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What Love Sounds Like

Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Ahh, well, I wish I had friends like them,” Jeff said and winked then started serving other people drinks. Jake gave a wave and a few other guys, including Crespy, walked over. Crespy gave her a kiss on the cheek hello and they maneuvered between her and her friends. Faith and Leeann were talking a mile a minute to the guys in no time at all, and were laughing and having some fun.

  Jake pulled her closer as some guys pushed in to get drinks at the bar. She pressed her palm to his large, hard chest and held her drink in the other hand. He was attractive and flirty. Closer to her age, and he smelled really good, too. She felt a little bit of an attraction to him, but nothing spectacular.

  The crowd cheered for the band and she turned slightly, sipped her drink and Crespy moved her hair from her shoulder and whispered to her. “This is some outfit you’re wearing, Ivy. You look good,” he said and his lips touched her ear. She turned to look up at him as the announcer began to speak. She shyly looked away as both men kept her close between them. It was hard to concentrate on what the announcer was saying, but they were grabbing someone up onto the stage to sing. She drank down the rest of her drink and the guys with Jake and Crespy ordered them some more.

  As the first few women tried out singing they didn’t get much of a response. The crowd booed and then the band started playing again.

  “Ivy, you need to go up there and sing. You’d knock everyone’s socks off,” Faith said to her.

  “You have to, Ivy,” Leeann added and she sounded a little tipsy already.

  “You know how to sing?” Jake asked her and passed her a drink. He got another beer from the bartender, Jeff.

  “Sort of,” she said shyly and then took a sip from the drink.

  “She is awesome,” Faith said to them.

  He waved his hand to someone and when she turned to look she saw some guy walking with Madison Lane. The woman was smiling until she set her eyes on Ivy. Ivy noticed the reaction. Maybe she was jealous because Ivy was good friends with Johnny Shelton and Madison was still trying to rekindle that? At least that was how it looked the other night at Harper’s.

  “Hey, Jake, Crespy. How are you doing?” the older man asked and he looked right at Ivy.

  “Mike, I want you to meet Ivy Waters. She’s a singer.”

  “A singer? Really?” Mike asked and gave her body the once over.

  “Aren’t you a waitress at Harper’s?” Madison asked, eyeing her over like she was nothing compared to her.

  “Yes, ma’am, I am,” she replied, laying on her southern accent.

  “My mamma is referred to as ma’am,” Madison replied. Jake chuckled.

  “You need to give her a chance,” Jake said to Mike.

  “I don’t know, this idea of ours hasn’t exactly been going as he and I planned,” Mike replied and held her gaze.

  “You’re friends with Johnny Shelton and his brothers, right?” Madison asked. She knew they were like family.

  “Yes. They’re good friends with my brothers. We all grew up together and we work together at their gym,” she replied.

  “Nice. I was just talking to Johnny and we’ve been texting, trying to make plans to get together. His brothers are on board but just arranging when we can all meet,” she said to her and Ivy didn’t expect to feel jealous or pissed off.

  “That’s good. They’re very nice men, and don’t really hang out too much,” Ivy replied, trying to act like Madison’s statement didn’t affect her when it did. Jake rubbed her back and she found herself leaning against his solid chest in support right now. She was shaking.

  He eased his palm up to her shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

  “Do it as a favor to those men you know. Her friends,” Jake said.

  “Okay, Mike, your call,” Madison said.

  Mike looked Ivy over. “She’s gorgeous. If she can sing as perfectly as she’s built, then we could be successful in this idea of finding new talent,” Mike replied.

  Ivy wasn’t sure how she felt about his comment. The way she was built. Jake placed his palm along her belly, and gently stroked her skin and the belly ring. She gripped his arm. He whispered into her ear. “I’m getting you this opportunity because I have a feeling you’re special. Now show Madison she isn’t as hot as you are. Inside and out,” he said and then released her.

  “You ready?” Mike asked her.

  She lifted her finger up for him to wait a moment and then she downed her drink. They all hooted and hollered, and Leeann gave her arm a squeeze, Faith squeezed her hand and wished her good luck, and Jake and Crespy walked with her toward the stage. Madison stood there with her arms crossed, looking smug and as if she were waiting for her to fail. So what if that woman was screwing Johnny and his brothers for fun? They were dating her, or committed to her. They were older and it was all about sex. That was why they didn’t make a move on Ivy. They knew she would want a commitment. She was angry and determined as the music stopped and the M.C. introduced her. The crowd cheered as she got up on stage. The moment she was in the spotlight, microphone in hand, guys began to whistle and compliment her looks and her body. The M.C. did, too.

  “What’s your name, doll?”


  “Everyone welcome Ivy to the stage. What would you like the band to play?” he asked.

