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What Love Sounds Like

Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Well, if they don’t get their heads out of their asses and decide, then we’re going to be seeing a lot more of Jake and Crespy, whether we like them or think they’re good enough for Ivy or not,” Eric said.

  Chapter 4

  “She was absolutely amazing. I’m already getting calls on her and this idea we had about giving random people an opportunity for a spot in our stage lineup,” Mike said to his brother Jacoby.

  “Let me see that picture of her again,” Jacoby said and Mike handed him his cell phone. “She is absolutely stunning. One hell of a body, too. I mean the whole package, and we got her. Undiscovered talent.”

  “Exactly. She is as sweet as can be. In fact, I’d like to kind of keep her out of Madison’s grasp,” Mike said to him.

  Jacoby squinted his eyes at him. “What do you mean?”

  “She was taking pictures of Ivy, too, and I saw her texting. When she placed her phone down to ask Ivy about a practice schedule with the band this week, I saw it was Frank she was texting.”

  Jacoby’s eyes widened. “Frank from the Blue Barn out in San Antonio? What a conniving, sneaky bitch. Man, I don’t know why you fucked her steady for a month.”

  “She’s good in bed and I got the connections she had, which did help us discover our two top bands who made it big time. I didn’t need her anymore and she moved on to men with deeper pockets.”

  “Yeah, to fucking Frank. She would snag Ivy out from under us and leave us hanging,” Jacoby said.

  “She might intend to do that, but talking to Ivy, who you will meet Wednesday when she comes in to meet the house band, you’ll realize she is kind of old school. She doesn’t know how talented she is, and she doesn’t want stardom. She wants to feed this inner gift she has, and the happiness she gets from singing. She works at Harper’s and she works for her four brothers’ MMA place as their bookkeeper. She’s smart and nice. She would be content right here in Black Jack, I know it.”

  “That’s impressive, and hopeful for us, and what we were looking for. We need to protect her then. You realize what Madison is capable of?” Jacoby asked. “No one ever knows what Madison is capable of. She can get evil, and I’ve heard stories.”

  “Crespy and Jake know her too and they were pushing on Ivy last night.”

  “She seeing them?”

  “Not yet, Jacoby, but I’ve never seen Jake so into a woman. He was acting protective and when Madison said certain things, Jake gave Ivy advice.”

  “Well, that isn’t our concern. I want to hear her sing. Get a good feel for her abilities and what she can handle.”

  “I wouldn’t want to hurt that voice of hers when she isn’t professionally trained. I’m thinking we ease her into the performances, tease our audience, and establish her name here and build up hype. Maybe connect her with Sarah for some voice training so she doesn’t hurt herself overdoing it.”

  “That’s a great idea. How much money do you think we need to use toward pushing the hype over Ivy?” Jacoby asked.

  “I say let’s see how her first performance goes. I’m telling you, Jacoby, the woman is gifted and she doesn’t even realize it. I like her, too. Would love for her to become part of the Black Jack family. She really is special.”

  “Well, I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “She’ll draw them in on her voice and looks alone.”

  Jacoby looked back at her picture.

  “Her eyes are incredible.”

  “That picture doesn’t do her justice. You’ll see Wednesday.”

  “Okay, let’s do this, and try to keep Madison’s claws out of her.”

  “Where’s Ivy today?” Angus asked as he walked into the office.

  Landon glanced up at him from the desk. “She’s a little under the weather,” he said to him.

  “She’s sick?” Angus asked with concern.

  “More like hungover,” Landon said and smirked.

  Angus hadn’t expected that. Ivy didn’t drink like that or get drunk. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and stared at Landon. “Who was she with?” he asked.

  Landon rubbed his jaw. “Leeann and Faith, and some guys she knows. I think I’ve seen them at Harper’s before. Jake and Crespy.”

  Angus widened his eyes and uncrossed his arms. “Are you fucking kidding me? Those two dicks?”

  “You know them?” Landon asked with concern.

  “I know enough from watching them that they’re after some action.”

  “I don’t know. What Ivy mentioned was how attentive they were to her, and supportive. She seemed like she liked them,” Landon said and watched Angus’s reaction.

  Bronc came by the room. “Where’s Ivy?” he asked.

  “Hungover,” Angus said and walked out of the room, all pissed off.

  “Hungover? Not Ivy,” Bronc said.

  Landon nodded. “Yeah, and she was with those guys your brother Angus knows, Jake and Crespy I believe. She was out of it this morning.”

