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The Medicine Man, Book 2

Page 26

by Beverly Cialone

  Kasey smiled. “Just food.”

  Ashwin returned her smile and nodded in satisfaction as he gave her a slow, thorough once-over. She had filled out nicely since her ordeal back in October, and as he continued to stare and smile at her, Kasey shifted uncomfortably in her chair and softly inquired, “Is something wrong?”

  Ashwin's smile widened as he slowly shook his head. “No, sweetheart, nothing's wrong. Why do you ask?”

  Ashwin's mother chose that moment to set their coffee cups in front of them, and Kasey was glad for the distraction as she stirred milk and sugar into her coffee. She had mixed feelings about being back on the reservation because of everything that had happened the last time she'd visited, but there was no reason to think that anything bad was going to happen this time around. She sighed and took a tentative sip of her coffee, and as she glanced at Ashwin, she felt tears burn her eyes as she remembered the horrible grief and anguish she'd felt when she'd thought he was dead. She hoped she never had to go through that again, even though she knew that no one lived forever. She took another sip of the hot coffee in the hopes that it would ease the lump that had formed in her throat, and when Ashwin glanced at her, his concern was obvious as he gently inquired, “Kasey? What's wrong, sweetheart?”

  Kasey quickly shook her head and took another sip of coffee before she softly replied, “Nothing.”

  Ashwin's concern deepened as he folded his arms across his chest and said, “Why don't I believe you, then?”

  Kasey gave a dainty shrug and insisted, “I'm fine, Ashwin.” She turned her attention to Ashwin's mother and tried to change the subject. “This coffee is delicious, Mrs. Ross. Thank you.”

  Mrs. Ross simply smiled but said nothing as Ashwin got to his feet. He deliberately walked over to the sink and rinsed his cup, then walked back over to the table and said to his mother, “I think we're going to call it an early night. We'll see you in the morning.”

  His mother nodded and said, “Alright. I hope you sleep well.”

  Ashwin smiled as he leaned down to give his mother a kiss on the cheek. “I'm sure we will.” He straightened and pinned Kasey with a look that brooked absolutely no arguments as he added, “You look a bit tired, sweetheart. Are you ready to call it a night?”

  Kasey slowly nodded and got to her feet, then allowed Ashwin to put his arm around her shoulders and lead her down the hallway to the bedroom they'd shared a few months before. She sat down on the bed and watched as he carefully shut the door, and after switching on the bedside lamp, he turned to her and said in a matter of fact tone, “OK, out with it. What's wrong?”

  Kasey shrugged. “Nothing.”

  Ashwin sat down beside her on the bed and gently inquired, “Are you sure?”

  Kasey nodded. “I'm sure, Ashwin. I was just thinking.”


  Kasey bit her lip and released a shuddering sigh. “The last time we were here.”

  “A lot has changed since then, sweetheart.”

  Kasey nodded. “I know, but...I just don't think I will ever be able to go through something like that again.”

  “Something like what, sweetheart?”

  Kasey finally met his concerned gaze, not caring if he saw the bright sheen of tears in her eyes as she softly replied, “When I thought you were dead.”

  “Oh, Kasey...sweetheart...” Ashwin put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, which prompted Kasey to add, “My world was shattered. I felt destroyed. If it had been true, I—I don't know what I would have done. I probably would have ended it all.”

  Ashwin gently slid his finger beneath her chin and forced her to look at him as he murmured, “I'm here, I'm fine, and I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon.” He gave Kasey's shoulder a gentle squeeze and added, “I love you, Kasey Marshall. I just don't think you know how much.”

  Kasey slowly raised her head and smiled. “I say we spend some time showing each other. How does that sound?”

  Ashwin chuckled and said, “It sounds wonderful to me, but I'm pretty sure my mother would think otherwise.”

  Kasey shrugged as she began undressing. “I can understand that.”

  Ashwin softly sucked in his breath as he watched Kasey undress, and when she slowly removed her bra, he had to stifle a groan and curl his hands into fists to keep from gathering her breasts in both his hands and sucking on her tantalizing pink nipples. A sudden idea occurred to him then, and Kasey felt those butterflies come to life in her belly as Ashwin gave her a slow, mysterious smile. He got to his feet and pulled her close against his body as he seductively murmured, “I think we can show each other just how much we love each other, but there's a catch.”

