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Dog Tags: A romance anthology featuring military and canine heroes

Page 4

by Kate Kinsley

  Pain splintered through her cheek, and stars danced behind her watering eyes. “I-I’m s-sorry,” she stuttered out with a groan.

  Oh, god, Nick. Please come back.

  “Sorry doesn’t cut it, bitch,” he continued on with his crazy ranting. “You pushed me aside like garbage. Then you not only danced with him, you practically fucked him in front of everyone. You’re a whore, just like all the rest.”

  Jesus. This guy was seriously off the rails. If she couldn’t find a way off this crazy train, and soon, Paxton didn’t know what would end up happening.

  Yes, you do.

  The thought had her bucking violently against him again. Her attempt to break free might have been futile, but in that moment, her anger eclipsed her fear.

  As she continued fighting for her life, Paxton glared up at the mentally unhinged bastard and snarled a low, “Fuck you.”

  Fury burned behind the crazed man’s eyes. He lifted his fist, ready to strike his next blow.

  Chapter Three

  Nick’s smile grew with every step. The only thing that could make this night better would be if he were sinking into Paxton’s wet heat, instead of walking home alone.

  Still, he’d made the right decision. He’d finally kissed her. Had told her he wanted her. Now he needed to give her time to adjust to the idea of them as a couple.

  Soon, however, he planned to make it very clear that he wanted to be exclusive. There would be no one else.

  Not for him. Not for her.

  Tugging his keys from his pocket, he pulled open the lightweight, screened door before unlocking his front door. As expected, Lucky was waiting to greet him, tongue hanging and tail wagging.

  “Hey, buddy.” Nick leaned down and rubbed the top of the dog’s head. “Miss me?”

  Lucky answered him with a familiar whine, letting him know that yes, he had.

  “Okay, big guy.” He turned back toward the door. “Come on.”

  Pushing the screen door wide, Lucky ran past him, jogging down the steps and into the front yard. Standing above the top step, Nick shoved his hands in his pockets and waited while his beloved pet took care of business.

  Lucky had just finished doing his thing and was heading back in Nick’s direction when a high-pitched scream pierced through the night air.


  Nick’s blood turned to ice. On autopilot, he ran back into his house and grabbed the pistol he kept hidden on his living room bookshelf.

  Taking off in a dead sprint, he flew out the door and off the porch, hollering for Lucky to fall in line by his side.

  Fear for the woman he loved pushed him forward, and both he and Lucky covered the distance between the two houses in record time.

  When another scream reached his ears, they ran even faster.

  Nick could tell Paxton’s cries were coming from the back of her house. Having been there before, he knew her back door would be his best point of entry.

  Rounding the corner, he found it slightly ajar. With his pistol in one hand, Nick held up his other fist, ordering Lucky to halt. The obedient dog immediately stopped, waiting silently for his next command.

  “I-I’m sorry.”

  The fear in Paxton’s voice made Nick burn with rage and his trigger finger twitch.

  “Sorry doesn’t cut it, bitch. You pushed me aside like I was garbage…”

  The rest of the loser’s speech told Nick exactly who her assailant was and what the bastard had planned.

  I’ll fucking kill you.

  With his dog by his side and his weapon at the ready, Nick carefully crept up the concrete steps. A mixture of pride and fear filled his chest when he heard Paxton tell the asshole to fuck off.

  Inching the door open even further, he kept his finger precariously close to the trigger. Despite all the shit he’d seen on his ops with the SEALs, Nick’s knees damn near gave out when he saw the asshole on top of her, fist raised above Paxton’s delicate face.

  Nick didn’t hesitate to give Lucky the green light.

  Just as he had numerous times in the field, the trusted dog took the target down the second he heard the command. Leaping through the air, his strong jaw bit down on the fucker’s raised arm, knocking the man flat on his ass.

  Paxton screamed as her attacker howled in pain, hitting the kitchen floor with a thud.

  “Hold!” Nick shouted his next command.

