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Douluo Dalu: Volume 42: God of Angels

Page 5

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Not just his spirit power rose. Tang San also discovered that the Dark Devilgod Tiger spirit ring’s effects had also substantially improved several of his attributes. This showed most clearly in strength and mental power. There was no need to mention his strength, on the surface the Dark Devilgod Tiger was originally a strength type spirit beast. But that mental strength increase seemed to have once again had an evolving effect on the head spirit bone that had fused with the Seagod’s Light, making Tang San’s already formidable mental strength rise by roughly five percent.

  Absolutely don’t underestimate those five percent. Tang San’s mental strength level was already frightening. Increasing it further was extremely difficult. Increasing it five percent in one go, Tang San might be able to completely suppress a power like Bibi Dong with the Purple Demon Eye!

  His hard work wasn’t wasted. The dangerous battle with the Dark Devilgod Tiger was traded for another step in strength. The effect of this one Dark Devilgod Tiger spirit ring was comparable to the effect of two fifty thousand year spirit beast spirit rings. Besides lacking one spirit ability compared to hundred thousand year spirit rings, it wasn’t inferior in any way in other respects.

  Only, what made Tang San unhappy was that after he absorbed the Dark Devilgod Tiger spirit ring, he also just saw the last grey dust of the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s corpse dissipate.

  There was no spirit bone. This was the reason Tang San was unhappy. With the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s characteristics, plus its more than sixty thousand year cultivation, Tang San was almost certain that it should have produced a spirit bone. But it still didn’t. Remembering that pearl from before, Tang San understood that that might be the crystallisation of the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s abilities, also including the three attributes. Truly unfortunate. This extremely intelligent spirit beast was ultimately unwilling to let him gain all the advantages.

  Nevermind, a man who is never content is like a snake trying to swallow an elephant. That he could obtain a Clear Sky Hammer fourth spirit ring of such quality was already exceptional luck. There was no need to be greedy for more. Since that pearl had already entered the black hole, nobody knew whether it was swallowed or pulled into another dimension.

  Thinking of this, Tang San also gradually calmed down, simply analysing his gains and losses. Sensing his strength comprehensively increase, his mood turned serene again. After a brief rest, he spread out the Blue Silver Domain anew, searching for his second target.

  Experiencing this battle had let Tang San understand that he was still lacking in many ways, and most important among them was the he still hadn’t completely fused his many abilities.

  Two spirits, the Seagod Trident, six spirit bones. Right now Tang San’s spirit abilities were in the dozens. Moreover, each one had its own noteworthy features, each able to dominate the battle. But because the origins of the spirit abilities were so different, and using them had different requirements, Tang San couldn’t help being delayed when switching between them, and unable to combine them, or suffer needless exhaustion when using them in succession, as well as suffering repercussions after using them.

  Ultimately, it was all because he hadn’t found a method to combine his abilities. But combining dozens of spirit abilities was easier said than done. Tang San was most familiar with his Blue Silver Emperor’s first five spirit abilities plus the Tang Sect secret skills plus his first spirit bone Eight Spider Lances. Among the later abilities, Tang San was most familiar with the four that Xiao Wu assigned him, but they had already completely returned to Xiao Wu. In the last five years he had obtained numerous abilities, and his strength had also risen substantially. In terms of ability control and exchange, he was far from as familiar as with his first five spirit abilities. But as he grew stronger, the enemies he faced would be stronger as well. Even if the first five spirit abilities had already been upgraded to the fifty thousand year level, they still weren’t enough to meet Tang San’s needs. Therefore, he had to use his later spirit abilities.

  When his enemies weren’t strong enough, or maybe because they were suppressed by Tang San, his insufficient combinations still didn’t show clearly. Including Bibi Dong. Bibi Dong was suppressed by the Seagod Trident because of her own abilities, and additionally didn’t know anything about Tang San’s abilities. That’s how she lost in their recent few battles. If Bibi Dong now recovered to her peak condition and fought Tang San again, the circumstances would be different.

