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The Medicine Man, Book 2

Page 23

by Beverly Cialone

  Kasey smiled, happy that he was pleased with the room. She sat down and lightly bounced on the edge of the bed, which prompted Ashwin to laugh before he teased, “Feel like jumping on the bed?”

  Kasey's smile widened as she shook her head. “No.”

  Ashwin eyed the Jacuzzi and began unbuttoning his shirt as he said, “I feel like giving that Jacuzzi a try.” He looked at Kasey and softly added, “But first things first. Get undressed.”

  Kasey stopped bouncing on the bed and swallowed hard at his velvet command. As if she were hypnotized by his enigmatic, fiery gaze, she slowly pulled her shirt over her head and deftly unfastened her bra. That done, she kicked her shoes off before she got to her feet and pushed her jeans down to her ankles. Ashwin's gaze was unreadable as she stepped out of them, but he slowly shook his head as he pointed to her panties. “Take those off too.”

  Despite the intimacy they'd shared on a regular basis, Kasey felt her cheeks grow warm as she slowly hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and slid them down her legs. After stepping out of them, she met Ashwin's gaze and swallowed hard at what she saw there. That fire was back in his eyes, and her cheeks grew even warmer as she stood naked and vulnerable before him. He slowly walked over to her and pulled her against his warm, still-clothed body, then slid his hand between her legs as he captured her mouth in a long, slow, tantalizing kiss. Kasey moaned softly and wrapped her arms around his neck as her knees immediately went weak, and she didn't protest when Ashwin backed her against the edge of the bed. Moments later he eased her against the bedspread, but instead of joining her on the bed, he gave her that mysterious smile and murmured, “You stay put. I'll be right back.”

  Kasey gave a weak nod and watched as he walked into the bathroom, and when he returned she was intrigued to find he was carrying a rolled up towel and the ice bucket. He set the bucket on the nightstand, and when Kasey tried to sit up and have a peek, he slowly shook his head and admonished, “You just lie back and relax. You'll find out what's in the bucket soon enough.”

  Kasey silently sank back against the pillow and watched as he turned off all the lights except for a single, small lamp that cast a warm yellow glow about the room. Her curiosity inched up a notch when Ashwin pulled her into a sitting position and placed the pillows at the foot of the bed, but she said nothing as he simply pointed to the pillow and said, “Lie down.”

  Kasey nodded and settled herself at the foot of the bed, never taking her eyes off Ashwin as he slowly removed his shirt. She tried to raise her head when he began unrolling the towel he'd brought out of the bathroom, but the velvet-edged tone of his voice convinced her to heed his command as he instructed, “Put your head on the pillow and close your eyes.”

  “But Ashwin—what--”

  Ashwin's face suddenly appeared mere inches above hers, and although his voice was gentle, that fire was burning even brighter in his eyes as he placed his finger against her lips and murmured, “Shh. Close your eyes and relax.”

  Kasey hesitantly nodded and closed her eyes, but relaxing was impossible as she wondered just what he was planning to do. Moments later Ashwin answered her unspoken question. “You said you trusted me with your life. Now you get to prove it.”

  Kasey suddenly opened her eyes at his odd words, and she gasped softly when she saw him holding a gleaming straight razor. She swallowed hard as her eyes went from the razor to Ashwin's face, and her voice was barely a whisper as she weakly inquired, “What—what are you talking about?”

  Ashwin smiled and leaned forward, giving her an even better look at the dangerous, gleaming blade in his hand. “I intend to use this on you...but in a good way.”

  His words alarmed her, but she tried not to let it show as she swallowed hard and said, “What's your idea of a 'good way'?”

  Ashwin's smile widened as he softly inquired, “Have you ever been shaved?”

  “Um...shaved where?”

  “Here.” He gently touched his finger to one of the silky-soft curls that effectively hid her sex, and Kasey was grateful for the soft light in the room when she felt that damning heat creep back into her cheeks. “No. I, um, trim it sometimes, but...”

  Ashwin nodded and sat back, that enigmatic smile on his face as he said, “Oh, trust me. This is going to be more than just a trim.”

  Kasey swallowed hard again as she eyed the razor. “You're going to use...that?”