  In one fluid motion, Lucky released the guy’s arm and clamped his teeth on either side of the man’s throat. He didn’t bite down, but only because Nick hadn’t giving him the okay to do so. But if the son of a bitch so much as twitched in Paxton’s direction…

  Ensuring the threat remained down, Nick kept his gun held out in front of him, the barrel pointed at the guy’s head.

  “Make one fucking move and I give the order to kill,” he warned.

  The guy ground out a careful, “Get…him…off…me!”

  “Not a chance, asshole.” Nick’s aim never wavered as he used his other hand to call 911.

  Afterward, he slid Paxton a quick glance. Pale and visibly shaken, she was pushing herself up into a sitting position. Glaring back at her assailant, Nick was tempted to let his dog rip the fucker’s throat to shreds.

  Keeping one eye on his target, he squatted down beside Paxton. “Are you okay, sweetheart?” He put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Did he hurt you?”

  Wide, terrified eyes blinked up at him. “I-I’m okay.”

  Bruises were already forming on her forehead and cheek, and it was obvious she’d been struck. Shaking with a murderous rage, it took everything Nick had not to give Lucky the order to kill.

  “I t-tried fighting him off.” Tears streamed down Paxton’s cheeks. “I screamed, but I was so afraid you w-wouldn’t hear me.”

  “I heard you, baby.” He cupped the back of her neck and kissed her forehead. “I heard you loud and clear.”

  She stared down at the injured man, her far-off gaze making Nick think she was replaying the violence she’d just been subjected to. Violence he’d been a part of.

  Suddenly, he began to wonder if seeing him as a trained killer would change things between them. If it would change the way she looked at him.

  God, I hope not.

  An hour later, the police and EMTs had come and gone, dragging Paxton’s attacker out in cuffs. The asshole ran his mouth the entire way to the patrol car, threatening to sue Nick, Paxton, and the police force. He also promised to get a court order to put Lucky down for being an ‘out of control’ and ‘dangerous’ animal.

  The detective in charge simply laughed and shook his head, assuring both he and Paxton the man’s claims would be perceived as exactly what they were…the ramblings of a mentally unstable criminal.

  The detective also informed them that the man who’d broken into Paxton’s home—the prick’s name was Michael Hanson—had a history of assaulting women who rejected his advances.

  After a quick search of Paxton’s house to make sure Hanson hadn’t damaged or stolen anything, she discovered a navy-blue duffle bag on the floor by her couch that wasn’t hers. Inside, the police found rope, duct tape, a large knife, and other horrifying items Nick refused to even think about.

  Between Hanson’s actions tonight and the guy’s priors, the cops had assured Nick the fucker would spend the next several years—if not the rest of his life—behind bars.

  Returning to Pax’s living room, he found her curled up on one end of her couch with Lucky snuggled up to her. Nick’s chest tightened at the sight, more grateful than ever for his beloved K9.

  He handed Paxton a cup of her favorite hot tea. She’d showered minutes prior while he’d cleaned up the shattered glass and boarded up the opening in her back door.

  First thing tomorrow, he’d make arrangements for the glass to be replaced and an alarm system to be installed. For now, peace and quiet finally prevailed.

  “Thank you.” She took the cup from his hands, her lips curving into a shaky smile.

  With a gentle pat, Lucky hopped off of the couch and made his way to the rug in front of the room’s modest fireplace. Sensing the danger was gone, it didn’t take long for him to relax and settle in for the night.

  Sitting down beside Paxton, Nick looped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. He kissed the top of her head, letting his lips linger there as he closed his eyes and reminded himself that she really was okay.

  Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, but he pushed those emotions away. You can’t lose it. Not now.

  His insides were still shaking, thoughts of what could’ve happened fighting to break through. But for Pax, Nick knew he had to be strong.

  “How are you doing, sweetheart?” He kept his voice soft. Steady.

  “I’m okay.”

  She took another sip of the hot liquid, then set it on the table beside her. Dressed in soft, cotton pajamas, Paxton drew her knees to her chest.

