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Kissed By Flames

Page 12

by Vella Day

  Lily’s pulse soared. “What’s that?”

  “How would you like to save them?”

  Laughter burst out of her. “Me? Not only is the underground part of the castle a maze, I have no powers.”

  “What if you did?”

  Lily didn’t know how to answer.

  Fay moved closer. “What if I told you that I could give you the power of invisibility one time? And that whatever you touched would become invisible too? That way, you could sweep in, unlock the cells, and lead the prisoners out.”

  Had Birk not had his arm around her waist, she might have collapsed. “For real?” She looked up at him to see his reaction.

  “If someone bumped into her, would they know she was there?” Birk asked, his voice coming out hard.

  “Yes, but in the time it took this person to react, Lily could move out of harm’s way.”

  Her mind spun. Finding the prisoners was a daunting enough task, let alone freeing them, but if she were invisible, it might be possible.

  “When would this spell start?” Birk asked, his voice lower.

  Fay lifted something from her pocket. It was an amulet of some sort, and she handed it to Lily. “It’s not a spell in the traditional sense. If you place this over your heart and say the words: pure of soul, kind of heart, I shall be free to do my part, the power of invisibility will begin.”

  Birk slid one of Lily’s hands into his.

  The chant sounded rather hokey to her, but she had nothing to lose. “Once I’m invisible, how do I change back to being seen again?”

  “To go from invisible to visible, place the stone over your heart once more and repeat the chant. After you use the amulet, the next time you return, give it to me so I can offer it to someone else.”

  “Of course.” Her heart pounded as she squeezed the metal piece tightly in her palm. She looked up at Birk. “What do you think?”

  He let go of her hand and cupped her face. “It’s up to you, baby, but I think we can come up with a plan to make this work, if that’s what you want. Since it only works once, maybe you want to use it if you are ever captured by Toma’s men.”

  Lily shook her head. “No, I have you to protect me. I want to do some good with my new power.”

  Fay smiled. “Then enjoy your day of being a rescuer.”

  Lily didn’t know how to thank her. “May I hug you?”

  Fay spread her arms. “All creatures need to be appreciated.”

  The embrace that followed was warm and wonderful. “Thank you,” Lily said.

  “My pleasure. Now, if you two are worried about being safe, there is a cabin not far from here where you can relax. The fireflies will make sure nothing happens to you. We fairies use it all the time.”

  Heat swamped her. “It is your cabin?” Lily blurted.

  “For today, it’s yours.”

  It didn’t seem as if Fay was going to give out any more information. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Fay laughed. “No need to say anything. Enjoy the natural beauty of our forest here. I have no doubt you have a few ideas of your own on how to spend the rest of your day at the cabin together.”

  Lily understood very little, but she was thrilled. “Thank you for everything, Fay!”

  As quickly as she appeared, the fairy turned into a small winged creature and then disappeared into pinpricks of light.

  “I’ve never seen anything like that before,” Lily said with total awe.

  “I hadn’t either. Ready to find this cabin?” Birk asked.

  “You bet. Besides, the walk will give me some time to come to grips with what just happened. I can’t believe I saw a fairy appear and disappear into what looked like fireflies. And then I learned I could appear and disappear at will—at least one time. It’s overwhelming.”

  “I imagine it would be.”

  “Let’s not forget, I had my first ever dragon flight today too. I’ll be marking this day on my calendar.”

  Birk stroked her arm. “I’ve interacted with the Four Sisters of Fate on several occasions, so being able to give you this kind of ability shouldn’t surprise me, but it does. As for this being a red-letter day, I’m hoping to make it even more memorable.” He winked.

  Her heart nearly jumped out of her body from the sheer joy racing through her. Lily stuck her hand in her pocket and rubbed her thumb over the surface of the amulet to make sure she still had it.

  Less than fifteen minutes later, they arrived at an adorable white wooden cottage. It had green shutters and a porch with pink and green rocking chairs on it.

