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Beautiful Corruption (The Corruption Series Book 2)

Page 18

by Jessica Manson

  “No.” He pulled me into his arms again and let me cry on his chest. “How does your arm feel?”

  “It’s fine.”

  “Tell me what made you cut today Lamia mea.”


  “Why me?”

  “Because Odin, I miss you, not the ‘I haven’t seen you in a while kind of miss you but the ‘I miss us’ kind of miss you. Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason. You taught me how to feel the butterflies over and over. And I still get butterflies even though I’ve seen you a hundred times. I love that feeling I get just from seeing you smile. You are my favorite place to go when I need peace. I want to touch you more than I want to breathe. I am much more me when I am with you. You found parts of me that I didn’t know existed.

  There is always going to be that one person that you can’t walk away from and you are that person to me. I want you today, tomorrow, next week and for the rest of my life. It’s you Odin. It has always been you. And because I have these feelings about you, guilt has poisoned my veins. It has me trapped in a place I don’t want to be. It has my heart paralyzed.”

  “Lilith, you can’t destroy yourself for the sake of someone else. You can’t let the guilt consume you. It’s your life, don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for wanting to be happy. You deserve happiness.”

  “I can’t hurt him Odin. I won’t.”

  “So, you are just going to keep living in hell for the rest of your life all because you don’t want to hurt his feelings?”

  “No. I plan to live in hell only until we kill Draven.”

  “What’s happening after that?”

  “I think it would be best if Tristan and I moved out after we kill him. I can’t keep living like this and I refuse to give into any feelings that I have for you.”

  “Why? Why can’t we be together?” he was starting to sound frustrated.

  “You are not making this easy for me.”

  “And you think this is easy for me? You run into my arms every chance you get. You pour your heart out to me and tell me you have feelings for me and expect me to just sit back and watch you be with Tristan when we both know you want to be with me instead. You are the one making this hard on both of us.”

  “You’re right. It is my fault and I’m sorry. I’ll do my best to keep my distance while we are here, but when all of this is over, we will be leaving.” I walked out of the library not letting him respond. He was right, all of this was my fault. I did run into his arms every chance I got. I was the one having feelings for him that I shouldn’t be having. I am the one sending him mixed signals, every minute of every day. My guilt was caused by myself and only I could put a stop to it.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Tristan didn’t speak to me for the rest of the night, so he ended up going to bed mad at me. It was hard to fall asleep. I felt bad for upsetting him earlier. He was also right about the things he said to me today. I was being selfish when I cut myself and I vowed to myself that I wouldn’t do it again. I can’t chance my life when I have two beautiful babies that depend on me. At around two a.m. I finally dozed off.

  I was standing on the bridge in front of Slaaneth. “You know meeting you here is getting really old.”

  “Shall we meet somewhere else?”

  “What do you want this time?” I asked my patience wearing thin.

  “You know the security at your castle isn’t as good as young Odin would like to think it is.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Time will tell my dear.”

  “What are you planning?”

  “Again, time will tell.”

  “I can’t stand riddles or half sentences. What do you want?”

  “It won’t be long and little Ava and Elijah will set me free from this hell.”

  “What type of person can be willing to kill two innocent babies?”

  “I’m not a person. I’m a demon. And those innocent babies are the key to my freedom.”

  “You will not get your hands on my babies.”

  “So young, so naive. Such a fool,” he said with a wave of his hand.

  “Fuck you Slaaneth. I will kill you if it is the last thing I do.” Laughter filled my ears as he vanished. I jolted awake and ran over to check on Ava and Elijah. I couldn’t get Slaaneth’s words out of my head. Security isn’t as good as Odin thinks it is. Does that mean his people are already near? Will they strike soon? Will they try to get in to take my babies? Panic filled me as these thoughts raced through my mind.

  Anger filled me at the thought of anyone laying a hand on my babies. I knew it was time to meditate so I could find the answer on how to kill him. I headed for the door, so I could go into the library where I knew there would be peace and quiet, but Tristan stopped me. “Where are you sneaking off too?” He still had anger in his voice.

  “I’m going to the library.”

  “Why? So, you can go cut yourself some more?” He practically spit the words at me. I have never seen him this angry before and I didn’t like to see him like this.

  “Can we talk?”

  “What’s there to talk about? You are selfish and aren’t going to listen to what I have to say.”

  I walked over and sat beside him on the bed. “Listen, you were right. I was being selfish. I shouldn’t have done it. I don’t know if you will believe me, but I promise you here and now that I will never ever cut myself again.”

  “Do you really mean that?”

  “Yes. I promise I will never do it again.”

  “Okay. I forgive you.” I couldn’t help but laugh. “What’s so funny?”

  “You’re easy to win over.”

  “That’s because I love you so much, it’s hard to stay mad at you.”

  “I love you too Tristan. I really do.”

  “So, what were you going to the library for?” I told him about Slaaneth coming to me again and about what he said about the security. He had the same concerns I did. He instantly went on high alert.

