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His Name Is Legion

Page 17

by Michael Todd

  She drew her wings in, and the two rocketed toward the ground. Pivvo screamed, as did Skaal when Katie followed suit. Both angels waited until the last second before deploying their wings and coming to a stop with the frost giants’ heads just inches from the snow-covered ground. Smirking, the girls released the giants, letting them fall the last few inches to the ground.

  Kraggen looked put out but he walked to the center, gesturing toward Juntto. “The Warrior King, the Conqueror of Earth and the Tamer of Angels, has won the competition. Welcome back, Juntto! In light of these events, I will keep my word. We will send an army to Earth with you to take care of whatever is forcing these extreme measures.”


  Screams could be heard from the small town in Romania. It was reminiscent of the fiery hell and demon massacre of a few months ago. Legion and his army were raiding the fort and everything within the lava-covered Romanian town. Last time, almost everyone fighting or caught in the lava had been killed, but this time around, only a few lives were lost. A few precious lives, but they did their best to save the precious souls for Legion’s army. These attackers might have been under his spell, but they were much more intelligent than the demons.

  Everyone the army could get their hands on was assimilated by Legion, including the military members and Damned at the fort. With every assimilation, a whisper blew across the hardened lava and debris. “We. Are. Legion.”

  Legion stood back in his Manchester United shirt and gauze shorts, watching the army begin to fall into place. As soon as they had calmed after the assimilation, the Damned began training with the other Legion soldiers, showcasing their strengths to the group. Legion watched with excitement on his emaciated young face. He loved his new, strong Damned soldiers. They were just what he needed. He could tell they would be the ones who fought in the front lines. The ones that became legends. With an army of Damned, Legion would be virtually unstoppable. The angels would struggle to keep up.

  But that was not where it was going to end. Legion had gotten a taste of the Damned’s abilities. He had seen them bleed but continue to fight. He had seen them battle, fall, and get back up to fight some more. Vinders walked up next to him, his eyes fading from purple to red and back again. “What do you think, Master?”

  Legion stared at his soldiers. “They are perfect for this, but I want more. I must have a full army of Damned. I must have my champions on display when we battle the large cities for their souls.”

  Vinders crossed his arms, thinking. “I might know of a place. There are more in Paris.”

  Legion stared at Vinders and smirked before telling them all through their minds to prepare for another march. As they moved away from the pathetic attempt of the Romanians to stay in hiding, Vinders put his fist in the air, stopping the troops. Standing on the dip down of the land, Vinders and Legion stared at the Romanian army forces.

  “Move back!” screamed the commanders. “Move back!”

  Although the troops had been ordered back, a few brave souls attempted to break ranks and race toward Legion. When they got within a few steps, he flipped his wrist and the three soldiers floated off the ground, their weapons dropping. Legion walked up to them and assimilated them, not touched in the least by their brave actions. He was not going to be weak. He was going to show them that he was a very powerful creature.

  The ground shook as the frost giants moved around, some of them attempting to speak to Juntto while the others filed in, but he was too busy trying to keep track of everything going on without revealing his concern. The army of frost giants was suiting up, grabbing weapons, and preparing themselves for a battle in a land they had never been to.

  Juntto stopped next to the doorway, watching them go through the lines. They began by stepping up to a platform and allowing the armorers to measure their bodies. There were racks and racks of armor hanging behind the platform. When they had taken the measurements, the armorer would jog to the correct spot and grab the closest size. The frost giant would put his arms out and they would dress him, strapping his leather armor on and making sure his leather crotch guard was good and steady.

  Pandora could see them from outside, getting their junk rattled. “I think I have the wrong job. Dead serious. I could do some work on these blue guys.”

  Katie watched the end of the line. After they were armored up, they were handed shields, spears, and other unsightly weapons that were like something from a Greek war movie. “Where are all the women?”

  Pandora glanced at the line of male giants. “Well, I am assuming there aren’t any women soldiers. Think about how they treated them earlier, and how our world tries to treat human women. There is no respect when it comes to honor and valor. They are just females to them.”

