Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature
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Pāli tradition, xiv–xv
on absence of substantial experiencer, 208–10
on afflictions, 88, 125
on antidotes, 117
on arrogance, types of, 71, 95, 346n36
on asuras, 344n19
on auxiliary afflictions, 94–96
on birth, 189
on cessation, 15–16, 343n3
on clinging, 184–85
on craving, 180–81
on dependent origination, 157, 159, 238–49
on eightfold path, 12, 34
on fetters, 97
on five pure abodes, 44
on form realm, 344n14, 344n17
on ignorance, 74–75, 98
liberation, use of term in, 274
on Maitreya, 45
on mind’s potential, 291
on name and form, 171–72
on nirvāṇa, 266–73
on pollutants, 98–99
on rebirth-linking consciousness, 169–70, 347n53
on remedy to saṃsāra, 348n60
on renewed existence, 187–88
on seeing and meditation, 346n41
on six realms, beings of, 46
on six sources, 173–76
on three trainings, 343n9
on twelve links, 200–202
on twenty false views of real self, 79–81
on underlying tendencies, 88–91, 129–30
parinirvāṇa, 9, 44, 119, 144
Parting from the Four Clingings (Sachen Kunga), 69
partless particles, 147
as lacking inherent existence, 207
of learning, 306, 307
method aspect of, 312, 314
three principal aspects of, 251, 288
transforming external difficulties into, 58
wrong views and, 86
Path of Purification (Visuddhimagga, Buddhaghoṣa), 157, 200
on absence of experiencer, 208, 209
on afflictions, 88
on duḥkha, 40
on nirvāṇa, 271
on renewed existence, 187
on six sources, 175
path of seeing, 16, 90, 161
actualization of, 306
afflictions abandoned on, 125, 160, 307, 308
on bodhisattva path, 257, 258
on śrāvaka path, 254–55
wisdom of, 132
path wisdom, 246
of arhats, 247, 257, 265, 349n72
compassion and, 122
of concentration, 16, 177, 183, 223, 244
in daily life, 58, 59, 60, 63, 180, 221
of nirvāṇa as, xiii, 31–32, 33, 34, 37, 39, 40, 228, 231–32, 253, 271–72
of relinquishing afflictions, 15, 51, 86, 279
wishing for others’, 226
peak of saṃsāra, 41, 42, 167, 286
peer pressure, 107
perception, 130, 259, 346n43
Perfection of Wisdom sūtras, 274, 296, 320, 322, 325, 326, 329, 338
Buddhist understanding of, 343n2
causality and, 142
of emptiness, 298, 300
of having-ceaseds, views on, 132–33
mistaking impermanence as, 20–21, 27, 101
of naturally abiding buddha nature, 299
of nature body of buddha, 329
view of, 81, 181 (see also extreme of absolutism)
person, xiv, xvii, 24, 81. See also self; self-sufficient substantially existent person
pervasive duḥkha of conditioning, 13–14, 26, 48–49, 50, 56–57, 191, 257
affirmative, 132
clear light mind as source of, 287–88
contemplating divisions of, 115
emptiness of, 207, 213
as knowable, 137
manifold, 285
mindfulness of, 27
noncomposite, 331
Prāsaṅgika view of, 25, 26
same taste of, 312
self-grasping, 162
unborn nature of, 319, 321
See also conditioned phenomena
Pilindavaccha, 261
piśācas, 46
craving and, 14–15
levels of, 60
mistaking duḥkha as, 20–21, 22, 27
saṃsāric, attachment to, 59–60, 219, 227–28
of three worlds, 58–59
worldly, futility of, 218
See also sensual/sensory pleasure
pliancy, 138, 239, 241–42
pollutants, 87, 98–99, 256
abandoning, 243
knowledge of destruction of, 238–39, 243, 247–49, 274
mind’s freedom from, 264
polluted karma, xiii
causal motivation for, 163
at cessation, 9, 34
control by, 26
ethical value of, 249
as origin of suffering, 11, 18, 123
possessions, 59–60
power of the basis/field, 164, 251
practitioners, 40, 225–26, 291
Praise to the Sphere of Reality (Dharmadhatū-stava, Nāgārjuna), 274–75, 280, 284, 321, 330
Praise to the Supramundane (Lokātītastava, Nāgārjuna), 214–15, 326
Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka, 20
on afflicted views, 86
on afflictions, 66, 111, 125, 126
on buddha nature, 338–39
on cessation, 12, 31
on clear light mind, 351n83
on emptiness, 25
on four truths, 18–19
on having-ceased, 132, 133, 165
on ignorance, 73, 74, 75, 98, 159, 232, 347n49
on karmic seeds in mere I, 169
on nirvāṇa with and without remainder, 265–66
on non-afflictive ignorance, 262
on root of saṃsāra as subtle ignorance, 162
self, view of in, 6
on true path, 34–36
on view of personal identity, 77, 78, 81, 161
on virtues, 138
prayers, 3, 257, 258
bodhisattva, 131, 295
prātimokṣa, 138, 294, 295
Precious Garland (Ratnāvalī, Nāgārjuna)
on arrogance, 71–72
on first-link ignorance, 162
on four extremes of arising, 237