  “And what would that be?” Kasey whispered as she watched fire leap into his eyes.

  Ashwin's smile widened as he replied, “We have to be absolutely silent. Do you think you can do that?”

  Kasey leaned back in his arms and gazed up at him as she replied, “Do YOU think you can do that?”

  Ashwin shrugged, although the fire in his eyes was burning even brighter as he said, “I think so.”

  Kasey bit her lip and breathed, “I don't know if I can do that. You might have to help me.”

  Ashwin chuckled softly and murmured, “That won't be a problem, sweetheart.”

  Kasey opened her mouth to say something, but Ashwin pressed his finger against her lips and whispered, “Shh,” before he eased her onto the bed and leaned down to kiss her. Kasey sighed as his kiss instantly ignited her desire for him, and Ashwin swallowed her soft moan of pleasure as he gently pressed his knee between her legs. He raised his head and smiled down at her, and after releasing the first button on his shirt, Kasey quickly got to her knees and whispered, “Allow me.”

  Ashwin remained silent as Kasey released the next button, but it was a struggle for him to remain that way when Kasey lowered her head and closed her mouth over one of his pert, stiff nipples while her fingers caressed and teased his other nipple. When he couldn't take her slow, torturous pleasure a moment longer, he gently grasped her wrists and eased her against the pillow. He finished undressing himself while Kasey watched, then dropped a hot, hungry kiss to her mouth while his fingers found and teased the most sensitive part of her. She so desperately wanted to moan in pleasure, but Ashwin's mouth on hers prevented her from doing so as he kept her tongue occupied with a delightful, erotic sparring. Kasey finally reached down and slowly stroked his hard, raging member, and Ashwin suddenly realized just how difficult it was going to be to remain completely silent while they pleasured each other. He slowly drew her tongue into his mouth as he finally slid two fingers into her, and Kasey was finding it difficult to keep her moans at bay as Ashwin slid his fingers deep before he slowly withdrew and then plunged them into her again. She gave a harsh gasp when Ashwin slowly removed his fingers, only to replace them with his rock-hard member as he slowly buried himself deep within Kasey's willing, pliant body. She threw her head back on the pillow and gripped his shoulders as he slowly withdrew and plunged into her again, and as impossible as it seemed, Kasey felt as if he went deeper and deeper with every slow, firm stroke. When he touched that exquisitely sensitive spot nestled deep inside her body, she opened her mouth to moan, only to have Ashwin gently cup his hand over her mouth as he gazed down at her with eyes ablaze. Kasey's eyes widened in a mixture of pleasure and surprise at his bold action, and moments later her eyes rolled back in her head as her body began to shake violently. Ashwin increased the pressure of his hand against her mouth as her tension increased to a fever pitch, and Kasey's involuntary moan was effectively muffled by Ashwin's hand as pleasure exploded deep within her and radiated throughout her entire body. Moments later she felt the forceful pulse of Ashwin's own explosive release, and she gave a deep sigh when he finally removed his hand from her mouth and collapsed beside her. She was suddenly overcome with such a delicious lethargy that she found it impossible to move, and as she lay there breathing hard in the dark, quiet stillness of the
bedroom, Ashwin finally propped his head in his palm and gently inquired, “So what'd you think of my plan?”

  Kasey found the strength to turn her head and look at him as she replied, “Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.”

  Ashwin chuckled softly and dropped a gentle kiss to her lips before he pulled her close against his body and drifted off into a dreamless slumber.

  Kasey woke to the worst nausea she'd ever felt in her life, and she wondered at its source as she remembered that she and Ashwin hadn't eaten anything after arriving at his mother's. A quick glance out the window told her that it was barely dawn, and the last thing she wanted to do was wake Ashwin and his mother with the sounds of her stomach distress. She quickly got out of bed and hurriedly donned her robe, then made it to the front porch just in time to be violently ill all over the snow-covered ground. Several minutes later, she covered the evidence of her illness with several handfuls of snow, then sat down hard on the bottom step and cradled her head in her hands as she tried to figure out what had made her so ill. A sudden, unsettling thought occurred to her, and after doing some quick calculations, she gasped when she realized what the cause of her sudden bout of nausea could be. Despite how badly she didn't want it to be true, it made perfect sense as she thought back over the last few months. The mere thought was almost enough to send her into an immediate, full-blown panic attack, but the sound of Ashwin's deep, concerned voice was enough to stop it in its tracks. He sat down beside her on the step and said, “Kasey? What are you doing out here so early in nothing but your robe?”

