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Dog Tags: A romance anthology featuring military and canine heroes

Page 3

by Kate Kinsley

“What does it look like?” He moved their bodies side to side slowly. “I’m dancing with you.”

  “But why are you dancing with me like…this?”

  “What do you mean, why?”

  Her brows furrowed with that adorable look she wore when she was thinking hard. Then her expression smoothed. “Oh, I get it. If that guy’s still around, he’ll see us dancing and think we’re together.” Paxton’s lips curled into an approving grin. “Smart.”

  When she began scanning the dance floor for the douche, Nick winced. Damn it. He was screwing this whole thing up.

  Sure, part of him hoped the asshole was watching, but that wasn’t what had pushed him into action. No, somewhere between his conversation with Derek and seeing another man covet what Nick already considered to be his, he’d decided his friend was right.

  It was time to tell Paxton how he felt. If she rejected him, he’d accept it and do his best to move on.

  Gut tight with nerves, Nick lifted Pax’s chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing her to meet his stare. “I’m doing this because I want to dance with you, sweetheart. No other reason.”

  Despite the music’s loud volume, he heard the sharp hitch of her breath “Nick?”

  Hoping like hell he wasn’t about to screw up the most important thing in his world, Nick held his breath and started to lean in.

  Chapter Two

  Holy shit! Someone needed to pinch her, because Paxton was certain she was dreaming.

  This was Nick. Her hunky neighbor from next door. The guy she’d secretly lusted over ever since he and his adorable dog came running over to introduce themselves to her.

  With Lucky, Paxton had been struck with a major case of insta love. With Nick, however, it had been more like insta lust.

  The love she now felt for him had come later, although it hadn’t taken long. He was the sweetest, sexiest man she’d ever laid eyes on, and damn was it hard to live next door to a guy like that. Especially when every second Paxton spent with him, she had to pretend to only like him as a friend.

  Because that’s what they were. At least in his eyes. And after dating Super Douche, she’d been perfectly fine keeping things between her and Nick platonic. Until she wasn’t.

  Paxton couldn’t even pinpoint exactly when she’d fallen in love with him. It wasn’t like there was one specific moment in time. With Nick, it was more like all the little moments had somehow come together, until suddenly she looked up at him one day and just…knew.

  When Nick had to go out of town for his job, Paxton would stay at his place and dog sit. The times when he was home, the three of them spent nearly all of their free time together.

  They’d take Lucky for walks or to the park to play frisbee. She and Nick had dinner together more often than not, taking turns eating at each other’s house. Afterward, they’d sometimes stay up late, eating popcorn and watching movies they both loved.

  It was all so wonderful and normal and exciting…and awful.

  Wonderful because she got to spend a lot of time with Nick and his super-sweet dog. Awful because, the more she was around him, Paxton found herself wanting to spend time with Nick in other ways.

  In my bed. Under the sheets. Naked.

  Before, he’d never made any sort of advances toward her, and Paxton wasn’t the kind of woman who was brave enough to make the first move. But her heart thumped wildly now, because she knew that was all about to change.


  Nick’s mouth inched closer to hers, his pace achingly slow. He gave her plenty of time to pull away if she wanted to.

  She didn’t.

  Paxton let her lids flutter shut as Nick pressed his lips against hers. The touch jolted her with electricity, the shocking zing running from her head clear down to her toes.

  Sliding a hand up to the back of his head, she let her fingers rake through his short, dark hair. It’s even softer than I imagined.

  Leaning in impossibly closer, Paxton pressed herself against his deliciously hard body, opening up to him the way she’d wanted to for months.

  The second she did, the air around them became charged, the exquisite pressure continuing to build until it felt like they were the only two people left in the entire world.

  Nick groaned and took the kiss deeper, feasting on her lips as if he were a starved man and she was a buffet. Their tongues collided in a hot, swirling dance. He tasted of beer and another delicious flavor she could only describe as Nick.

