Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature
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as present motivations, 152
in pure lands, 258
in realms of existence, 41, 46, 166–67, 249
ripening of, 15, 103, 132, 149, 167, 177, 185, 187 (see also ripening result of karma)
root afflictions and, 68
as source of manifold world, 145–46, 148, 150
on śrāvaka ārya path, 255
subtle mind and, 287
in true origins, 346n40
unpolluted, 249–50, 251, 257, 258, 308, 351n84
view of personal identity and, 79
virtuous mental states and, 109
wrong views and, 85, 86
See also formative actions (saṃskāra karman); polluted karma
karmic seeds, xv, xvii, 130–32
as adventitious, 136
afflictions needed for ripening of, 123
causal consciousness and, 168
of completing karma, 256
consciousness and, variant views on, 169
continuity of, 170
craving and, 30
formative karma and, 165
from four distorted conceptions, 26
having-ceased and, 132, 133–34
as neutral, 137–38
nourishing, 182–83, 198, 199
preventing ripening of, 132, 193
at rebirth, 15, 167, 182, 188
renewed existence and, 185
in twelve link cycles, 197, 198–99
Kelzang Gyatso, Seventh Dalai Lama, 322–23, 324, 325, 327, 329, 331
killing, 65, 82, 84, 112, 184, 256
kiṃnaras, 46
kindness, 60, 84, 115, 166, 183, 222. See also loving-kindness
King of Concentration of Sūtra, 2
of all phenomena, 277–79
conceptual, 243
reviewing (P. paccavekkhaṇa ñāṇa), 248
true, 75
knowledge and vision of liberation, 248–49
knowledge and vision of things as they are, 239, 243–46
latencies, xvii, 260
of afflictions, 114, 130, 134, 188, 257, 260–61, 278, 305–6, 308
in Cittamātra school, 146, 288, 293, 294, 346n42
of cognitive obscurations, 259
continuity of, 170
of ignorance, 249–50, 257, 262
of ignorance, ground of, 306, 308, 351n84
instinct and, 153
of karma, 130–32, 133–34, 148, 153, 169
neutrality of, 137–38, 139
and original sin, comparison of, 135–36
purification of, 274
as seeds or potencies, 127
types other than affliction and karma, 135
unconscious and, 136–37
laxity, 254
laziness, 93, 94, 113, 219–22
lethargy, 88, 93, 99, 109, 345–46n34
Letter to a Friend (Suhṛi-lekha, Nāgārjuna), 51, 251
liberation, 10
afflictive obscurations at, 123, 259, 346n40
and arhats’ nirvāṇa, distinctions between, 273–74
aspiration for, xvii, 39–40, 52, 57–59, 67, 189, 218, 288
compassion and, 225
craving for, 67–68
creating causes for, 219, 236
distorted notions of, 184
full, two aspects of, 247
higher rebirths toward, 166
ignorance eliminated at, 162
inspiration for, 23
knowledge of destruction of pollutants and, 247–49
as lacking inherent existence, 207–8
mistaken views of, 32–33, 35, 36, 42
motivations that impede, 250
as possible, 106, 239, 279–81
proximate cause of, 238–39, 246
shift in perspective from aspiring, 227–28
terms translated as, 273–74
wrong views and, 86
Library of Wisdom and Compassion, xiii, xiv–xvi, 106
life-continuum, 347n53
Longchenpa, 330–31
Lotus Sūtra (Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra), 296
love, 113, 180, 298, 316, 342
loving-kindness, 88, 115, 116
Luminous, 291
lust, 24, 114, 116, 222
lying, 15, 65, 74, 184. See also deceit
Madhyamaka school, 68, 331
on aggregates at nirvāṇa, 9
on buddha nature, 296–301
on clear light mind, 351n83
on emptiness, 343n3
four truths, approach to in, 17–18
on ignorance of ultimate truth, 73
on mind and form, 146
on one final vehicle, 296