  Kasey swallowed hard and grimaced at the bitter taste that still lingered in her throat before she weakly replied, “I, um, just needed some fresh air.”

  Ashwin frowned as he took in her pale features. “Are you alright?”

  “Could you get me some water, please?”

  “Only if you come inside. It's freezing out here.”

  Kasey quickly shook her head, still not trusting her stomach enough to do something as bold as go back inside. “I—I'm fine. I just need some water, please.”

  Ashwin's frown deepened when he realized that she was far from being fine, but he said nothing else as he went inside and returned moments later with a tall glass of water. He sat back down beside her and handed her the glass, then repeated, “Are you alright, sweetheart?”

  Kasey drank all the water and wiped her mouth before she slowly nodded. “I am now. Thank you.”

  Ashwin got to his feet and pulled Kasey to hers, then led her inside and sat her down at the kitchen table before he started a pot of coffee and said, “I really wish you'd tell me what's wrong, sweetheart.”

  “I—I just woke up not feeling well, that's all.”

  “Define 'not feeling well'.”

  Kasey swallowed hard and shrugged as she stared down at her hands, which were still cold and unnaturally pale. “I just—well, I—I had to throw up.”

  “I see.” He walked over to her and gently felt her forehead, then added, “You feel like a block of ice and look like death warmed over, and--”

  At Kasey's sudden, dark glare, Ashwin's eyes widened as he realized his dreadful faux pas. “I'm sorry, bad choice of words.”

  “I'll say.”

  “How does the rest of you feel?”

  Kasey shrugged. “The rest of me feels OK.”

  “Do you think you can handle some coffee?”

  “Sure.” She watched as Ashwin poured two cups of coffee, and moments later he set her cup in front of her before he sat down across from her and stirred milk and sugar into his. He kept a watchful eye on her as she took a tentative sip, but after a few sips she pushed the cup away and shook her head. “I—I can't.”

  Ashwin frowned. “Why not?”

  “It's just...too strong. I don't want to get sick again.”

  Ashwin nodded and folded his arms across his chest before he inquired, “What do you think made you sick?”

  “I—I think it was that cheeseburger I ate yesterday. You know, the one at the gas station.”

  “Ah, yes. Nothing like a gas station cheeseburger to work wonders for your health.”

  Kasey frowned as she pinned him with a dark glare. “You had the hot dogs, yet you seem to be fine.”

  Ashwin shrugged. “I guess my stomach's just not as sensitive as yours.”

  Kasey sighed and shrugged. “I guess not.”

  Ashwin glanced at the clock and said, “Well, if you aren't going to finish your coffee, I say we go back to bed for a while.”

  Kasey quickly shook her head. “I'm not sleepy any more.”

  “Would you like to help my mother cook for our Christmas dinner?”

  Kasey smiled. “I'd love to! Are you sure she won't mind?”

  Ashwin laughed and shook his head. “I'm sure. Be warned, though—she tends to make enough to feed a small army and then some.”

  Kasey laughed softly and said, “Sounds like my grandmother.” She toyed with the rim of her coffee cup again before she added, “Who all is coming over for dinner?”

  “The Chief, Little Bird and her family, and anyone else my mother has thought to invite.” He smiled at Kasey and added, “So now that you've had some time to think about it, I'm going to ask you again—what's your specialty?”

  “You mean as in cooking?”

  Ashwin's smile widened. “Yes.”

  Kasey shrugged. “Well, I'm pretty good at making Southern AND Yankee style potato salad, broccoli casserole, cheesecake--”

  Ashwin sat up straighter in his chair as he seriously inquired, “Do you mean homemade cheesecake?”

  Kasey laughed and teased, “Is there any other kind?”