  Katie turned to her left, spotting a line of female frost giants carrying everything from dishes to linens toward the training facility. It was obvious just from their appearance that the giant women were fierce.

  She stepped up next to one of the guards. “Can you tell me why your women don’t fight?”

  The guard snorted. “Our women are strong, but only men fight wars on our lands. There is no place on the battlefield for a woman. They take care of things here. Their motto is, ‘The men wage war over there, while we wage war here to protect our country.’”

  Katie nodded and glanced at Pandora, and at Juntto as he walked back over toward them. They met in a space in the center of the courtyard, observing the chaos around them. Katie looked at Juntto and expelled the air from her lungs. “Are you sure you can control them? They are much wilder than I assumed. I knew they would be somewhat the same way you were when you first met me, but I also hoped that they would be calmer. It has been many, many years since I worked with anyone like them.”

  Juntto watched the soldiers roar, facing one another and slamming their fists on their armor. He scoffed, waving his hand. “Of course I have this. I mean, why wouldn’t I?”

  As Juntto said that, a crowd began to gather in a separate part of the training compound. Katie walked over with Pandora and Juntto and crossed her arms. Kraggen came down the steps, stopping at the bottom and throwing his robes off his shoulders. Katie flinched, turning her head as he stood there completely naked and flexed for the other frost giants.

  Pandora, on the other hand, tilted her head to the side, bit her bottom lip, and grunted. “Now, I know I have seen your blue ass naked, Juntto, but that right there is the definition of perfect. Those chiseled abs, the muscles rippling along his back. This is what makes my job so worthwhile.”

  Kraggen faced the crowds as several woman slaves belted on his leather and metal armor. “I will come to Earth with my men!”

  The crowd cheered.

  “I will lead you to the victories that Juntto the King wishes to see. I will not back down, and I will not leave any giant behind. I will swing my sword with the same desperate anger that each of you feels on the battlefield. There is a whole new world out there, one we didn’t know existed. A millennium ago, a much younger Juntto decided to pack his things and head out into the unknown. He looked for the stars no one could see. His unslakable thirst for more is the entire reason we are standing here, ready to go to a new world. We will watch one of our own defeat a ruthless creature, and we will attempt to reach out and touch him in every way possible.”

  Pandora made a gagging sound. “So, what? You get hand jobs while you’re out there fighting demons? I feel like I got screwed in this fucking deal.”

  Katie chuckled, still watching Kraggen. “I think we would have a lot fewer men on the fence about joining the service.”

  Pandora laughed. “And a lot more women staying as far away from their machismo as they can, because no one wants splash in their eyes and a sword in the back. That’s just fucking rude.”

  They looked at Kraggen when the crowd erupted. He had grabbed one of the slaves and planted one on her, his tongue and mouth basically swallowing her face. Pandora held her stomach and shook her head. “For real, th
is time, I am pretty sure I am about to blow chunks. He is so bad at being a king. Just want to put that out there. He is terrible at this. Do any of these women actually find him attractive?”

  Katie shrugged. “His bankroll, awesome castle, nice body. The rest you can just ignore.”

  Pandora looked at her wildly, and Katie shook her head. “I didn’t mean for me. I meant more like those three sisters that are all over everything. The K-Hos is what the media calls them, but they are worth a lot of money.”

  Pandora nodded in understanding. “Oh yeah, those chicks with the yachts and clothing and makeup and everything. Their dad became a woman. Super brave, too, former Olympian and she said, nope. No more dick on me, only in me. Fuck you. I’m proud.”

  Katie nodded. “That was their only redeeming grace, in my opinion.”

  Pandora whipped around to Katie. “So let’s get on the same page here. Are you as worried about Kraggen the idiot being a problem on this trip as I am?”

  Katie laughed loudly, then stopped short. “Fuck yes, I am worried about that. Are you kidding me? He might be the one who brings us to our knees.”

