On Violence and On Violence Against Women
Page 43
Trump, Ivana
Tsai Ing-wen
Tudesq, André
Tutu, Desmond
Tutu, Leah
Twohey, Megan
United Kingdom (UK): Border Agency (UKBA); child refugees; Conservative government policies; domestic violence; incidence of violence against women; Ladies’ Pond on Hampstead Heath; migrant removal; migration policy; prison system; rape prosecutions; refuges; sexual abuse; transgender policies; Westminster sexual harassment
United States (US): abortion policy; domestic violence; migration policy; prison system; profits from Covid-19 pandemic; rape prosecutions; Supreme Court; Title IX, see Title IX; transgender policies
Valentine, David
van der Merwe, Estelle
Vázquez, Estrella
Vera, Yvonne
Verryn, Father Paul
Verwoerd, Henrik
Verwoerd, Wilhelm
violence: at the borders; capitalist; coercive violence of gendering; domestic; entitlement; feminist protests; fictional writing; gender-based; inner force of; male violence against women; Mexican border; psychoanalytic perspective; racist; responses to; right-wing discourse; sexual; see also rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, trans people (violence against); South African history; state; struggle against; visibility and invisibility
Vorster, Merryll
Waluś, Janusz
Warwick University
Weidel, Alice
Weinstein, Harvey: accusers; career; collapse after arrest; convictions and sentence; description of genitalia; pictured with actresses; sexual assaults
West, Rebecca
White, Karen
Whittle, Stephen
Wiener, Mandy
Wilchins, Riki Anne
Williams, Glyn
Wilson, Cassie
Winnicott, D. W.
Woodward, Bob
Woolf, Virginia: death; home; modernism; on foremothers; on patriarchy; on violence; on women and war; traces of dimly remembered abuse; works: Between the Acts; Three Guineas
Worboys, John
Wynter, Sylvia
Xi Jinping
Yarl’s Wood Immigrant Removal Centre
Zellweger, Renée
Zietsman, Judge
Zuma, Jacob
Also by Jacqueline Rose
The Case of Peter Pan; or, the Impossibility of Children’s Fiction
Sexuality in the Field of Vision
The Haunting of Sylvia Plath
Why War?: Psychoanalysis, Politics, and the Return to Melanie Klein
States of Fantasy: The Clarendon Lectures in English Literature
On Not Being Able to Sleep: Psychoanalysis and the Modern World
The Question of Zion
The Last Resistance
Proust Among the Nations: From Dreyfus to the Middle East
Women in Dark Times
Mothers: An Essay on Love and Cruelty
Jacqueline Rose is one of the world’s leading feminist literary and cultural critics. She is the codirector of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, a cofounder of Independent Jewish Voices, and a fellow of the British Academy. Rose is a frequent contributor to the London Review of Books and The Guardian, among many other publications. She is the celebrated author of Sexuality in the Field of Vision, The Haunting of Sylvia Plath, Women in Dark Times, and Mothers: An Essay on Love and Cruelty. You can sign up for email updates here.
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Title Page
Copyright Notice
Introduction: On Violence and On Violence Against Women
1 I Am a Knife – Sexual Harassment in Close-up
2 Trans Voices – Who Do You Think You Are?
3 Trans and Sexual Harassment – The Back-story
4 Feminism and the Abomination of Violence
5 Writing Violence – From Modernism to Eimear McBride
6 The Killing of Reeva Steenkamp, the Trial of Oscar Pistorius – Sex and Race in the Courtroom
7 Political Protest and the Denial of History – South Africa and the Legacy of the Future
8 One Long Scream – Trauma and Justice in South Africa
9 At the Border
Also by Jacqueline Rose
A Note About the Author
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
120 Broadway, New York 10271
Copyright © 2021 by Jacqueline Rose
All rights reserved
Originally published in 2021 by Faber & Faber Ltd, Great Britain
Published in the United States by Farrar, Straus and Giroux
First American edition, 2021
Epigraph for introduction from La peste, by Albert Camus, copyright © Editions Gallimard, Paris, 1947. All rights reserved.
Ebook ISBN: 978-0-374-71585-4
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*Translated by Stuart Gilbert, Penguin, 1960; translation modified.
* Throughout this chapter I use ‘he/she’ and ‘his/her’, selected to reflect the post-transition identity, rather than ‘ze’, ‘sie’, ‘hir’ as advocated by some transsexual writers, and as approved for example by the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences for use by students in September 2015. In all other cases I have used ‘they’, as has become increasingly accepted usage. I have also used the more familiar term ‘transsexuality’ rather than ‘transsexualism’, and ‘sex or gender reassignment surgery’ rather than ‘gender confirmation surgery’. Unless quoting, I have avoided ‘sex change’, which today is considered to be denigrating.
* The Centre extends its brief to consideration of trauma across Africa and beyond to include Zimbabwe, Nigeria/Biafra, Rwanda and Israel-Palestine. Following objections to their presence from members of the Palestine Solidarity Committee in support of BDS (the campaign in support of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions in relation to the Israeli government), the Israeli participants withdrew from the conference.