On Violence and On Violence Against Women
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Chiu, Rowena
Cho, Eunice (pseudonym of Ludlow accuser)
Chuang Tzu
Chun Doo-hwan
Clark, Hilary
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Chelsea
Clinton, Hillary
Coetzee, Stefaans
Collis-Buthelezi, Victoria
Colston, Edward
Columbia University
Congo (DRC)
Corbett, Arthur
Corbett, Ken
Cornell, Drucilla
County, Jayne
Covid-19 pandemic: ‘act of violence’; BAME cases; denial of reality; domestic violence during; effects on employment; effects on legislation; mass testing; NHS spending; politicians’ responses to; profits from; Serco’s role; violence against women; women leaders
Cox, Laverne
‘Cradock Four’
Craig, Larry
Damon, Matt
Dartmouth University
de Klerk, F. W., see Klerk, F. W. de
de Kock, Eugene, see Kock, Eugene de
Debbonaire, Thangam
DePew, Daniel
Derby-Lewis, Clive
Desmond, Richard
Deutsch, Helene
DeVine, Phillip
DeVos, Betsy
Dietz, Mary
Douglas, Mary
Doyle, Jennifer
Driver, Minnie
du Plessis, Lourens
Duncan Smith, Iain
Dunne, John Gregory
Dworkin, Andrea
Edugyan, Esi
Elbe, Lili
Elizabeth II, Queen
Elmhirst, Sophie
Engler, Hagen
Enright, Anne
Epstein, Jeffrey
Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip
Everything Under (Johnson)
Fairbanks, Eve
Fanon, Frantz
Fees Must Fall campaign
Feinberg, Leslie
femininity: Arsenault; Ashley; celebration of; Jenner; myth of; ‘normal’
feminism: 169–98 passim; Arendt’s position; black; confronting violence; demands; domestic violence issues; Greer’s influence; harassment issues; Klein’s position; protests and uprisings. 20–1; racial discrimination issue; radical; rape issues; responses to Trump; responses to violence against women; second-wave; teaching and students; trans relationships; women-only spaces
Ferreira, Major
Finn, Judge Robert
First, Ruth
Fischer, Bram
Fliess, Wilhelm
Floyd, George: description of killer; police killing; protests against killing
Flynn, Michael
Flynt, Larry
Frederiksen, Mette
Freud, Anna
Freud, Sigmund: Anna O case; death; Katharina case; on active/passive distinction; on Eros and destructiveness; on human sexuality; on man as ‘prosthetic God’; on mind as a city; on narcissism; on obsessional thought; on sexual difference; on unconscious; on violence; psychoanalysis and harassment; view of women’s destiny; works: Beyond the Pleasure Principle; Civilisation and Its Discontents; ‘The Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex’; ‘A Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis’; ‘Hysterical Phantasies and their Relation to Bisexuality’; The Interpretation of Dreams; Moses and Monotheism; ‘Remembering, Repeating and Working Through’; Studies on Hysteria; Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
Gallop, Jane
Gandhi, Mahatma
Garfinkel, Harold
Gay, Roxane
Geffen, Felicia
Gender Dysphoria
Gender Recognition Act (2004)
Geneva Convention
Gentleman, Amelia
Gevisser, Mark
Gherovici, Patricia
Gilmore, Kate
Giuffre (Roberts), Virginia
Giuliani, Rudy
Gobodo-Madikizela, Pumla: Historical Trauma and Transformation Centre; interviews with De Kock; Mlungisi necklacing story; on squatter homes; Truth and Reconciliation Commission; works: Breaking Intergenerational Cycles of Repetition; ‘The Cry of Nomonde Calata’ (lecture)
Goebbels, Joseph
Goldner, Virginia
Goldsmiths, University of London
