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Against the Tide

Page 8

by Meredith Taylor

  Darryn’s heart sank. “Mr. Wickham, I can explain what happened,” Darryn started, assuming that he knew what was coming next.

  “This is a small community, Mr. Fredericks. A lot of the business owners here already know each other. Monty is a great guy and a good friend of mine. If Monty tells me that someone is trouble, then I just can’t run the risk of hiring them. The only reason I called you back here is to tell you that you should consider a different industry. None of the restaurants in town will give you a job. I’m sorry to put it so bluntly, Mr. Fredericks. I just don’t want you to waste your time and the time of managers. We just can’t tolerate someone who is so disrespectful to customers. These types of stories spread quickly, you know.”

  Darryn did not know how to react. He knew that he had been to many restaurants in town where waiters had been rude to him, but he was sure that they weren’t blacklisted by all of the other restaurants afterwards. For some reason Monty was trying to make sure that he never worked again.

  Darryn stood up and thanked Mr. Wickham for his time and his honesty. He tried to be as cordial as he could, even though inside he was fuming. He walked out of the restaurant and thought about everything that had happened over the past several weeks. He knew that it must have been Peet and the others who were trying to make sure that he wouldn’t get another job around campus. Why would they go to such lengths to hurt him?

  Mario had offered to help him get a nighttime security job at his father’s security company, but Darryn was reluctant to accept it at the time. He couldn’t afford to be working all night if he wanted to do well in his studies and have enough time to practise swimming. But it felt like he had no other choice than to take Mario up on his offer. He knew that he had to help Billy get into the private school where he could get the help that he needed. If Billy had another serious episode where the teachers didn’t really know how to deal with him, it could really set him back. Darryn called Mario and accepted the security job, feeling uneasy about his decision but realizing that there was no other choice.

  He hated having to deal with all of the indignity of applying for a job and being rejected, so he decided to go to the one place where he could free himself of his frustration: the swimming stadium. He walked across Donovan Square and past the Physics Building to where the stadium was located. It had just gone four o'clock, and he knew that he would have the pool to himself for a few hours until swim practice was set to begin. He went straight for the locker room and took off the shirt, takkies and jeans that he was wearing. He was hot and uncomfortable from the busy day. He removed his underwear and put on his swim briefs, and took his towel with him to the pool. When he got there, he saw that he was not alone.

  A figure was doing a breaststroke across the water, thrusting at an impressive speed. Darryn knew that it was one of the guys from the swim team, because the technique was excellent, but he could not see who it was. He decided not to let the presence of another person deter him from swimming, and he dove enthusiastically into the pool, mimicking the breaststroke of his fellow swimmer. Darryn saw that the other swimmer was waiting at the far end of the pool, and as he approached and took off his goggles, he saw the smiling face of JP greeting him there.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here, Fredericks! Did you get my message?” JP asked, seeming more cheerful than Darryn had ever seen him.

  “I needed a swim. It’s been a long day. My phone was on silent. How do you have my number anyway?”

  “I got it from Coach’s contact list. I’ve been thinking about the other day a lot. When you spoke to me in the locker room.”

  Darryn felt his instincts kick in and he said to JP, “Happy that I lost my job, were you? You’ll be glad to know that none of the restaurants on campus will hire me now. Peet really goes all out when he wants to mess with someone, I’ll give him that.”

  JP’s frustration showed as he said, “Of course not, Darryn. Don’t be unreasonable. Why would I be happy that you lost your job?” JP pulled himself out of the pool and sat on the edge. Darryn could see the muscles of his large arms pulsing from exertion. He removed his swimming cap to expose his blond hair, and stared at Darryn with his piercing blue eyes so much in contrast with his tanned skin. “You don’t need to be so defensive all the time. I’m just trying to have a civil conversation with you. Jeez.”

  Darryn got out as well and walked away from JP. He didn’t need to be condescended to after the day he was already having. Even though he didn’t believe JP was as bad as the others, he still couldn’t help but see him as the enemy. Darryn grabbed his towel and started walking towards the locker room, not giving JP an answer.

