Straddling States: A Contemporary Ranch Cowboy Romance (Western Valley Love Book 1)
Page 9
Amber tried to push the thoughts aside, and quickly finished the signs. She took them back to the barn and stuck them to the buckets before placing them around the room. Callie and Mason had finished with the decorations, and the first few people had begun to file inside, including Peter and his wife.
“Amber!” Peter exclaimed when he saw her. “This is such a wonderful thing you’re doing for Jesse. I commend you for your charity.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her cheek before pulling her in for a hug.
“Thank you, Peter,” she said as she pulled away. “It means a lot that you came.”
“Oh, I’ve known young Jesse for years. His ma and pa always helped me when I needed it. It’s only right that I should do the same.”
“Thank you,” Amber replied. “I’m just going to make sure everything else is ready. Please excuse me.”
She left Peter and his wife to it, and they began to set out all the food they’d made for the party on the tables while Amber sought out Carol Ann once more. She found the blonde woman helping Mason plug the stereo in and find a radio station that played any half decent music.
“Carol Ann, is it time yet?” she asked, feeling a little nervous and impatient.
The other woman must have sensed it. She approached Amber and gave her a reassuring hug. “I’ll go collect him in the truck in a minute, okay?” she told her. “I promise, everything is going to be okay.”
“Are you sure?” Amber asked. “What if he hates it?”
Carol Ann laughed. “I know my baby brother, Amber, don’t you worry. He’s not going to hate it.”
Amber smiled, feeling a little calmer after some reassurance. Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of an acoustic guitar playing over the radio, and Mason cried out in joy.
“I got it to work!” he said.
“Good job, baby,” Carol Ann replied before turning her eyes to the door and seeing more and more people filling the room. “Looks like we’re all set. Are you ready, Amber?”
Amber had never been more ready for anything in her life.
Chapter Sixteen
Amber waited in the middle of the room as people from all across Valley Springs, and even from a couple of neighboring towns, began to eat, drink, and converse while they waited for the guest of honor to arrive. Amber wasn’t comfortable enough to do anything like that. She was sure that if she ate something, then she would just throw it back up. Instead, she tapped her feet on the dirt floor and began to bite her nails.
It had been fifteen minutes since Carol Ann had left, and Amber was certain that she should have been back by now. After all, Jesse’s house wasn’t that far away. If he wasn’t here already, did that mean he didn’t want to come? Or maybe he suspected Amber was here and wanted to avoid her?
These niggling questions kept eating at her until she couldn’t bear it anymore. She turned and walked to the far end of the barn where it was dark and quiet. There was a hay bale there and she sat down on it, relaxing her restless feet. In the quiet, however, Amber’s thoughts felt louder. She was debating with herself about getting up and occupying her hands with something — anything — when a loud cheer came from the people in the barn, followed by applause.
She scrambled to her feet and darted toward the crowd. She lifted her head and tried to get a glimpse of him over the people in front of her, but she couldn’t.
“Excuse me, pardon me, coming through,” Amber mumbled to the people surrounding her as she began to push past them. Her heart was beating so fast and hard it almost hurt. The sound of merriment and music filled her ears and everything was so overwhelming, but she was determined to get to Jesse. She had to see him. It had been too long.
“Thank you, Carol Ann, I can’t believe you did all this for me,” a familiar, husky voice said and it made her heart soar.
“You don’t have me to thank,” Carol Ann replied with amusement laced in her voice. “This wasn’t my idea. I wasn’t even the person who set it all up.”
There was silence for a moment before Jesse replied, “Then who was?”
At that exact moment, Amber managed to emerge from the last row of people surrounding Jesse and she stood before him, red, hot, and a little sweaty from the way she’d raced toward him. She looked at him and smiled weakly, hoping beyond all hope that she wouldn’t be rejected.
A beat of silence passed. Then another one. Both Carol Ann and Amber were watching closely for Jesse’s reaction and for a moment, Amber didn’t think Jesse was going to say anything. Then he opened his mouth.
“You came back?” he asked in a quiet voice, taking a step toward the disheveled redhead.
“I did.”
“You came back because you felt sorry for me?” he asked, his expression hard and suspicious.
She shook her head. “No. I came back because I love you, Jesse. I want to be with you. I want to understand you and your world. I don’t want to run away from this anymore.”
Jesse didn’t say anything for a second and Amber felt like she was going to explode. Then he took another step forward and wrapped his arms around her. “I should have never let you go,” he whispered, and suddenly, everything felt like it was going to be all right.
They clung to one another for a long time after that in silence. Amber just enjoyed feeling his presence again after what felt like so long without it. Finally, when she drew back, Amber smiled up at him.
“Well, what do you think?” she asked with a bright smile.
Jesse looked around the room. “I think this is wonderful, Amber. I can’t believe you put this together all for my sake,” he marveled. “I don’t know how I’ll ever make it up to you.”
Amber giggled. “I can think of a few ways,” she teased with an easy wink. “Besides, it would never have been possible without you. You have no idea how much everyone in this town adores you! As soon as they heard you didn’t have the funds to rebuild the farm, everyone was chipping in donations and raising money to help you out.”
