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Douluo Dalu: Volume 42: God of Angels

Page 4

by Tang Jia San Shao

  But Tang San really was too overconfident, that’s why he still wanted to attack the enemy to save himself, first destroying the Dark Devilgod Tiger itself. He hadn’t expected that when the Dark Devilgod Tiger launched this absolute ability, it received the ability’s protection. Tang San’s Purple God Light attack might be powerful, it still only broke the ability’s protection without harming the Dark Devilgod Tiger itself.

  But the Dark Devilgod Tiger was equally unlucky. After its external defense was broken by the Purple God Light, it could no longer rely on the protection to exempt it from the ability, but rather equally had to endure the power of the ability after being sucked in.

  The Dark Devilgod Tiger had become the most difficult to deal with spirit beast Tang San had ever faced, and wasn’t Tang San also the most difficult to deal with spirit master it had met?

  Everything around turned black, Tang San only felt his body softly floating powerlessly. What made him even more astonished was that his spirit power fluctuations were growing weaker and weaker, some bizarre change apparently going on. In this dark world, he wanted to use the Seagod’s Light with all his strength, but, the Seagod Trident brand on his forehead suddenly no longer reacted, his mental strength was also completely suppressed.

  How was it possible? What kind of ability was this? How could it have an effect like this? Tang San first panicked a bit.

  Suddenly the surroundings brightened, and he felt his feet firmly planted on the ground. Tang San was shocked to discover that he had arrived in a strange space. It was like an enormous arena. It seemed round, but as far as the eye could see, there were no clouds, sun or stars, only infinite darkness. And that light was released by the arena itself. An oppressive feeling gradually made Tang San unable to stay calm.

  And at this moment he also saw his opponent. But what shocked him was that his opponent seemed to have changed.

  The Dark Devilgod Tiger was thirty meters away from Tang San, just looking at him. Only now its tiger eyes were filled with fury, it was constantly roaring, not a bit of the calm from before.

  A Dark Devilgod Tiger’s body was more than eight meters long, and extremely majestic, with the wings on its back were unfolded it gave a feeling as if hiding the sky and blotting out the sun. But right now, not only were its wings gone, even its tail was an ordinary tiger tail. The Devilgod Hook was even more pitifully small, not giving off a speck of energy waves. And its body had already turned a meter and a half long, way too much smaller than before. If before it looked incomparably vicious, then now this Dark Devilgod Tiger rather seemed cute. More like a giant black cat.

  And when Tang San accidentally saw his own body, he was even more shocked……

  Chapter 290: Childhood Battle, Clear Sky Hammer Fourth Spirit Ring

  When Tang San saw the shrunken Dark Devilgod Tiger, he still thought it was hilarious. But as he looked down at himself, it didn’t feel as funny anymore. Because right now his entire body had shrunken down to less than one meter twenty. His body had shrunk, and even his clothes grew smaller along with it. He looked like when he was six or seven years old.

  What shocked Tang San the most was that not only had his body changed, the golden trident lay on the ground next to him, and his current spirit power was also reduced to when he was six and still hadn’t broken through the first tier. Even the two great Clear Sky Hammer and Blue Silver Grass spirits hadn’t awakened. All he had was a superficial Mysterious Heaven Skill.

  Returned to childhood? Tang San swallowed. What kind of spirit ability did the Dark Devilgod Tiger use? How come he and it had both become so small? Could he even change back?

  His body couldn’t move, as if a strange force targeted him. No spirit abilities could be used, including spirit bone abilities. Right now he was the not yet awakened six year old Tang San.

  A strange voice echoed all around.

  “Welcome to the life and death arena. Only the death of one side can end this battle of life and death, and leave this space. Counting down, five, four, three, two, one, begin.”

  As this sudden voice counted down, Tang San’s thoughts moved like lightning. All he could do in his present state was think. Even though he didn’t know how the Dark Devilgod Tiger did it, he had been returned to six years of age. This was fact. But the Dark Devilgod Tiger had also shrunken, this proved that it also equally suffered from whatever restraints he was under. Then this battle wasn’t completely hopeless.