  Ashwin got to his feet and pulled Kasey out of her chair, then embraced her in a gentle hug as he murmured, “I knew there was a reason I loved you...”

  Kasey pretended to pout as she said, “You only love me for my cheesecake.”

  Ashwin laughed and gently tapped the end of her nose before he said, “You know better than that. Do I need to prove it?”

  Kasey slowly glanced around and teased, “Right here in the kitchen?”

  Ashwin shrugged. “Why not?” He gathered Kasey so close against his body that every inch of her was pressed deliciously against him, and as he captured her mouth with his, Kasey wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned softly as that now-familiar ache settled itself firmly between her legs. He kissed her for just a few moments before he reluctantly released her and murmured, “If I don't stop, I'm afraid we'll end up doing something in here that my mother would definitely frown upon.”

  Kasey laughed softly but said nothing else as Ashwin placed their coffee cups in the sink and carefully rinsed them out. She sighed as she drank in the sight of him, from the black jeans that accentuated his firm, perfectly rounded ass to his bare arms and chest that were still deliciously tanned. His long, black ponytail hung perfectly down the center of his back, and Kasey just couldn't resist stepping over to him and giving it a gentle tug. Ashwin stopped rinsing the cups and slowly turned around, then gave her a gentle smile and murmured, “What'd you do that for?”

  “I just couldn't help it. My fingers were itching too badly.”

  Ashwin laughed and pulled her against his body again, then kissed her on the forehead and said, “Are you sure you don't want to go back to bed for a while? It's going to be a long day, you know.”

  Kasey nodded. “I'm sure.”

  “Alright, then. Let's go take a shower and get dressed.”

  Kasey smiled as she wondered what he planned on doing in the shower, but she said nothing as Ashwin took her by the hand and led her down the hallway.

  Ashwin's mother was up by the time he and Kasey returned to the kitchen, and after having a leisurely cup of coffee, Mrs. Ross got to her feet and began preparing Christmas dinner. Kasey was delighted to help, and as she worked beside Ashwin's mother, she truly felt like she was finally a part of the family. Mrs. Ross laughed when Kasey made two separate cheesecakes, one for the guests a
nd one just for Ashwin, and Kasey couldn't help laughing when Ashwin's mother teased, “You're going to make him fat, child. He happens to love cheesecake.”

  Kasey smiled at Ashwin's mother and simply replied, “I know.”

  Ashwin chose that moment to walk into the kitchen, and Kasey grinned when he stopped in his tracks and inquired, “What is that delightful smell? Is that...CHEESECAKE?”

  Kasey giggled as she tried to hide the cheesecake by leaning against the counter, and her small frame was no match for Ashwin's strength as he effortlessly picked her up and glanced down at the freshly made cheesecake. Her giggles turned into full-blown laughter as Ashwin murmured, “Ah-ha! I knew it! You were trying to hide the cheesecake from me!”

  “Well, yeah! Otherwise you'd eat it all before everyone else gets here!”

  Ashwin sighed as he swiped his finger through the creamy icing of the cheesecake and said, “You know me SO well.”

  Kasey swallowed hard as she watched him stick his finger in his mouth and slowly suck the icing off, and she couldn't help the fierce heat that crept into her cheeks as he leaned down and murmured, “Reminds you of something else, doesn't it?”

  Kasey recovered enough to pop him with a dishtowel before she pointed to the doorway and said, “No more sampling the cheesecake! Now scram before I really hurt you!”

  Ashwin threw his head back and laughed before he teased, “Oh, I'm SO scared...”

  Kasey shook her head and laughed as she watched him walk into the living room, then sighed as she turned her attention back to the task at hand. That man...was everything she'd ever wanted, and she could only hope that they would always be this happy.

  At four p.m., everyone sat down and enjoyed the feast that Ashwin's mother and Kasey had painstakingly prepared, and afterwards everyone retreated to the living room to enjoy some coffee and open gifts while the fire in the fireplace crackled cheerfully. Kasey watched with a sad smile on her face as everyone opened their gifts and squealed in delight and appreciation, and when Ashwin saw her expression, he leaned in close and murmured, “What's wrong, sweetheart?”


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