  “Yes.” He leaned forward again and softly added, “All I need you to do is lie back, close your eyes, and relax. And trust me.”

  Kasey eyed the razor one last time before she slowly nodded. “Alright.”

  Ashwin's voice and expression suddenly became serious as he said, “Whenever you feel the razor against your skin, you have to be absolutely still. OK?”

  Kasey nodded again and closed her eyes, and she couldn't help her soft gasp of surprise as Ashwin gently slid a warm, wet washcloth between her legs. She relaxed and enjoyed the soothing warmth of the washcloth, and Ashwin chuckled softly before he stated, “Don't fall asleep on me.”

  “Oh, I won't,” Kasey replied as she forced her eyes open and blinked up at him. Ashwin shook his head and dunked the wash cloth into the warm water in the ice bucket, then wrung out the excess and gently pressed it against Kasey's sensitive flesh. She gasped softly at the almost-uncomfortable heat of the wash cloth, which prompted Ashwin to frown as he inquired, “Is that too hot for you?”

  Kasey slowly shook her head and closed her eyes again. “No.”

  “Good. It'll cool off shortly.”

  “So, um, how good are you with that thing?”

  “What, this?” Ashwin inquired as he picked up the razor and held it up for Kasey to see.

  Kasey opened her eyes again and swallowed hard as she nodded. “Yes, that.”

  Ashwin shrugged and carefully placed the razor on the bed beside him. “It was my father's. He taught me how to shave with it.” He reached down and removed the washcloth from between her legs, then uncapped a small tube of soothing vanilla balm and squeezed a liberal amount onto his fingers. Kasey jumped slightly when she felt his fingers on her sensitive flesh, and Ashwin smiled as he murmured, “Relax, sweetheart.” He began applying the balm to her skin, and as he gently stroked his fingers everywhere except where she wanted him to, Kasey became frustrated over the slow, delicious way he was teasing her. She finally decided to just lie back and enjoy the mellow aroma of vanilla that filled the room, and Ashwin smiled when he realized that she had finally relaxed. His voice was amused as he gently reminded her, “Don't fall asleep.”

  Kasey sighed but didn't open her eyes. “I won't.”

  “OK.” He picked up the soft brush with the wooden handle and dipped it into the warm water, then applied lather to the bristles and touched it to Kasey's skin. She jumped slightly at the cool feel of the lather, then sighed as Ashwin carefully stroked the brush between her legs. He gently spread the lather on every inch of her sensitive flesh that he would be stroking the sharp, gleaming razor over, and he was well aware of Kasey's building sexual tension and frustration over what he was doing. When he was finished, he rinsed the brush and set it aside, then picked up the razor and gently inquired, “Are you ready, sweetheart?”

  Kasey gave a faint nod, which prompted Ashwin to lean down close to her face before he murmured, “You can't fall asleep while I do this, sweetheart. You have to be absolutely still. OK?”

  Kasey forced her eyes open and blinked up at him before she nodded again. “OK.”

  Ashwin sat back and smiled, then gently stroked the razor through the generous layer of lather that he'd applied between her legs. Kasey gasped and curled her hands into fists when she felt the cold steel of the blade against her flesh, and she swallowed hard as she wondered just how much pain and damage the blade would inflict if he accidentally cut her with it. She figured as long as she didn't hear him utter any urgent, alarming epithets, then everything was fine. Ashwin glanced up and saw that her hands were clenched into fists, a
nd his voice was firm yet gentle as he said, “Relax, sweetheart. If you're tense, you're more likely to jerk, and I'll accidentally cut you. I don't want to do that, and you don't want me to do that, either.”

  Kasey nodded and forced herself to unclench her hands, then decided to focus on the feel of his hands against her skin as he carefully guided the blade through the lather he'd applied. She finally opened her eyes and chanced a peek at his face, and as she watched him she drowsily murmured, “I bet your father never thought you'd be doing this with his razor.”

  Ashwin simply smiled and shook his head at her statement, and a few minutes later he sat up and said, “There. All done.”