  As they stood amidst the disinterested crowd, tasting each other for the very first time, Paxton knew this kiss was a game-changer.

  Life after her cheating ex had become nearly perfect. A new city. New house. New job. But something had been missing, and she was pretty damn sure she’d just found it.

  Heat from Nick’s palm radiated along her lower back as he pulled her body flush with his. She couldn’t miss the hard length pressing against her, or what it meant.

  He wants me.

  Paxton’s insides clenched, her hips involuntarily rocking against his. The movement prompted Nick to tighten his hold even more.

  Growling, he dug his fingers into her back, his hands fisting the bottom of her shirt. A rush of wet heat drenched Paxton’s panties as she pictured his cock filling her body, over and over again.

  She nearly suggested they go back to her place when someone bumped against her, breaking the magical spell.


  Paxton pulled back, her mind becoming muddled with thoughts of mixing sex with friendship. Part of her cursed the careless someone who’d smacked into her, but another part was surprisingly grateful.

  For one, they were in the middle of a crowded bar. Maybe not the best place for a total makeout session. Especially since she’d been ready to strip him down and jump his bones.

  She needed to take a step back and figure out what the hell had just happened.

  Your sexy neighbor just rocked your world with a simple kiss. What’s there to figure out?

  Paxton risked a peek up at Nick, steeling herself in case he hadn’t felt the same, incredible connection. That was a heck of a lot more than a simple kiss. That was…

  “Wow.” Nick’s eyes blazed with the same holy shit shock she felt.

  Thank you, God!

  “Yeah.” She breathed heavily. “That was…unexpected.”

  Nick threw his head back and laughed. “Well, I guess you could’ve said a lot worse.”

  Paxton cringed at her lackluster choice of words. “Sorry. I-I didn’t mean that it wasn’t—”

  “Relax, sweetheart.” He gave her a tilted grin that sent her heart racing. “I was just teasing.”

  “Oh.” She blew out a breath. “Good. I didn’t want you to think I didn’t enjoy it. Because I did. I only meant that it surprised me, that’s all.”

  Ramble a little more, why don’t you?

  “It didn’t surprise me.” Nick stared down at her, his expression one hundred percent serious.

  “It didn’t?”

  Reaching toward her face, he tucked some hair behind her ear. “I always knew kissing you would set my world on fire.”

  Her lower belly tightened, her body tingling with another unexpected rush of arousal. “Y-you did?”

  Nick leaned closer, and at first, she thought he intended to kiss her again. Instead, he nestled his lips against her ear. “I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you.”

  The scruff on his jaw brushed her skin as he spoke, sending shivers racing down her spine.

  “Me, too,” her admission escaped with a quiet breath.

  After months of wishing and hoping, Paxton couldn’t believe this was finally happening. Couldn’t believe Nick wanted her the same way she wanted him.

  She’d spent so many nights fantasizing about this man. So many nights pretending her hand was his as she brought herself pleasure, all the while, wishing he was the one touching her.

  And now…

  Nick’s heated stare burned into hers. He opened hi
s mouth to say more, and Paxton waited with bated breath. But then Derek and Charlie approached, putting an end to their arousing conversation.

  “Hey, you two.” Derek smiled wide as he put his arm around his wife. “Sorry to interrupt, but we’ve got an early flight to catch, so we’re gonna head back to the hotel.”

  Pulling her gaze from Nick’s, they both turned to his friends. She didn’t miss the smug look on Derek’s face, as if to say I told you so. She also couldn’t help but wonder what the two men had talked about while she and Charlie were dancing.

  “Thanks for coming, man.” Nick bro-hugged Derek. “Great seeing you again. And Charlie—”he hugged the other woman—“it was nice to finally meet you.”

  “You too, Nick.” Charlie smiled wide as she turned to Paxton. “It was great meeting you both. Hopefully you two can come to Texas soon. We have plenty of extra room in the new house, so you can just stay with us, if you’d like.”

  “We’d love that.” Nick slid his arm around Paxton’s shoulders, acting as if they were already a couple.

