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Sins of Omission

Page 2

by T S McKinney

  “My—my coat?” Samantha gasped. “But…but it’s a fur, Elijah,” she argued.

  I looked around Eli’s body and noted that she was, indeed, wearing a long black fur coat. The bottom of it was mere inches from the grubby pavement. She clutched it to her chest protectively.

  “Yeah, I noticed that. You shouldn’t wear fur anyway, sis. Give me the coat. Now.” Eli glanced up at her and added, “Please.”

  It was all it took. She immediately removed the atrocious-looking coat and tossed it to Eli. “I’ll expect a new one.”

  “You’ll get a fake fur,” Eli muttered as he carefully lifted me and then even more carefully laid me onto the outrageously expensive coat. He smoothed everything into place to ensure no parts of me touched the icky pavement. To me, he said, “What hurts, Ari?”

  “Just everything,” I answered. There was no denying it; I was completely blown away by the sweetness of Eli’s gestures. He remembered my germ issues? As far as I knew, my own father hadn’t noticed my struggles with everything needing to be cleaned and in its proper place. There were some days that my biggest battle of the day was to not straighten all the towels properly because I was afraid he’d notice and ask questions. There’d been a time, years ago, that I’d tried to hide my weirdness from Eli, but it hadn’t taken him long to notice the signs. He’d asked me about it. Called me on it when I’d tried lying. And then supported me when I admitted that an itsy-bitsy issue might exist.

  Not wanting to look into his gray eyes because I knew I’d get lost in their stormy depths, I glanced down at my hands…wondering if they were truly clean. Without a word passing between us, Eli squeezed out another huge dollop and cleaned my hands for the second time.

  “Where the fuck is the ambulance?” he demanded harshly as he tenderly worked the gel between my fingers.

  “I don’t need an ambulance!” I quickly argued. They wouldn’t have called an ambulance for Seth. Maybe for Baker, though. Okay, I didn’t feel so bad about the ambulance. I did hurt all over.

  “Two minutes out,” Landon answered. My dad’s voice was still laced with fear but this time, there was some bewilderment mixed with it. “The wagon to pick up these four assholes is pulling up now.”

  Eli’s head whipped around to note the police cars that had just arrived. “I want to be there when they question them,” he growled…but then looked at me, a frown on his face. “Never mind. I need to go to the hospital with Ari.”

  Seth reached down and gripped Eli’s shoulder. “You go with Ari. Baker and I will follow them to the station.” Giving Eli another squeeze, he added, “Don’t worry. Before we’re finished with them, we’ll know why they came for Ari and, hopefully, who sent them.”

  “No! You can’t do that,” I argued. “It’s your party! Go back inside. I’m fine going to the hospital by myself.”

  Baker snorted out a laugh like I’d just muttered the most ridiculous words in the world. “Sure, like we’d do that to you, Ari.” He shrugged. “Anyway, tonight was just for show. Seth collared me weeks ago when we were alone.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Now, that was a party!”

  “I don’t think I need a hospital,” I muttered, still feeling like the party-pooper of the decade. “It’s just some bruises.” Then, to help my very bruised ego, I added, “I took care of the two wimpy ones. I would have probably taken care of the other two if Eli hadn’t interrupted.” That was a lie…but not the first one I’d told, of course.

  Samantha stepped up. “Made some new enemies while running the IT department in your father’s office, Arizona?”

  “Not that I knew of,” I answered. I wished I could just disappear. I’d spent most of my life being scrutinized under a microscope because I didn’t fit in, look right, or act right. Having the only important people in my life surrounding me like this was bringing back bad memories.

  “Jeezus, Sam! Give him some space,” Eli ordered, as if reading my mind.

  Baker and Seth took the hint and stepped away to speak with the policemen that were making their way toward us. My dad made certain we worked closely and stayed on good terms with the local police department, so at least they weren’t questioning us like we were the bad guys. A few seconds later, the sirens of the ambulance blasted through the quietness that had fallen on our small crowd.

  “I’ll ride with Ari in the ambulance,” Eli said in a tone that left very little room for argument—just maybe a fraction of an inch.