  The blooming bruises were proof that she’d put up one hell of a fight. Though Nick wished like hell she hadn’t needed to, he was proud of the way she’d handled herself.

  “Thanks for coming to my rescue.” She offered him a guarded smile.

  “I’ll always be here for you, Pax. But don’t take that to mean you’re some damsel in distress who can’t hold her own.”

  Her brows turned inward. “What do you mean?”

  Shifting on the cushion, Nick faced her more directly. Carefully brushing some wet strands from her face, he tucked the hair behind her ear. “I heard you tell Hanson off.” His thumb moved across her cheek, just barely caressing her bruised skin. “I can see how hard you fought to save yourself.”

  “Not that it did any good,” she scoffed, looking down at her lap.

  “That’s not true, Pax.” Taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger, Nick used a gentle touch to turn her face toward him. He waited until her round eyes met his to speak again. “I heard the statement you gave the police. You were smart. You got yourself loose and then screamed for help.”

  Paxton wrapped her delicate fingers around his thick wrist. “I’m safe because of you, Nick. You and Lucky.” Her voice cracked, and they both turned their attention to his dog, who was now fully asleep a few feet away. “I couldn’t believe it when I saw him fly through the air and take Hanson down like that. If you two hadn’t come when you did…” She let herself trail off before finishing the horrifying thought.

  Ah, baby. She was breaking his heart in two.

  “Don’t sell yourself short, sweetheart. I only knew to come because of what you did.”

  A few seconds went by before she gave him her first real smile since before the attack. “I guess we make a pretty good team, huh?” Paxton glanced over at Lucky and back to him. “All three of us.”

  Hell yeah, we do. “The best.”

  In an unexpected move, she surprised him by leaning forward and pressing her lips to his. “Thank you.”

  Nick lowered the hand that had been around her shoulders, gently caressing his way up and down her spine. “You already said that.”

  “Maybe I should just stop talking, then.” Her pupils dilated before she kissed him again.

  “God, I love kissing you,” he whispered while nibbling at her lips.

  “I want to do more than just kiss, Nick.”

  Her suggestive words sent his swelling cock into overdrive, but he restrained himself. He wanted this woman more than any he’d ever known. Because of that, Nick forced himself to quit devouring her in order to talk.

  “Sweetheart listen to me. You’ve had a traumatic night. Your system is still filled with adrenaline, and I won’t take advantage of you—”

  She pressed a finger against his mouth. “You’re not taking advantage of me. Look, I know we agreed to go slow, but I could’ve died tonight. If you and Lucky hadn’t burst through my door when you did, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.”

  Christ, he couldn’t even think like that.


  “I’m done playing it safe. I want you. I have for a long damn time. And, as you pointed out earlier, you want me too. Right?”

  Hell yes. “Right, but—”

  “Then why should we waste even more time?” She kissed him again. “I promise this isn’t because of some adrenaline rush-induced hormones. My mind is perfectly clear, and I know what I want.” She kissed him again. “I want you, Nick. More than I’ve ever wanted anyone.”

  He’d tried. He’d really, really tried. But once those soft emerald eyes pleaded with him, Nick heard himself asking her, “Couch or bed?”

  Chapter Four

  Despite what she’d been through tonight, Paxton felt more alive than she had in years. Maybe ever. In one, smooth move, she swept her t-shirt over her head and tossed it somewhere behind the couch.

  “Jesus, Pax,” Nick groaned. The strained words rumbled from somewhere deep inside his throat.

  She smiled, because when she’d gotten dressed after her shower, she hadn’t bothered with a bra. “They’re a little on the small side, but—”

  Nick’s mouth was on her before she could fully formulate the sentence. His hot, wet tongue caressed her wanton nipple until she gasped. “They’re perfect,” he whispered against her sensitive skin. “You’re perfect.”

  Feeling bold and in control, Paxton stood. Reaching for her waistband, she pushed both her pajama bottoms and panties over her hips and down her smooth legs. “I need you, Nick.” She kicked the bottoms over to the side. “Now.”

