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Why Did You Hurt Me?

Page 13

by Phylicia Joannis


  Stick to the Plan

  Wednesday comes and goes with no word from Mr. Reese. Johnny had feared his stepfather would retaliate against him or his mother for what happened, but the Master assured him he’d be fine. Johnny had gone straight to him after his mother kicked him out, and the Master had sent him home with instructions to wait. His mother let him back in the house, so long as he promised not to cause trouble.

  Wednesday night Johnny gets an email from Steve telling him to meet with the Master again. Johnny meets with the Master at the usual place in the woods; the meeting is brief.

  “You’re going out with Jennifer tomorrow,” the Master informs him. “Arrangements have already been made.” He hands Johnny a folded piece of white paper. “I want you to make sure that West gets this note tomorrow, but don’t hand it to him. He has to think it’s for Jennifer. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done.”

  Johnny nods in consent and looks at the note. “What does it say?”

  “That’s none of your concern!” the Master sneers. “If you open it, I’ll know, so don’t even think about it.” He dismisses Johnny with a wave of his hand and Johnny turns to leave.

  “One more thing,” the Master adds. Johnny pauses to listen. “If you want your life back, don’t doubt me again.” Johnny nods solemnly and walks away.


  Johnny spends Thursday morning looking for opportunities to get the note to Martin. He gets his chance just after lunch. Martin, Jennifer, and Johnny all share the same English class.

  Martin beats Johnny to the desk next to Jennifer, but their instructor has them rearrange desks into circles for group discussions on the novel The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. During the confusion, Johnny ends up next to Jennifer, and Martin ends up in the desk across from them. After the first round of discussions ends, Johnny passes his first note to Jen.

  Hey, does any of this stuff make sense to you?


  Jen reads the note and makes a face. Quietly she writes a reply.

  No; but pay attention. This “stuff” will be on the final exam.


  Johnny reads it and exchanges a grin with Jennifer. Across the way, Martin scowls and shifts in his desk. Johnny smiles to himself and scribbles another note.

  Hard to pay attention when I’m next to such a pretty girl.


  Johnny pauses mid transfer as a student directs a question his way.

  “So what do you think, Johnny?”

  Johnny hems for a moment; he hasn’t been paying attention.

  “Um... I think John Steinbeck lost me after the first chapter.” Everyone in the group laughs, except Martin.

  “Yeah, and what’s with the chapter dedicated to a turtle?” another student jumps in. “How random is that?” More laughs and jokes erupt until finally their instructor intervenes.

  “Need I remind you that this is supposed to be a serious discussion?” she sniffs.

  Everyone sobers and the discussion continues. Johnny passes the note to Jen. She reads it and blushes. She turns away from him as she writes her reply. He strains his neck to look over her shoulder, but she pushes him away.

  Suddenly, Martin speaks up, addressing Jennifer. “What did you think of the story, Jen? Was it what you expected? Did everything turn out nice and pretty and happy, the way they planned it from the beginning? Or did the whole story turn into something else?”

  Martin gives Jennifer a challenging look. Jennifer returns the favor.

  “I think that the story portrays a part of life we don’t like to deal with, Martin. It’s easy to have faith when everything is going well and you think you’re in control. But when life becomes hard and we lose control over our circumstances, we find out what we really believe and who we truly are.”

  Martin looks away and an awkward silence follows. Another student mercifully starts up another round of questions, and Johnny sends Jen another note.

  I thought you said this stuff didn’t make sense to you? You sound like an expert to me. Anyway, don’t let Martin get to you. I’m sure he’ll come around. BTW, do you have plans tonight?


  Jen reads the note. She passes him her previous note, adding a line to it before she gives it to him.

  You’re not too shabby yourself, sir. Thanks and no, I don’t have plans. Are you asking me out on a date?

  Martin watches in disgust as Johnny and Jennifer pass notes back and forth. Does she know she is making a fool of herself? Johnny is playing her, telling her what she wants to hear, and she’s eating it up! Why can’t she see through him?

  Martin frowns as Jennifer’s hand grazes Johnny’s. They’ve become affectionate in a very short period of time. Their instructor ends the group discussions and they return the desks to their normal positions. Johnny manages to stay next to Jennifer, and Martin ends up two desks behind Johnny. Martin spends the rest of class scrutinizing Johnny and Jennifer. When the bell rings to end class, Johnny and Jennifer linger behind. Martin does the same, placing his books as slowly into his backpack as he can.

  Johnny whispers something in Jennifer’s ear and hands her a note. Jen places the note in her pocket and gives Johnny a hug. Martin scowls and stuffs his papers, half crushed, into his backpack. Johnny and Jen walk out, and Martin shadows them. Martin hesitates when he sees a folded note on the floor. He isn’t sure, but it may have come from Jennifer’s pocket. He waits for Johnny and Jennifer to round the corner before picking it up.

  Martin studies the note for a moment, weighing his options. His better judgment tells him whatever the note contains is none of his business; Martin opens the note anyway. It reads:


  Having fun yet? I am too. I want to take you some place special Friday night. Follow the directions on the map. Meet me at 8 o’clock. It will be a nice quiet place for us to be alone and finish that conversation we were having the night before. Call me if you get lost.


  Martin turns the note around and sees the map drawn on the back. What is Johnny up to? he wonders.


  Martin calls Jennifer later that night to find out more about the note. When he calls, Jennifer’s mother answers the phone.

  “I’m sorry, honey, but you just missed her,” Ms. Smith informs him. “She went out with Johnny to the movies, and I think they’re going out to eat afterwards. Do you want me to take a message for you?”

  “No thanks,” he replies. Martin hangs up the phone and scowls. Somehow, he’s got to get through to her.


  Johnny walks Jennifer to her door. They held hands most of the night, and he’s hesitant to let go now. The porch light is on, and, judging by the silhouette in the window, Ms. Smith is watching.

  “I guess this is goodnight,” Jennifer replies with a smile.

  “Yeah,” Johnny hems. “This was fun.” He slowly releases her hand. “Goodnight Jennifer.”

  “Night, Johnny,” she replies. She turns to go inside, but Johnny grabs her hand again.

  “Jen?” he tugs her toward him.

  “Yes?” she replies. Their faces are inches apart, and Johnny feels the inevitable happening. He slowly pulls her close before kissing her, and Jennifer wraps her arms around his neck.

  They haven’t kissed since the dance, and the feeling takes her breath away. The knowledge that her mother is watching forces Jennifer to pull away, but not before she hears Johnny whisper something that makes her heart stop.

  “I love you, Jen.” The words are out before he realizes he’s talking, and Jennifer’s eyes widen in amazement. She smiles at him and walks inside.


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