  She told them the number. It was one of their own, a slow one that moved into a faster beat with lots of high tones and falsettos.

  “Here we go,” he said and she took several deep breaths, looked at Leeann and Faith, who stood between Jake, Crespy and their friends, and the music started. The moment it began and she started to sing, she prayed she didn’t crack, or make a mistake, but soon she got caught up in the music, forgot about the crowd, hit the high notes better than the band members had ever done and then added a few extra enhancements. The crowd whistled and cheered and as she ended the song they went wild. She opened her eyes and Leeann and Faith were smiling and had tears in their eyes. Jake and Crespy and their friends were smiling too and Madison and Mike looked shocked.

  “I think we’ve got ourselves a winner,” the M.C. said and he helped her down off the stage as people congratulated her. She was so excited and filled with energy that as Jake pulled her into his arms and hugged her, she hugged him back. When she pulled away a moment later Crespy kissed her and then hugged her. It was crazy. Her friends hugged her next and other people congratulated her and complimented her voice and from there on out it was chaos. When Madison and Mike finally got her attention and asked her to join them at a table to talk business, that chaos continued but Jake and Crespy were right there, along with Leeann and Faith. Getting up on that stage seemed to have changed her life forever.

  Kenny awoke, unable to sleep, his mind on their brother Rome, and the phone call he got late last night. Rome sounded down, exhausted, even though he tried to pretend things were good. Kenny knew all too well how it felt being a soldier, a Marine, and constantly going from one mission to another. No matter how small, they were all dangerous and their lives were on the line. Rome in particular had an intense position, to say the least. He led men into the danger zone. The types of missions that if things went wrong, the government denied having knowledge that the soldiers were there and that they issued the order. It was part of the job, and usually meant eliminating terrorists, or those initiating terrorist threats.

  Rome tried joking around about being used to living out of his gear, getting some free time on some bases overseas for twenty-four hours at a time, but that was a rough life, and he had a feeling Rome was beginning to burn out. The second he spoke to him about that feeling, Rome changed the subject and asked about Ivy. He was always concerned about their little sister, not so little anymore. In fact, a handful as she gained the attention of every man around her, including their best friends.

  Kenny shook his head. He and his brothers weren’t quite sure how they felt about their friends Johnny, Bronc, Angus, and Keller having an interest in Ivy. It felt almost like they betrayed a trus
t they had with them because they allowed them to be so close to her. She thought of them as brothers, until more recently. She was a knockout, and was tough, too. The more he thought about it, the more he believed they would make a good match, but Jesus, he didn’t want to think about the intimacy part. That just freaked him out a bit. Plus the guys seemed to be struggling enough for themselves. They were pissing her off left and right.

  He shook his head as he glanced at the clock. 4:00 a.m. He heard the car door slam and then the laughter. He got up off the couch and watched Ivy stumble through the door, singing softly. A horn honked in the background outside. Even drunk, the woman had a great voice. He leaned against the doorframe as she twirled in a circle and danced her way to the refrigerator.

  “Late night?” he asked and she screamed and stumbled, placed her palms onto the island and stared at him. He laughed. She was drunk, and was teetering. He heard the footsteps and there came his brothers, guns in hand and looking exhausted.

  “What the fuck?” Landon snapped at them and then looked at Ivy. Her top was a little bit low for Kenny’s acceptance, and then his brothers realized what was going on.

  “You just getting in now?” Landon raised his voice at her.

  She pointed at him, took an unsteady step back to go to the refrigerator. “Yup,” she said and then held on to the refrigerator a moment.

  “Jesus,” Eric said and then exhaled.

  “You need some help?” Kenny asked as she laid her cheek against the refrigerator and held on to the handle, staring at them.

  “No. I’m perfectly fine, and had an incredible evening, thank you.” She slurred her words.

  “An incredible evening, huh?” Landon asked.

  “It was amazing.” She pulled open the refrigerator door and reached down for three water bottles.

  She held them in her arms and started to walk when she lost her balance. Landon grabbed her. He scrunched his nose. “Shit, Ivy. You hit the hard stuff,” he said and guided her down the hallway as they followed.

  “Tequila!” she yelled out and then started laughing. “It was crazy. I never thought I liked tequila, but I think it’s my new favorite shot to do. The lemon, the salt, a shot, and then a beer. So much fun,” she said and Kenny and the others stood by the doorway as Landon helped her sit down on the bed. She kicked off her shoes.

  “You may feel differently about tequila in the morning,” Eric said and chuckled.

  “It’s already morning,” Landon snapped at them.

  “It was such a good night.” Landon went to get up and she held his hand and he sat on the edge of the bed next to her. They immediately saw the change in her eyes, the emotion. “I sang, Landon. Up on stage.”