on nirvāṇa, 263
on wheel of existence, 194
precious human birth, 250
appreciating, 203–4, 219
body as support of, 60
clinging to, 182–83
potential of, 281
as result of merit, 222
wasting, 21
pretension, 93, 95, 109, 345–46n34, 346n35
primal matter, 29, 85, 143, 212, 213
primary consciousness
as buddha nature, 327–28
of ignorance and afflictions, 111
intention and karma in, 130–31
mental factors and, 75–76, 283, 345n26
as virtuous and nonvirtuous, 138, 139
prostrations, 133–34, 251
Proximate Cause Sutta (Upanisā Sutta), 238
Puchungwa, 225, 226
pure lands, 44, 167, 258
pure-ground bodhisattvas, 130, 260
cognitive obscurations of, 258, 308–9
consciousness of, 168
feelings of, 178
ignorance, lack of, 161
motivation of, 164
purification, 193, 254
false views about, 83
forgetting, 197
of mind, 262
of nonvirtue, 132
of twelve links, forward and reverse, 234–35, 238
purity, twofold, 266, 301, 313, 339
Questions of Upāli Sūtra (Upāliparipṛcchā Sūtra), 131
radiance, five-colored, 147
realms of existence
g for existence in, 180–81
duḥkha of, 29–30
forms of attachment in, 89
innate afflictions in, 124
karma in, 41, 46, 166–67, 249
naturally abiding buddha nature in, 301
psychological states, viewing as, 47
rebirth in, 46
reflecting on dependent origination and, 218
renewed existence in, 185, 187
twelve links in, 173
types of, 41
on Wheel of Life, 156
reasoning, 124, 262, 280, 282, 336–37. See also four extremes of arising
rebirth, xvii
of bodhisattvas, 9
Buddhist view of, 7–8
cessation of, 37, 237, 247
choice in, 199
clinging to, 182
continuity in, 134
craving and, 15
cycles of, in twelve links, 158
direct perception of, 137
formative karma and, 165
fortunate, aspiration for, 40, 67
infinite numbers of, 52, 195, 219
innate and acquired afflictions and, 124, 125
innate clear light mind during, 287
karma and, 153, 166–67
karmic seeds ripening at, 26
of nominally existent I, 205–6
realms of, actuality of, 46
of self, views of, 5–6
on śrāvaka ārya path, 255
subtle afflictions at, 75
third-link consciousness and, 168
time between, debates about, 189
unfortunate, 120
on Wheel of Life, 156
wrong views regarding, 84
rebirth-linking consciousness, 169–70, 347n53
red increase, 128, 328, 332
on afflictions, 121–22
on afflictive emotions, 103–4
on antidotes to strongest afflictions, 116
on Asaṅga’s ten points, 57
on auxiliary afflictions, 96
on buddha nature, four puzzling points of, 317
on buddha nature in sentient beings, 340
on causality, 8
on clinging, four types, 185
on compassion for others, 227
on craving, 31, 181
for death and dying, 188
on dependent arising, three characteristics of, 215
on disadvantages of cyclic existence, 52–53
on excellent qualities, 282–83
on feelings, 110
on feelings and craving, 178–79
on fetters, 98
on five afflictive views, 87
on formative karma, 168
on four attributes of duḥkha, 27–28
on four truths, 36–37
on ignorance and formative karma, 164–65
on innate and acquired afflictions, 126
on lack of inherent existence, 210–11
on leper seeking happiness, 225
on media’s influences, 108
on nature of mind, 281, 325
on nine similes for buddha nature, 310
on nirvāṇa, 34
on obscurations and defilement, 16, 279
on pleasant feelings as unsatisfactory, 51
on root afflictions, 76
on seeds and latencies, 134
on stages of path, 258–59
on twelve links, 191, 199, 238
on virtue and nonvirtue, 140
refuge, 59, 204, 240
regret, 99, 109, 345–46n34
reliable cognizers, 240, 298–99, 300
renewed existence (bhava), 182, 185–88, 189
renunciation, 10, 69, 231
reputation, attachment to, 66, 68
resentment, 70, 92, 94, 107, 298
antidote to, 115
feelings accompanying, 109
as obscuration to buddha nature, 304
three levels of, 129
restlessness, 66, 88, 92, 97–98, 99, 109, 241, 254, 345–46n34
results, types of, 130
Rice Seedling Sūtra, 157, 158, 194, 201, 204, 205, 211–12
rigpa, 283–84, 324, 327
ripening result of karma, 14, 130, 138, 153, 171, 172, 185, 188, 256, 304
rituals, 82–83, 97, 184
root afflictions, xvi, 64, 65–67, 88, 89, 109, 110–11. See also afflictive views
roots of virtue, 83, 85, 88, 131–32, 139–40, 292
Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, 69
Śakra, 45
Sakya Paṇḍita, 296–97
Sāṃkhya tradition, 6, 143, 339
saṃsāra. See cyclic existence (saṃsāra)
Saṃsāra, Nirvāṇa, and Buddha Nature, overview of, xvi–xvii
Sanskrit tradition
on afflictions, 88, 89
