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Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5)

Page 15

by Carson Mackenzie

  “Dom, Poppy won’t even be two years old when this one is here. The chance is slim that she will be potty trained unless she takes an interest early.

  “Could you at least let me believe for now?”

  “Okay, you can have your fantasy. Let me clean the tub out, then I will finish her bath, and you can put up the groceries. Here, let’s wrap this towel around her, and I think it will be safe to move away from the toilet.” I watched as River bundled Poppy in the towel.


  “I think your daddy needs a nap, sweetie,” River said, kissed Poppy on the cheek, then me.

  I held Poppy while River cleaned up the disaster of a bathroom. When everything was ready, she reached for Poppy. As I handed her off, I leaned and stole a kiss.

  On my way out the door, leaving my two girls to it, I yelled over my shoulder, “When she goes down, I’m going to expect you to tuck me in for my nap.” I laughed when the wet washcloth hit my back.

  I watched from the doorway as River rocked Poppy and hummed to her while she drank her bedtime bottle. We hadn’t discussed what we were going to do since she was pregnant. Getting Poppy settled was a priority. Another reason I hadn’t broached the subject was that I didn’t want to push River. I’d hope giving her time and showing what we could have together would sway her to my side. Hell, we were already a family.

  River looked up and smiled when she finally noticed me in the doorway.

  “She’s out,” she said, and raised from the rocker and walked to the crib. I stepped into the room as she kissed Poppy’s head and laid her down, then covered her with a blanket.

  When River walked out to take the bottle to the kitchen, I leaned in and kissed my daughter’s head.

  “Love you, baby girl,” I whispered, then ran my hand gently over her soft curls. As I left her room, I clicked on the monitor that sat on the dresser and pulled the door halfway.

  Once I was in my bedroom, I stripped down, then climbed in the bed with my back against the headboard. I didn’t have to wait long for River to come in.

  “Why are you sitting up?” she asked as she walked toward the bathroom.

  “Just waiting on you.”

  “Oh, okay. I won’t be long,” she said as went into the bathroom and shut the door. When she came out, she joined me in the bed and positioned herself like I was.

  “You know we need to talk about what we are going to do.” I turned my head to face her.

  “Yeah, I know,” she said, but instead of looking at me, she looked down at her hands.

  “How about I tell you what I want? Then you can tell me if you agree or disagree?” I asked, then rested my hand on top of hers.


  “We’ve pretty much been living as a family since I got back. The only time you are at your house is to pick up mail and grab more clothes. I know you love Poppy, I can see it when you look at her. Just like I hope you can see it in my eyes when I look at you.” River’s head jerked in my direction.


  “I love you. I’m not going to push you for more than you can give, but I want you to know I want to marry you.” I put my hand up to stop her from interrupting. “I know you aren’t ready for that. I’m hoping you will let me know when you are. But I want you to move in here until that time comes. I may have missed the start of Poppy’s life, but I won’t miss one minute of our child’s. You are both mine. Do you agree, or do we need to hash this out some more?”

  “What happen to agreeing or disagreeing?”

  I grinned. “My original plan was to give you that option. But plans change.”

  “Well, you seem to have it all worked out. Why even ask me what I want?”

  “Because it is the polite thing to do.” I laughed when she pulled her hand from under mine and smacked my shoulder.

  “You can be such an asshole.”

  “I told you once before, I can, but I’m your asshole. Now, are you going to agree so I can love on you?”

  “You fight dirty, Dom.”

  “I’ll fight any way I have to—to get you.”

  When I saw the tear roll down her cheek, under different circumstances, I would have cringed, but in this instant, I knew I’d won. Her whispered words validated it.

  “Yes, I will officially move in. And you are right, I don’t think I’m ready to get married.”

  “It’s on the table, you only need to tell me when you are.”

  “Okay. Now didn’t you say something about loving on me.”

  “Is that your way of telling me the conversation is over?”

