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Kissed By Flames

Page 11

by Vella Day

  “Holy shit, you look fantastic!” He hadn’t wanted her to think the outfit made the woman, but the high heels, short black skirt, along with the bright turquoise, low-cut fitted top made his cock so hard he had to adjust himself. Not to mention he glowed as bright as a neon sign.

  She spun around. “Greer picked out most of the items.”

  “Remind me to give my sister a hug.” He stepped toward her. “Did you buy any sexy underwear?”

  She grinned. “Why yes I did.”

  “I hope you’re going to let me unwrap my present now.”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Lily was such a tease, and he loved it. “I asked before if I could strip you naked and you turned me down. I’m glad you’ve changed your mind this time,” Birk said, his words coming out slow and deep.

  She stepped close, kicked off her heels, and then ran a finger down his chest, stopping at the waistband of his jeans. “Hmm. How about I start here and we see where things lead? If I recall, you promised I could have some wicked fun with you the next time.”

  Lily had changed radically in the last few days, and he hoped it was because she accepted the idea of them being together—or else the alcohol had reduced her inhibitions.

  “Did I say that?” Birk grinned.


  “Fine, but I want you to know that I’ve had to work oh so hard to protect you.”

  She laughed. “Is that so?”

  “Mmhmm. So how are you going to make it up to me?” As much as he wanted to take her clothes off and drive his hard cock into her, Lily deserved some tender loving, and he wanted to give her the lead. Birk would do all he could to relax and let her explore. This was her time, but it was going to be torture for sure—sweet and divine.

  “By doing this.” She undid the button on his jeans, causing anticipation and the strongest of yearnings to course through him. “I’m curious to know just how many ruby scales I can make glow.”

  “My dragon might emerge.”

  Lily wagged a finger at him. “You can’t pull that trick on me anymore. I asked the girls whether or not they had ever experienced a loss of control and shifted.”

  “They’re only women.”

  She shook her head. “They said men and women shifters are equal when it comes to desire and need.”

  He huffed out a laugh. “Nessa told you that, right?”


  Birk knew when he was defeated. He stretched out his arms and kicked off his shoes. “Then go for it, but don’t be surprised if I can’t hold out and have to strip you naked, something doesn’t get ruined.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Not on purpose, but I am on edge right now. I’ve been away from you all day and my dragon and I need you something fierce.”

  “I like your dragon.”

  “That so? How about showing him?”

  Birk had no idea why he challenged her. One lick on his cock and he might partially shift. He probably should turn his hands into claws to prove to her that she could only seduce him up to a point.

  Lily grinned, undid the zipper, and dragged down his pants. Removing them could be a bit tricky, so he helped. After she lifted off his shirt, he was finally standing in front of her naked, and the light from his scales cast a reddish glow on the wall.

  She dragged the tip of her finger up the length of his cock, hard enough to feel but way too light to satisfy. Birk hissed.

  Lily looked up. “Does that mean you like this?”

  Damn woman would be the death of him. “I more than like it, but I suggest you hurry before I explode.” He was right. It was definite torture.

  She bent over, and then glanced up at him through her lashes. “Just a few licks.”

  Lily must be part seductress because the moment her mouth slid down his cock, his claws extended, and he struggled with his usual iron control.

  As much as Birk wanted to grab hold and direct her to take his cock deep, he wouldn’t for fear of hurting her. Instead, he gently gathered her hair and held it in a makeshift ponytail while he ran his other hand down the side of her face and neck. He would let her find her own pace—for now anyway.

  Lily grabbed the bottom half of his shaft and then sucked on the rest of his dick. He squeezed his eyes shut to focus on keeping control, but her moans and soft mewling caused him to lose it. The last thing he’d planned on was to let go, but his climax had snuck up on him too fast to stop. As he pumped his seed into her mouth, Lily held him tighter, exciting him further.