  She didn’t mind.

  Somehow, despite having sworn off men forever, Nick had managed to swoop in and claimed a chunk of her heart.

  More like the whole damn thing.

  Derek and Nick shared one last handshake before the newlyweds left the bar to go back to their hotel.

  “What do you think?” Nick turned to her. “Should we call it a night, too, or did you want to stay and dance some more?”

  Those beautiful, kissable lips curved into the same half-smile that always sent her heart racing. But before Paxton could tell him she wanted to stay, she caught sight of the blond man who’d propositioned her earlier.

  He was just standing there, leaning against the far wall with his arms crossed at his chest. And he was glaring.

  Dude. Get over it already.

  “Pax? Hey, are you okay?”

  “Huh?” She turned her attention back to Nick, who’s dark eyes were filled with concern. “Oh, sorry.” She slid the creep another quick glance. “Um…actually, we should probably just go.”

  For a second, Paxton thought she saw a flash of disappointment cross over him, but then it was gone.

  “Big plans tomorrow?”

  “Let’s see…” She pretended to think. “I have to finish my lesson plans for this coming week. Oh, and I need to get groceries and do the laundry I’ve been putting off. So, yeah. It should be a very exciting day.”

  Nick chuckled. “Well, in that case, we should definitely get you home.”

  Resting his hand on her lower back—a move that made her ridiculously happy—he guided them through the bar and out to his truck. Warmth spread beneath his touch, and Paxton had to work not to show just how much of an effect he had on her.

  Until tonight, Paxton had done her best to hide it. Which hadn’t been easy, given that they’d been spending more and more time together, lately.

  But now, after the things he’d said to her—the way he’d said them—and then that kiss…

  It was damn near impossible.

  For most of the drive home, Paxton fought to shake her nervous energy as multiple questions began running through her mind. What was going to happen next between them? Did Nick really mean what he’d said? Had she imagined the intensity in his voice? The passion in his kiss?

  By the time they pulled into his driveway, Paxton’s heart was battering inside her chest.

  Nick got out of his truck, rounding the front before coming to her side and helping her down. Without a word, he linked their fingers together and began walking her across the lawn separating their houses.

  “Thanks for inviting me to come out with you tonight,” Paxton said softly, finally pushing through her nervousness. “Derek and Charlie are great.”

  “Yeah.” Nick grinned. “West is the king of smartasses, but you gotta love the guy.”

  Paxton’s laughter faded, and once again, she struggled to find the right words to say.

  For the love of Pete.

  The man’s tongue was practically down her throat less than twenty minutes ago. She should at least be able to handle a simple ‘good night’ without going all junior-high on him.

  “Well, thanks again.” She turned for her door, but Nick stopped her with a gentle hand on her wrist.


  When she faced him again, the uncertainty in his eyes surprised her.

  “Don’t you think we should, I don’t know…” He shrugged. “Talk about it?”

  “Okay.” She didn’t bother acting as if she misunderstood.

  Nick stepped closer, his trepidation oddly comforting. “Did you…enjoy it?”

  “I did.”

  Grinning, he tucked errant strands of her hair behind her ear, the palm of his hand lingering against her cheek. “Then, I guess there’s only one other question I need answered.”

  The simple touch left her heart pounding. “What’s that?”

  Nick’s stare darkened even more as it dropped to her mouth. Brushing his thumb across her bottom lip, he whispered, “Can I kiss you again?”

  Knees quivering, Paxton nodded.

  Cupping her cheek once more, he leaned in. She rose to her tiptoes, gladly meeting him halfway.

  Somewhere in the back of her mind, Paxton had wondered if their first kiss could possibly have been as toe-curling as she remembered. But the second Nick took her mouth again, she had her answer.

  Dear god, yes.

  Their lips touched and sparks flew. Paxton fisted the front of his blue button-up, pulling him closer as their tongues danced and twirled together with an unbridled passion.