Jesse’s eyes grew wide and his mouth dropped open. It was funny seeing a look of shock on his face. It was the first time Amber had seen anything actually surprise him before. “You’re not serious?” he questioned, one of his eyebrows quirking upward like he didn’t believe her.
“I am totally serious,” she replied with a wide smile. “Everyone loves you, Jesse. They just want to see you succeed. You don’t always have to rely on yourself. Other people are here to help you too.”
He smiled down at her and pulled her close again before resting his head on her hair. “I thought I had lost you, you know?” He whispered.
“Me too.”
“I’ve been a mess,” he admitted with a wry laugh. “I was seriously thinking about getting on a plane and dragging you back here with me.”
Amber pulled away and looked up at him. It was her turn to be surprised. “You were?” she asked. “Why?”
“Because I love you, little lady,” he whispered fondly. “I don’t know what I would have done if you’d never come back. I’d probably live out the rest of my life becoming a grumpy and lonely old man.” He laughed.
“I’m glad you don’t have to do that,” Amber confessed. “Or at least, if you do become a grumpy old man, at least I’ll be there to see it.”
Jesse kissed the top of her hair, and Amber basked in the affection. It had been so long since she had been held by him. Since he had touched her and kissed her, she didn’t ever want him to stop.
“So, what happens now?” Jesse asked, gripping her arms tight. “What about your work?”
“I quit my job,” Amber confessed, and Jesse looked at her like she was crazy. “I know, I probably shouldn’t have done, especially because I wasn’t sure if you’d even want to be with me again, but... I did. I didn’t want to work there anymore. I don’t even want to live in Chicago anymore. I’ve come to find that the quiet, simple life suits me, and I don’t want to give that up — not for anything.”
Jesse looked down at her and shook his head like he couldn’t believe it. “So, where are you planning on living from now on?” he queried, tilting his head to one side. “Valley Springs is a small town. Real estate doesn’t turn up on the market too often...”
“Well,” Amber began, her cheeks heating with embarrassment. “I was hoping that you might take me in... At least until I can sort something out?” She looked up at him with her wide, green doe eyes and she hoped that she wasn’t asking for too much. After all, they’d only known each other for a few months. What if Jesse wasn’t comfortable? What if he was having second thoughts?
But instead, the farmer just laughed. “I can hear those thoughts of yours, you know,” he stated. “When you’re worrying about something, you do a horrible job of covering it up, did you know that?”
Amber’s face became a deep red.
“Of course you can stay with me,” Jesse finally told her. “I wouldn’t dream of anything else. After seeing you go and spending time without you here, I couldn’t imagine letting you leave again. Tell me you’ll stay with me, Amber. Tell me you’ll never leave like that again.”
“I’ll never leave you, Jesse. I’m staying for as long as you’ll have me.”
“Are you sure about that?” he asked in a quiet voice. “I won’t lie to you, Amber. I don’t have a lot of money. Things won’t be easy, and we’ll have to work real hard for every penny we make. I’m not going to be able to buy you diamonds every month or take you on fancy trips to Europe. If you want any of those things, then I’m not the man for you.”
Amber just shook her head. “None of that matters to me — not anymore. All I want is you, Jesse Wyatt.”
Happy with her answer, the farmer leaned down and pressed a firm kiss to her lips. Unable to resist, Amber willingly parted her lips with a breathy sigh and let his tongue explore her mouth. She didn’t care that there were so many people surrounding them. She didn’t care if everyone stared. In that moment, she wanted Jesse, and she wanted him to want her too.
But eventually, they broke apart. The two of them were panting and lust filled their eyes, but this was neither the time nor place. A knowing look passed between them and Amber understood that neither of them would be getting much sleep that night.
Then, Carol Ann trotted across the barn and pulled both Jesse and Amber onto a little makeshift stage. She pulled out an old microphone someone had managed to find, and said a few words to the crowd.
“I want to thank you all so much for being here to support my little brother, Jesse! Every penny you donate today will ensure that he gets to rebuild his farm — our parents’ farm — instead of selling it on to the highest bidder,” she said with a smile and a tear in her eye. “I want you all to know that we’ll never forget your generosity and your kindness here today. If ever any of you is in need, come to us and we’ll repay the favor.”
The whole crowd cheered at Carol Ann’s words, and a few people lifted their glasses while shouting “To Jesse!”
“I want you all to enjoy yourselves and help yourselves to any food and drink you want. What’s our is yours, as I always say!”
The crowd roared in reply, “What’s ours is yours!”
Jesse and Amber spent the rest of the night mingling with the townsfolk and thanking them for their contribution. When they eventually got a moment alone an hour or so later, Jesse pulled her close and held her tight.
“Once we’ve rebuilt, things will go back to normal, but I’m still worried...” He confessed.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because money was tight before all this. I told you about the supermarket chains eating up all our profits. It’s only going to get worse, Amber. What if you want children? What if we want to get married?” He sighed. “I just want to be able to provide for you.”
Amber reached up and cupped his cheek softly and held his gaze. She wanted him to feel just how much love she had for him in that look alone. “Don’t you worry, Jesse. I’ve got a plan that will bring us everything we need.”