  Once he finished, he slipped out of her hold. “I’m really sorry,” he said. “I swear that’s never happened to me before.”

  Lily swallowed, looked up at him, and then grinned. “I’ll take that as a compliment. I have to say, from the way you were swaying, moaning, and flashing, you enjoyed it.”

  “Damn right, I did.” He gathered her in his arms and held her tight, her flowery scent overwhelming his senses. “How about we head into the bedroom where you can model for me whatever else you bought?”

  Lily giggled. “You just want to see me undress.”

  “Hell yes, I do! Let’s go, I’m up for an X-rated fashion show!” Birk slapped her on the ass as she squealed and ran ahead to the bedroom.

  Trying on all of her new outfits for Birk last night had been such a high. Not only did his eyes glow and his hands turn into claws twice, he ended up begging her for sex. Only when Lily had shown him every outfit and teased him mercilessly did she give in. Truth be told, seeing him so desperate soothed all the hurt she’d endured from assholes like Nelor Dobbins.

  After making love twice, they snuggled in bed where Birk fell asleep right away. As tired as she was—and as satisfied—Lily couldn’t take her mind off of those poor souls who were trapped inside the castle. Since the Royals were the highest authority in Avonbelle, it wasn’t as if they’d listen if she went there to complain about the injustice. Her luck, they’d toss her into the cell right alongside the others.

  “Lily?” a deep voice said, rousing her.

  Birk’s voice finally reached her brain, and she bolted upright. “Is something wrong?” She glanced around, noticing that the once dark room was now filled with light. “What time is it?”

  He chuckled. “It’s only ten, but I ordered in some breakfast, and it just arrived.”

  She hadn’t remembered falling asleep, but apparently she had. Lily tossed back the blanket, placed her feet on the floor, and then stretched. “I’ll be right there.”

  “I’ll pour the coffee.”

  After she dressed, washed her face, and brushed her teeth, she padded out to the living room. On the dining room table Birk claimed he rarely used, sat two bags of food from Arnolds that smelled divine. “I love their food.”

  “Me too.” He carried over two steaming cups of coffee, motioning her to sit down. “What would you like to do today?” he asked.

  When she’d had trouble sleeping, she’d given some thought what she wanted to do today. “What do you say we take a trip to the eternal flame?”

  His forehead wrinkled. “Why would you want to go there? It’s a long journey.”

  “It is only long if we drive.”

  “Are you saying you want to experience the Birk Express Flight?”

  She laughed. “At some point in my life I suspect something will come up that requires a speedy trip. I might as well see if I’m afraid of flying without a seatbelt.”

  He sipped his steaming drink. “I would be delighted to give it a try, but if it scares you, we can always drive there.”

  “That would take too long. Let’s hope I’m okay with being dangled from long claws high in the air. Kyle said that when Nessa first carried him, he felt safe.”

  “I promise you’ll feel safe too. I’ve never dropped anyone.”

  “I’m glad.” Lily opened up her bag of food and sighed when she saw the egg and cheese croissant. “You bought my favorite. Thank you.”

smiled and pulled out the contents of his bag. “Why do you want to visit the eternal flame?”

  Lily believed in total honesty. “I’m hoping to run into your fairy lady.”

  “She’s hardly my lady. You are.”

  Lily waved a hand. “You know what I mean—the lady who told you I was in trouble with Toma’s associates. Maybe she’s learned something new.”

  “She might have.”

  “I also want to see if this magical person knows anything about the people held captive in the castle.”

  “Ah, so this is your real reason for wanting to go.”

  “Maybe, but I can’t help it,” she said. “There’s something so tragic about their plight. I know that you and your family are still working on a rescue plan, but since Kaleena’s been free for quite some time now, it could be a bit longer before your family comes up with something.”

  Birk reached out and grabbed her hand. “You have the most beautiful heart, Lily Harper.”

  Heat raced up her face at the compliment. “Thank you.”

