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The Medicine Man, Book 2

Page 24

by Beverly Cialone

  Holly nodded, although she was far from being convinced as Kasey continued to sit there on the steps. Her head was spinning and her body felt leaden, but what really frightened her was the sea of silver dots that swam right in front of her eyes. She sat there for several minutes as she waited to see if the dizziness was going to go away, and after fifteen minutes of sitting nearly immobile she released a deep sigh and said, “I think I'm OK now.” She finally got to her feet and sighed again when she felt somewhat normal, and as she walked back into the lobby Holly said, “Do you want to go home early?”

  Kasey gave a firm shake of her head. “No, Holly. I'm fine. I probably need to eat something, that's all.”

  “What would you like to eat?”

  Kasey shook her head. “My lunch break is over. I'll eat when I get home.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Kasey nodded. “I'm sure.”

  Holly sighed, since it was obvious that Kasey wasn't well but was pretending otherwise. She was tempted to call Ashwin, but that plan went out the window when Kasey softly pleaded, “Please do me a favor, Holly. DO NOT tell Ashwin about this. Please?”

  Holly frowned as she studied Kasey's still-pale face. “Alright, Kasey, but just this once. If it happens again, I'll have no choice.”

  “It won't happen again.”

  Holly said nothing, because she had the feeling that Kasey had just made a promise she wouldn't be able to keep.

  Kasey sighed as she inspected the contents of Ashwin's freezer. The choices for dinner were limited to what appeared to be an age-old TV dinner and a questionable lump of meat that had been sealed in a freezer bag, and as Kasey leaned against the fridge she glanced at the clock. Ashwin wouldn't be home for another four hours, which gave her plenty of time to go to the supermarket. Satisfied with her plan, she grabbed her purse and car keys, then headed downstairs.

  At precisely seven-thirty, Ashwin unlocked his front door to find his apartment in total darkness, save for the two tapered candles that flickered softly on the dining room table. The mouth-watering aroma of his dinner teased his senses as he slowly shut the door and walked towards the dining room table, and his smile was warm and genuine when Kasey seemingly came out of nowhere to give him a warm, full-bodied hug. “Hi there,” she murmured as she gently touched his cheek, relieved that he was home and looking forward to their evening together. Ashwin smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist, then murmured, “Hi there,” before he lowered his head and captured her mouth in a gentle yet thorough kiss that threatened to make her forget all about dinner. He reluctantly raised his head and released her, then loosened his tie and inquired, “So what's for dinner?”

  Kasey swallowed hard as she took in the sight of him—his white dress shirt and gray dress slacks still looked impeccable after a twelve-hour shift, save for his tie that dangled loosely from around his collar. His hair was a bit mussed and he'd rolled his sleeves up, but that only added to his undeniable masculinity and attraction. Kasey swallowed hard when she saw him looking at her with a puzzled expression, and she plastered a smile on her face as she slowly ran her tongue across her lips and breathed, “Food...but you can be dessert.”

  Ashwin chuckled softly as he drew her close again, and his voice sent shivers of delight down her spine as he murmured, “Ah, I think someone is a bit hungry for something other than food.”

  “It's more than a bit, sweetie.”

  Ashwin laughed and said, “Well, dinner smells delicious, so can I ravish you afterwards? A man's gotta eat, you know.”

  Kasey smiled and stepped out of his embrace, and as Ashwin sat down he filled Kasey in on the details of his day while she prepared their plates. She had prepared a mouth-watering roast that was literally falling apart, complete with tender, oven roasted potatoes, carrots, onions, and green beans. Ashwin devoured his first helping of food and helped himself to a second serving, and Kasey was thrilled that he was so appreciative of her cooking as she daintily finished her first serving. He finally leaned back and clasped his hands behind his head as he said, “That was delicious, sweetheart. If you cook like this every night, you'll definitely have me spoiled.”

  “I know.”

  At his inquisitive glance, Kasey smiled and pointed her finger at him as she admonished, “I saw what was in your freezer. And you had the nerve to fuss at me about MY eating habits!”

  Ashwin shrugged and grinned as he picked up his glass. “I was a single guy, what can I say?”