Goniwe, Matthew
Goniwe, Mbulelo
Graham, Franklin
Gray, John
Greek city-state
Green, André
Greer, Germaine
Grewcock, Michael
Griffiths, Andrew
Grigoriadis, Vanessa: experiences of sexual harassment; on harassment; on masculinity; on sexual assault; on Title IX and harassment; works: Blurred Lines
Hague, William
Halberstam, Jack
Hall, Catherine
Halley, Janet
Hamburger, Tony
Han Kang
Hani, Chris
Hani, Limpho
Hani, Lindiwe
Haraway, Donna
Harrison, Jane
Hartley, Nola (pseudonym of Ludlow accuser)
Harvey, David
Heatherton, Todd
Helen (Honduran child)
Herd, David
Hester, Rita
Hill, Anita
Hirschfeld, Magnus
Hitler, Adolf: invasions; Klein’s work; legacy; Magnus Hirschfeld and; picture; rise to power
Hobsbawm, Eric
Holmes, Rachel
hooks, bell
Horkheimer, Max
Hoyer, Niels
Hudson, Tara
Hughes, Olwyn
Hughes, Ted
Hunt, Helen
Hyatt, Shanniel
Jackson, Paddy
Jacques, Juliet: career; influences on; memoir (Trans); on risks to trans people; on trans sex workers; on trans women; on transsexual photography; transition
Jaques, Elliott
Jędraszewski, Marek
Jeffrey, John
Jenner, Caitlyn
Jenrick, Robert
Johnson, Boris: attack on journalist; corruption in government; lying; NHS spending; recovery from Covid-19; relationship with Trump; targets for rape cases; transgender policies
Johnson, Charl
Johnson, Daisy
Jolie, Angelina
Jones, Ernest
Jordison, Sam
Josipovici, Gabriel
Joyce, James
Judt, Tony
Jung, Carl Gustav
Kamanzi, Brian
Kant, Immanuel
Kantor, Jodi
Kaplan, Cora
Katehi, Linda
Katharina (Aurelia Öhm-Kronich)
Kavanaugh, Brett
Kaveney, Ros
Kennedy, Helena
Kentridge, Eliza
Kentridge, Sydney
Kermode, Frank
Khomeini, Ayatollah
‘Khwezi’ (Fezekile Ntsukela Kuzwayo)
King, Callum
Kipnis, Laura
Klein, Melanie
Klerk, F. W. de
Kock, Eugene de
Kornheiser, Tony
Krauss, Rosalind
Kristeva, Julia
Krog, Antjie
Krys, Rachel
Kurdi, Alan
Kuyai, Husan
Lacan, Jacques
Lambert, Lisa
Lamble, Sarah
language: Adorno and Horkheimer perspective; auxiliary verb; detainees; Han Kang’s writing; McBride’s writing; modernist writing; Morrison’s writing; of oppressors; Pistorius trial; poetic; of sexual conquest; speaking and listening; trauma and language in South Africa; of victimhood; of violation
Latham, Joanne
Lazo-Majano, Olimpia
Lee, Alexander
Lees, Paris
Leibovitz, Annie
LGBT issues
gh, Rush
Limentani, Adam
Liverpool John Moores’ Astrophysics Research Institute
Lorde, Audre
Louis, Edouard
Lübcke, Walter
Lubhéid, Eithne
Ludlow, Peter
Luxemburg, Rosa: influence on Arendt; on ethic of violence; on love; on Russian Revolution; on violence ‘under quiet conditions’; spontaneity; yearning to know
Lyster, Rosa
McBride, Eimear: theme of violence; use of language; works: A Girl Is a Half-formed Thing; The Lesser Bohemians
McConnell, Freddy
McConnell, Mitch
McDonagh, Melanie
McEvoy, Jonathan
McEwan, Ian
McFarlane, Sir Andrew
McKaiser, Eusebius
McKay, Susan
MacKinnon, Catharine
Maddow, Rachel
Mairs, Nancy
Mandela, Nelson
Mandela, Winnie
Manganyi, Chabani
Mangcu, Xolela
Mann, Jessica
Manning, Chelsea
Margolis, Benjamin
Marin, Sanna
Martin, Farieissia
Martin, Kim
Mars-Jones, Adam
Marsh, Jennifer
Martin, Farieissia
masculinity: author’s perspective; ‘counterfeit’; Covid-19 and; Douglas on; Freud on; Klein on; myth of; sexual abuse; students; ‘toxic’; trans attitudes; Trump; versions of