  “Yes,” she said, and I kissed her, then pulled her sleep shirt over her head.

  I shifted down on the bed and pulled River with me. After I slipped her panties off, I removed my boxers, then rolled, positioning me on top.

  Leaning on one arm to keep my full weight off her, I used my other hand to trace her nipples. Teasing them as I watched them pebble.

  Taking her mouth, I kissed her. She was mine and couldn’t imagine my life without her in it. I fought to take it slow, needing to show her gentle.

  I broke the kiss and looked down at her. Her eyes shone with lust.

  “You are my perfect match,” I said. I gazed down at her firm, round breasts and smiled.

  Lowering my head, I ran my tongue over the hardened peak and River squirmed, her body responding to my every touch.

  “Dom,” she said my name as if it were a plea.

  “You need loved slow. We always rush,” I whispered and palmed her breast. I loved how it fit into my hand perfectly. After showing each one attention, I began to move my hand down. My fingers barely touching her skin as I moved them over where our daughter or son grew.

  River groaned when I reached her mound. As my fingers hit her center, I felt the moisture of her need. Barely grazing her clit, I ran my fingers between her folds, then circled her center before pushing one finger in. As I pumped it in and out, River moved her hips, mimicking every move.

  She grabbed my arm that rested beside her and dug her nails in. The bite of pain almost breaking my control.

  Adding another finger, I increased the speed, curling them to hit the spot that would eventually send her over.

  “Please, Dom. I’m close.”

  I pumped my fingers and used my thumb to press on her swollen nub. River’s back arched and her head went back. As I watched her go over, my cock throbbed. I continued with my fingers and thumb and helped her ride out her orgasm.

  When she started to come down, I removed my fingers and positioned the head of my cock at her entrance, and pushed in. She was wet and warm, and I knew I wouldn’t last as long as I wanted.

  Each thrust, pulling me closer and closer to my own release. Not wanting to go alone, I bent my head to her breast and rolled the nipple between my teeth. Driving in as deep as I could go, I gently bit down on the nipple.

  River’s hand went to my hair, and she latched on as we orgasmed together.

  I rolled to the side and pulled River with me until I was on my back with her head on my chest.

  “God, I love your tattoos,” she said breathlessly as she traced the ones on my chest. “Why is your chest covered except for the blank spot over your heart?”

  Grazing my finger up and down her spine, I lazily responded, “When I started getting tattoos, I saved that spot in case I ever took an ol’ lady. So I guess, I’d left the space for you.”



  “I love you.”

  When I said the words early, I hadn’t let it bother me that she hadn’t said them back. Now I realize that I needed to hear them more than anything else.

  “Tomorrow we start packing your stuff.”

  I got her to agree to move in. The next step I could wait for her to accept.

  As long as it didn’t take too long.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Using my heel, I kicked the door shut and leaned the boxes against the wa
ll. I dropped Dom at Soft Tails to handle a problem with the remodel, instead of him getting to come to help me at the house. He said he would get someone to drop him off when he finished, so I wouldn’t have to stop in the middle to do it. My plan though was to get it all done by the time he did get here. Leaving him with the loading of the Escalade.

  Between the boxes and the luggage in my closet, I would be able to get all my clothes and personal items packed. The furniture and all the other household stuff would be dealt with later per Dom.

  That morning I mentioned renting the house, and Dom told me that Tank, one of the members, had wanted to buy it before, but I had beaten him to the punch when Sami had put it on the market. Since Dom would be at Soft Tails and so would Tank, he was going to ask Tank if he was still interested. As I looked around the house, I hoped if Tank did decide to buy it, he might want to take some of the furniture off my hands. It would be less to move out of the house if he did.