on purifying karmic seeds, 132
Māgandiya, 222–25
Mahāmati, 337, 338
Mahāmudrā tradition, 324–25, 327, 331, 334–35
Mahāparinibbāna Sutta, 98
Mahāyāna, 313
buddha nature as basis of, 301
disposition for, 294, 295
reverence for, 306
śrāvakas and solitary realizers entering, 257, 265, 293, 348n72, 349n68
Maitreya, 45, 157. See also Ornament of Clear Realizations (Abhisamayālaṃkāra); Sublime Continuum (Ratnagotravibhāga)
malice, 94, 97, 99, 130, 345n31
Māra, 20, 44, 343n7
materialism, 68, 92, 181
Materialists (Cārvākas), 28–29, 30
mātṛkas, 46
four great elements and, 171
as obstruction, 277
primal, 29, 85, 143, 212, 213
scientific view of, 8, 143
space particles and, 147
Maudgalyāyana, 132, 233, 256
meal chant, 226–27
media stimuli, 107
analytic, 220, 244
attainment at extinction of defilements, 272, 349n74
consciousness developed through, 137
to counteract laziness, 219–20
daily practice of, 116
on emptiness, prerequisites for, 157–58
inner object of, 242
joy in, 241
latencies surfacing through, 135
limited goals in, 220
on mind, two methods of, 336
on nature of mind, 334–35
on refutation of inherent existence, 262
restlessness during, 66
transforming buddha disposition and, 294
See also insight (vipaśyanā); serenity (śamatha)
meditative absorptions
cessation and, 15–16
clinging in, 183
of form and formless realms, 41, 42, 44, 166–67, 243, 344n10
mistaking as nirvāṇa/liberation, 32, 35, 36, 184
seeds of afflictions and, 303
seven preparations for, 186, 348n58
meditative equipoise on emptiness, 134, 260, 265, 266, 294, 300
meditative stability, perfection of, 1, 342
memories, 135, 170, 178
mental consciousness
buddha nature and, 299, 350n80
Cittamātrin view of, 293
continuity of, 332
embryonic, 171
general and specific, 333
having-ceaseds of karma and, 134
ignorance and view of personal identity, accompanied by, 160
objects of, 172
polluted, 168
severing, 293
mental factors, 159, 160
accompanying consciousness, 171–72
afflictions as, 64, 90
bondage of, 63
continuity of, 126–27
in determining ethical value, 163
five omnipresent, 170, 174, 175
psychological causality and, 143
seeds of virtuous, 131
virtuous, 138
mental faculty, 172, 173, 174, 175, 202, 278
mental states
contradictory, inability to experience, 128, 164
obscuration of afflictive, 278
strength of mental factors in, 172
as transient, 180
virtue and nonvirtue of, 137–38
virtuous, 65, 90, 109, 113, 138–39, 298, 299, 345–46n34
mere designation, 6, 64, 162, 186, 205, 206
mere I, 6, 78–79, 81, 134, 159, 169, 205
merit, 139, 222, 251, 254, 288, 313. See also collection of merit
mind, 9, 58, 279
ability to transform, 297
afflicted views and, 82
as basis of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa, xiii–xiv, 297, 328
and body, relationship between, 8, 106, 112–13, 144–48, 174–75
and brain, wrong views of, 84
Buddhist and Western notions of, compared, 136–37
clarity and cognizance of, 277, 279, 280
conventional and ultimate, xvii
happy, maintaining, 60, 109
impermanence of, 14
mindfulness of, 27
momentariness of, 8, 26
in Pāli tradition, potential of, 291
at path and fruit, 246–47
refined states of, 44
in saṃsāra and nirvāṇa, differences between, 286, 287
sense of self and, 6
similar to correct view, 250–51
substantial cause of, 8
transformation of, three factors, 281–82
universal, wrong view of, 85
unpolluted (T. zag med sems kyi nus pa), 134, 169, 292, 298