Masipa, Judge Thokozile Matilda: career; compassion; conduct of Pistorius trial; criticisms of; health; on Pistorius’s defences; sentencing of Pistorius; verdict on Pistorius
Matar, Hisham
Matthews, Jimi
Maxwell, Ghislaine
Maxwell, Robert
May, Theresa
Mayer, So
M’Baye, Kéba
Mbeki, Thabo
Mbembe, Achille
Mda, Zakes
Merkel, Angela
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Meyer, Walter
Mgoduka, Doreen
Mgoduka, Mbalala Glen
Mgoduka, Siyah
Mhlauli, Sicelo
Middlebrook, Diane
migrants: passim; Australian policies; child; criminalisation of; deaths at sea; far-right discourse; German policies; hatred of: Irish policies; UK policies; US policies; violence at borders; women
Milkman (Burns)
Millington, Riley Carter
Millot, Catherine
Mitchell, Juliet
Mkonto, Sparrow
modernism: accounts of; history and memory; literary; loss of authority; McBride’s writing
Moeketsi, Stompie
Moisey, Andrew
Moore, Michael
Moore, Suzanne
Morris, Jan
Morrison, Toni: language; quoted; works: Beloved
Motsoeneng, Hlaudi
Mottley, Mia
Mrwetyana, Uyinene
Msimang, Sisonke
Mueller, Robert
Mukwege, Denis
Mulvey, Laura
Mundell, Carole
Murad, Nadia
Murdoch, Rupert
Muyanga, Neo
Naidoo, Leigh-Ann
Namaste, Viviane
Ndebele, Njabulo
Ndlovu, Dudu
Nel, Gerrie
Nestor, Emily
Nkabinde, Nkunzi Zandile
Northwestern University
Nungesser, Paul
Nuttall, Sarah
Nwadeyi, Lovelyn
Obama, Barack
O’Brien, Edna
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria
O’Connell Davidson, Julia
Olding, Stuart
Orbán, Viktor
Ore, Ersula
Orford, Margie: journalist and crime writer; on Pistorius case; on post-apartheid South Africa; on violence against women
Ormrod, Justice
O’Sullivan, Sue
Padman, Rachael
Pasterski, Vickie
Patten, Christopher
Perkins, Zelda
Phillips, Jess
Picasso, Pablo
Pinsky, Ellen
Pistorius, Carl
Pistorius, Oscar: 229–64 passim; career; control issues; defences; disability; guns; killing of Reeva Steenkamp; relationship with mother; relationship with Reeva Steenkamp; sentencing; test of intent; trial; verdict
Pistorius, Sheila
Plath, Sylvia
Polanski, Roman
Porter, Zeam
Powell, Jane
Prosser, Jay
Proust, Marcel
Rahman, Saeed
Rakei, Simon
Ramaphosa, Cyril
Ramírez, Angie Valeria
Ramírez, Oscar Alberto Martínez
Ramose, Mogobe B.
rape: alcohol role; Belfast rugby rape trial; Bolsonaro’s stance; Bosnia; boys as victims; calls to support services; campus cases; cases not pursued; Congo; ‘corrective’ rape of lesbians; crime of genocide; crime of identity; fantasies of; Freud’s work; gang-rape; giving evidence on; Huddersfield cases; image of ‘perfect’ victim; migrants; motives; Pamplona festival case; Philippines; South Africa; Spanish protests; stories; Title IX; trans rape; Trump cases; war crime; Weinstein case; Worboys case
Raphael (transsexual)
Rawls, John
Raymond, Janice
Reagan, Ronald
Rees, Mark
refugees: child; European attitudes; Geneva Convention; German policies; Refugee Tales; UK policies; US policies; women
refuges, women’s
Rhodes, Cecil
Rhodes Must Fall campaign passim; 24–6
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Richard (ten-year-old boy analysed by Klein)
Richardson, Jerry
Rolland, Romain
Ronell, Avital
Root, Rebecca
Rosário Nunes, Maria do
Rose, Gillian
Rosenstein, Rod
Rotunno, Donna
Roux, Barry
Roy, Arundhati
Russian Revolution
Sachs, Albie
Sachs, Wulf
Safouan, Moustapha
Saketopoulou, Avgi
Sanchez, Diego
Sanders, Sarah
Saussure, Ferdinand de
Savile, Jimmy
Savill, Dr T. D.