  My father, God bless him, barreled straight through the inch. “Somebody want to explain to me what in the hell is going on here?” His eyes leveled on Eli. “Why would you think you might ride in the ambulance with my son instead of me? Go ahead, try to convince me of that one.”

  “Because I said so,” Samantha said before Eli could answer. When my father glared at her, she simply shrugged and said, “Sometimes it’s all in who you know, Landon. Sorry, that’s just how things work out sometimes. Life sucks.”

  Chapter Two


  I remained quiet and tried to stay out of the way while the EMTs loaded Ari onto the stretcher and then worked quickly to secure him with straps meant to keep him safe from further injury. All the while, though, I could feel Landon’s eyes boring into me…drilling a hole straight through the back of my skull. I winced—realizing my actions over the past few minutes probably weren’t the best way to make an impression on your new boss, at least not a good impression. While neither Baker nor Seth had ever once mentioned they knew anything at all about mine and Ari’s history, it had taken me less than a day to realize they knew something. After how they acted tonight, I suspected they knew everything. Landon, on the other hand, seemed to be lost in the dark.

  Thankfully, I didn’t really give a fuck what any of them thought about me. Sure, I liked Landon, Seth, and Baker, but I wasn’t in Colorado for any of them. I’d come for Arizona Honeycutt because I’d waited about as damn long as I could. When I’d walked away from him at MIT, I’d promised myself I’d give Ari until he turned twenty-one. He needed to live a little, grow up a lot, and explore sex before settling down with one person in a serious relationship. I’d vowed to give him time to discover what he really wanted out of life…out of a partner. When I’d learned his true age, which still caused me to harbor some ill will toward him, I knew that stepping away was my only choice—for lots of reasons. Firstly, it didn’t take much pondering on my part to realize that Ari’s young age made him more vulnerable to the hormones that had been raging between the two of us. Secondly, I had to leave for my own protection. I feared that if I didn’t put the distance between us, there’d be a night when I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from crossing the point of no return in the bedroom. If that had happened, I would never have been able to forgive myself.

  So, I’d left.

  Now, I was back.

  I still believe my strategy had been a good solid plan. Yes, it had been a painful one, but also the right one. Having said that, sometime about four months ago, I’d decided twenty-one years old was about one year above my wait-for-Ari-limit. He had a birthday coming up next week, which would make him twenty. That, it seemed, was going to have to be old enough…at least for us to give romance another try.

  “Landon’s pissed,” Seth whispered, suddenly appearing right behind me. I’d been so lost in my Ari thoughts that I’d allowed myself to forget every drop of training I’d learned over the past few years. I tried not to jerk in surprise but was certain Seth, being Seth, didn’t miss the tightening of my muscles.

  “I don’t blame him. I guess Ari never mentioned me.” I looked around the EMTs to make sure that the police cars holding the men who attacked Ari hadn’t left. Seth had promised to be there during their interrogation and that promise was one I didn’t intend to allow him to renege on. Ari’s safety was too important. After assuring myself they were waiting on Seth, I turned to him and said, “But he told you, didn’t he?”

  “He mentioned it,” Seth answered carefully. “Just recent
ly, actually.” He moved around to stand nose to nose with me. “You here to cause trouble for Arizona? Because he lied? If you are, you’d best move on, Eli. Ari has way too many guard dogs for you to hurt him.” His eyes narrowed as he added, “Regardless of whether or not he needed his ass whipped for telling the lie he told, we won’t let you mess with him.”

  I sized Seth up and quickly determined we would be evenly matched in a physical fight. I suspected, though, that it would never come to that. From what he was saying, he cared about Ari. I cared about Ari. There shouldn’t be a problem. Somehow, I figured a problem would work its way into my life. Why wait?

  “I’m here to take what belongs to me…and I really don’t give a fuck if you want me messing with him or not. I loved Ari before just about every damn thing I knew about him was a lie, and I still love him now. Mine and Ari’s foundation may have shaken and nearly crumbled, but it didn’t fall. You and I just met, Seth, so you don’t know a hell of a lot about me, but one thing you need to understand real fast is that I don’t throw in the towel or toss out the white flag just because things get a little rough. If you or Baker or even Landon try to get in my way, don’t expect me to roll over with a few threats and some thumping of your chest. I’ll go when Ari tells me to go and not one fucking second before that.”