  Grabbing the boxes, I moved to the stairs, the sooner I started, the sooner I’d get home to Poppy. I’d grown attached to her and hated to be away for long. Though she was in good hands with her grandpa. I was thankful when he volunteered to watch her because the packing would be able to take place without interruption. It didn’t escape me that I thought of Dom’s place as home, even though I lived in this one longer. It really was true that people were what made a house a home. At least for me because I couldn’t imagine living any place Poppy and Dom weren’t.

  Pulling out the clothing in the last drawer in the dresser, I placed them in the box and sighed. Done. I reached for my cell on the top of the dresser and checked the time and saw the reason for my tiredness, I had been packing for two hours.

  Since Dom hadn’t shown up yet, I picked up the one empty box that remained and headed for the stairs. My goal, packing the cleaning supplies in the cabinet under the kitchen sink. When I reached the bottom of the stairs and started toward the kitchen, I heard the front door open and close.

  “I just finished with my clothes. I’m going to fill this extra box with the stuff from under the kitchen. Should only take me a few minutes. Not like we can’t use cleaning supplies.” Realizing Dom hadn’t spoken, I stopped and turned, then dropped the empty box when I saw the man who was there looking back at me.

  “Hi, River. You should remember to lock your doors.”

  “Most people aren’t rude and knock whether the door is locked or not. What are you doing here, Thomas?” I asked and looked at the man I was married to not so long ago. He wore jeans and a button-down shirt that had wrinkles in it. His hair showed signs of where he had run his fingers through it, enough to have pieces sticking up. So unlike the man, who no matter what he was doing, his appearance was pristine.

  “I wanted to talk with you,” he said and took a few steps toward me.

  “But I don’t want to talk with you. That’s why I changed my number.”

  “Like I couldn’t locate the new one. I had the number within days of you changing it. I’ve been calling, but you have me blocked.” Every time he spoke, he took a few steps toward me.

  He was right, I’d blocked his number as soon as I changed mine and bought the new phone. Knowing Thomas, it explained at least one thing.

  “And you felt the need to hire a PI because of it. We are divorced, Thomas, I blocked your number because I have nothing to say to you. I moved here, so I wouldn’t even run into you by accident. Why do you think I didn’t call you after you had my mother call and tell me that you wanted to talk to me? Did you think going that route would make me? I am no longer the woman who goes along with whatever her mother says. And knowing my mother, she would have called you the minute I hung up on her. You cheated, Thomas, you got another woman pregnant. As if that wasn’t enough, you blamed me instead of acting like a man and taking responsibility for your own actions.

  “You have no clue what it was like for me every month to take the test and the result come up negative. When you wanted to start a family, I may not have approved of your reason. No one should have a child to further their career, and it wasn’t right for your dad to put that pressure on you. But I wanted a child, Thomas, so I went along. That is on me. So when I confront you because I overheard whispers of you sleeping with someone on the side, you go into the poor pitiful me act. ‘I just needed someone, River, that wanted to have sex with me, and not because they were ovulating.’ Blah, blah, blah. What do you think it was like for me, Thomas? Oh, that’s right it only affected you. Then to find I did everything possible to get pregnant, only to find out I was the infertile one, was the ultimate blow. Because you had no issue getting your girlfriend pregnant. I wanted children, Thomas, and the knowledge I never would hurt. Then I was ashamed that I felt relieved I couldn’t conceive because of what you did.

  “We married because Alfred, my mother, and your father thought we should. And you and I always went along with what they wanted so we married for them, not because we loved each. Things happen for a reason. I never believed that before. I do now, because I can have children. Accept that you and I didn’t conceive because someone or something was watching out for us and didn’t want us to make yet another mistake. We’ve both moved on. Be happy with your girlfriend and upcoming baby, Thomas. I’ll do the same with Dom and our child.” When I started, I couldn’t stop. It felt good to vent at Thomas, liberating actually. It felt good getting everything off my chest, but then I knew I had to finally let the hurt and pain go. I might not have been happy with Thomas coming to Shades Valley or even feeling he had some right to walk in my house, but he needed to know that I no longer held anything against him.