  “This morning? Jake and Crespy?” Bronc asked.

  “Yeah, she stumbled in about four or so. Had a great time, was rambling about a lot of things actually.”

  “Those guys are after a piece of ass.”

  “Really? She said they were attentive, and had a good time.”

  “Attentive?” Bronc asked and his face was red. Landon could tell that he was angry. His brother Kenny was right. Their friends were jealous and interested in Ivy. Holy shit.

  “Listen, she said some things this morning.”

  “What things?” Bronc asked, fuming mad.

  Landon didn’t know how to approach this or if he should even say anything, but then Keller walked in. “What’s this shit about Ivy being hung over? She doesn’t drink like that,” he questioned.

  “Well, apparently she had an amazing time last night. Made some new friends and even got up on stage and sang,” Landon told them.

  “What?” Keller asked.

  “Yeah, she mentioned something about Jake and Crespy knowing Madison and one of the owners and they convinced them to let her sing. From there the crowd loved her and she spent the rest of the night partying with those guys and Madison. Johnny knows Madison, right?” Landon asked, straight-faced.

  They didn’t say a word. “Fucking Madison. She was texting Johnny last night, begging him and even us to go there and hang out. That bitch was doing that shit on purpose,” Bronc said to Keller.

  “Why would she do that? You’re just friends with our sister, right? No jealousy or anything,” Landon pushed.

  Keller placed his hands on his hips. “Madison is trouble. She manipulates and uses whomever she feels can get her something, and mostly to make money. Where is Ivy now?”

  “Probably still in bed, or maybe hanging out wishing she didn’t drink so much considering she has work tonight,” Landon told him.

  “Well, you better talk to her, Landon. She shouldn’t trust anything Madison has her hands in. She’s a lying, cheating, nasty woman.”

  “Then why was Johnny talking to her last night and texting if she’s so nasty? Was he looking to get laid?” Landon asked

  “Fuck no. He has no interest in Madison. That was two years ago and it was sex, plain and simple.”

  “So you all joined in then?” Landon asked.

  “Fuck no,” Bronc said immediately.

  Landon thought about his sister’s assumptions. Ivy thought they all slept with Madison and that they still were booty buddies, as she called it this morning. Jesus, this was turning into a mess and he couldn’t even clear things up because he had his own hangups about this potential romantic connection between his baby sister and his best friends and partners. He didn’t need to struggle long because Keller cursed and then gave Bronc a push in his shoulder. “Johnny needs to fix this shit, and make Ivy aware of the destruction Madison can cause.”

  “I’ll call him right now, but I bet Angus already is over at the medical office.”

  “Hey, where the hell did Angus go all fi
red up? He just told me to start the next class,” Eric said, joining them.

  “I just told them about Ivy being hung over and about Madison getting her claws into her with this singing gig at Black Jack,” Landon said and smirked at his brother.

  “Oh yeah, looks like she’ll be limiting her hours here and at Harper’s,” Eric said.

  “What do you mean?” Bronc asked.

  “Don’t know all the details yet, but I guess we’ll find out soon enough,” Landon added and then Angus and Keller walked out of the room.

  “What gives?” Eric asked, glancing over his shoulder to make sure they weren’t in earshot.

  “Looks like Kenny was right. They got it bad, they’re denying it to themselves, and I get the feeling they’re going to fuck it all up.”

  “Seriously, all four of them?” Eric asked.

  “And our sister thinks they’re screwing Madison. She’s going to push herself towards Jake and Crespy who, by the way, Angus and them say are dicks after a piece of ass.”

  Eric snorted. “Jealous, huh?”

  “Big time. My God, Eric…Keller, Johnny, Bronc, and Angus? What the fuck?” he asked.

  Eric ran his fingers through his hair and plopped down into the chair. “If they don’t all fuck this up, they could be our brothers-in-law.”

  “Holy Christ. I can’t. I mean they are fierce, and combative, controlling, disciplinarians and Ivy is…”

  “Recalcitrant when pushed,” Eric said then chuckled.

  “Maybe we need to help out here and clear some things up,” Landon said.

  “No. We stay out of it unless it becomes absolutely necessary. If it’s meant to be then it will happen. Ménage relationships are serious shit. We’ve stayed clear of them.”

  “Because Rome isn’t retired from the military yet.”