  If I expected a fight from Seth, I would have been disappointed. A huge smile spread across his face before he said, “I wasn’t real fond of you when I thought you’d been sent here to spy on me and Baker and then liked you even less when I thought you were after revenge because Ari did something really stupid. The last three minutes have changed my opinion of you altogether, Eli Wallace. I think we’re going to get along just fine.”

  Seth looked down the alleyway to see Baker motioning to him that he needed to haul ass if they were going to follow them to the police station. “If there was anyway you could have explained it that made it easier for me to see or understand, I don’t know what it might have been. Like you, I totally support the catch and hold versus the catch and release.” He clapped me on the back and said, “Good talk, Eli. You’ve won my support but now you need to persuade daddy bear.” He leaned in and whispered, “I don’t think I’d use the same argument with Landon. He’s a bit protective of his cub.”

  With a wink, Seth took off down the alley…and left me to face daddy bear.

  “I think you may have some explaining to do, don’t you think?” Landon asked quietly, taking Seth’s just vacated spot next to me.

  “Yes, sir. Probably,” I answered truthfully. “Just not right now. Right now, I need to be in the ambulance with Arizona. I think they’re about ready to leave for the hospital, and I intend to go with him.”

  “Yes, you and your lovely sister have both made that very clear,” Landon snapped irritably. “I need you to understand something before one more second passes between us. I don’t give a flying fuck what your sister ordered regarding who rides in the ambulance next to my son. I know she’s my boss and the owner of the company, but he’s my son and I love him. You might want to take the time to discuss that with Samantha before I go fucking ballistic on the both of you if anybody tries to pull that stunt again. I’m only allowing this to happen because Ari clearly trusts you and seems to, for whatever fucking reason, want you to be near him.”

  In spite of the threatening tone, Landon’s words made my heart do a silly happy dance. If anybody was capable of reading Arizona’s reactions, it would be his father. Landon saw that Ari was more than comfortable with them being side by side. Maybe things could eventually work out between them?

  “Having said that, I’m no fool, Agent Wallace. There are many things not adding up…literally, adding up. My son graduated from college at the age of seventeen. After graduation, he moved back to Colorado and, up until a week ago, back into my home. I’ve never seen you around, Agent,” Landon pointed out. “And, trust me, I would have noticed any man involved with my son. You know what that tells me?”

  I didn’t bother trying to answer. There was no point. A father was on a roll, and if I knew what was good for me, I’d get out of his way as quickly as possible.

  “It tells me you knew my son when he was much too young to know you. If I hear that you’ve done the first damn thing to disrespect Arizona, I won’t stop until you’ve paid for it.”

  “Fair enough,” I answered, knowing I hadn’t crossed any lines with Ari, nor did I intend to do anything to him without him begging for it. “I’d like to leave now, Agent Honeycutt. The ambulance is ready to take Ari to the hospital.” When he opened his mouth to argue, I quickly added, “The only thing I’ve ever wanted for your son was his happiness. I’m not sure whether that’s me or not, but I deserve…no, we deserve to find out now that he’s older.”

  Landon rolled his eyes. “He’s fucking nineteen years old, Eli!”

  “Twenty next week,” I argued as respectfully as possible before climbing into the back of the ambulance. Ari’s eyes, a green that belonged in a fairytale, watched my every move. He looked tired and wired at the same time. I squatted down next to him, took his hand in mine, and held us both steady when the bus lurched with movement.

  After the EMT in the back re-checked Ari’s vitals and began calling everything in to the hospital, Ari turned to me and said, “I’m not the same person I was before, Eli.”

  Unsure of what, exactly, he meant, I answered, “I know. You’re a man now, Ari.” Looking down at him, I knew there was no doubting I felt as strongly about him tonight as I had three years ago—it was as if no time had passed away to dim the brightness of my love for him. “I just need to find out if you still belong to me.”