  That strange voice’s simple explanation told Tang San that this was a battle of life and death, a battle of life and death between him and the Dark Devilgod Tiger returned to childhood. They should still return to the real world afterwards. His body would then recover. And dying in the battle here naturally also meant dying in reality.

  That the Dark Devilgod Tiger brought him to such a place was probably because infant spirit beasts were much stronger than infant spirit masters. This spirit ability was just too strange. No wonder Da Ming and Er Ming could never finish this guy in their battles. With such a spirit ability, it really was difficult to deal with. It was lucky Da Ming and Er Ming were also spirit beasts, they shouldn’t come out the worse when returned to childhood like this.

  Before Tang San could think further, his body suddenly came loose, the restrictions already gone. That stagnant feeling had just disappeared when the Dark Devilgod Tiger turned into a dark shadow, instantly lunging towards Tang San. Its red eyes showed a cold light, as if it already regarded Tang San as a corpse.

  The one and a half meter shrunken Dark Devilgod Tiger of course wasn’t any threat to the adult Tang San, but when he was just six years old, any one of the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s attacks might seriously hurt him. When he was six years old he was after all still too weak. But if the Dark Devilgod Tiger thought he would be annihilated so easily, it would be sorely disappointed.

  Any other spirit master might not even have dodged the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s first strike. Before their spirits had awakened at age six, they were just ordinary children. The Dark Devilgod Tiger was just unlucky enough to run into Tang San. Born of two worlds, even though Tang San couldn’t be described as powerful when he was six, he had still already cultivated the Tang Sect’s secret arts for a while.

  Using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step, Tang San nimbly dodged aside, immediately letting the Dark Devilgod Tiger lunge past him as he took another strange step, pressing close to its lower back. With a light shoulder tackle, the Dark Devilgod Tiger was struck sideways, its balance destroyed, rolling on the ground several times before catching its balance.

  Tang San smiled, he smiled extremely happily. Because he knew that there was no longer any sense in prolonging this battle.

  The Dark Devilgod Tiger’s first attack missed. It quickly shot back, lunging towards Tang San once again. Its strength really had fallen to its juvenile stage, not even the level of a ten year spirit beast. But it was gifted with talent, and even with cultivation less than ten years, its true strength might be above that of a ten year spirit beast. Dealing with a child in such condition, to the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s mind, was easy as can be. But with its first attack, Tang San used action to tell it that, even when returned to childhood, killing him wasn’t so easy.

  As the Dark Devilgod Tiger turned around and attacked Tang San once again, it saw the tiny Tang San holding a one chi long black box in his arms.

  The black box was a bit heavy, but to Tang San who had already cultivated Mysterious Heaven Skill to the first tier it was nothing. His tender little hands swiftly wound up the black box, one sonorous metal clack after another reverberating.

  Seeing the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s second strike about to land, Tang San turned, using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step to shift three feet sideways, then rolling on the ground to once again dodge the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s charge.

  The Dark Devilgod Tiger was a bit panicked. It couldn’t understand how such a small human had such agility, actually able to easily dodge its attacks. With a deep roar, grey streams of a
nger began to spread from the Dark Devilgod Tiger. The grey streams slowly condensed into a spiral shape in front of it.

  The Dark Devilgod Tiger cub’s evil energy was equally very small, this spiral forming in front of it was just a kernel of Dark Devil Thunder, extremely different from what it used in the previous battle against Tang San. Back then it practically instantly sent out a wide expanse of Dark Devil Thunder, but now condensing this kernel was still so difficult.

  But the Dark Devilgod Tiger formly believed that even if this thunder kernel condensed from the power of evil didn’t directly hit Tang San and just exploded next to him, it was still powerful enough for it to catch him and end this battle.

  At the same time as the Dark Devil Thunder formed in front of the Dark Devilgod Tiger, Tang San’s hands also came to a stop on the mechanism. The black box slowly rose, aiming at the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

  Whoosh—— The Dark Devil Thunderbolt shot out, but at the very same time, resounding cracks and intense buzzing sounds erupted. Sixteen lines of black light shot from the small box in Tang San’s hand like a mirage.