See also clear light mind; emptiness of mind; nature of mind; subtlest mind-wind
mindfulness, 137
afflictions and, 108
on aggregates, 244
of craving, 180, 181
developing, 254
in experiencing subtle impermanence, 14
of feelings, 178
four establishments of, 27
lack of, 112, 203
of motivation, 218
of sense objects, 204
of three doors, 193
mind-moments, 189
mind-training teachings, 58
Mipham, Ju, 212
miserliness, 66, 67, 92, 95, 98, 109, 345n34
momentariness, 8, 13–14, 26, 54, 347n49
attachment and, 68
causal and immediate, 163–64
for Dharma study, 1–2
due to afflictive emotions, 103, 112, 120
due to fetters, 129
in eliminating afflictions, 117
in five dispositions, 294–95
karma and, 152
limited, 250
mindfulness of, 218
nonvirtues due to, 139
polluted virtuous, 162
in three types of karma, 166
virtue due to, 138
See also altruistic motivation
Nāgārjuna, 68, 193, 206–7, 321, 339, 351n83. See also Letter to a Friend (Suhṛi-lekha); Praise to the Sphere of Reality (Dharmadhatū-stava); Praise to the Supramundane (Lokātītastava); Precious Garland (Ratnāvalī); Treatise on the Middle Way (Mūlamadhyamakakārikā); Versed Commentary on the Rice Seedling Sūtra (Śālistamba Sūtra Kārikā)
nāgas, 46
Nālandā tradition, 266
name and form, 168, 170–72, 174–76, 177, 273, 348n54
name of result given to cause, 185, 187, 311, 330–31, 349n76
natural laws, 148–49, 150, 151, 152, 153
natural phenomenal causality (P. dhamma niyāma), 143–44
naturally abiding buddha nature, xiv, 296–98, 338
as always present, 301
as Buddha’s intended meaning, 338
as empty nature of mind, xiv, 300, 306, 328
as nature truth body, 266, 309, 313, 314
in third turning, 322
three characteristics of, 293–94
and transforming buddha nature, relationship between, xiv, 296, 299, 301, 312–13, 328, 329
nature body of buddha (svabhāvikakāya), 329
nature of mind
and afflictions, variant views on, 283–84
defilements and, 100
direct perception of, 327
meditation on, 334–35, 336
mental bodies and, 257
natural inclination of, 281
nirvāṇa as, 9, 262, 263–64, 266
in Pāli tradition, 291
purity of, 274, 279, 280, 302
realization of, 35, 36
as stable basis for excellent qualities, 281–82
three characteristics of, 323
ultimate, 31, 287, 297–98, 320, 326, 331
as undefiled, 324
nature of phenomena (dharmadhātu), 300, 311
nature truth body
appearance of, 307
as bodhi, 275
emptiness of awakened mind as, 9, 288, 302, 339
naturally abiding buddha nature and, 296, 298, 309, 313, 314
nonabiding nirvāṇa as, 266
twofold purity of, 301, 313
nervous system, 106
Nettippakaraṇa, 68
New Translation schools, 283, 284
Ngok Lotsawa, 296
Nigrantha tradition, 30
nihilism. See extreme of nihilism
nine similes for buddha nature, 302–3
buddha image in lotus, 303–4, 311
buddha statue in tattered rag, 307, 313
chart of, 308–9
gold in filth, 301, 305, 312, 316
golden buddha statue in dust, 308–10, 313
honey with bees, 304, 311–12
kernel of grain in husk, 304–5, 312
sprout hidden in peel of fruit, 306, 313
in three aspects of buddha disposition, 314
treasure under earth, 305–6, 313
universal monarch in womb of destitute woman, 307–8, 313
nirvāṇa, xiii, 52, 237, 343n3
afflictions overcome at, 125
analogies and synonyms for, 272
of arhats, 306
as cessation of duḥkha and its origin, 267–68, 271
etymology of, 268
fourfold classification of, 18, 263, 343n4
fundamental innate clear light mind as basis of, 287–88