  Kasey opened her eyes and smiled at him, and the desire she'd been keeping at bay suddenly flared to life when she saw how hot the fire had become in his eyes. What she'd just allowed him to do had been a gesture of the ultimate trust she placed in him, and he realized that as he slowly set the razor aside and leaned down to kiss her. His lips were warm and gentle against hers, and Kasey's frustration increased when the kiss ended much too soon. Ashwin was smiling as he slowly raised his head and sat up, and moments later Kasey gave a soft gasp when he gently slid the washcloth between her legs, effectively removing the rest of the lather. That done, he applied another layer of the delicious vanilla balm to her smooth, sensitive skin, then got off the bed and returned everything to the bathroom before he started running water in the Jacuzzi. Kasey sat up and smiled when she realized what his plans for them were, and no words were needed as she got off the bed and walked over to the Jacuzzi before easing herself into the swirling, steaming water. Ashwin smiled down at her as he finally removed his clothing, and as he sank into the water he inquired, “Is the water too hot?”

  Kasey shook her head and sighed as she leaned back against the tub. “No.”

  “Do you feel any stinging?”



  Kasey pinned him with an inquisitive glance as she softly asked, “Why did you decide to do that?”

  Ashwin opened his eyes and smiled at her, then replied, “I already told you why. I wanted to see how much you trust me.”

  Kasey smiled seductively as she murmured, “Is that the ONLY reason?”

  Ashwin laughed softly and shook his head. “Hell no.” He suddenly slid across the tub and got to his knees as the hot water continued to swirl around them, and his eyes flashed fire as he leaned over Kasey and murmured, “You're about to find out what my other reasons were.”

  Kasey's eyes widened as Ashwin slowly slid a finger into her, and she couldn't stop the soft moan that escaped her when she felt his thumb begin to slowly circle the small, pink little bud that was no longer hidden behind anything. Ashwin smiled down at her as he slowly removed his fingers, and that velvet edge was back in his voice as he said, “That was just one reason. Would you like for me to show you more?” He didn't wait for a reply as he quickly turned the water off, and after pulling Kasey to her feet, he got back on his knees and wrapped his hands around the backs of her thighs before he slid his tongue over the smooth, sensitive skin between her legs. Kasey leaned forward and braced her hands on his shoulders as he delivered another slow, hot stroke with his tongue, and she feared her knees were going to give way completely when she felt his tongue slide smoothly inside her. Deeper and deeper he probed, tasting every possible inch of her as his moans mingled with hers. Kasey pushed harder and harder against his shoulders as he continued his slow, delightful, back and forth probing, until she finally had no choice but to bend over his body and let him support her weight. Undaunted, he continued to make love to her with his tongue until Kasey's legs began to shake, and that was his cue to finally give her what he knew she wanted. He slid one hand around to tease the hot, now-prominent little bud while his other hand slowly slid up her other thigh to rest on her damp, warm buttock. Kasey gasped softly against his back when she felt his finger slowly slide up the dark, shadowed crease of her derriere, and her entire body shook as he slowly pushed his finger deep into that dark, private place that only he was privileged to enter. He simultaneously slid his tongue impossibly deep into her as he applied direct pressure against her ultra-sensitive little bud, and Kasey screamed as her body convulsed uncontrollably in pure, unadulterated pleasure. Ashwin held his tongue and fingers in place as Kasey's body continued to pulse around him, and when she finally went still, he eased her into the water and murmured, “Kasey...”

  Kasey forced her eyes open and blinked up at him, and her Cheshire cat smile let him know that she had been satisfied beyond words. He leaned down and captured her mouth in a kiss that gave her a heady taste of herself, and by the time he finally raised his head, he was definitely ready for more of her. He leaned back and sat cross-legged in the middle of the large tub, then pulled Kasey onto his lap and smiled before he kissed her again. She slid her fingers through his dark, damp hair and crushed her mouth against his, hungry for another taste of herself as Ashwin effortlessly lifted her and sat her down on his hard, hot erection. She gave a broken moan as her body fit perfectly around his, and as they sat rock-still in the steaming water, Ashwin glanced at her and murmured, “Kasey...look at me.”