  Boom—— The first explosion was that Dark Devil Thunderbolt. Its explosive power really was astonishing, at least six of the black shadow lines swirled away in all directions. But, the remaining twelve black lines also shot towards the Dark Devilgod Tiger in the same instant.

  Pupupupupupu—— Amidst a series of dull sounds, the Dark Devilgod Tiger froze. Large clouds of grey exploded from its body, each misty flash causing it to tremble. Its scarlet eyes were filled with disbelief.

  Tang San began to wind up the black box for a second time, carefully watching the Dark Devilgod Tiger with a completely calm expression,

  “I’m sorry, I have to admit that you are the most cunning and treacherous of all the spirit beasts I have seen. Perhaps the most intelligent one. You have not only formidable strength, but also extremely accurate battle planning. It’s no wonder you could survive until now as a Dark Devilgod Tiger. I believe you should even be a king among the entire Dark Devilgod tribe. I admit I lost in planning and control. I underestimated your strength even more, and my confidence let me overlook the possibility of danger. Unfortunately, luck isn’t on your side. I might not have lost to you when I was six years old, because I am a Tang Sect disciple. Even more so when, even though this ability’s restraint is exceedingly powerful, it wasn’t able to restrain my spirit tool. The Godly Zhuge Crossbow has once again become my talisman of victory. When you and I were returned to childhood and arrived in this strange space, your loss was already set. But I will admit that you are an enemy worthy of respect. A powerful opponent.”

  Saying so, Tang San gave the Dark Devilgod Tiger a slight bow, expressing his respect. And the Dark Devilgod Tiger also seemed to understand what Tang San said, glaring at him and roaring unwillingly. Its scarlet eyes seemed to spit flame.

  Suddenly, Tang San felt a chill all over, understanding something from the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s gaze, and his face immediately paled,

  “It seems my luck really is excellent. Goodbye.”

  Clangclangclang…… Chichichichichichi…...

  Sixteen clouds of grey bloodmist once again erupted from the Dark Devilgod Tiger. No matter how powerful its body was, this time, all its life aura was crushed before the refined iron crossbow bolts. This difficult battle finally came to an end.

  Everything around grew distorted, the space instantly shattering. Infinite darkness swept down once again. Tang San relaxed, quietly putting the Godly Zhuge Crossbow back in his Wishful Hundred Treasures Purse. His heart was still thumping violently.

  Light flashed, his whole body lightened. When he once again had his feet firmly planted on the ground, Tang San was already back in the Star Dou Great Forest, his lost power returned, all his strength back. The Seagod Trident also lay quietly by his feet. And not far in front of him, on the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s giant corpse, floated a strange pearl. That pearl seemed entirely dark, but it emanated cyan and blue colored luster.

  What was this? Before Tang San could react, the black hole that released him inhaled, and that strange pearl instantly flew inside. Tang San promptly used Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, but just at the moment he got control of the pearl, the black hole closed with a bang, the torn space returning to normal. The strange pearl from the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s corpse thus disappeared.

  Tang San looked distracted, frowning. He couldn’t help forcefully hitting his face. He knew that ordinarily he would have reacted fast enough to catch that pearl, but because his mood was influenced, he didn’t succeed. This really wasn’t a good sign.

  Looking towards the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s corpse, Tang San couldn’t help sighing to himself. This powerful spirit beast astonished him too much. It unexpectedly made what he originally thought was an extremely simple battle into a fight for his survival, and even had to rely on luck to win in the end. This spirit beast really was too powerful. Luckily nobody could have a Dark Devilgod Tiger spirit. He hoped its spirit ring would give him even more benefits.

  Thinking about it, Tang San couldn’t help feeling a quiet lingering fear. The gaze the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s gaze before its death told him that its final ability wasn’t that simple. The true effect of the ability should be to have Tang San alone return to childhood, while the Dark Devilgod Tiger wasn’t affected at all after being suched inside. Just because his last Purple God Light broke its defense, it also wasn’t exempt from the effect of the ability. Just like him, it had returned to childhood, and then died to the Godly Zhuge Crossbow. Imagine, if he hadn’t used the Purple God Light or if the Purple God Light didn’t have any effect, then the conclusion to the six year old him facing a sixty thousand year Dark Devilgod Tiger was obvious. That basically wasn’t a proportional battle. This fight really was a close call. Strong confidence wasn’t a bad thing, but if it grew too strong it would become arrogance.