  Making a dimensional shift was the only way to get the frost giants to Earth. Both Pandora and Katie decided the best choice was to go through the crystal world. That way, considering the giants were a bit rowdier than they had initially thought, they wouldn’t destroy anything vital.

  Pandora stayed on one side, holding open the portal to the frost giants’ world. One of the frost giants came through, grabbing Pandora’s ass cheek with gusto. Slowly she turned her head and looked at his hand, then up at him. “You mind getting your hand off my ass, bro?”

  The frost giant laughed. “Little woman telling me what to do? Yeah, right. You do what I tell you to.”

  Pandora smacked her lips and reached for her dagger. Before he knew what she was doing, she had spun around and lopped his entire hand off. He wailed, grabbing the arm and running off. Pandora lifted her eyebrows and turned back to Katie, who burst into laughter as she held the portal leading to Earth open.

  The army steadily poured through one portal and out the other. They were stoked to get going and see what Earth was really like. The frost giants only thought they were ready. No one was ever fully ready for the lifestyle of Earth. Even the demons struggled, and they had visited for a long time. It was only to be expected.

  Pandora let go of her portal and walked over to Katie’s, holding it open so Katie could go to Earth. Pandora, as she climbed out of the realm, grabbed a relatively long and pointed piece of crystal and shoved it between her breasts. When she turned around, she put her arms up and cheered. Several of the frost giants cheered with her, while the rest glanced at her but paid little notice.

  Katie shook her head and stood back while Juntto and Kraggen stepped forward, ready to command the troops. The army was already forming up around them, getting into ranks and beating a warlike tune on their chests. Kraggen and Juntto stared at each other awkwardly for a moment, then Kraggen cleared his throat. “I think this will need a bit of finesse from a still-active leader.”

  Juntto stepped forward. “And you will get just that opportunity, but I am going to lead on my land. I am the King of Earth, but I will appreciate your leadership on the battle line. You chose to fight, and that is where we are all going, noble birth or not. We will stand hand in hand as we walk toward the vicious killers who plan to rage war on our kind and the entire human race. It will be only a short time until he reaches our planet as well. So, learn from this, take it back with you, and strive for greatness, King Kraggen.”

  The king didn’t seem too happy about that, but he relinquished his position, turning and walking back to one of the lines of soldiers. It took over an hour to get everyone in their spots, but once they were, they were silent.

  Juntto paced as the military commander talked about the inches, times, and moments that could save your life. His speech was uplifting and motivational, something Juntto had forgotten about since he no longer got to be around his family or parents. All had died when he was young, leaving him in the care of a teacher. He hadn’t minded, though; he had learned to be the warrior he was, and nothing could take that away from him.

  Pandora and Katie had taken flight and were doing circles in the sky, looking for any sign of Legion and his collective. After several hours of marching, they finally spotted a large group of people walking. They both swooped down and told Juntto about the men. It was without a doubt Legion’s army.

  Juntto stopped the troops and put up his hands. “They are right over this ridge. We meet face to screen first, then we can talk about what to do next. I want to remind you that he is the most dangerous being on this planet right now. What he can do with a mind is almost perverted. Keep your body loose, move around, and line up in ranks. It’s time we sent this Leviathan where he is supposed to be, and that is not the fuck here!”

  The troops grunted and stomped their feet, making a massive amount of noise. They began to move down the hill and circle the Legion. The Leviathan and his army stopped, looking around. The frost giants continued, doing the war dance of their people. They roared and hissed, slapping their huge hands on their thighs and then doing it all over again.

  Juntto’s slave stepped up in front of him. “I want to be at the vanguard, so I can restore my honor. I want to do it for you, and I wish you fruitfulness for years to come.”

  Juntto smiled and reached out, shaking his hand. “Kill the sonofabitch.”

  The man roared as he rushed the crowd surrounding Legion. “I will kill this gifr for you!”