  Kasey laughed and got up to clear the table, and after the kitchen had been restored to order Ashwin pulled her onto his lap and murmured, “Now what was that about dessert?”

  Kasey relaxed in his embrace as she rested her head against his chest, and her voice was soft as she teased, “I said you could make dessert.”

  Ashwin laughed and shook his head. “That's not how I heard it, sweetheart.”

  “Oh? Then what did you hear?”

  “I distinctly heard you say that I could BE dessert. You didn't say anything about me MAKING dessert.”

  Kasey sighed as she snuggled even closer against his chest. “You must keep your ears really clean, then.”

  Ashwin shrugged and kissed the top of her head. “I try.”

  “Your mother would be so proud.” Kasey sat up so that she could see his face, and she smiled as she purred, “But I DO intend on making you dessert.” With that, she got off his lap and knelt before him, and Ashwin remained silent as Kasey deftly unbuttoned his slacks before she slowly pulled the zipper down. She tugged his pants and underwear down to his ankles, and Ashwin moaned softly when he felt Kasey's mouth cover his warm, fast-growing member. He tipped his head back and slid his fingers through Kasey's hair as she slowly took all of him into her mouth, and he moaned again as Kasey slowly slid her mouth up and down his sensitive flesh, driving his arousal to an almost unbearable fever pitch. His fingers tightened in her hair as Kasey flicked her tongue across the ultra-sensitive tip of his manhood, and he released another low, ragged moan as Kasey's fingers found and teased the sensitive flesh of his scrotum. He gasped and shifted restlessly on the chair as Kasey's fingers began to lightly bounce his warm, perfectly round testicles, and the movement of her mouth on his member became more urgent as she alternated licking and sucking his hot, rock-hard erection. Ashwin felt his climax building as Kasey continued the smooth, tantalizing movements of her mouth and fingers on his flesh, and he knew it wouldn't be long before the dam burst. When it did he released a loud, ragged groan and arched his hips off the chair, and Kasey took him even deeper into her throat as his hot, creamy life force flooded her mouth. She curled her hands around the edges of the chair as she gentled her movements, and Ashwin continued to moan as she slowly milked every last drop from his spent body. By the time she released him from her mouth she was smiling, and the look on Ashwin's face and in his eyes was one of pure adoration and incredulity as Kasey slowly got to her feet and kissed him full on the mouth. Long moments later she raised her head and murmured, “That was the best dessert I've ever had. I hope you enjoyed it as well.”

  Stunned into silence, all Ashwin could do was slowly nod his head as Kasey pulled him to his feet and led him into the bedroom.

  By Friday Holly had had enough. She'd watched Kasey suffer through five more dizzy spells, and even though she'd threatened to tell Ashwin, she was always gone in the evenings when he came home. She was on her way outside to discuss the matter with her when Kasey stood to end her phone conversation with Ashwin and go back inside. She watched as Kasey went deathly pale in a matter of seconds, and as she quickened her pace she overheard Kasey say, “I've gotta go, sweetie, I think Holly is calling for me.” She quickly hung up the phone and made a move to sit down on the steps, but instead she gasped softly and crumpled, unconscious, to the hard, cold concrete. Holly screamed as she knelt beside Kasey's limp body, and as she fumbled to find her pulse, she picked up Kasey's cell phone and quickly hit the redial button. Ashwin answered and murmured, “I knew you we
re forgetting something. You didn't tell me you loved me.”

  “Ashwin! It's Holly!”

  Ashwin frowned at Holly's distressed voice. “Holly? What's wrong?”

  “Kasey fainted out here on the steps!”

  “Holly, sweetheart, I'm on my way. Stay on the phone with me, OK?”

  Holly nodded and bit her lip as she fought back tears of terror. “Should I check her pulse? How do I do that?”

  “Press two fingers against her neck, then count the number of beats for fifteen seconds and multiply by four.”

  Holly did as he instructed, and relief flooded her when she felt the weak, erratic beat of Kasey's pulse beneath her finger tips. She blinked her tears away as she exclaimed, “I found it!”

  Ashwin nodded as he got into his car and quickly started the engine. “What number did you come up with?”