general description of, 262
glimpsing, 232
as highest health, 224
as lacking inherent existence, 207
mind as basis for, xiii–xiv, 297, 328
mistaken notions on, 32–33, 271
mundane happiness and, 231–32
natural, 18, 263–64, 274, 285, 298, 331
as nonaffirming or affirming negative, views on, 262–63
as object of mediation, 268–71
Pāli views, reconciliation of, 272
with remainder, 247, 256–57, 293, 349n71
and saṃsāra, equality of, 284–86
in Sanskrit and Pāli traditions, comparison of, 273
three aspects of, 270
without remainder, 9, 257, 346n38
with and without remainder, variant views on, 264–66, 293
See also nonabiding nirvāṇa; true cessation (nirodha-satya)
Nirvāṇa Sūtra, 296
nominal existence, 205–6, 207, 208
nonabiding nirvāṇa, 18, 228–29, 259, 262, 266, 298, 306, 309
nonaffirming negative, 262–63
nonattachment, 138, 272, 292
noncomposite phenomena, 331
nonexistence, craving for, 179, 181, 184
non-knowingness, four causes of, 261–62
nonreturners, 16, 43, 87, 91, 97, 98, 125, 185, 247, 255
non-seed latencies, 127
nonvirtue, 140, 157
afflictive views and, 82, 83, 86
dispositions and, 294, 295, 296
five types, 139
intention and, 137–38,
purifying, 132, 225
and virtue, discerning between, 115
nonvirtuous actions
attachment and, 68
formative karma of, 163, 187
ignorance and, 111
seeds and latencies of, 130
ten nonvirtues, 66, 85, 96, 130–31, 163, 204
Numerical Discourses, 238
object condition, 176
apprehended, 78
causing afflictions, 107, 108
conceived, 78
and consciousness, relationship between, 349–50n77
craving for, 180
desirable, clinging to, 183
mental, latencies of, 135
mind’s cognizance of, 277–79
observed, 78, 81
polluted, 66, 67
six, 203
See also sense objects
objects of negation, 19, 25, 126
obstinacy, 95
obstructions, types of, 277–79
Ocean of Reasoning (Tsongkhapa), 214
offerings, 251
ogress and monkey, union of, 154
omniscient mind, 9, 275, 335
clear light mind’s transformation to, 324, 329
obstructions to, 278
realizations of, 279
subtle mind-wind and, 288, 302
once-returners, 16, 87, 185, 247, 249, 255
one taste, 284–85
oral teachings, xv–xvi
ordinary beings
afflictions due to bodies of, 106
and āryas, differences between, 236, 255, 300
attachment to views by, 82
and bodhisattvas, differences between, 257
buddha nature obscurations of, 303, 304, 306, 307, 309, 315–16
coarse selflessness realized by, 19
dualistic appearances of, 260
first-link ignorance of, 161
in form and formless realms, 41, 42–43
general and specific I of, 332–33
innate craving and clinging of, 183
karma of, 249, 250, 251
minds of, 274, 297
on paths of learning, 304, 306
in pure lands, 258–59
purification of nonvirtue by, 132
rebirth of, 190, 199
subtlest mind-wind/clear light mind of, 146, 280, 301–2, 349–50n77
underlying tendencies in, 129
original sin, 135–36, 221–22
Ornament of Clear Realizations (Abhisamayālaṃkāra, Maitreya), 296, 327
on abandonment of afflictions, 125
buddha nature in, 320
nothing to be added or removed verse in, 325, 326
on twelve links, 157
Ornament of Clear Realizations commentary (Haribhadra), 285
outflows, 99
pain, 48, 54
afflictions and, 110
of bodhisattvas, 228, 257
duḥkha of, 13, 22, 47, 50, 55, 191
in duḥkha of change, 51, 56
equanimity toward, 118, 256
of hell beings, 45
karma and, 132, 151, 153, 209
proper attitude toward, 40
in twelve links, 172, 177, 179, 191, 203, 226