  “I need to find out how to kill him. It’s the only way to protect our babies.”

  “You can’t do it here if I promise to be really quiet?”

  “I guess I can, but I will need complete quiet.”

  “I promise. But first come here.” He pulled me into his arms and kissed me gently on the lips. He started to pull away from me, but I grabbed the back of his head holding him in place. I wasn’t ready to let him go just yet.

  I opened my mouth up to him letting our tongues touch slightly. He groaned at the touch. He kissed me deeper with more passion sending tingles down my spine. He rolled me onto the bed placing him on top of me. He pulled my shirt off and started trailing kisses down my neck until his mouth found my breast. He sucked gently on my nipples, giving them both equal attention.

  He kissed my stomach all the way down to my belly button. He paused long enough to remove my pants. He looked up at me with concern. “What is it?” I asked.

  “Do you think you’re healed enough?”


  “Good. I don’t think I have it in me to stop.”

  “Then don’t.”

  He climbed back on top of me and kissed me again. I slid his boxers down and dug my nails slightly into his butt cheeks causing him to growl at me. I could feel the hardness of him against my leg, so I opened myself up to him. He inserted himself slowly causing me to winch in pain. “Are you okay?” he asked concerned.

  “Yeah. It’s just been a while.”

  “Trust me, I know.” He was moving slowly in and out of me, but it was causing me more pain than I cared for.



  “I’m not a china doll, fuck me.” He didn’t hesitate to speed up. He moved faster and faster inside of me causing the pain to be replaced with pleasure. Even though Tristan was moving faster I could tell he was still holding back. He needed to rel
ease the animal within him. His primal beast needed to be brought to the surface. “Tristan, look at me.” When we made eye contact, I said with as much conviction as I could, “Let go and fuck me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I reached up and grabbed his face between my hands, “I am your wife. You can let go with me.” A smile formed across his face. Then he did something I wasn’t expecting. He flipped me over and forcefully inserted himself inside of me. He made a fist in my hair and pulled my head back while he pounded into me roughly.

  He smacked my ass catching me off guard. He reached up and wrapped his hand around my neck and squeezed slightly while the other hand was still wrapped up in my hair. I liked it. I was moaning uncontrollably and on the verge of my release. He wasn’t ready to stop; he had eight months of pent up sexual frustration to get out.

  With a few more times of him moving in and out of me at the pace he was moving my toes curled and I threw my head back as he sent my body over the edge. He continued to move at his fast and hard pace causing me to climax two more times. When I was on the verge of my fourth one, he came with me this time.

  He let me go and we both fell onto the bed. We were both covered in sweat, but we were both fully satisfied.

  “Wow,” was all I could say.

  “I know.”

  “That was…”

  “Amazing,” he said cutting me off. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No. You were perfect. Why haven’t you ever done it like that before?”

  “I don’t know. You just didn’t seem like the type.”

  “What type would that be?”

  “The type that likes it rough.”

  “Well, I guess we both learned something new about each other tonight.”

  “I guess we did.”

  With Tristan exhausted he fell asleep fast. I was tired but I still needed to find out how to kill Slaaneth so I headed to the library. Everyone was asleep leaving the castle quiet giving it a creepy feel. Once inside the library I lit a few candles and sat in the center of the room on the floor. I closed my eyes and began to concentrate on what I wanted to know.

  I searched within myself for ten minutes and came up with no answer. I was getting discouraged. I let out a loud breath and tried again. I closed my eyes once more, sat up straight and touched my thumbs to my pointer and middle fingers. I positioned my head in a downward angle and took breaths through my nose.

  I concentrated on my breathing. After another five minutes, I started to see flashes of what I was looking for. The flashes sped up until they became one constant flash. I was finally seeing the answer in front of me. I finally knew how to kill Slaaneth.

  Excitement filled me, and I could hardly contain it. I stood up and jumped up and down in circles proud of myself for figuring it out. I wanted to shout but was too afraid I would wake the whole house. I needed to tell someone, so I decided I would try to wake Tristan and tell him. He wanted me to find the answer as bad as I did so I assumed he wouldn’t get mad.

  I left the library in a hurry and ran upstairs taking two at a time. Halfway up Odin stopped me, “Where’s the fire?” he asked teasingly.

  “Oh, my God Odin I figured it out.”

  “You figured what out?”

  “How to kill Slaaneth.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes.” I told him about my dream and everything that Slaaneth said.

  “I will handle security. So, tell me, how are we supposed to kill him?”

  “Can we get everyone together for breakfast and I will tell everyone then because I will need everyone’s help to do it?”


  “Where were you headed?” I asked curious.

  “To the kitchen. Care to join me?”

  “I’m not sure that is a good idea.”

  “Come on. I can hear your stomach growling from here. I promise to behave.”