  By the time the kiss ended, they were both breathing heavily…and Paxton wanted more.

  Maybe I should invite him inside.

  “I should go,” Nick whispered, making the decision for her.

  “Oh.” The unexpected statement left her blinking. “I thought…I thought you wanted—”

  “Oh, I want you, sweetheart.” Fire burned in his eyes. “I thought that was pretty obvious.”

  Yes, she’d most definitely felt his erection a few seconds ago. So what was he waiting for?

  “You’re too important to me, sweetheart.” Nick feathered his knuckles across her cheek. “I don’t want to screw this up by rushing you.”

  Could he be any sweeter? “Okay.”

  “So, we’ll take it slow? Do the whole dating thing and see how it goes?”

  “I like that idea.” She smiled up at him. “Want to start with something small?”

  “Depends.” Nick’s eyes narrowed with playful suspicion. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Well…” She traced a fingertip down the length of his abs, which were seriously ripped. “You could come grocery shopping with me tomorrow. Help me pick out something to make us for dinner.”

  His expression softened. “What time?”


  “Want me to pick you up?”

  The idea of him driving the fifteen yards from his house to get her made Paxton chuckle. “How about I pick you up?”

  Nick smiled. “It’s a date.”

  “Good.” Paxton bit her lip, tempted to say to heck with slow and drag him into her house, anyway. Instead, she pushed at his chest. “Now, go on. I’m sure Lucky is more than ready for you to take him out to potty.”

  Glancing at his watch, Nick nodded. “Yeah. I guess it is about that time.”

  With one final, heated kiss, he waited until she was inside and locked away for the night before heading to his own place. Wearing a ridiculous smile, Paxton made her way through the living room, drifting toward the kitchen.

  She was so wrapped up in the memory of Nick’s incredible kisses, she didn’t notice her back door standing ajar until it was too late.

  A gloved hand pressed roughly over her lips, muffling the scream trying to escape the back of her throat. At the same time, her attacker’s strong arm wrapped around her middle, pulling her back against a solid,
male chest.

  Terror left her frozen.

  Think, Pax. Think.

  The man was much stronger than her, so her only chance was to get her mouth free long enough to call for help. Nick had just left. If she could scream loud enough, he might be able to hear her.

  With her attacker immobilizing her top half with his hold, Paxton knew she’d have to use her legs.

  Kicking back, she connected her booted heel with the jerk’s shin. The impact left him grunting, but his grip on her body stayed strong.

  Refusing to give up, Paxton drove her foot down. This time, she aimed for the man’s toes. He howled in pain, his grip loosening just enough, she was able to access one of his fingers with her mouth.

  She bit down. Hard.


  Reflexively, the man shoved her forward while yanking his hand free. It was all the opportunity she needed.

  Filling her lungs to capacity, Paxton let out an ear-piercing scream as she darted for the back door. She’d almost made it when her assailant grabbed her ankle, yanking her foot out from beneath her.

  She hit the tiled floor, crying out when her forehead absorbed much of the impact.

  “You bitch!” He flipped her over.

  “Help!” she screamed again, swinging her fists wildly.

  Meaty hands wrapped around her wrists, slamming them down onto the wooden floor beside her head. Paxton bucked, using every ounce of her meager strength, but it was no use.

  “You think you’re better than me?” her attacker screamed in her face. “You’re fucking wrong!”

  What? For the first time, she really looked at the stranger holding her hostage in her own home.


  It was the guy from the club.

  “That’s right, bitch,” the blond asshole sneered. “Bet you wished you’d danced with me now, huh?”

  Doing her best to push aside the fear—and the painful throbbing in her head—Paxton managed to choke out, “W-what do you want?”

  “What do I want?” He chuckled sarcastically. “What do you think I want? I’m going to teach you how to treat a man with some fucking respect.”

  “I-I never disrespected you.”

  “Liar!” Paxton had no time to react before the man backhanded her. “You rolled your fucking eyes at me! Everyone saw it!”


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