  JP got up and walked after Darryn. “Slow down! Where are you going? I just said I want to talk to you!” he said.

  “I’m really not in the mood right now, JP. I feel like I’ve said everything I want to say the last time we spoke.”

  JP grabbed Darryn’s arm as he approached him, and Darryn ripped his arm away. JP said, “You are an impossible person, you know that? I sent you a message because I need your help.”

  Darryn smirked, but gave no answer.

  “Let me at least just tell you what I need before you say anything sarcastic again. Jeez, I don’t know why I even try.”

  “Just say what you want to say,” Darryn responded. “My swim is already ruined.”

  “Okay, whatever. I’m failing Stats, and I know you’re doing well. I need a tutor. My grades are bad enough that if I fail another test I’ll have to add an extra year to my degree to try and catch up. I need your help, Darryn.”

  “You want me to help you with Stats? What makes you think I have time for that? I’m trying to find a new job, remember?”

  “I’ll make it worth your while,” JP said. “I can pay you really well for it.”

  Darryn looked at him incredulously. “Didn’t I tell you before, rich kid? I don’t need your money. You can’t fix everything by throwing money at it. I won’t help you to feel better about how your friends are acting.”

  “You’re right,” JP said. “I am feeling like crap about what they did to you. But this isn’t about that. It’s about me, and it’s a simple business transaction. I need the help, or I’ll be dragging Stats with me next year again, and Coach will probably kick me off the swim team.”

  “I thought you were already quitting the swim team,” Darryn said.

  JP gave a look of confusion: “Where did you hear that? We really do have a lot of gossips on this team. I haven’t made my mind up yet, but I’m thinking about it. I might stay.”

  Darryn was feeling emboldened by JP’s need for his help and how nervous he was acting, and he felt like their old routine of harsh rivalry was returning. He said, without thinking, and feeling immediately guilty as the words left his mouth, “Maybe you should quit before I embarrass you in the finals. You’re only delaying the inevitable.”

  JP looked genuinely hurt by Darryn’s words, and Darryn scanned his face trying to see what was so different this time. Why did JP not simply retort with his own barb, as they so often had done with one another? Why did JP seem so hurt by Darryn’s words, even though he had been equally combative in the past? Regardless, Darryn found himself wanting to apologize to JP for what he had said, but the words simply would not form in his mouth.

  “Anyway, Darryn, I still do need your help,” JP said, seeming dejected. “So if you want to tutor me, give me a call. I’ll get out of your way and you can finish your swim. I’ll see you at practice.”

  JP walked back to the locker room and Darryn watched him go. This was not someone he should be feeling sorry for, he thought. JP had all of the money and popularity in the world, and nothing Darryn could say could really hurt him that much. Could it? Darryn dove back into the pool and swam away the thoughts of JP. There was no way that he could accept the job of tutoring him. Not after the way JP had treated him in the past, and not after what his friends had done to Darryn. He could not give JP the satisfaction of paying Darryn f
or anything. Besides, he couldn’t really pretend not to detest JP for the hours that they would spend together if Darryn decided to tutor him. He would simply accept Mario’s security job and try and do his best with that option. There was no other way.

  Chapter 14

  Darryn spent the next week working nights at the security job which Mario’s father had been able to get him. He worked at one of the luxury security complexes in Ridgemont called Lauerville Hills, and his job mainly had him opening the gate for guests and having them sign a register as they entered. It was easy enough to do, and at least there was no Monty to deal with. Unfortunately, the pay was abysmal, only about half of what he received at Best Burger. He had five-hour shifts three nights a week and would work longer shifts over weekends. The job was lonely and extremely boring, but he had to make sure that he did not fall asleep on the job; he needed to try and get some extra money for Billy’s tuition at the private school. He only had a month until registration for the semester closed, and he wanted to give his father a decent amount of money to help towards it.