Schäuble, Wolfgang
Schroeder, Bill
Schwartz, Madeleine
Sciorra, Annabella
Semenya, Caster
Sessions, Jeff
Sexton, Anne
sexual abuse: aims; children; Epstein case; European incidence; harassment and; Hollywood; ‘Katharina’ case; McBride’s writing; reality; Savile case; sporting world; Weinstein case; Westminster
sexual harassment: 35–80 passim; aim; anti-harassment activists; campus; directive to universities (‘Dear Colleague’ letter); education issues; equal pay issue; evidence; far-right discourse; feminist subtext; guidelines on; issue in psychoanalysis; public fight against; refuges; reporting; transgender-identified people; Trump’s record; understanding of; violence and; vulnerability to; Westminster; women harassing men; workplace; see also #MeToo
Shabangu, Susan
Shutter, Sue
Silverman, Sandra
Sinclair, May
Skylar (transsexual)
Sloman, Mervyn
Slovo, Gillian
Slovo, Joe
Smethers, Sam
Smith, Ali
Smith, Deborah
Sokolow, Brett
Solms, Mark
South Africa: 229–323 passim; athletics; campaign against sexual violence (#AmINext); ‘Coloured’ peop
le; Constitution; Constitutional Court; corruption; ‘Cradock Four’; crime writing; education; guns; Historical Trauma and Transformation Centre; history and background; Marikana mining massacre; necklacing game; Pistorius case, see Pistorius; psychoanalysis; Stellenbosch conference (2018); student protests; Supreme Court; trauma and language; Truth and Reconciliation Commission; violence against women; women’s protests; Zuma rape case
South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)
Spade, Dean
Spivak, Gayatri
Srinivasan, Amia
Steenkamp, Reeva: appearance; killing of; life; relationship with Pistorius; response to Booysen’s rape and death
Stein, Gertrude
Stephens, Jordan
Sterne, Laurence
Stipp, Johan
Stoller, Robert
Stone, Sandy
Strydom, ‘Wit Wolf ’ Barend
Stryker, Susan: appearance; on abuse of trans people; on anti-transgender violence; on coercive violence of gendering; on strangeness of trans body; on terms for gender positions; on transsexual lives; works: ‘My Words to Victor Frankenstein’
Suchet, Melanie
Sulkowicz, Emma
Sussex University
Swanepoel, Major
Syrett, Nicholas
Tabak, Shana
Talbot, Margaret
Tanizaki, Junichirō
Tavistock and Portman Gender Identity Clinic
Taylor, Breonna
Taylor, Samantha
Teena, Brandon
Telesford, Kellie
Terreblanche, Sampie
Thatcher, Margaret
Thicke, Robin
Thomas, Clarence
Thompson, Vicky
Title IX (on sex discrimination in US education): alt-right critique; campaign to include sexual harassment; cases; consequences of; gender definition proposals; implementation directive (‘Dear Colleague’ letter); implementation directive rescinded; Kipnis’s position; legal criticisms of
Tlhabi, Redi
Tolentino, Jia
Tortorici, Dayna
trafficking: children; Epstein case; invisible crime; UK detainees; victims fighting deportation
trans people: 81–167 passim; activists; careers; children; feminism and; gender and sex; history of transgenderism; legal recognition of gender; masculinity issue; media coverage; ‘physically intact’; political movement; pressure groups; reality issue; stories; surgical transition; trans experience and abuse; versions of trans; violence against; ‘working at being a man or a woman’; see also Agnes, Ashley (April), Bornstein (Kate), County (Jayne), Jenner (Caitlyn), Raphael
Transgender Equality report (2016 UK)
Transgender Studies Readers
Trump, Donald: abortion policy; adulation of; anti-trans agenda; Covid-19 stance; election (2016); grandfather’s death; Hitler comparison; impeachment charges; Kavanaugh nomination; LGBT policies; migration policy; misogyny; Mueller investigation; rape charges; sexual allegations against; Title IX directive revoked; women supporters