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The Realm

Page 12

by Leigh Walker

  I wanted to give some sort of teasing retort in order to draw him out, but I didn’t dare act too familiar in front of the cameras. “Thank you for asking me, Your Highness. I’m looking forward to spending some time with you.”

  With a nod, he held out his arm. We somewhat stiffly and formally walked to the dining room with the cameras directly behind us. Mira and the production team followed. Neither Rhys nor I spoke. Usually, when I was this close to him, I felt warm, but our easy camaraderie seemed to have cooled. He acted as nervous as I felt. When we reached the large, elegantly set dining table, he pulled my chair out for me and then sat down. We looked at each other as the silence stretched out between us. It was as awkward as the most awkward first date ever. Then the servers came in and poured us wine, thank goodness.

  He cleared his throat. “My lady, how was your afternoon?”

  “It was fine, thank you.” I smiled as he took a very large gulp from his chalice. “And yours, Your Highness? How was your day?”

  “Excellent, thank you. We enjoyed a good hunt then had several meetings.” He started to tug at his collar but, catching a disapproving look from Mira, stopped himself.

  “Ah, how nice. The weather was lovely today.”

  Rhys nodded. “Yes, it was.”

  We stared at each other then each took a sip of wine.

  “So… How are your pets adjusting to living at the castle?” Polite conversation didn’t appear to be the werewolf’s thing—the effort made a sheen of sweat break out over his forehead.

  “They love it. I’d like to take them out to explore the newest gardens tomorrow.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.”

  We smiled at each other. I held onto my chalice for dear life. The appetizers were brought out—simple but delicious bacon-wrapped scallops—and at least we had an excuse not to talk while we ate.

  Mira watched us worriedly from the side of the room. When we finished eating in silence, she called, “Cut. Let’s take a break, everyone.” She ushered the crew out of the room. “I think His Highness and Lady Layne need a minute to talk privately.” Once her team was out in the hallway, she closed the door and turned to us. “Do something about this.” She snapped her fingers.

  “About what?” Rhys looked confused.

  “Your terrible chemistry! It’s like watching paint dry. The audience will shut the show off and never tune in again. It’s painful to watch.”

  “I don’t—I don’t understand, Mira. You told me I had to be restrained around the girl so that the others don’t get jealous.”

  I groaned. “Oh, thanks, Mira. Nothing like an uphill battle.”

  “Please.” The blond vampire put her hands on her hips. “If anyone can handle a little adversity, it’s you.”

  She turned to Rhys, her face softening. “Your Highness, I think you might’ve misunderstood me. I meant that you shouldn’t favor Lady Layne—I didn’t mean for you to shun her. She deserves a fair chance, equal to the other girls. She’s not entitled to an advantage, but that doesn’t mean she should be operating at a disadvantage, either.”

  “Er…” Rhys looked confounded. “Okay.”

  “What I mean is, you don’t have to push her away. Quite the opposite.” Mira took a deep breath. “I’m giving you one minute alone together. Whatever needs to be said without the cameras around, say it. And then let’s get on with this. This date needs to be much more romantic than it has been. Our ratings are going to sink like a stone if this is the best you can come up with.”

  Rhys cleared his throat. “Right.”

  Mira closed the door behind her, and we were left alone. I looked at the werewolf. The werewolf looked at me.

  “What should we do?” I asked.

  Rhys didn’t hesitate. He leaned across the table and sank his hand deep into my hair. Then he crushed his lips to mine.

  Too Hot

  Things got rather urgent. I forgot to be awkward; I forgot to be mad at him. We stood and wrapped our arms around each other, getting as close as we could. Rhys deepened the kiss. Fire lit me up from deep within, and I heard myself moan. Good lord. I didn’t even have the decency to be self-conscious. When his tongue connected with mine, I felt an electric jolt. I pressed every inch of my body against his.

  He pulled back, breathing hard, and put his cheek against mine. “There, that’s better.”

  I was hot, too hot, a fire that needed to be extinguished. “I beg your pardon?” I cried. “Better how?”