  I hadn’t planned to tell him about the baby or Dom, but I needed him to know that I was happy, and he should be, too.

  When Thomas pulled out a gun, I realized that had been a huge mistake, along with the fact, I evidently didn’t know Thomas as well as I thought.

  He lunged, and I screamed.


  “Thanks for the lift. Been a long time since I’ve ridden in a sheriff’s car.” Will chuckled.

  “No problem. We were almost done eating. And if you had waited for one of your men to get freed up with the bar so busy, you’d still be waiting. Or would have had to call River to pick you up,” Will said as he pulled out of the parking lot.

  “I can’t wait to hear the rumors that are sure to fly around town because you know they will. The bar was busy, and people were leaving and pulling in when Will opened the back door of the car and you got in.” Carly laughed. “You really need to let me take a picture before you get out, so I can show Russ.”

  “No! Because your ass won’t just show Crusher. You’ll show that shit to the whole club.”

  “You’re no fun, Jag. I thought being with River would relax you and take some of the assholishness out of you,” Carly looked over her shoulder and said. I flipped her off.

  “I’m right here,” Will commented, and I grinned.

  When River and I told him about the baby, I hadn’t been sure how he would take it. Even though he told me that I would need to push her, I’m pretty sure knocking her up wasn’t what he meant. But like he’d also said, he wouldn’t stick his nose in our relationship, and he proved it. He’d taken the baby news in stride along with River staying at my house and helping me with Poppy.

  “Sorry, boss,” Carly said.

  “Sure, you are, deputy,” Will answered, then turned down the street to the house.

  “You can just stop in front of the house and let me out unless you want to come in and see River. You can talk to her, so she doesn’t try to help me load shit in the truck,” I mentioned because she would try, and she didn’t need to be lifting anything in her condition.

  “Carly can keep her occupied, and I’ll help you load her stuff,” Will volunteered as he pulled to the curb, stopped the car, and he and Carly got out.

  Carly smirked when she opened the door to let me out.

  “Would have made a great Christmas card,” s
he said and closed the door once I was out.

  I never got a chance to reply because we heard River scream. The three of us took off in a run, and as we reached the door, the man’s voice told us River wasn’t alone.

  “You ruined everything because you couldn’t keep your legs closed. I should shoot you now!” The man’s words were the only thing that had kept me from kicking down the door.

  “Sonofabitch,” Will said in a low voice, and I looked at him. “It’s her fucking prick ex.

  “I’ll kill the bastard.” I turned to the door, and Will grabbed my arm.

  “You heard him. He has a gun, and we can’t take the chance. You and Carly give me a minute to get around the house. The kitchen door glass might give me a visual of where they are in the house,” Will said, leaving Carly and me as he headed around to the back of the house.

  Carly and I leaned closer to the door when Thomas’s voice lowered, and we no longer could make out what he said. Carly reached for the handle of the door, and I grabbed her arm. No way was I letting her go in first, cop or not.

  “Get out of the way, Jag. I am a sheriff’s deputy, jackass.”

  “Yeah, and I don’t care,” I said and grabbed the handle, stopping when it gave, and the door moved just enough to show it hadn’t been locked.

  “You step in, and I will kill you, then her, asshole,” River’s ex said, which let us know that Will was at the door.

  “Ease the door open. He’s talking to Will, and his back will be to us, we might be able to make it inside without him noticing,” Carly whispered and pulled her gun from her side.

  Pushing the door open we saw, Thomas had one arm around River’s neck while he swung the other arm with the gun between River and Will.

  “Drop the gun or I will shoot you,” Will said.

  “We both know you aren’t going to shoot me and take the chance of hitting your slut of a daughter. I know you never liked me, but I’m a hundred times better than some piece of shit biker. I came to take her back since she wouldn’t talk to me. We could have made it work once I told her Teresa’s baby wasn’t mine. Instead, she gets herself knocked up by some low class—”


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