  Ever since leaving the Seagod Island, he had come off easy in practically all of his few battles. Then he had obtained Da Ming and Er Ming’s spirit rings and spirit bones, raising his strength another level. His confidence had inflated to the level of arrogance. The battle today was enough to sound alarm bells in his mind! Luckily he still survived.

  While reflecting, Tang San slowly sat down crosslegged, focusing. The Blue Silver Domain spread out, the Seagod Trident stuck into the ground next to him, using the overlapping domain to arrange a defensive and bewildering area. At the same time the Blue Silver Domain’s ultimate ability All Rivers Run Into The Sea launched. He would no longer let himself face danger due to carelessness. Before he absorbed the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s spirit ring, he had to first completely restore his lost spirit power.

  Motes of blue light appeared within Tang San’s Blue Silver Domain. The Star Dou Great Forest was so vast, even though Tang San relied on his domain to absorb the energy of the blue silver grass, absorbing just a small bit from each of countless blades of grass gave him enough energy without harming them, helping him quickly recover his spirit power.

  Once his spirit power was restored to its peak, Tang San’s gaze returned to the Dark Devilgod Tiger corpse on the ground. The Blue Silver Emperor slowly withdrew, and the Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his palm out of nowhere. The Blue Silver Domain also instantly switched over to the Deathgod Domain, powerful killing intent radiating. Tang San’s mental strength also spread as far as possible. After confirming there were no threats within several dozen li, he then began to absorb the Clear Sky Hammer’s fourth spirit ring.

  With the black Clear Sky Hammer horizontally in front of him, the one red and two black rings of light were so distinct. Attentively watching the giant corpse in front of him, Tang San swung the hammer once. Instantly, a grey stream floated up from the Dark Devilgod Tiger corpse, immediately condensing into the shape of a ring in the air. And at the same time a not very formidable but extremely ice cold energy stabbed into Tang San’s body, frantically attacking the heavy defenses laid down by his Mysterious
Heaven Skill internal strength.

  That ice cold stream of energy was brimming with evil hatred and intense unwillingness. The instant it stabbed into Tang San’s body, Tang San spit out a mouthful of blood.

  Tang San’s preparations weren’t wasted, the present circumstances amply proved that first restoring his spirit power to the peak was beyond correct. A moment after that ice cold evil energy attacked, Tang San’s Mysterious Heaven Skill internal energy had already completely adjusted. Gentle streams of energy condensed together with the Seagod’s Light, forming a great web that enveloped that ice cold energy. The spirit ring absorption began.

  And along with the spirit ring leaving it, the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s giant corpse also began to turn into streams of grey energy, slowly dissipating.

  The Mysterious Heaven Skill plus the Seagod’s Light was like a giant millstone, grinding away the evil energy of the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s spirit ring drop by drop. The Dark Devilgod Tiger really was special. That condensed pearl before was shot into the black hole by taking advantage of a momentary lapse of attention from Tang San, directly traveling to another space. As for where it went, the Dark Devilgod Tiger also couldn’t control, but it didn’t want it to fall into Tang San’s hands.

  The absorption process continues for a full four hours. When Tang San let out a long breath and awakened from cultivation, he felt his mind and energy clear. What shocked him was that just with absorbing this spirit ring, his spirit power had already risen from the peak of ninety three, halfway past rank ninety four. This proved how astonishing the nature of the Dark Devilgod Tiger was.

  A dark spirit ring was quietly arrayed on the fourth position of the Clear Sky Hammer. When a trace of spirit power was infused within it, he immediately sensed a surging wicked energy shoot towards the skies. That feeling of power made the Clear Sky Hammer turn a faint grey. Strangely, as this grey spread to the Deathgod Domain, the two clashed with each other before actually showing signs of mixing together. The Deathgod Domain’s aura also instantly grew stronger. In fact, the Deathgod Domain was already a peak domain. Having it upgraded once again by this fourth spirit ring’s influence, how could Tang San not be happy?


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