  “Let’s look inside,” Birk said. “I bet we can think of something fun to do.”

  Lily laughed. “Do you think of anything besides sex?”

  His mouth opened. “How can you ask me that? I think about your safety, your comfort, if you’re happy, and—”

  She smiled and held up a hand. “I was only teasing you. Come on.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Do you think we really are safe here?” Lily asked. “I mean—can fireflies really keep us safe?”

  “I believe they can. This forest is full of magic.” Birk had been brought up to respect that. So what if he’d been skeptical at first? “Even if the fireflies aren’t able to ward off any evil, I can protect you.” He drew her near and then hugged her. Lily’s scent tantalized him, and a wave of need descended. “I want you, Lily.”

  “I want you too.”

  Lily had been through so much today, and her acceptance of the changes made him love her even more. His lips descended, and when she opened her mouth to receive him, all thoughts of taking their love making experience slow, disappeared.

  She reached for the button on his pants first. “I need you naked,” she said after breaking the kiss.

  He laughed. “I thought that was my line.”

  With a speed he couldn’t believe, they both kicked off their shoes. Birk quickly unbuttoned her shirt and then started on her pants while she undid the zipper on his jeans and tugged on them. When she dropped to her knees to take them off, he let go of her pants before he had the chance to remove them.

  Against his will, his claws extended. Stop it, he said to his dragon. They slowly transformed into hands again. “Sorry. My dragon is having a hard time behaving. He wants you too much—as do I.”

  Lily stood. “I remember what happened the last time your dragon was in need, and I sucked on your dick.”

  “It exploded, which should be a lesson to you.” Birk stepped back and ditched his pants, briefs, and shirt.

  Lily stood there, light filling her eyes. “I never get tired of seeing you naked.”

  “Can I finish undressing you?”

  “If you’re fast.”

  Oh, I’ll be fast all right. I couldn’t go slowly if I wanted to. “I’ll try not to destroy anything. We don’t want to walk through the woods with torn clothes.”

  Lily’s eyes widened. She slipped off her unbuttoned shirt, unhooked her bra, and tossed it on the counter. The mere sight of her naked breasts had Birk’s hormones going crazy.

  Lily shoved her pants down. Birk then knelt in front of her and dragged her pink panties along with her jeans the rest of the way. His chest expanded and contracted too rapidly, and his fingers itched to touch her intimately.

  She held onto the counter and stepped out of the rest of her clothes. Birk stood and lifted her up onto the counter.

  Her eyes opened wide again. “Holy crap, that is cold.”

  “Oh, shit. I’m sorry.” The Earth saying of haste makes waste sure applied here. Birk tossed his jeans on the counter. “Sit on these.”

  Once she was on them, Lily smiled. “Much better.”

  With nothing else to get in their way, Birk spread her legs. He then picked up his shirt, folded it in half, and placed it behind her so she didn’t hurt her elbows. “Lean back.”

  Ready for his feast, he slipped two fingers into her pussy and wiggled them around, searching for that perfect spot that made
her scream in ecstasy. Lily sat up and grabbed his shoulders, scratching his skin in the process. His scales glowed, and no doubt his eyes had turned a different shade.

  “Kiss me, Birk.”

  Cupping the back of her head, Birk delved into her mouth. With his fingers still buried deep inside her, he kept working that sweet spot while his thumb flicked her clit. His dragon clawed at his insides as his balls tightened.

  Lily broke the kiss, dropped her head back, and let out a yell, her climax overtaking her. A moment later, she was back on her elbows, her chest heaving. “That was amazing.”

  Birk smiled and withdrew his fingers. “I have something bigger if you want?”

  She chuckled. “I have something bigger for you to put your mouth on too.” She sat up and lifted her breasts. It was like she was waving a red cape at a bull.

  “Fuck me. I don’t know where to start. I want it all.”