  Chapter Three


  I flopped down into the oversized chair in my living room, sat there for all of five seconds, and then hopped back up again. My frustrated pacing, spurred on by sheer panic, continued. Sitting in my living room, like they didn’t have a fucking worry in the world, were my dad, Seth, and Baker. Only my dad looked slightly concerned by my furious outburst when I heard why they were there. Seth and Baker looked quite smug over how my life appeared to be progressing. They’d pay for that. I didn’t know when or how, but those motherfuckers would pay for enjoying my distress…even if I had enjoyed theirs only a short month earlier.

  “Absolutely not, Dad,” I argued. “It isn’t going to happen. I’ll be perfectly fine on my cruise. Not only am I going to be surrounded by friends, there’s no way whoever you’ve pissed off could even know I’m planning on leaving for vacation. I’ll be safe.” My eyes begged him to understand. “I don’t need a babysitter, dad. I’m good. I’ve got this.” I followed that with a strategically-placed roll of my eyes and added, “It’s my birthday celebration with friends—and that doesn’t include a babysitter.”

  Seth, the asshole, picked that moment to speak up. “It’s security detail, aka bodyguard, Arizona. Not a babysitter. You know this. We do it all the time at work. And until we find out who’s behind this kidnapping attempt, we have to do whatever’s necessary to keep you safe.”

  It had been almost a week since the attack outside Seth and Baker’s collaring ceremony after-party, and the police still weren’t any closer to discovering who the four goons worked for. None of them had talked, even though Baker had spent some quality time with them at the station before the cops intervened and sent him home. They’d all lawyered up now and so far, no one had been able to get any of them to talk. That meant the threat was still out there, and my life was still as meaningless, yet complicated, as ever. Seth and Baker had been there for the interrogation of the men who attacked me, even did some interrogating of their own. Well, Seth did, after Baker was shown the door—but they’d still walked out of the police station without any names. It hadn’t been for the lack of trying, but the men in custody did say they hadn’t ever met the man who’d hired them face to face. All their business had been conducted over the phone and through others—people they didn’t know. We had sketches of w
hat they looked like but like with every other street thug, they’d managed to disappear into the darkness of the streets. My father wasn’t one step closer to finding out who he’d pissed off enough to make them want to abduct me to use as a bargaining chip against him, if that’s what this was.

  I turned around to face Seth, giving my father a nice, polite view of my back, so I could flip Seth and Baker the bird. “I’m not working, Seth. I’m vacationing. It’s very different, as I’m sure you understand but for some evil, unknown reason, you’ve suddenly became infatuated with being a total prick.” I placed my hand on my hip and gave him my best glare. “Why is that, Seth? Baker not keeping you busy enough at home?”

  “Hey, now,” Baker piped in. “No need to add me to your dartboard of insults. I’m just sitting here, minding my own business, thinking that Seth is totally hot when he’s in prick-mode.”

  I threw up my hands in frustration. It was like they’d suddenly morphed into Dumb and Dumber. They’d gone from my only friends in the world to life-long enemies at record speed. Ever since the night at the club, when we’d been celebrating Baker’s collaring, my life had flown so far off track that I was quickly beginning to suspect it would never be right again.

  Our entire satellite office was under lockdown and focused solely on finding the son of a bitch behind the attempted abduction. Which, in turn, led to them thinking I needed twenty-four/seven protection.

  I didn’t.

  I wouldn’t.

  I couldn’t.

  Especially since they’d all somehow stumbled their dumb asses onto the idea that Eli would be the best agent for babysitting duty. Absolutely not. Out of the question. If my very life depended on it, I couldn’t have come up with a worse scenario.

  Yes, he’d been incredible by saving my ass in the alley and then by insisting on accompanying me to the hospital. The germ sanitizer had been beyond thoughtful. The way he held my hand the entire time and barked orders at everybody else around us, demanding that they do this or do that to ensure my comfort—those were considerate gestures, as well. Not one time during our very few and far between encounters had he been anything other than attentive, flirty, or just flat-out loving. I wasn’t a fool though. I knew there had to be ulterior motives for his niceness. There had to be. I’d done him dirty, really dirty. A man like that didn’t just waltz back into your life, all sins of omission and commission forgiven and forgotten. No, Eli had returned for revenge.


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