  Even though Tang San was intelligent, combining so many abilities in such a short time was clearly impossible. He himself also knew about this issue, but his repeated victories had made his confidence soar, and so he neglected it. After this battle with the Dark Devilgod Tiger, the alarm bells in his mind were all ringing. He also clarified his later cultivation path. Even if he became Seagod, this ability combination was still indispensable. Godhood didn’t represent everything. There was no absolute strength in this world.

  Unleashing the Blue Silver Domain, Tang San kept moving deeper into the Star Dou Great Forest as he searched. This time his luck wasn’t that good, with no results after searching for an hour. The Blue Silver Domain spread over a very large range, but his previous battle with the Dark Devilgod Tiger had already alarmed the Star Dou Great Forest. Sensing those enormous energy fluctuations, the spirit beasts with more than fifty thousand years of cultivation either escaped or did their best to hide their presence. As Tang San probed with the Blue Silver Domain, the search went deeper the closer it was. After it went passed a certain range, if the spirit beasts had enough cultivation and effective enough hiding abilities, it would be very difficult for him to find them as well.

  Having been in the Star Dou Great Forest for nearly a day, plus the difficult battle from before, Tang San decided to rest a while when he saw the sky darken.

  Finding an especially tall tree to lean against, Tang San stabbed the Seagod Trident in the ground next to him. A gentle energy let him enter a cultivation state. His mental strength was reserved within a fifty meter range. With his current cultivation there was basically no need to worry about sneak attacks, unless there was some wicked beast tired of living.

  After reaching the Title Douluo level, spirit masters would radiate a kind of quality, just like hundred thousand year spirit beasts would also exude a powerful aura. Such a quality was extremely intimidating to clever spirit beasts, let alone when Tang San also had that even more shocking Seagod Trident next to him. Perhaps only fully confident super spirit beasts like the Dark Devilgod Tiger dared fight him head on.

  Closing his eyes, circulating his breath according to the Mysterious Heaven Skill, a faint white light emerged from his body, turning into a protective astral energy revolving around him. With Tang San’s current cultivation, even though this protective energy couldn’t compare to the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s Devilgod Protection, it wasn’t much different. It was enough to protect him while cultivating.

  Having discovered his insufficiencies, even if Tang San knew time was precious, he couldn’t help reflecting during this rest period. Reflecting on what he should do. His first thought was of the similarities between him and Bibi Dong.

  In this world, only Bibi Dong was similar to him among all the spirit masters he knew. Both possessed twin spirits. He had also fought Bibi Dong on more than one occasion. She shouldn’t have more spirit abilities than him, or even fewer. She also fell short in the number of hundred thousand year spirit rings. Carefully recalling the spirit abilities used when Bibi Dong fought him, at the same time pondering his own insufficiencies, Tang San gradually entered a trance.

  His cultivation continued for four hours. Even though Tang San longed to improve his strength, and dealing with the current issue, he knew that he still had to become Seagod as soon as possible. Time was precious! Especially with that strange aura he sensed from Spirit City just when he entered the Star Dou Great Forest.

  Only, these four hours didn’t pass in vain. Through careful consideration, he discovered that Bibi
Dong also faced a problem similar to his, only she’d dealt with it a bit better. Her ability to easily switch spirits while in spirit avatar form especially made up for her number of spirit abilities and coordination. If not for his Seagod Trident very strongly suppressing her, and the Purple Demon Eye exploiting her carelessness to establish victory, he couldn’t possibly have defeated her. And in terms of using other abilities, Bibi Dong didn’t seem to have used her full strength when facing him, thus leading to her defeat.

  But in these four hours, Tang San only truly understood one word, combination. He didn’t know whether he could also use Bibi Dong’s quick spirit switching after his Clear Sky Hammer had seven spirit rings, but one thing was certain, the way to truly deal with his present problem was spirit ability combination.

  With his present cultivation, even though his spirit abilities consumed a considerable amount of spirit power, he still had enough to persevere through using spirit abilities in series. The direction he needed to cultivate towards now was to perfectly combine all sorts of spirit abilities without showing any flaws, and also to strike the enemy hard enough or to control them. This of course couldn’t be settled with one combination method, but when he could flawlessly combine all his spirit abilities, he would be truly powerful.