  As if she’d placed a huge feast in front of him, Birk sucked on one breast while he kneaded the other. Sparks of lust pummeled his body, and his cock grew harder than the stone counter. With each lick, his need grew. After he switched to the other breast, he dropped between her legs and swiped his tongue across her opening.

  She shrieked with pleasure.

  Mate, mate, his dragon urged.

  As much as Birk wanted to claim her as his own right then, he needed to wait. She wasn’t ready yet.

  Soon though.

  “Birk, please, I have to have you.”

  He stood, slid her off the counter, turned her around, and placed her hands on the stone top. When he widened her legs with his, he noticed his cum had leaked out.

  Don’t fail me now, dragon.

  Then hurry.

  Lily was so on edge. Her pussy was aching for Birk’s cock. She gripped the counter hard and arched her back, hoping he was so excited that he wouldn’t notice her ugly, scarred back. Even though Birk told her it didn’t bother him, she still doubted him. He was just being kind because who wouldn’t be put off by such ugliness?

  But when Birk placed his cheek on her back and pressed his hard shaft against her opening, all doubt evaporated, and love bloomed. Her body sizzled with delight. Instead of plunging into her though, he cupped her breasts and nibbled on her ear. What was he waiting for? An invitation?

  “I love the feel of these,” he said as he squeezed her nipples. They stiffened and heat raced between her thighs.

  “I love when you touch them.” The breath was knocked from her lungs from the excitement soaring through her veins, causing her words to come out as a whisper.

  Birk chuckled. “Then I’ll have to touch them often.”

  He pressed on the tips, sending erotic lust straight to her core, and every twist and turn made her body yearn for more. Lily leaned her hips back to signal she was ready. It must have been what he was waiting for, because he lowered his hands to her waist and drove into her.

  Oh, glory. Cascading waves of pure bliss slammed into her hard, and she lifted her head to suck in more oxygen. He slipped out and then tunneled straight back in again, causing her pussy to spasm around his cock. Her flesh quivered. Her heart pounded. Joy blasted her.

  She reached behind her and grabbed his right hip, thrilling at the way his muscles bunched with each thrust. Birk lowered his lips to her neck, and for a moment Lily thought this would be the moment when he sank his teeth into her and made her his own. As much as she wanted to be one with him, she needed more time.

  Lily must have stiffened because Birk moved on, kissing his way downward until his mouth was pressed against her shoulder.

  “Lily, you have no idea what you do to me.” His gravelly voice nearly undid her.

  “I wish you could be me for one moment to understand what I’m feeling.”

  Birk nuzzled his face against her neck again and groaned as he plowed into her. She sucked in deep breaths as her climax built. When he lowered a hand between her legs and pressed on her clit, her resolve collapsed. A gigantic orgasm swept in, taking her as high as when Birk had flown her above the realm.

  When he buried himself deep inside her, his hot seed filled her. At that moment, they were one.

  She was overwhelmed. Satisfied. And reeling. Never in a million years would she have believed a dragon shifter could bring her such joy. But he had. Birk. Her Birk. Wow.

  Lily folded her arms on the counter and dropped her forehead on her wrists, her back heaving from the experience.

  His heavy breath rolled over her ear as he whispered, “You are so amazing.”

  She would have responded had her brain been able to form the words. All she could do was nod. Lily thought he would pull out, but instead he nibbled on her ear again and his hard cock slowly eased out and then slid back in again.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he said.

  Ribbons of desire wrapped around her body and ruby red flashes of light made it past her closed lids. She wanted to tell him she wanted him again, but Lily wasn’t good at expressing herself, so she showed him. Grabbing his hand, she slid it between her legs.

  The smart man figured out what she wanted before she did. Birk gently bit her ear and then dragged his lips to her cheek as his thumb pressed on her clit again. How she could be so excited three times in a row she didn’t know, but every one of his touches made her more urgent than the last.

  “Yes,” she managed to say. “That’s it.”