  “Yet, Landon. Remember what Kenny said about the phone call. He thinks Rome is coming to the end of his career. He isn’t happy and he’s exhausted.”

  “We’ll see. We thought he was done a year ago.”

  “Well, until he’s home and we’re all together, we won’t be making any commitments to any women.”


  “What do you mean, Madison helped her get the audition on stage last night? How the hell does she even know her?” Johnny asked as Angus confronted him in his office at the medical facility in town.

  “This is what Landon explained. He said that Ivy mentioned being with those two dicks, Jake and Crespy, the ones from Harper’s that are always staring at her ass and rubbing her back when she takes their orders.”

  “Yeah, I know the two dicks.”

  “Well, she was with them when Jake introduced her to one of the owners and to Madison. She sang on stage, the place went crazy and they offered her a job. Madison is right there, and you know better than all of us that she’s a conniving, lying bitch. She is going to get her claws into Ivy and could hurt her and use her.”

  “That won’t happen.”

  “Ivy thinks we’re all fucking that bitch and you need to get things cleared up. That’s why Madison was texting you.”

  “Are you kidding me? She might have told Ivy that and maybe that’s why Ivy started to let down her guard with those two dicks.”

  “Exactly. Madison still wants you, and she thinks she can get us, as well. This shit has to come to an end. We have to be honest with Ivy, and you need to enforce some perimeters with Madison and how much she texts you.”

  “She only started to text me after that night at Harper’s. I think she saw how we all looked at Ivy in those short shorts. Madison was jealous and gave Ivy daggers.”

  “Well, there ya go. Now she’ll push Ivy onto those two guys and we could lose our opportunity to be with Ivy.”

  “Angus, none of us have agreed to take that step. It’s pretty fucking serious and permanent.”

  “Well, Doc, hate to tell you this, but we’re all feeling fucking jealous and ready to kill two dicks that have the potential of sleeping with Ivy. You don’t mind her fucking other men, because I sure as shit do. I won’t be able to stand by while those assholes court her, or hell, use her for her body. I feel like I can kill just thinking about that happening.”

  “Well, calm down. We need to discuss things. We’ll talk it through tonight.”

  “We’re going to Harper’s tonight. I want to see her, talk to her and steer her clear of those men. Unless it’s already too late.”

  “What do you mean too late?”

  “She didn’t get home until four this morning, and she mentioned to her brothers how attentive Jake and Crespy were.”

  “Fuck,” Johnny whispered.

  “Exactly,” Angus replied.

  “Okay, we’ll talk and head there tonight. If we’re all on board then we’re good.”

  Chapter 5

  Ivy was feeling exhausted. She only got drunk once while she was in college and should have remembered the terrible feeling for the next twenty-four hours. Of course Harper’s was busy and she was getting texts during the day from Madison, Mike, and even Jake and Crespy. She wasn’t sure how she felt about Jake and Crespy. She liked them. They were good looking, and only a few years older than her, but she didn’t get that same deep spark of lust she did around Johnny, Keller, Angus and Bronc. She had been over it a thousand times, and she wouldn’t be used by them or any other men. The Shelton men were fucking around with Madison. That was another reason they were off limits, aside from the biggest reason, that they were like family to her. She was better off with someone else, and maybe Jake and Crespy could be her first lovers? They definitely were experienced with women. She could tell immediately by the way they stroked her skin and kissed her softly in just the right spot on her neck. But was it enough to lose her virginity with them? Would she regret it when it didn’t work? She always thought that she would give her virginity to a man she loved and who loved her. She was foolish, obviously, because it seemed relationships like that, like what her parents had, were few and far between. Everyone else had lovers, even those who were now in ménage relationships. Perhaps she needed a little sexual experience, as well?

  She felt the nudge to her arm. “How are you holding up?” Faith asked her, and she looked pretty tired, too.

  “Oh God, kicking myself in the ass for drinking so much.”

  “I hear ya. Me too, but God, it was so much fun. Leeann wants to go back to Black Jack again next Wednesday night.”

  “Well, I’m not drinking like I did this last time. Besides that, I’m supposed to go there Wednesday morning and meet Mike’s brother and the band and do another audition and if things go well then I’ll practice a little with the house band.”

  Faith smiled wide. “I am so happy for you. You deserve this. You really haven’t been happy and I noticed when you were up there and even afterwards with all that positive energy around you, that you were glowing. You’re meant to sing on stage. Just think, you could become some famous country music star.”


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