  “How about we finish eating, and then I’ll take you on a trial flight?”

  She smiled, and her love for Birk bloomed. “Up, up, and away we go.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Birk stepped back about fifteen feet from Lily in order to have enough room to shift. Shielding her eyes from the bright sun, she waited for him to transform. Not that Lily knew much about flying, but the minimal winds seemed like ideal conditions. Later she’d ask him if the rain and gusty conditions made flight more difficult even though his scales were waterproof.

  “I’m going to shift now,” Birk warned. “I am rather large in my dragon form, so please don’t freak out.”

  “I’ve seen a dragon before. They’ve been flying overhead my whole life,” Lily said.

  “Good. Do you remember what to do if you become scared and want me to land?”

  She sighed. They’d been over this several times. “Yes. One squeeze on your talon means slow down or level off, and two squeezes mean I’m done and want you to land right away.”

  He grinned. “You got it. Are you ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  Determined not to be afraid, Lily pictured the eternal flame and the tiny blonde woman in the hopes of finding answers. Nessa had told her how incredible and helpful Fay had been to her and Kyle. While the woman’s message had been rather cryptic, it had provided just enough information for Nessa to figure out who was after them.

  Wind swooshed across Lily’s face. One minute, Birk was human, and the next, he was this soaring mass of black and ruby scales. Holy shit! He was huge—bigger than Kyle in fact. She couldn’t imagine growing that large in mere seconds. It had to hurt.

  Birk reached out slowly, and Lily grabbed hold of his talon. They’d discussed whether she wanted to be cradled against his chest or face downward in order to watch the landscape pass by.

  For her trial run, she chose to face upward. Birk lifted her up, but before she was mentally ready, he burst upward. Wind swept her hair from her face, and the pressure from the change in gravity caused her to grip his talons harder and her heart to shoot to her throat. It was almost like the first time she’d gone downhill on a rollercoaster. Everything in her body freaked out for a bit.

  Lily could almost hear Birk’s comforting words about how he’d never dropped anyone, and that helped her relax—somewhat. Concentrating on his chest, she forced herself to breathe evenly. Thankfully, heat from his body took away the chill from being this high up.

  For the next few minutes, Birk flew parallel to the ground, and Lily eventually released her death grip—that was until he headed downward again. She swore she was falling. Tapping his talon twice was useless since he was headed to the ground anyway.

  Trying to be brave, she thought about the lovemaking from last night and the look in Birk’s eyes when she’d taken off her red lace push-up bra. She loved how his irises had changed colors several times. Usually when he was excited, they were pure turquoise, but this time swirls of green and amber had skidded across the surface.

  Birk set her down before she realized he’d landed. A bit disoriented, she clasped his claw for a moment before letting go. He needed to shift back, so she stepped away from him. Seconds later, he was human again.

  “How was it?” He leaned forward, his body language implying he was anxious.

  “Good. It was a bit nerve wracking at first, but when I let my mind wander to other things, I was fine.”

  “Does that mean you’re ready for your hour-long trip? I want to make sure my grip wasn’t too tight.”

  He was the most thoughtful man. “No, it was perfect.”

  He grinned. “Face up or face down this time?”

  Lily was brave but not that brave. “Face up going there. I might change my mind for the return trip.”

  Birk stepped closer. “I’d kiss you right now, but if I start…”

  She laughed. “You won’t be able to stop. I know.”

  Probably because he didn’t trust his dragon, Birk moved back and then shifted once more. This time when he swooped her up and took off, Lily was far more comfortable with the increase in speed.

  After several minutes of being in the air, she looked over her shoulder at the ground below, and to her delight the view didn’t disorient her. In fact, from this high up, the landscape was spectacular. A girl could get used to this mode of transportation.

  Sooner than she thought possible, Birk landed and then shifted once more. It was hard to believe an hour had passed.

  He rushed up to her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, why wouldn’t I be? I didn’t squirm or cry out, did I?”