  Kasey met his brilliant, fiery gaze, and she was literally unable to look away as Ashwin slowly began to move. The fire in his eyes sparked her desire to a fever pitch as he slowly rocked her back and forth, and Kasey suddenly became aware of how delicious his hot flesh felt pressed against hers. Everything was more sensitive, and when Ashwin's fingers gently landed on the little bud that was straining to get his attention, she gasped and shuddered as lightning bolts of pleasure electrified every nerve in her body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body even closer against his as he continued his slow, tantalizing rocking, and with every gentle bump of his body he seemed to plant himself deeper and deeper within her. The feel of his fingers against her stiff, pink nipples was yet another pleasure, and Kasey gave a ragged, broken moan when Ashwin finally pushed into her as deeply as he could go. He captured her mouth in a deep, hungry kiss as his fingers stroked across her sensitive, swollen bud, and moments later Kasey tightened her grip around his neck as her body began to shake uncontrollably. Ashwin's gaze was still locked with hers as he witnessed the release of all the sexual tension and frustration that had been building in her all evening, and at that moment Kasey had never felt more naked and vulnerable. She was helpless to stop the way her body shook as unspeakable ecstasy consumed her, and she reveled in witnessing Ashwin's release when she felt the electric pulse of his climax deep inside her. His eyes widened as he gasped and then groaned in pleasure, and the fire in his eyes sparked even hotter and turned them into molten pools of gold as his grip tightened around her waist. They remained locked in their embrace for several minutes as their breathing slowly returned to normal, and Ashwin was the one who spoke first. He smiled and pressed his forehead against Kasey's as he murmured, “Now you know all of my reasons for what I did.”

  Kasey smiled and softly replied, “No complaints here.”

  Ashwin laughed softly and tightened his grip around her as he gently exclaimed, “God, I love you so much, Kasey.”

  Kasey rested her head against his chest and softly replied, “I love you too, Ashwin. More than you'll ever know.”


  Kasey and Ashwin returned to work on the same day, and Holly was impressed by the fact that Kasey handled her first day back on the job extremely well. She was a bit more quiet than usual, though, but at lunch time her face brightened when Ashwin called. She clocked out for her lunch break and walked outside, and as she sat down on the steps she inquired, “How's your day going?”

  On his end of the line, Ashwin shrugged. “The usual. And yours?”

  “It's slower than frozen molasses in this place.”

  Ashwin laughed. “That's pretty slow, sweetheart.”

  “Tell me something I don't know.”

  “How's Holly?”

laughed. “She's impressed by the fact that I haven't forgotten how to do the job.”

  “Can't be that hard.”

  “It isn't.”

  “So what would you like for dinner tonight?”

  Kasey sighed. “I don't know.”

  “I don't think I have any of that in the freezer, dear.”

  Kasey laughed softly at his remark and said, “Wise ass.”

  “I gotta be something. Besides, it's better to be a wise one than a dumb one.”

  “That's what I hear.”

  “So are you working all week?”

  “Yes. Straight through the weekend.”

  “Even on Thanksgiving day?”

  “I get off at twelve that day.”

  “That's not too bad, then.”

  “Yes it is. I still have to get up early while everyone else is sleeping in on their day off.”

  Ashwin laughed and teased, “Oh, the horror.” He sighed and added, “I hate to cut this conversation short, but I have to go. I'll see you this evening.”


  “I love you, Kasey.”

  Kasey smiled and sighed. “I love you too, Ashwin.” She ended the call and stood to walk back into the lobby, then gasped softly when a vicious wave of dizziness slammed into her. She sat down hard so as not to topple down the concrete steps, unaware that Holly had witnessed her disturbing dizzy spell. Moments later Holly was standing beside her, her face etched with concern as she inquired, “Kasey? Are you alright?”

  Kasey nodded, even though she had serious doubts of her own. Holly sat down beside her and simply stared at Kasey's pale face, and her concern increased when she noticed the fine tremor in Kasey's hands as she nervously brushed a small piece of lint from her skirt. Holly gently placed her hand on Kasey's arm and softly inquired, “Are you sure you're alright? Do you want me to call Ashwin?”

  Kasey quickly shook her head and pinned her friend with a terrified, desperate look. “No! I mean, there's no need for that. I'll be fine. I'm fine.”


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