  Darryn had tried sacrificing some of his spending money, and had sold his computer to help with costs. He reasoned that the library’s computers would be sufficient until he could find a better job. Despite all of his sacrifices, he realized that he would be far short of earning as much as his father needed for tuition.

  Darryn was feeling despondent one afternoon after he had finished classes, and thought back to his encounter with JP at the pool. The offer to be JP’s tutor was very tempting, and Darryn knew that he was being rude to JP by assuming that he was only asking him to be his tutor because he wanted to use his money to make things right with him. JP definitely seemed like he needed help with Stats. Darryn had watched him sometimes during lectures, seeing the exasperated look in his face as he tried to make sense of the material discussed in class. Darryn also knew that only a few hours of tutoring JP would mean that he would have as much money as a week of working at the security job. Tutors on campus could often demand handsome rates from the wealthy Ridgemont students who were struggling with their courses.

  Despite his resolve to turn JP down only a short week before, the terrible pay and exhaustion from the security job was enough to make him change his mind. Darryn took a walk through Donovan Square towards the luxury student apartments where he knew that JP lived. He had seen him enter the buildings before. He sent JP a message: Are you at home? Send me your address if so. I need to talk.

  He only had to wait a few seconds for the response. JP sent him the address which was indeed in the exclusive block of flats just across from Donovan Square. Darryn went to the entrance and buzzed JP’s flat number. JP’s gruff voice greeted him over the intercom: “Come on up. Third floor.”

  Darryn went inside and took the lift to the third floor. He felt strangely nervous, but tried to push his feelings aside. When he arrived at JP’s door he knocked more loudly than he had intended to, and stood back waiting. JP answered the door wearing nothing but a tiny pair of boxer shorts. His tall, tanned body was on full display, and Darryn found himself suddenly feeling like an intruder. “Were you taking a nap?” he asked, with a slight bite in his tone.

  “Nah, just being comfortable at home. Do you mind? Should I put on some pants?” JP asked.

  “Do what you like. It’s your flat.” Darryn walked inside and stood in the entryway as JP ran to the kitchen.

  “Can I get you anything? Coffee? Juice? I’m sorry it’s such a mess. Sit at the couch, make yourself at home.”

  Darryn knew that the flat would be nice, but he had underestimated how lavish it would be. It was large. The living room was about twice as large as the one in Darryn’s home. The couch was massive and cream-colored, and looked extremely comfortable. Darryn wondered how JP had gotten it up the stairs and into the flat. There were two doorways leading to what Darryn assumed were bedrooms, and a neat, modern kitchen with beautiful dark wood built-in cupboards. The bathroom door was open and Darryn could see the immaculate tiling inside. A flat screen television on the far wall was playing music videos. Darryn felt compelled to give a sarcastic comment about the lavishness of the flat, but he restrained himself. There was no reason to be difficult with JP when he had done nothing to provoke it, he thought.

  Darryn sat down on the unbelievably comfortable couch. “I’ll have some water, please,” he said.

  “Just water. Sure thing.” JP seemed more chipper than usual. It was the friendliest Darryn had ever seen him, and his characteristic cockiness was nowhere to be seen. He moved around the kitchen in his tight boxers getting a glass and pouring Darryn some water. Darryn watched the muscles on his body as he moved, wondering why he was so fascinated by JP when once he had been so annoyed by him.

  JP walked over with the water and handed it to Darryn, sitting down next to him on the couch, a little closer than Darryn was comfortable with. He decided not to move.

  “So, what brings you here today, Darryn?” JP asked with a pleasant, open smile. There really was something different about him. His blue eyes had never looked so friendly before. Darryn shook away the thought.

  “I’ve thought about it. I’ll tutor you, if you still want me to. But you’ll have to pay me double what the standard rate on campus is.” Darryn looked JP directly in his eyes, and waited for a response.

  JP smiled even more broadly, “Thank you so much! That’s great news! You have no idea how much I’ve been stressing about this Stats test. When will you be able to start?”