  Continuing to move into the Star Dou Great Forest, he released the Blue Silver Domain to keep scanning while he pondered the issue of combining his spirit abilities. In the time since he fought the Dark Devilgod Tiger, the forest had also grown calm again. Those powerful spirit beasts were very clever, they naturally also knew that human spirit masters had to push their spirit power to a bottleneck before they needed spirit rings, and only needed one at a time. There had only been a short time since he got the Dark Devilgod Tiger’s spirit ring, and it may be assumed they shouldn’t have to be so fearful.

  The Blue Silver Domain joined together with the blue silver grass in the forest as far as possible, scanning cautiously without revealing the slightest spirit power fluctuations, searching for his fifth Clear Sky Hammer spirit ring.

  The results were as Tang San expected, and within an hour of searching he finally found another spirit beast that suited him. And this time he once again received a pleasant surprise. Because that was actually the one spirit beast he was most familiar with, the Man Faced Demon Spider. Just through the Blue Silver Domain’s scanning, that cold and vicious presence told him what kind of spirit beast it was.

  To Tang San, the Man Faced Demon Spider was linked with both joy and misfortune. The first Man Faced Demon Spider he met had given him the most precious external spirit bone, Eight Spider Lances. As Tang San experienced all kinds of battles. The Eight Spider Lances had frequently been able to catch the enemy off guard and bring victory. But, the Man Faced Demon Spider had also given him extreme anger and pain. That time in the heart of the Star Dou Great Forest, if not for the Man Faced Demon Spider’s sudden appearance, blocking his and Xiao Wu’s escape, how would those Spirit Hall experts have caught up, leading to Xiao Wu sacrificing herself to save his life?

  It couldn’t be denied that the Man Faced Demon Spider was a kind of extremely powerful spirit beast. Whether in strength, poison, or all its various abilities, it was a nightmare to the majority of spirit beasts. Its quality might not be as good as the Dark Devilgod Tiger, but to other spirit beasts, it was no less dangerous. Once again discovering this spirit beast, how could Tang San let it off? Let alone anything else, just the nourishment of a high level Man Faced Demon Spider to his Eight Spider Lances was something he couldn’t give up.

  Chapter 291: God Level Evolution, Eight Spider Lances

  A Man Faced Demon Spider. This discovery made Tang San completely excited Tang San. Originally released in all directions, the Blue Silver Domain quietly pulled back, only remaining frozen in the direction of the Man Faced Demon Spider, firmly locking on. With this kind of unidirectional targeting ability, the Man Faced Demon Spider wouldn’t be able to hide from Tang San no matter how brilliant its hiding abilities were.

  Even though this Man Faced Demon Spider’s cultivation was just barely fifty thousand years, to spirit beasts of its quality, cultivating to this level was unimaginably difficult. Tang San was determined to have its spirit ring.

  Swiftly approaching, Tang San suddenly turned illusory when there was still a kilometer or so to go, a pale blue ripple spreading from his forehead, immediately enveloping his entire body. Once he’d moved another ten meters, his entire body, even including the Seagod Trident, had already vanished into thin air. This was the invisibility effect of the Vast Sea Barrier that arose back when the Seagod’s Heart fused with his skull spirit bone.

  With the lesson from the battle with the Dark Devilgod Tiger, Tang San decided to kill the later spirit beasts with his full strength, the faster the better. Therefore he used his stealth ability on the way. Even if a fifty thousand year Man Faced Demon Spider was powerful, it couldn’t possibly compete with him in mental strength, and naturally couldn’t possibly see through his invisibility.

  Moving closer and closer, Tang San restrained the Blue Silver Domain so that it wouldn’t be spotted by the Man Faced Demon Spider due to being too strong.

  By now it was late at night, the Star Dou Great Forest was extremely quiet, even the sound of bugs was missing.

  Quietly sneaking forward, Tang San finally saw his target.