“Oh, yeah?” he asked curiously. “What’s your plan?”
“I saw a farm online in Texas that focused on family experiences and children’s education,” she admitted with a coy smile. “They even have a petting zoo... If we can’t make money from the crops, why not invest in something else entirely?”
Astonished, Jesse stared down at her for a moment without blinking. “Amber, you’re a genius!” He cried, and grabbed her by the waist. She squealed as he lifted her off the ground and began to spin her around.
“Oh my God, Jesse!” Amber cried in a mixture of fear and amusement. “Put me down before you hurt yourself — or me!”
“Never!” he cheered. “I’m never letting you go, ever again.”
Three Years Later
The sky was dark and black as ink above Amber as she looked out across the verdant green fields before her. The fields were empty and devoid of life in spite of the hundreds of kids who had been there just a few hours ago with their school teachers on a day trip. Amber had enjoyed seeing so many happy faces as they ran around the farmland and pet the animals her and Jesse had bought specifically for the petting zoo. It had been a little more work for them both, since they needed to learn how to look after ducks, sheep, and ponies, but it had been more than worth it.
Their farm was now making a steady profit month on month, and Jesse had never been happier and when her husband was happy, so was Amber. She glanced down at the lovely gold band which spread across her finger and sat alongside the small diamond engagement ring Jesse had given her just two years prior.
It was crazy how in a few short years Amber’s life had changed so drastically. If you had asked twenty-one-year-old Amber what she thought she’d be doing at twenty-seven, she never would have said “running a farm and a petting zoo”. The thought made her laugh, and she smiled fondly to herself.
Then, the redhead took in a deep breath, appreciating the floral scents that surrounded her while she tipped the silver watering can in her hand, sprinkling her small flower garden with water. She bent down a little and admired the blooming bud of a purple coneflower in front of her.
“I can do that for you, you know, Amber?” a pleasant and familiar voice called out from somewhere behind her as the redhead heard the back door close with a thud.
“I know, but I like doing it,” she replied with a happy lilt in her voice. She turned around with a broad smile to see her husband, Jesse Wyatt, striding toward her with an affectionate expression.
“You shouldn’t be doing anything in your condition,” he told her as he reached her and placed his hand on her cheek. “The doctor said that you must rest as much as possible.”
“I have been resting,” Amber protested with a half-hearted roll of her eyes. “I’ve done nothing but rest all day. This is the first time I’ve even come outside today. I can still water my flowers.”
“I just want you to be careful,” Jesse said with a small smile. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to you or our little one.”
Amber sighed and pressed one hand to her swollen stomach. “We’re both fine, Jesse. You worry too much.”
“Only about you,” he said and leaned forward to press a loving kiss to her forehead. “Now, can I help you inside Mrs. Wyatt?” He held out his hand to her in invitation with a cheeky grin.
“Okay,” she agreed with a teasing reluctance. “But no more worrying, okay? I know what I’m doing, and absolutely nothing is going to go…” She trailed off and her eyes opened wide, staring over at Jesse with a look of horror on her face.
“What’s wrong?!” he asked in a panicked voice.
“I… I think my water just broke,” she confessed as she looked downward to see a wet patch forming in the front of her floral day dress.
Jesse’s eyes flew open and he grabbed her hand tight. “We need to get to the hospital. Right now.”
All Amber could do was nod. Though she’d had almo
st nine months to prepare for the mysteries of labor, she was still terrified. Everything she had read about told her that the pain would be unimaginable, but worth it. Yet, there were so many horror stories about accidents and complications that could happen. As her mind raced with scary thought after scary thought, she let herself be dragged toward Jesse’s pickup truck.
“If the roads are clear, we should get to the hospital in twenty minutes. I’ve got a bag of stuff you wanted for the stay in the trunk, okay?” Jesse told her as he helped her into the passenger seat and secured her seatbelt. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna get you and the baby there safely — I promise.”
“I… I believe you,” Amber responded, still in shock over what was happening.
Soon, however, they were speeding down the dirt roads toward the nearest city where the hospital was. Jesse kept looking over at Amber as he drove, checking to see if she was okay. When he wasn’t using the gear shift, his hand went to her thigh and he rubbed soothingly against the bare skin he found there.
“Everything’s going to be alright darlin’,” he repeated over and over again as the car hurtled down the road and toward the bright lights of the city.
When he finally arrived, Jesse carried Amber out of the truck and inside the reception of the maternity wing. As soon as the nurses realized what was happening, one was grabbing a wheelchair for Amber and rushing it toward Jesse.
“How long has she been having contractions for?” they asked.
“I… I’m not sure,” Jesse admitted.
“They’re about two minutes apart,” Amber told the woman who nodded in response.
“Okay, I’ll get you to a room now then. It won’t be long until the baby comes!”
Amber glanced once more into her husband’s bright blue eyes and they both held each other’s gaze, the two of them both excited and terrified over the prospect of becoming parents. In just a few short hours, they’d be responsible for a tiny human being, and there was no turning back anymore.