lewiston had delivered it in the time frame he had promised, despite Emma’s absence at the estate and her being sure that the dressmaker had known about the delay of their wedding.

  As she stood next to Donald, she had never felt more beautiful than right now. At first she thought it was the dress, since it was certainly the most beautiful thing she owned. It was intentionally modeled after the yellow dress she had worn to the Duke’s ball, but this one was much higher quality and much more extravagant. It almost fell outside the purview of Emma’s tastes, but it was so beautifully crafted that she absolutely loved it. The dress was relatively simple except for one important accent. Yellow bows made their way up the skirt, climbing from the hem to her hip in a pattern that traced back and forth across her body.

  The dress wasn’t why she felt so beautiful, though. It was Donald. Looking so handsome and so strong in his fine suit, the colors of the trees in autumn, she knew the truth. Their love made them both beam, bringing out Emma’s beauty so that she glowed compared to all the other ladies there. It had been so many weddings she had witnessed, she simply hadn’t realized that it was inherent to the couple, not the event.

  They stood now in front of the guests. Emma felt like her senses were all over the place. She could smell the feast they were cooking in the kitchen. She could hear each whispered conversation in the ballroom overlapping with one another, along with every gasp at the decorations and every tap of excited feet. The tightness of the new dress felt even more constrained as her breath quickened. She felt faint.

  And then suddenly, Donald was there. His hand clasped around hers firmly. The squeeze he gave her grounded her and she looked up to meet his gaze.

  “It’s time, My Love. Are you ready?” he asked quietly.

  Ready to be your wife. Ready to kiss you and touch you and to do everything with you and for you.

  The priest would read them the words that he had read to hundreds of people before. Promises to keep each other no matter the trials they faced. To be at each other’s side through injury and doubt. The thin of life as well as the thick. After everything they had been through to get them to this point, Emma had no doubt they would be able to weather it all as Lord and Lady Stapleton. She was also excited to enjoy the benefits of being Lady Stapleton, especially to share a bed with her handsome husband.

  The ceremony, for all of its build, seemed over all too soon for Emma’s tastes. She had felt swept up in its grandeur, in the promise of all her new life had to offer. The anticipation culminating in a simple kiss, and now she had the rest of her life to follow that moment. It was beautiful, but there was a greater and deeper sense to it that Emma couldn’t quite articulate even to herself. A desire to always have Donald and to always be able to have Donald. To kiss him. To touch him. To feel him pressed against her in the middle of the night.

  The book, though, that was truly the important thing, or at least that was what everyone had come for. Their names printed in that book made everything official. It would be the documentation generations from now that their descendants would be able to point back to and say this was the moment. This was when they made the big decision.

  Emma picked up the pen, to sign after Donald. She admired his signature for a moment, it had many strong and broad loops and she was excited to put her smaller signature next to it. It was a simple joy, considering the greater context, but a meaningful one for Emma.

  They had made one small addendum to the ceremony, at Emma’s request and Donald’s insistence. They wished to stroll once around the garden before they would join in with the festivities. Emma wanted this so their first moments as husband and wife would be spent together, so they could always look back to that singular moment as the true beginning of their union. And what Emma wanted, Donald wanted to give her. It was a somewhat unusual request, but not an unreasonable one.

  Despite the frequent rainstorms that had been plaguing the area that summer, the weather for their wedding had been blessedly warm and dry. The earlier rains had actually helped fill out the lush garden with green leaves and beautiful blooming flowers.

  It reminded Emma of their walks in Fyre Glen. She didn’t really want to think of Matthew on this day of all days, but chose to preserve that memory. Her walks with both of them were some of the happiest moments of her life, and she wanted to preserve them, not dismiss them.

  Wouldn’t it be nice to have our wedding night right here in the lush garden? We wouldn’t even have to wait for tonight, really.

  Emma flushed at the thought of his touch. She knew it wasn’t appropriate but was still happy to revel in it. For now they got to share this moment of floral bliss together. Beautiful fragrances mingled together around them.