  Once his already slick cock reached the end of her channel, her brain ceased to function. Sparks lit up every cell, and it was as if he were transporting her to a different realm. One hand continued to lovingly press and twirl her clit while the other excited her breasts.

  “I need you more than life, Lily.”

  She let his words bathe her in acceptance, and her love bloomed. Unable to control her body, she pressed her hips back. That did it. Birk grunted, increased the pressure on her nipples and thrust into her hard.

  Soaring high once more, she let go and went on the wild ride with him. Colors swam in front of her and endorphins filled her veins. Time seemed to stand still. As if this was going to be the last time they’d ever have the chance to make love, their sweaty bodies glided easily over one another. Their lovemaking was deliciously fast and furious.

  His lips pressed against her head, and he inhaled deeply. The groan that followed and the hard pinch to her nipples was the final push to yet another realm-shattering climax.

  She yelled out, her body stiffening from the intensity of the pleasure of his cock detonating. Her face pressed against his rough wadded up jeans, her body sagged. Even Birk seemed frozen to the spot. She stayed cocooned in his arms for a long time before he withdrew.

  “Jeez, Lily. You will be the death of me. That was incredible,” he said as he padded over to a drawer and opened it. The water ran, and when he returned, he turned her around and wiped her clean.

  “I’m spent,” she said.

  Once Birk washed, and then tossed the wet cloth back into the sink, he lifted her into his arms. “Are you ready to head out of the forest?”

  Was he kidding? She draped her arms around his neck and sagged against him. “Give me a minute to recuperate.”

  Birk nuzzled her neck. “Take as long as you need. I love holding you.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  As Birk and Lily headed back to the clearing at the edge of the forest, she was highly animated about saving the prisoners. Birk was not. “Do you have a plan in mind?” he asked.

  “Not really, but according to Kaleena, Finn recorded the castle maze that leads to the cells. I’ll study it until it’s burned into my memory. Then I’ll ask for the prison cell keys Finn took from the castle, find my way there, and free the prisoners.”

  There was so much more than simple logistics, but he didn’t want to argue with her now. “For starters, we have to make sure the people there are unjustifiably imprisoned.”

  “Kaleena said she met—”

  He held up a hand. “Kaleena doesn’t really
know. It’s been a while since she was held captive. The white lighters might have been turned already. It’s also possible some of them are killers.”

  Lily kicked a clump of dirt. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

  Birk hated seeing her dejected, so he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “We’ll sit down with the other Guardians and work out a solid plan. Don’t worry, we will figure something out.” Something that would involve a certain set of sisters. “Before we even think of letting you head into the castle, I want to have Camden see if he can embed a tracking device in your ring. I couldn’t live with myself if anything went wrong. A worst-case scenario would be if you became visible while freeing the prisoners and are caught. At least then I could find you if they take you someplace else.”

  She hugged his arm. “That’s a wonderful idea, but let’s hope it won’t come to that. Fay never mentioned anything about me losing my invisibility shield though.”

  “True, but I’m all about contingencies.”

  The flight back to town wasn’t nearly as scary as her first flight, possibly because Lily’s mind alternated between the incredible sex she and Birk had in the cottage, and the realization she now possessed some magic—or would possess some magic once she placed the amulet Fay had given her over her heart and repeated a chant.

  They were now seated at a large conference table in the SinCas building.

  “Sugar or milk?” Birk asked as he set a cup of coffee in front of her.

  “After being my bodyguard all that time, you don’t remember I take it black?”

  He stabbed a hand through his hair. “Sorry. I forgot. The thought of something going wrong with this crazy operation has short-circuited my brain.”

  She reached out and grabbed his hand. “What can go wrong? No one will be able to see me.”

  “You know how we can cloak ourselves when we fly?”

  He’d demonstrated his ability to her when they were in the air. “Yes.”

  “Sometimes even that goes haywire. Stress can distract us and cause our shield to disappear. Even just being invisible for too long can sometimes make us lose it. What if that happens to you?”


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