  Rhys looked into my eyes. “I think we’re meant to be like this around each other.”

  “Lip-locked, you mean?”

  He nodded sheepishly. “Yes, my lady.”

  Trying to regain my sanity, I shook him off of me and took a step back. Once I’d pried myself from his muscular body, my skin cooled. He watched me, eyes glittering, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

  “You’re a bit smug, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe.” He chuckled. “But I definitely feel better. Don’t you?”

  The awkwardness and tension between us seemed to have dissipated. I did, in fact, feel much more better, except for the fact that I had an urge to hurl myself at him again. “It doesn’t matter how I feel. We have to be able to have a polite conversation in front of the cameras, Your Highness. If we can’t do that, I’m sunk. Or is that what you want?”

  “I suppose that’s what I’d like to know—what do you want?” He took a step closer.

  “Does it matter? Last I heard, you were either kissing the other girls or telling them that I was forward, and that our kiss the other night was all my idea.” I put my hands on my hips. “So tell me, what is it you want from me?”

  “I told them that because I was following Mira’s instructions.” When I continued to pout, Rhys asked, “What answer can I give you that would make you happy, my lady?”

  “What is it with you werewolves? I’ve had your mate Duncan pestering me about the same thing for days.”

  “What do you mean?” Rhys growled. “He spoke to you? Has the wolf been bothering you?”

  “A little—he’s just rather annoying.” I shrugged. “It’s nothing I can’t handle, trust me. But he’s been going off about how I should be clear about the life I want. He keeps talking about the pack and how a lady like me won’t fit in, blah, blah, blah. He’s a bit of a stiff, if you ask me.”

  Rhys didn’t say anything. He looked lost in thought.

  “Your Highness, you’d best tell me what’s on your mind before Mira comes barging back in here and we’re stuck with the cameras for the next three hours.”

  His gaze shifted back to me. “Duncan is one of my senior advisors. The other wolves look up to him. If he’s been asking questions of you, it’s because my pack has some concerns.” He cursed. “He should have come to me, not you.”

  “He didn’t say anything too extraordinary. He just thinks I’m too fancy for the Realm.” I kept my voice light. “I think he’s keeping a close eye on the contest.”

  Rhys nodded. “They all are, and the staff, too. They want to know who I’m going to choose.”

  I tossed my hair, trying to seem casual. “We’d all like to know that, Your Highness.”

  He shook his head and laughed. “You ask me all sorts of things. But you never tell me what you feel, d’you know that?”

  “You want to know about my feelings?”

  “I do, my lady.” He watched me closely.

  I took a deep breath. “I was jealous of you kissing the other girls, if you must know.” I held still as he stepped even closer.

  “Ah, you were jealous?” He looked cheered.

  My heart pounded in my chest. “It’s not easy for me to admit it, but yes.”

  A lopsided cocky grin lit up his face. “Let me see what I can do about that.”

  He placed his big hands on my hips, flexing his fingers. Time stopped as he lowered his face to mine and kissed me again. He was still grinning when he pulled back. “That’s a kiss for what

  He gave me another kiss, this one deeper and filled with longing. “And for that other lass,” he whispered into my ear.

  Once more, he lowered his lips to mine, pulling me close against him. When he broke the kiss this time, we were both breathless. “There, now—you’re tied. Three dates, three kisses. Is that better?”

  “I want one more,” I whispered. I was horrified to realize that I never wanted him to let go of me. When the werewolf kissed me this time, I threw my arms around his neck, relishing the feeling of being so close to his strong body.

  Mira opened the door, and we broke apart. She threw up her hands. “Really? You couldn’t have saved that for when the cameras were rolling?”

  Rhys chuckled while I adjusted my dress. “I’m sure we can do it again if you’d like.”

  I primly cleared my throat while I fanned myself. “We should have dinner like civilized individuals, Your Highness.”

  “Ah yes.” Rhys sat down at the table, still grinning. “I’ve worked up quite an appetite.”