  There was a stone bench placed in front of the fountain purely for the sake of its admiration, the clear water was runn
ing in full glory for the wedding day, and Emma asked if they could take a seat.

  “Are you sure you want to take our time? Our guests are waiting,” Donald asked, but his tone was playful. He was clearly not in a hurry.

  “It is our day. Our guests can give us this small moment as a gift. They are still preparing the dining room for the dinner. And to that point, we are staying for our wedding dinner, yes? I do not know if we must leave sooner for sake of travel but all the food does smell amazing. It would be a shame not to at least sample it.”

  “We aren’t going far,” Donald said cryptically. “I intended for us to celebrate and put off our honeymoon travel until tomorrow. Besides,” he winked at her, “I wouldn’t want to disappoint any of my new-found admirers.”

  Emma giggled and gently patted Donald’s arm. “Oh, I do not envy your reputation right now, even if it is good.”

  “It will fade in time. I don’t plan on more heroics any time soon,” he assured her. “The bravest thing I’ll be doing is taking on all the responsibilities of the company for the foreseeable future. Which will keep me securely in my office.” Donald looked thoughtful for a moment. “Then again, my last bullet was taken during business hours, so who’s to say?”

  Emma gave a playful little huff and patted Donald gently on the arm. “I certainly had enough adventures for our entire marriage already and we weren’t even married when it happened.”

  Emma took an immense amount of comfort as she thought about her future with Donald. She would always have him to take care of her and she would always be there to take care of him. She turned on the bench, she was briefly reminded of the day they were engaged, and planted a kiss on his lips.

  Not the modest peck she had performed in front of the guests but a fully impassioned kiss. A kiss she had been saving for Donald, for her husband, for months now. She pressed firmly against him, gripping his chest as she leaned into him for balance. When she finally pulled away after several long moments, she left both of them gasping for air.

  Donald stared at her, eyes full of love. “You are the most beautiful flower in any garden I have ever seen.”

  Emma smiled and was filled with a happiness she had only known with Donald. He stood and offered her his hand. They walked back into the ballroom, where their new life as husband and wife awaited them.


  Emma had slept in the bed she had been sleeping in since they began their visit in Derbourg. Emma had expected Donald to share their marriage bed that night, but instead he asked if they could sleep in separate beds for just one more night.

  She didn’t understand, and was almost hurt at first, but Donald explained that he wanted their first night together to be during their honeymoon. There they would be truly alone and would be able to enjoy each other’s company to the fullest, rather than having to rush and fumble around the large amount of guests. He wanted the thing they had been waiting for to be meaningful and perfect with no chance of being spoiled by happenstance.

  Now they were in a carriage packed heavily with everything they would need and they were leaving very early in the morning. The mist and fog still swirled around their feet as they made their way across the grounds. They had already said their goodbyes the evening before. That had been Donald’s idea but one that Emma had appreciated. She wanted the time after her wedding to be fully devoted to her husband.

  “Are you going to tell me where we are honeymooning now?” Emma asked with as much enthusiasm as she could, considering she was half asleep. She stifled a yawn, though. She didn’t want Donald to think she was not the most excited she had ever been in her life.

  “Do you want to know? I’ll tell you if you want to know but you’ll be ruining the surprise,” Donald told her with a wink that made Emma huff.

  “If you are going to tease me then this place should be amazing,” she warned, but the warning was playful and toothless. She was determined to have a good time with her husband no matter where they ended up.

  Honestly the chance to sit alone with Donald in the carriage was worth the mystery. She sat across from him in silence, enjoying his company but after a little while she decided she wanted more. She tapped her foot gently against his to get his attention.

  “I suppose I could sit anywhere I want now,” Emma said and looked thoughtfully at the spot next to Donald. “Though I think I have a suggestion that you will really enjoy.” Emma smiled mischievously before climbing across the cabin and settling right onto his lap.

  “Emma!” Donald let out an exclamation of surprise and excitement. “What do you think you are doing?”