  The armies of Legion shuffled around, none of them willing to fight a giant. Instead, they moved apart, allowing the old man to run straight at the leader. He stopped just feet away, shocked to see the face of a skinny boy. Legion had been hibernating longer than any of the others, and it had taken a toll on his health.

  Legion moved forward, his eyes glowing brighter and brighter. The old giant could almost see the movement of the energy inside of him. He whispered “We are Legion” over and over, moving closer until he was just inches away. He said it one last time, swiping his finger across the giant’s chest and moving back. His eyes dropped when he realized that the frost giant had not succumbed to what he was trying to do.

  Juntto touched Katie on the shoulder. “It’s fucking working. They are immune to that shit.”

  They were all excited, watching the old giant stand triumphantly in the center. He reached onto his back and tugged out his sword, holding it in two hands. As he lifted it, he stared at Legion, ready to redeem himself. Juntto put his arms up in celebration, but suddenly the Legion’s Damned army jumped out of the crowd of soldiers and piled on top of the old man. They used their weapons, their hands, and their will to rip him apart.

  His screams echoed across the valley and Juntto turned his back, feeling the pain of the old giant’s death. Katie put her hand on his arm. “It was an honorable death. He earned his honor back.”

  Juntto nodded. “I guess you are right, but I’ll tell you this right now: Legion will not make it past this field. These giants and I will get him, and we will show him what an eternity of pain feels like.”

  Juntto gritted his teeth and stared angrily at Legion, whose eyes shifted to him. Slowly a smile moved over the Leviathan’s lips. Juntto tilted his head back and screamed, beating his chest. One by one the others followed along until the air began to vibrate around them.


  General Brushwood walked Brock out of the building to the car waiting for the two of them. The former rock star looked at the tinted windows and private driver, which raised his suspicion. “Should I be worried that you’re going to off me instead of taking me to the airport?”

  The general stood in front of the car door and to the side, waving Brock in and wiggling his eyebrows. “You will only know once you’ve gotten into the car.”

  Brock shrugged. “Can’t be that much more dangerous than fighting Leviathans or walk
ing into hell. Besides, being killed by the famous General Brushwood? It could be worse.”

  They climbed in and shut the door, and the car headed down the street. They weren’t very far from the airport, but the general wasn’t feeling the walk. “I’ve walked more than a whole city of people in my life, from the jungles of Vietnam to the hallways of Congress. I think I might just take a car everywhere from now on. Hell, I might just get myself one of those old people scooters and run into my assistants in the hallways.”

  Brock laughed. “You’ve earned it, sir. You can run over anyone you want, except me, of course.”

  The general furrowed his brow and pointed at him. “You’re first, kid. But in all seriousness, this whole thing makes me incredibly nervous. At the same time, though, I am hoping that we don’t need you guys. Juntto, Katie, and Pandora are more than capable of handling the situation, unless of course something unforeseen happens. But that’s why you’ll be there. And between you and me, if something happens to change Juntto, I don’t want you to think twice about him or innocent civilians. That is nothing against the big blue ox. I would say it to him about you if the roles were reversed.”

  Brock looked down at his clenched fists. “I know, sir, and I appreciate your unbiased view on things. I know you keep it fair.”

  The general groaned, putting his arm over the back of the seat. “Yeah, you know what they say. Old Brushwood, the guy who will take you out no matter who the hell you are.”

  The car pulled up next to the hangar and came to a stop. The driver got out and came around to open the passenger door. The general dipped his head, looking at the plane. “Have a good flight, and call me when you have any intel. And try not to let the world know we brought the frost giants here.”

  Brock smirked. “If I do, I’ll make sure to let them know it was your idea.”

  He hopped out of the car and grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. He hurried toward the plane and the flight attendant waiting at the top of the steps. Brock was shocked to see it was a personal jet and not a military plane, but then again, their mission wasn’t on the books. Smiling at the flight attendant, he turned the corner and stopped. Eddie, Turner, and Calvin were already on board and chilling in their seats.


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