  Things got better after that. Dinner was a delicious roast chicken with fingerling potatoes and seared Brussels sprouts, which Rhys surprised me by eating. Apparently, unless it was wrapped in phyllo, no food was too fancy for him.

  Conversation was much easier after we’d cleared the air and snogged our brains out. We talked about my family and what life was like in the settlements. Then we discussed how his men had settled into the Realm, the plans for the coronation ball, and what the weather would be like in the coming weeks as winter approached. Dinner was comfortable and pleasant, with the fire crackling behind us, casting us in a warm, contented glow. At one point during the meal, Rhys started holding my hand. He didn’t let go, and I didn’t want him to. Touching him made me feel better somehow.

  After dinner, he put my cloak over my shoulders, and we crossed the grounds to the barn. Mira and the camera crew followed closely, lugging their klieg lights to showcase us in the dark. Mira was an expert director. She gave us enough space so that we were lulled into thinking we were almost alone under the bright lights, even though the cameras would catch every glance, every word. The night was turning black and chilly. The stars glittered above, stretching in every direction.

  “It really is beautiful here,” I said.

  Rhys stopped walking and took my hands. “I’m so glad you think so. I love it with my whole heart. It’s been my life’s dream to have a home like this.”

  “I’m happy for you, Your Highness. It’s going to be wonderful for you to raise your family here and for your people to do that, too.”

  “Ah, Tamara,” he said, “could you see yourself here? Raising a family?”

  I wanted to say yes. I wanted to tell him to kiss me again so I would know it in my heart. But I hesitated, remembering Duncan’s words: “It’s about finally building a future for werewolves, and it won’t be all sugar-dusted pastries and ball gowns. It’s going to take blood and sweat and tears. I don’t think you’re cut out for it, my lady.”

  “I-I love it here so much.” I pressed my face against his chest, unsure of what to say. Am I cut out for it? Is this what I want? I was afraid my feelings were running away with me, overruling my common sense.

  “Ah, I suppose that’ll have to do for now.” Rhys kissed the top of my head, then we continued on our walk.

  A very proper-looking vampire lady waited for us in the barn. She wore a black skirt suit and a smart black hat fitted with ribbon. “Good evening.” She curtsied. “I am Lady Kate, and I will be instructing you on how to ballroom dance this evening. I understand you had some rudimentary practice at the royal wedding recently, but His Highness needs some polish before the coronation ceremony. Shall we begin?” She started the music, which came out of a small speaker she’d brought, and motioned for us to take our places.

  “Yes, of course.” I bowed to Rhys, he bowed to me, and the werewolf eagerly put his hand on my waist. As Lady Kate instructed us on where to step and how to move about the floor, Rhys didn’t stop smiling. We were close to each other, and the heat between us was palpable. He had his big hands all over me, and every time he took a misstep, his whole body happily collided into mine. Then he would apologize, give me an amused kiss on the cheek, and we would be off again.

  “You look awfully happy. I thought you didn’t like to dance,” I reminded him.

  “But I know you enjoy it.” He shrugged. “If I can survive powder being splattered all over my face with a poufy brush, I can survive this. Plus”—he flexed his hand against my hip—“you are close to me, my lady, and I have every excuse to keep a firm grip on you.” He smiled devilishly. “I think I love dancing.”

  “Ha.” My cheeks burned. He was not a seasoned partner, but I didn’t want the lesson to ever end. I was becoming addicted to being so close to his chest.

  The room was hot. The longer we stayed close together with him staring down at me hungrily, the hotter I got. The lesson flew by. We revisited the box step and the waltz, and we practiced some easy spins.

  Before I was ready, Lady Kate clapped her hands together. “Good work, Your Highness, Lady Layne. I think you’ve made some vast improvements this evening.”

  Rhys stopped dancing, but he didn’t let me go. Instead, he pulled me close against his side. “Thank you for your instruction. I will task you with teaching my men how to dance before the ceremony.”

  “I’d be honored. Tell them to wear shoes, please.” With a bow, Lady Kate left us. Mira and the camera crew stood nearby, quietly filming everything, staying stealthily near the edge of the room.