on auxiliary afflictions, 92–94
on dependent origination, 157, 159
on emptiness, 343n3
on eradicating underlying tendencies, 90
on fourth dhyāna, 344n14
liberation, uses of term in, 273–74
Maitreya in, 45
on ten root afflictions, 88, 345n31
on three trainings, 343n9
on twenty false views of real self, 79–81
Śāntideva, 131. See also Engaging in the Bodhisattvas’ Deeds
Śāriputra, 118–19, 233, 270–71
Sarvāstivādin Abhidharma, 345n31
Sautrāntika school
on aggregates at nirvāṇa, 346n38
on ārya disposition, 292
on attachment, latent and manifest, 90
on buddhahood, 292–93
on continuity of mental consciousness, 169
on first-link ignorance, 162
on nirvāṇa, 264–65
on purifying karmic seeds, 132
on virtues, 138
instinctual behavior in, 152–53
origin of universe in, 142–43, 148
treatment of disturbing emotions through, 106
as unable to remedy true duḥkha, 48–49
sectarianism, xv
of bodhicitta, 164
factors of, 260
from holy objects, 251
and latencies, distinctions between, 127
of virtue, 137
See also karmic seeds
seeds, afflictive, xvi–xvii
as cause of afflictions, 106–8
function of, 127–28
obscuring buddha nature, 303–4, 308
reflection on, 128–29
underlying tendencies and, 129–30
uprooting, 262
views on, 90
self, xvi, 115, 255
as beginningless, 6–8
cessation of, views on, 9
clinging to, 183, 184
as designation, 7–8, 134
distorted conception of, 20, 21, 27
as general I, 333
as permanent, unitary, independent, 6, 23–25, 26, 27, 77–78, 181
production from, refutation of, 339
refutations of, 332, 333
two contextual meanings of, 343n6
in understanding underlying tendencies, 90
unobservability of, 56
views of, 5–6, 337
See also mere I; person
self-confidence, xiii
and arrogance, distinctions between, 73
four types, 233–34
increasing, 122, 241
lack of, 219
self-grasping, 61, 75–76
arrogance and, 71
manifest and seeds of, 128
in pure lands, 258
two types, 77, 79, 162
self-grasping ignorance, 259, 298, 304
definition of, 74
innate and acquired, 124, 161
latencies of, 130
Prāsaṅgika view of, 75, 351n83
as root of saṃsā
ra, 37, 68
and self-grasping, distinctions between, 75–76
in twelve links example, 197
variant views of, 162
wisdom in dispelling, 26, 35
selflessness, 321, 337
in examining duḥkha, 54, 56, 57
fear of, 338
in first turning, 319
ignorance of, 73
meditating on, 19, 131
and nirvāṇa, distinctions between, 273
of persons and phenomena, 26, 233
Prāsaṅgika view of, 25, 126
reflection on, 98
subtle, 27
variant views on, 159–60
view of personal identity and, 78
wisdom analyzing, 250
self-mortification, 184
self-recrimination, 102, 214
self-sufficient substantially existent person
aggregates and, 25, 26, 27, 104
clinging to, 184
four truths and, 18–19, 31
grasping at, 74, 75, 103, 126, 162
variant views on, 159, 160–61
view of personal identity and, 78, 103
sense consciousness, 168, 286, 294, 320, 350n80
sense faculties, 135, 286
sense objects, 108, 112, 204, 222–23, 240
sense organs, karmic influence on, 154
senses, 44, 68, 91, 344n17
sensual desire, 89, 91, 97, 98, 99, 345n31
sensual/sensory pleasure
clinging to, 183, 184, 185
craving and, 179, 180, 184, 231–32
distinctions in, 60
duḥkha of change and, 47–48
origin, disappearance, gratification, danger, escape, 222–25
unsatisfactory nature of, 204
sentient beings, 121
afflictions of, 31, 32
altruistic motivation toward, 3
basic nature of, 136
buddha nature of, xiv, 299, 310–14
buddhahood of, variant views on, 265, 283
buddhas’ compassion for, 69
as conditioned phenomena, 226
diversity of, 55
and environment, Abhidharma view of, 145–46
and environment, tantric view of, 147, 148, 149, 150
first-link ignorance of, 161
innate buddha body of, refutation of, 335, 337–40
in manifold world, 145–46, 148
potential of, 262, 277, 292
receptivity to buddha activity by, 278, 301, 323
six classes of, 41, 44–45, 46, 50, 52
subtlest mind-wind in, 301
thirty-three classes of, 41–45
See also ordinary beings
serenity (śamatha), 27, 204, 241, 242, 253–54. See also access concentration
Seventh Dalai Lama. See Kelzang Gyatso, Seventh Dalai Lama
sexual relationships, 66, 114, 221
shamelessness, 345n30
Shorter Series of Questions and Answers, The (Cūḷavedalla Sutta), 79–80
sickness, suffering of, 13, 53, 54, 56, 58
signlessness, 270, 272
six perfections, 1, 295, 313, 342
six realms, 41, 44–45, 46, 50, 52, 156
six sources (Saḍāyatana), 172–76, 177
six stains, 345–46n34