  “I’m free right now, if you want?” Darryn responded.

  “Perfect! Sure thing! I’ll just… I’ll get my books in my room. Sorry, I wasn’t really prepared for this. I’ve been doing this boring internship over the past few days. My grandfather actually chewed me out because I ran away from a report on my first day. It’s just so boring. Anyway, that’s not interesting to you. I’ll get my books. And maybe some pants. I can’t be naked around you all day like this.” JP’s nervous energy was curious to Darryn. He was usually so self-assured, but now he seemed to be unsure of himself. Darryn waited on the couch and sipped at his water while JP went to his room. When he returned, he had pulled on a pair of jeans and a tight, red t-shirt. He carried his textbooks and notebooks under his arm, and said, “Sorry if that took a while. I was just trying to find my notes. As you’ll see, they’re a bit of a mess.”

  Darryn looked through some of JP’s notes. He was right: they definitely were a mess. The information was jumbled and JP had clearly misunderstood some of what was being said in lectures. “Here’s your first problem right here,” Darryn said, “Your notes are seriously disorganized. Have a look at mine and try and see if you can rework some of yours with the information you’ve left out.”

  The look of desperation and confusion on JP’s face made Darryn feel sorry for him then. He had his work cut out for him.


  Darryn and JP spent an hour and a half going through statistical models and revising sampling techniques. JP was clearly completely lost, but Darryn was being as patient as he could. He had even put together a short test for JP to complete to see whether he could apply the principles they had discussed so far. As JP sat silently completing the test, Darryn watched the crease of his eyebrow as he concentrated deeply. This was the guy he had detested so much at the start of the year. Now, Darryn was seeing a completely different side of him.

  JP turned to look at Darryn then, “Why are you staring at me? You’re making me nervous.”

  “Are you done? I want to make sure you’re staying focused on the test.”

  “I think I’m done. But don’t be too harsh with me if I didn’t get it yet.” JP handed the sheet of paper to Darryn, who looked it over and made big marks in red pen.

  “Oh no, not the red pen! Anything but that!” JP joked. “It looks so violent on all of my hard work.”

  “Shut up, I’m concentrating here,” Darryn said, finding himself reluctantly breaking into a smile. He went through the rest
of JP’s answers. Finally, he looked up and gave a grave sigh. “JP, I’ve got terrible news for you.”

  “What is it?” Asked JP, looking worried to the core. “Did I fail again? Oh jeez, this is terrible. Tell me!”

  Darryn’s smile widened, and he felt sorry for the mean trick he was playing. “All of my suspicions were confirmed. It turns out you were just lazy after all and you actually do have the ability. Full marks! Well done!”

  JP punched Darryn playfully on his shoulder. “You ass! How could you do that to me? You know I’m an idiot with this kind of stuff.”

  “You’re not an idiot, JP. Don’t say that. It just takes a lot of dedication in the start. You just need to get the basics down and you can solve any problem.” Darryn enjoyed the feeling of helping JP to understand the material. “The good news is that we’ve now worked through about five percent of the material for the test, so we’ll only need to do about twenty more of these sessions so that you can pass it.”

  “Come on! Jeez! Am I just a hopeless case? Should we give up right now?” JP asked, shoving his books across the table. He seemed to be trying to keep up the playful banter but also to hide his genuine frustration.

  “It’s not that bad. It’ll go a lot quicker later on. These first few concepts are the hardest, trust me. Why don’t we schedule another session in a few days?”

  “Well, we’ve got the semi-finals on Saturday. We probably have to practise for that like crazy for the rest of the week. But I feel so far behind. Could we do a session tomorrow just to catch up? And then we could do another one on Sunday after the race. Would that work for you?” JP asked.

  “No worries. That will be fine.” Darryn moved to pack up his books which were scattered across the couch and coffee table.

  “Darryn, I’m so glad you decided to help me. You’re actually not so bad. I know we’ve had our differences in the past, but you’re a cool guy.”


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