  “Simply choosing the best and most comfortable seat in the carriage. Why? Are you not comfortable? I can move,” she asked hesitantly. She had been confident before but now that she was sat promptly in his lap, suddenly she was flooded with uncertainty.

  “Don’t you leave that spot,” Donald said, growling playfully and grabbing her by the hips, gently pulling her whole body back against him, causing her to let out a playful squeal.

  “Ah, Donald!” Emma said, as she tipped back, causing her skirts to kick up in a flurry of fabric. What’s more, Emma could feel Donald’s throbbing heat pressed up against the seat of her skirt. She gasped, but instead of pulling herself forward, after a moment’s hesitation she pushed herself onto it more.

  If only I was wearing less right now, I could feel just how hot it is.

  Emma found Donald’s lightly stubbled face pressing to her neck. She let out another excited mixture of laughter and squealing. His face tickled her sensitive skin at first. Her laughter turned to light breathy gasps as his lips began to kiss her neck up and down.

  Emma’s gasp became a full moan when she felt her husband’s fingers dig into her shoulder and pulling her dress aside so he had access with his lips to her bare flesh.

  Emma was forced to turn away from Donald in order to help him reach as much of her skin as he can. She was grateful that the countryside they drove past was occupied, as anyone looking through the carriage windows would be able to see this indecent display. And she certainly didn’t want to stop.

  On a second glance, one Emma almost missed as Donald distracted her wonderfully by dragging his teeth along her shoulder, she realized that she recognized this place but she couldn’t place it.

  “Donald, where are we going?” she asked breathily.

  Almost as if on cue, the carriage came to a halt and the voice of the coachman called out to them. “We are here M’Lord. I’ll begin unloading your belongings inside.” Donald let out a brief call of acknowledgment before returning to his ministrations on the soft skin of the neck of his new wife.

  Emma giggled and pushed away. “D-donald.” She gasped as he pulled her back into his reach. She debated internally over and over again over what needed to be sated more; her body or her curiosity. “Donald, I want to see where we are,” she said weakly and this gave him pause.

  “Sorry, My Love. This is a surprise I’ve actually been looking forward to. Just got a little caught up,” he said with a smile and gently assisted her off of his lap, as reluctant as he was.

  He stepped off the carriage first in order to offer his hand to her. When she followed him she was floored by memories all at once. She knew exactly where they were. “The summer cottage! Oh Donald, it’s been so long!” she cried in excitement.

  “More than eight years, I believe,” he nodded in agreement.

  The pristine and pleasant white cottage sat a little more than a stone’s throw from the carriage. The cottage was enclosed by a stone wall and between the wall and the cottage itself was the most beautiful summer garden Emma had ever seen. Butterflies fluttered around flowers of every color of the rainbow. Just beyond the cottage itself was a small glimmering pond. A small pier led off shore into the pond and there was a little rowboat tied to it.

  Emma couldn't say that the summer cottage was exactly as she remembered it. In fact it was expressly different. The cottage’s white walls glistened a
s if freshly painted, the pier looked freshly constructed. Even the garden looked recently well cared for.

  “I had them start preparing it for our honeymoon as soon as you agreed to our engagement,” Donald whispered into her ear and she turned to look at him with a face full of glee. He returned her excited smile. “The cottage hadn’t held up terribly well, much of it had to be rebuilt. But it’s perfectly livable now. Dare I say cozy,” he chuckled.

  The summer cottage was a part of the Derbourg Estate that was often unused. Easily accessible from the main house via horseback it became the unofficial meeting house for the trio of friends. It was not kept up by any sort of staff so the youth took it upon themselves to maintain it as best they could. As they became older, however, and education and societal performance took priority, they visited the cottage less and less. Eventually it became a pleasant memory to reminisce about rather than act upon. That was until now.

  “Oh Donald, it’s all so wonderful!” Emma cried and wrapped her hands around his neck, planting a large kiss upon his lips. She only stopped when she heard someone clear his throat behind them. She turned to find the coachman waiting patiently.


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