  It took Nick all of two seconds to jump to his feet and start taking off his own clothes, his eyes never leaving hers as he raced to get naked. Paxton held back a smug grin, but once his jeans and boxers were gone, she couldn’t help but stare at the swollen erection jutting out from his lower belly.

  “Wow.” Her eyes grew wide even as her insides clenched with anticipation. She’d suspected he was well-endowed from what she’d felt before, but damn…

  As if he could read her thoughts, Nick chuckled, his impressive six-pack tightening as his long, thick cock bobbed. “Don’t worry, baby. I promise, I’ll only make you feel good.”

  Paxton swallowed hard. “It’s, uh…it’s been a long time for me, Nick. And I’ve never been with someone so…blessed.”

  With a wicked grin, Nick took a step forward, his large hands gently gripping her bare hips. “Trust me, sweetheart.”

  She did.

  “I’m on the pill,” she blurted more loudly than intended. “I was on it before, when I was with… anyway, I stayed on it to keep my cycle regulated, and…”

  Please, Pax. For the love of all things holy… Stop. Talking.

  Nick eased them both back onto the couch, positioning her so she was straddling his lap. Paxton sucked in a breath when her wet heat brushed against his hot shaft.

  “We got tested regularly when I was still a SEAL,” he informed her. “Overwatch requires we get tested, too. Plus—”his heated gaze stared back at her—“I haven’t been with anyone since I met you.”

  Oh my.

  Cupping her neck, Nick pulled her in for a kiss. It was soft and slow. Quite possibly the sweetest kiss she’d ever been given.

  More than ready to get things moving, Paxton reached between them, wrapping her fingers around his swollen shaft as much as she could. She began to move her fist up and down in slow, steady strokes.

  Later, she’d take more time to appreciate his mouth-watering physique. Right now she just needed to feel.

  With a hiss, Nick closed his eyes and moaned loudly. Letting her get in a few more strokes, he removed her hand, lifted her hips, and aligned himself with her core.

  Pax put her hands on his broad shoulders, bracing herself as she slowly began to sink down. They moaned in unison as he stretched her body to its limits, filling her in the most glorious way.

  It didn’t take long for them to find their perfect rhythm. Up. Down. Up. Down.

  Time no longer had meaning, her entire focus centering on how
he was making her feel. And when Nick put a hand between their bodies and began rubbing the pads of his fingers again her clit, it only took seconds for Paxton to fly.

  Gripping her hips, Nick growled her name, his primal moan echoing off the walls as he found his own release.

  Several minutes later, panted breaths and thundering heartbeats filled the room as Paxton raised her head from where it rested on the crook of his shoulder.

  Nick looked back at her, his eyes filled with an emotion that made her heart swell. “I was right.”

  “About what?”

  “The day we met.” He reached up and dragged his thumb over her bottom lip. “One look into those eyes, and I knew I was staring into my future.”

  Ohmygod. “Really?”

  “Really.” Nick leaned up for another sweet kiss. “And since we’ve already blown through the whole going-slow phase, you should know…you’re it for me, Pax. I knew it back then, and I damn sure know it now.” Some of the concern she’d seen cross his face earlier returned. “I almost lost you tonight.”

  “But you didn’t.” She nibbled his bottom lip. “And you should know…you’re it for me, too, Nick. God, I’ve wanted you for so long, but I was too scared to say anything. I didn’t want to mess up our friendship, and I…I was afraid you didn’t feel the same way about me.”

  Cradling her uninjured cheek, Nick’s dark gaze seemed to reach inside her chest and grab hold of her heart. “Then let me be clear, just so there isn’t any confusion. I’m in love with you, Paxton Lane. I want a life with you. A family. A future. You already know all about my job and the traveling and danger that comes with it. But, baby…I know we can make this work.”

  “Oh, Nick.” Paxton’s heart felt so full of love for this man, she was sure it was going to burst. “I want all of that, too.” A fresh tear escaped the corner of her eye and landed on his thumb. “I love you so much.”

  She kissed Nick again, simply because she could. He was hers, and she was his.


  The End.


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