  Ashwin frowned at Holly's answer. Surely she'd made a mistake somehow, because sixty beats wasn't good at all for a person's pulse rate. To his knowledge, Kasey had regained her health and was even putting on a bit of weight, and he couldn't figure out what would've made her collapse the way Holly said she had. He sped through the early afternoon traffic and came to a screeching stop right in front of the hotel steps a few minutes later, and as he bounded out of the car he noticed how distraught Holly was as she sat helplessly beside Kasey's limp body. Ashwin knelt beside her and checked her pulse, then frowned when he realized that Holly's calculations had been correct. He gently grasped Kasey's chin and turned her head from side to side, and his concern increased when he noticed how pale and cool her skin was. He gave her shoulder a gentle shake and murmured, “Kasey, sweetheart, can you hear me?”

  Kasey finally moaned and slowly opened her eyes several moments later, and she frowned in confusion when she found herself blinking up at Ashwin's concerned face. “What—what happened?” she weakly inquired as Ashwin slowly pulled her into a sitting position before he asked Holly to go get a glass of water. Holly nodded and disappeared into the lobby, and Ashwin's voice was gentle yet laced with worry as he said, “I was hoping you could tell me that, sweetheart.”

  Kasey frowned up at him and slowly shook her head. “What are you doing home so early?”

  Ashwin's frown and concern deepened at her odd behavior, but he kept his voice calm and gentle as he explained, “Kasey, sweetheart, you fainted. You mean you don't remember?”

  “No—I--” she gasped as another sickening wave of dizziness slammed into her, and before she had a chance to say anything else, she slumped, unconscious, against Ashwin's body.

  Kasey came to in the ER, and when she realized where she was, she sat up so fast that she became dizzy again. Ashwin appeared in front of her, and his face was dark with concern as he eased her against the pillow and said, “Take it easy, sweetheart.”

  Kasey vehemently shook her head as she weakly pushed against Ashwin's strong arms. “No! I want to go home!”

  Ashwin frowned at her weak attempt to fight him off, but his voice remained gentle as he said, “Kasey, sweetheart, please calm down. No one is going to hurt you here.”

  “How did I get here?” Kasey wailed as she tried once more to push Ashwin's arms out of the way so she could sit up. Ashwin frowned as he leaned down even closer and replied, “I brought you here. What has you so agitated, sweetheart?”

  “I don't want to be here! I want to go home!”

  “I'll take you home just as soon as I find out why you've been having dizzy spells and passing out.”

  Kasey went even paler at his words, and Ashwin's face grew darker as he softly informed her, “Holly told me what's been going on. Why didn't you say anything to me about it?”

  Kasey bit her lip as two tears slid down her cheeks. “I—I didn't want to be a bother.”

  Ashwin frowned as he gently wiped Kasey's tears away and murmured, “Kasey Marshall, you have NEVER been a bother, to me or to anyone else! I happen to love you very much! When are you going to realize that?”

  “I know. And I do.”

  “Do you?” Ashwin gently queried as he watched two more tears slip down her cheeks. He sighed and pressed a soft tissue against her cheeks as he added, “Calm down, sweetheart. You should know by now that as long as I'm around, nothing bad is going to happen to you. OK?”

  Kasey bit her lip again and nodded, but Ashwin could tell that she was still distraught as tears continued to silently slide down her pale cheeks. Kasey glanced up at him and weakly inquired, “Are you going to let me go home today?”

  “As far as I know, yes.” He glanced up when a nurse walked into the room, and Kasey's eyes widened when she saw what the nurse was carrying. Ashwin took the items from the nurse and softly intoned, “I'll do it,” before he turned back to Kasey. He noticed her wide-eyed look of terror, and his voice was gentle and soothing as he explained, “It's just a blood test, sweetheart. It's nothing to get yourself all worked up over.”

  Kasey swallowed hard as Ashwin tied the rubber tourniquet around her arm, and as he prepared to slide the needle into her vein he murmured, “If it bothers you, look the other way.”

  Kasey turned her head and stared at the wall as she waited for the sharp, stinging pain of the needle, and when it didn't come, she chanced a look at Ashwin as she inquired, “Well?”

  Ashwin smiled and held up the vial of her blood he'd just drawn. “Well what, sweetheart?”