  His shoulders sagged. “No. Did you enjoy the flight?”

  She loved his hopeful expression. “Totally.”

  “I can’t tell you how relieved I am.”

  She rubbed his arm. “Me too.”

  “We’ll have to walk a bit before we reach the flame. I couldn’t fly any closer because of all the trees.”

  “I figured.”

  The path was flat and easy to navigate. Nessa had said she and Kyle had spotted no one on the trail, but this time two couples, one with two teenagers in tow, passed them. When she and Birk arrived at the sacred spot, Lily was a little disappointed at the less than spectacular fountain. Four pipes protruded from the mountain face, each with water flowing out of them that fed a small pool. In front, and slightly to the side, was a large cement bowl that contained the eternal flame.

  While the size of the flame was impressive, there wasn’t a fairy or a blonde woman around anywhere, and there weren’t any fireflies either—something else Birk had said he’d seen the last time he’d visited.

  He led her to the fountain. “The last time I made a wish, Fay appeared. Maybe that’s how we contact her.”

  “It would be fun to make a wish anyway.”

  Birk handed her a coin. “Close your eyes, make a wish, and then toss in the coin.”

  With the metal pressed against her palm, Lily faced the fountain and tried to picture those lost souls trapped in the jail. I hope Birk and his family can find a way to save them.

  Once she mentally spoke her desire, she opened her eyes and tossed in the coin. There were several other different denominations at the bottom of the pool. She spun around and looked deep into the forest, waiting for Fay to arrive.

  “Where is she?” Lily asked.

  He shrugged. “Maybe she has the day off.”

  That was lame. “I doubt that. She appeared for Kyle and Nessa.”

  Birk placed a hand on the small of her back. “Let’s read the inscription on the flame. I didn’t get a chance to look at it the last time.”

  For the next few minutes they read about the four provinces and their pledge to remain allies. “Do you think the provinces decided to unite because they believed Earth or Cargonia would challenge them?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe if we run into Fay again,
we can ask her.”

  All of a sudden, a strange buzzing sound came from down the pathway. They both turned at once and watched a swarm of pinpoint lights come toward them. Birk stepped slightly in front of Lily. A moment later, the individual pinpricks grouped together and transformed into a small, blonde woman.

  A beautiful creature, full of light herself, smiled and held out her hand to Birk. “Nice to see you again.” She faced Lily. “And this must be your mate.”

  “Yes, this is Lily Harper.” Birk wrapped an arm around Lily’s waist.

  “Nice to meet you Lily—I’m Fay Forrester. I trust Birk has been keeping you safe?” Fay asked as sweet as could be.

  Lily’s lips wouldn’t move. She’d never seen anyone like Fay before.

  “I’m trying to,” Birk said. “We came because Lily was hoping to meet you.”

  Finally, her breath returned to her lungs. “Yes. We were curious if you learned anything more about the men who want to harm me.”

  Fay shook her head. “Information comes to me in waves. It’s not like I have Internet service here and can type in my question.”

  Her comical answer relaxed Lily. “I understand. I do have one more thing to ask, and it doesn’t require that kind of knowledge.”

  Fay’s eyes lit up. “I’ll be happy to help if I can.”

  “There are people—white lighters we believe—who are trapped in the basement of the Royal castle. They are being held in order for the Royals to steal their magic.” Lily told her about Kaleena and Finn’s remarkable rescue.

  “I did hear about that. It was tragic.”

  That was all she could say? “Is there anything Birk and his family can do to save them?” Or anything you can do?

  “You sound very passionate about them. Do you know any of them personally?”

  “No, but I can imagine what it would be like being trapped—especially if I did nothing wrong. I’m not a shifter, and I have no power, but if I did, and someone wanted to mess with it, I’d be terrified and quite upset.”

  “I see.” Fay turned around and strolled toward the forest. She stopped and then spun back. “I might have a solution.”


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