  “What?” Kenny asked, walking into her room.

  She glanced at them. “I know you don’t think I’m talented, or capable, but everyone in Black Jack loved my voice. They cheered and carried on, and you know what? I got a job. I’m gonna take it. Even Jake and Crespy, who got Madison to let the owner Mike give me a shot, said I’m really good.” She released Landon’s hand and shifted upward so she was upright and on an incline with pillows around her.

  “What the fuck does Madison have to do with this?” Eric asked.

  “She was there. I can’t stand her, and she was jealous of me. She thought I was romantically involved with your buddies. Ha! Romantically involved with the Shelton men.” She exhaled and slammed her hand down on the mattress. “Did you know that her and Johnny had a thing? That last night she was texting them to come to the club, and that they have plans? They use one another for sex. They’re Madison’s booty calls,” she said and then gulped and tears filled her eyes. Kenny was shocked.

  “I don’t think that’s true, Ivy,” Eric said to her.

  She shook her head and closed her eyes. “It’s true. They like older sluts. Well, I don’t care, I had fun with Jake and Crespy. They’re older, a little controlling, but hey, it was a good time, and I never really dated anyone, so maybe I should give them a try, right? I mean they were right there with me tonight. Supporting me,” she said and rolled to her side, hugged the pillow and continued talking. “I felt a little something when they kissed me. Maybe that might grow, you know? Does it grow? The desire, or is it supposed to be instant, like I feel around…” She shook her head and gulped. A tear fell from her eye and she snuggled deeper into the pillow. “I don’t have much to go on. I mean, I thought Johnny might…but Madison. He’s sleeping with Madison. They all are,” she said and then that was it. She was out cold. Landon looked up at them after he pulled the blanket up over her. They walked out of the room.

  “Did one of them make a move on our sister?” Landon raised his voice.

  “Landon, come on, you haven’t seen the way Johnny, Keller, Bronc, and Angus have been looking at Ivy? They make sure they’re the only ones that spar with her, that roll around on the mats when training. They walk into the office to talk to her, and they’ve been going to Harper’s more and more when she’s working,” Kenny said to him.

  “She’s hurting. Like maybe she let down her guard and they turned her down? What if they tried using her?” Eric asked with his fists by his sides.

  “Come on, Eric, this is Johnny, Keller, Bronc, and Angus we’re talking about here. They don’t date. Keller is as hard as they come, and resistant to any type of emotions or relationship. Johnny doesn’t date because of his position in town and Angus and Bronc don’t get along with any women. They can’t stand stuck up bitches like Madison and when Johnny and her had their fling, you remember how pissed his brothers were. No, this sounds like our buddies are attracted to our sister but maybe because of our relationship they’re holding back,” Kenny suggested.

  “They fucking should hold back. Look at the fucking size of them. Jesus, I don’t even want to think about them in a relationship with our sister,” Landon said and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “I know, and I feel that mix of emotions, but if that’s going to happen then it will regardless of how we feel. My concern is Madison’s involvement with this singing thing last night, and those two guys, Jake and Crespy. We’ve seen them at Harper’s. They look at Ivy and want her in their bed,” Kenny said.

  “We can put a fucking halt to that shit immediately,” Eric said and rubbed his hands together.

  “We can’t do that. If she likes them, wants to date them or whatever we can’t say anything,” Kenny said.

  “We sure the fuck can. Maybe she’s trying to push for something there because she was insulted that Johnny and them aren’t making a move on her? Maybe she’s even jealous about Madison and the guys talking to her, which I find hard to believe,” Landon said.

  “I don’t believe it either. Everyone knows that Madison is a slut, and she only cares about status and making money. She sees Ivy as a cash machine if her performance was that great at Black Jack. They only headline big name bands and performers.”

  “I can’t believe this,” Kenny said.

  “She probably fooled around with those guys because she was pissed off at the Shelton men for screwing Madison,” Eric said and shook his head.

  “She came home, so at least she didn’t wind up in bed with them, making a drunken mistake she would surely regret when she sobered up. However, we need to get more information from her, and see who these men really are. She is our little sister and it’s our job to protect her,” Kenny said.

  “Unless these men claim guardianship,” Eric said.

  “They come from Benter. That sheriff runs things a bit differently. Let’s talk to her when she’s sobered up,” Kenny said.

  “And what about Johnny, Keller, Bronc, and Angus? How do we talk to them? Let them know what the fuck went down, and find out where they stand with our sister?” Landon asked.

  “We don’t. We can’t interfere in that. They’re more than likely denying what they feel because they’ve never been in a committed relationship. They’re experienced in every aspect of that word. They know if th
ey choose to pursue Ivy, that it’s permanent, not just for a good time,” Kenny said.


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