  “Okay.” We headed for the kitchen to grab something to eat. Once we had our bowls of fruity pebbles we sat at the island. The next hour was followed by friendly banter between the two of us. Odin kept his word and behaved himself. He didn’t flirt with me and I didn’t spill my heart out to him. We sat there until my eyelids grew heavy. When I couldn’t hold them open any longer, we both headed up to bed.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  When I woke up, I was eager to meet with everyone and tell them about me finally finding out how to kill Slaaneth. I quickly got myself dressed before getting Ava and Elijah ready. I then headed down to the kitchen with both babies in tow to make them their bottles. I walked past the dining room where everyone was already waiting for me. When I didn’t go in, Gunner came running out. “Need some help?”

  “Sure, want to take one of them so I can get their bottles ready?”

  “Of course.” He took Ava from my arms and started talking to her. “How’s Uncle Gunner’s little princess?” He started making cooing noises at her and my heart melted.

  “You are so different.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You used to hate me. You were quiet. Now you are so caring and loving with my babies. You are even nice to me.”

  “Lilith, I never hated you.”

  “Gunner you thought I was a monster.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “Let me let you in on a little secret, I can read minds.”

  “Listen, you were just changing so fast. You were becoming someone I didn’t know. No one, not even you, understood your powers. And yes, it was a little frightening.”

  “I understand. So, how do you feel about me now?”

  “I thought you could read minds?”

  “I can. But I also like staying out of people’s heads. Everyone is entitled to their privacy. And I don’t think I have the right to just go listening in whenever I want to.”

  “I appreciate that. And I like you… enough,” he said with a smile.

  “Would you like to feed her?”

  “I’d love to help.”

  “Well, come on helper, let’s join the others in the dining room. I have some very exciting news to share.”

  We both made our way to the dining room. When we entered, Odin walked over and took Elijah from me and Tristan came over and wrapped me in his arms. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Good morning.”

  He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I can’t stop thinking about last night. It was amazing.” I couldn’t help but giggle as my cheeks burned red.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered back in his ear, “Maybe we can have a replay later.”

  “Mmm…Mrs. Rose, you drive me wild.”

  “Okay, okay enough with the lovey dovey mess. What’s this big news you have?” Cal asked.

  “You did it, didn’t you? You figured out how to kill Slaaneth?” Tristan asked.

  “Yes. I did. I know how to kill him. But it will take all of us.”

  “What do we have to do?”

  “In order to kill him, I will need to summon him here. Odin, I will need you to get me some supplies.”

  “Done. What do you need?”

  “Five black candles, some salt, a lot of it, and some holy water. I will also need five of you to actually participate in the summoning. The rest of you will be there just as a precaution in case anything goes wrong. Who will help me?”

  “How will we have to help you summon Slaaneth?” Latham asked.

  “All I will need you to do is stand on one of the five corners of a pentagram and chant with me.”

  “I’ll help,” he said.

  “Me too,” Gunner said.

  “Actually, Gunner I was hoping you would stay with the babies. Slaaneth’s main goal is getting Ava and Elijah. I will need for you to keep them in the highest part of the house away from him.”

  “Sure, I can do that.”

  “Thank you. Bristol and Fate, I would also like for the two of you
to stay with Gunner and the babies. If anything happens and Slaaneth gets loose, I will need someone that can help keep them safe.”

  “Of course,” Bristol said.

  “You already know I’m going to help you,” Tristan said.

  “Me too,” Odin said. “That bastard is going to get what’s coming to him.”

  “I need two more people.” No one said anything. “Come on guys, this is to save Ava and Elijah.”

  “Count me in,” Parker said.

  “I’m always down for a good ass whooping,” Brant said.

  “Good. Okay, Dex, Cal, Tuls, Daveh and Razi I will need for you to stand sporadically around the room and make sure Slaaneth doesn’t break free.”

  “What will you do?” Tuls asked.

  “I will have to be standing right in the middle of the pentagram leading the chant. When Slaaneth appears, I will have to kill him.”

  “How are you going to kill him?” she asked.

  “That’s the tricky part. I have to find something called a demon’s knife.”

  “Well this mission just became impossible,” Daveh said matter-of-factly.

  “Why?” I asked confused.

  “Do you know what a demon’s knife is or how you have to get it?”

  “No, but I take it you do?”

  “Yes, I do. And it is impossible.”

  “What is a demon’s knife?” Everyone sat quietly waiting for Daveh to explain what it was.

  “It is a blade made out of dragon scales and demon eyes.”

  “Tell me how to get it.”

  “Well first you have to find a dragon.”

  “Like a real dragon? Like with giant wings and breathing fire kind of dragon?”

  “Yes, a real dragon.”

  “Where can I find a dragon?”

  “Land of Lore has one.”

  “That’s perfect.”

  “How is that perfect?”

  “Because you and Razi can take me there and lead me to the dragon.”

  “Are you kidding me? You can’t face a dragon. It will kill you before you even get the chance to get close enough.”

  “I have to at least try.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Let’s say I get past the dragon, what do I have to do to get the demon’s knife?”


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