  “I suppose we should get back,” Rhys said reluctantly.

  I leaned my head against his shoulder. “I suppose you’re right, Your Highness.”

  “I love it when you say that.” He secured my cloak then threw his arm around my shoulders as we headed out to the grounds. “You should say I’m right all the time.”

  “But it’s also my job to tell you when you’re wrong. I’m the Goodwill Ambassador to the Realm, remember? I need to help keep you in line.” I took a deep, shaky breath. “As such, I should tell you to stop kissing all the other girls. That’s out of line, if you ask me.”

  “You don’t say?”

  “I do say, unequivocally.” With his arms wrapped around me, I couldn’t bear to think of him touching anyone else. “If you must kiss someone, kiss me.”

  “My pleasure, Lady Layne.” Rhys leaned down and kissed me firmly on the lips. “I appreciate the help, you know.” He favored me with another cocky grin.

  “That’s what I’m here for.”

  We walked back to the castle in comfortable silence. If the cameras hadn’t been near, we probably would have talked more. But I was relieved that we couldn’t, though I wasn’t sure why. Part of me was already grieving the end of our time together, but I didn’t want to think about it.

  When we reached the entrance, the werewolf bowed. “Thank you for a lovely evening, Lady Layne. I enjoyed it.”

  “Thank you, Your Highness. I enjoyed it, too—even when you were stepping on my toes.”

  He stared at me, at my lips, and my whole body shuddered. The moment stretched out; our eyes locked. By the time he bent down to kiss me, I was ready to beg him to do it. He put his hands underneath my cloak and ran them down my back tenderly, careful of the lace of my dress. I sank my hands into the hair at the nape of his neck, relishing the feel of his thick locks. When we broke apart this time, we were both breathing hard.

  “Good night, Rhys.”

  “Good night, Tamara.”

  I ran into the castle before I could cling to him and beg him to stay near me.


  “Why is it,” I asked Elsa and Beast, “that feelings have to be so…messy?” When the gnomes didn’t answer, I flopped over on my bed. “I just don’t understand why, if I like him, I have to feel so out of control about it. It’s quite uncomfortable. I had to tear myself away from him. It’s uncivilized!�

  I hadn’t slept well after my date. I’d tossed and turned all night, simultaneously wishing Rhys’s hands were still on me and feeling relieved that they weren’t.

  “I should explain,” I told the gnomes. “Of course, I’ve had suitors before—lots of them. But none of them ever made me feel so…so…bad.” Elsa looked perplexed, so I continued. “It’s bad because I want something from him in a way I’ve never wanted it before. I didn’t even know that I could want something like this. And wanting it—okay, wanting him—isn’t bad in and of itself, but it’s the nature of the feeling that I object to. I can’t control it. I feel ill this morning, and I think it’s because I’m away from him. I keep wondering what he’s doing. That’s not healthy.”

  I got up and started pacing while the gnomes watched with rapt attention. “When I set my goals recently, I decided that I wanted a man to sweep me off my feet. But I should’ve been more specific—I wanted the man of my choosing to sweep me off my feet at a time and location that was convenient to me. Am I really ready for love and commitment at the moment? I’m a self-reliant modern woman. I have a career and ambitions of my own to attend to. I can’t be getting all knotted up over some new-royalty werewolf.”

  When Beast whined, I sighed. “I know, I know, I’m not saying I don’t want to be with him because he’s a werewolf or because his title is brand-new. It’s because I’m not sure I’m ready for a huge personal commitment when I have so many items on my professional agenda.”

  My thoughts swirled as I paced. Can I see myself here? I loved the Realm, I loved the North, and I loved being with my friends here. Not to mention the fact that I wanted all sorts of things from the werewolf king himself. Mostly, I wanted him to put his hands on me and kiss me again. But I wasn’t sure how that fit into the big picture. I’d found myself in uncharted territory. I had no idea how all of this worked.

  I’d never felt unsure of myself like this. Frankly, it was baffling. “I suppose I should just go and have some tea and see what the day brings.”


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