  The fifty thousand year cultivation Man Faced Demon Spider seemed much smaller than expected, not even the size of the ten thousand year Man Faced Demon Spider Tang San saw last time. But its body was peculiar, apparently only around three meters in diameter, crawling close to the ground, eight long legs retracted near its body. Its carapace was a strange dull golden color. Unless observed carefully, it would be taken as black. It didn’t have any pattern. Laying close to the ground it was almost invisible this late at night. Around it were more than ten dark large webs, densely covering the trees. Tang San could feel their durability without even touching them.

  Having broken through fifty thousand years, this Man Faced Demon Spider could be called a Man Faced Demon Spider Emperor, clearly even more terrible than the Pit Demon Spider Emperor Tang San killed; because the Man Faced Demon Spider’s attacks were much stronger than the Pit Demon Spider.

  Tang San stopped fifty meters behind the Man Faced Demon Spider Emperor, softly stabbing the Seagod Trident into the ground. He wasn’t planning on using this divine weapon in this battle, but rather wanted the train the combination he’d been pondering earlier. Along with his strength increasing, as well as the abilities imperceptibly involved from the skull spirit bone, even though Tang San would be revealed from the Vast Sea Barrier as soon as he attacked, some support type spirit abilities wouldn’t be affected, like flying or releasing spirits.

  His first spirit, the Blue Silver Emperor was quietly released under this effect, nine spirit rings glittering together. Strand after strand of Blue Silver Emperor began to circle in spirals around Tang San. Filled with a feeling of strength, Tang San slowly raised both hands.

  Combine, combine, Tang San constantly repeated this word in his mind. He sprang into action, his entire body leaping like a leopard.

  He nimbly changed direction in midair, his attack already begun. His left leg was instantly covered by red light, descending like a giant battle axe falling from the sky as he flipped. With an ear piercing crack, an axe-like dark red blade of light suddenly erupted. The red light left afterimages as it instantly cut apart one of the black spider webs the Man Faced Demon Spider Emperor had put in place, then chopped straight at it. It was Tang San’s left leg spirit bone ability, Orca Evil Spirit Axe, a powerful single target attack ability.

  The Man Faced Demon Spider reacted extremely quickly. Tang San’s attack was too sudden, but its three meter diameter body still quickly shot out, spinning quickly like a millstone, exposing its belly and lunging towards Tang San.

  Tang San clearly saw that, unlike its black back carapace, the Man Faced Demom Spider’s
belly was completely white. It might be described as a white human face, all features visible, just looking incredibly vicious. Especially its deathly pale eyes made people feel a chill from the depths of their hearts.

  Two rays of white light instantly shot from those eyes, directly meeting the Orca Evil Spirit Hatchet. At the same time the Man Faced Demon Spider’s mouth spat out a large black spiderweb, frantically spreading out between it and Tang San.

  Those white eyes weren’t the Man Faced Demon Spider’s true eyes, but rather one of its abilities. Its true eyes were below its head, six dark blue little eyes revealing an ice cold and frightening light.

  With an explosive sound, the white lights were crushed by the Orca Evil Spirit Hatchet, and at the same time, countless Blue Silver Emperor were already spilling forward like a surging wave, tangling together with the Man Faced Demon Spider’s spiderweb.

  The Man Faced Demon Spider’s web really was tough, but still far inferior to Tang San’s Blue Silver Emperor driven by nine powerful spirit rings. The Blue Silver Emperor directly showed the result of the first spirit ability, Binding. Each blade of Blue Silver Emperor rolled up a large amount of black spiderweb, forcing open a passage and exposing the Man Faced Demon Spider that was originally planning on using the spiderweb to catch its breath to Tang San.

  Tang San’s third spirit ability had now also been released. The Man Faced Demon Spider Emperor only felt a sudden surge of energy below it. With a popping sound, sixteen solid Blue Silver Emperor instantly shot out, cleverly separating its eight spider legs and catching it in a three meter wide cage. It was Tang San’s fourth Blue Silver Emperor spirit ability, Blue Silver Prison.


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