  Kasey gasped in surprise and exclaimed, “But I didn't feel anything! How--”

  Ashwin laughed softly and leaned down as he said, “Didn't I tell you I'd never, ever hurt you?”

  Kasey bit her lip and nodded as fresh tears slid out of the corners of her eyes. Ashwin gently wiped them away and murmured, “I really wish you'd calm down, sweetheart. I hate seeing you so upset. I'm here, and you're going to be fine. OK?”

  Kasey nodded again and weakly wrapped her arms around his neck as he leaned down even closer, and moments later he straightened and said, “I'll be back soon. If you need me for anything at all, let the nurse know.”

  Kasey watched him walk out of the room, still terrified out of her mind and too dizzy to sit up. She'd told Ashwin none of that, though, but there was no need for her to. He already knew.

  Ashwin returned half an hour later, only to find Kasey gone from the exam room he'd left her in. He immediately went to the nurse's desk and demanded, “Where is Kasey Marshall?”

  The nurse at the desk gave a nonchalant shrug and replied, “They came and took her for the MRI that you ordered.”

  “How long ago?” Ashwin demanded as he leaned forward, his face dark with anger as he imagined how terrified Kasey must be. The nurse swallowed hard at his angry expression and replied, “Five minutes ago.”

  Ashwin turned and ran for the elevator, and five minutes later he was in the radiology department. He could hear someone screaming, and as he pushed open the door to the MRI lab, he saw Kasey weakly trying to fight off a group of doctors and nurses who had gathered around her, intent on forcing her to undergo the test he had ordered. He went rushing over to her and pulled her against his chest, then murmured, “Kasey...”

  The group of doctors and nurses backed away as Ashwin gave them all a threatening glare, but despite his anger, his voice was calm and gentle as he said to Kasey, “It's alright, sweetheart. I'm here. No one is going to hurt you. OK?”

  Kasey clung to him as sobs racked her body, and she was so upset that she could barely breathe as she said, “I told them to wait...and they wouldn't listen to me...”

  Ashwin glanced up at the group of doctors and nurses who were still standing close by, and his anger was evident as he softly inquired, “Who's in charge here?”

  “I am, sir.” A young man stepped forward, and as Ashwin read his name tag, he calmly inquired, “What's going on here, Doctor Peterson?”

  The young doctor shrugged. “We were just following your orders, Doctor Ross.”

  “Is it your policy to force a patient who is obv
iously terrified into undergoing the test?”

  “Well, I--”

  “Answer the question, Peterson.”

  “Sir, as I stated, we were just trying to follow your orders.”

  Ashwin took a step closer to Peterson as he stated, “You NEVER, EVER force anyone to undergo this procedure, especially someone who is obviously terrified! Do you realize what kind of physical and emotional damage you could cause by doing that?”

  Peterson swallowed hard. “Yes, sir.”

  “And if she asked you to wait, why was her wish not honored?”

  “Time is always of the essence, Doctor Ross, especially in this place. You should know that.”

  Ashwin shook his head in frustration and said, “You always honor a patient's request, within reason. Is that clear?”

  Peterson nodded again. “Yes, sir.”

  Ashwin glanced at the rest of the small group and admonished, “You should ALL be ashamed of yourselves! What was your excuse for trying to force Miss Marshall into the MRI machine?”

  The group simply stared back at him, their faces pale as they waited to see if he was going to fire them all. Ashwin shook his head again and glanced at Peterson. “Who is the replacement team?”

  Peterson rattled off a few names, which prompted Ashwin to say, “Call them all in. The rest of you are all dismissed for the night.”

  The group gave a collective gasp, then grumbled amongst themselves as they slowly walked out of the room and disappeared out of the lab. Ashwin glanced down at Kasey, who was still clinging to him as if her very life depended upon it. She was also shivering violently, and Ashwin frowned as he tightened his hold on her. “What's wrong, sweetheart?”

  “I'm c-c-cold,” she managed to reply as Ashwin easily lifted her and cradled her against his chest. She gave a soft yelp and wrapped her arms around his neck, and as he carried her out of the room she inquired, “Where are w-we g-going?”


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