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The Medicine Man, Book 2

Page 27

by Beverly Cialone

  Kasey sighed and whispered, “I was just thinking about the Christmases I used to spend with my family.”

  Ashwin gently pressed his forehead against hers as he murmured, “So consider this your family now.”

  Kasey smiled at his kind words and gave a slow nod. “OK, if you insist.”

  “Oh, I do.”

  Kasey glanced up and smiled when Ashwin's mother approached her, and the little old woman was smiling as she handed Kasey a rather large box that had been wrapped in festive blue paper and adorned with a single white bow. “Merry Christmas, Kasey. I picked these out just for you.” She glanced up and winked at Ashwin, then turned her attention back to Kasey as she began unwrapping the gift. Kasey slowly removed the lid and pushed the fragile tissue paper aside, then gasped in a mixture of surprise and delight. Inside the box was the whitest, softest doeskin moccasins and matching purse that Kasey had ever seen, and she had to frantically blink away her tears as she smiled up at Ashwin's mother and said, “Thank you, Mrs. Ross. These are lovely. I've never had a pair of moccasins before.”

  Mrs. Ross simply smiled in delight and leaned down to give Kasey a motherly hug, and after she had returned to her chair across the room, Ashwin got to his feet and said, “May I have everyone's attention, please?”

  The lively chatter that filled the living room slowly stopped as everyone turned their attention to Ashwin. Even Kasey wondered what he was up to as he slowly got down on one knee in front of her and said, “Kasey, sweetheart, these past few months have definitely had their ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade our time together, or the experience of knowing you, for anything in the world. I can't imagine not having you in my life. With that being said--” He stopped long enough to retrieve a small, black velvet box from his pants pocket before he flipped it open and continued, “Will you marry me, Kasey Marshall?”

  Kasey's eyes widened as she gasped and gazed down into the small box Ashwin was holding in front of her. Inside rested a beautiful platinum and heart-shaped diamond ring, and she pressed her hand against her chest as her breath caught in her throat. A sheen of tears coated her eyes as she finally met Ashwin's beseeching gaze and softly replied, “Yes, Ashwin Ross, I will gladly marry you. Anytime, anywhere, any way you want me to.”

  Ashwin smiled and slipped the ring onto her finger as everyone in the room cheered and applauded, and as he slowly got to his feet, he pulled Kasey off the couch and embraced her in a warm, gentle hug before he sealed his proposal with a tender kiss. Kasey wrapped her arms around his neck and fiercely whispered, “I love you, Ashwin Ross,” as tears slid down her cheeks. Ashwin gave her a gentle squeeze and murmured against her ear, “I love you too, Kasey. I hope you never forget that.” He gently wiped her tears away with his finger before he added, “There's one more thing...”

  “And what would that be?”

  “We're getting married on New Year's Day. With the Chief and my mother.”

  Kasey gasped again as the implication of it all finally slammed into her, and fresh tears slid down her cheeks as she embraced Ashwin again and shook her head. “”

  Ashwin simply laughed before he teased, “OK, fair's fair. Where's MY present?”

  Kasey slowly raised her head from his chest and gave him a slow smile before she instructed, “Follow me.”

  A puzzled look settled on Ashwin's face as he and everyone else in the room followed Kasey out onto the porch, and it was Ashwin's turn to gasp in utter surprise when he saw what was waiting for him at the bottom of the steps. Kasey laughed at his befuddled look as she dangled the keys to his Christmas present in front of him—an authentic, black and gold Indian Chief motorcycle, complete with a huge, elaborate gold bow that was centered perfectly between the handlebars. She made a sweeping gesture with her hand and murmured, “Merry Christmas, Ashwin. I hope you enjoy it.”

  Ashwin's mouth dropped open in shock as he glanced down at the keys she dropped into his open palm, and even the Chief laughed and shook his head at Ashwin's reaction to his Christmas present. He gave Ashwin a friendly slap on the back as he said, “What are you waiting for, my boy? Take it for a spin!”

  Ashwin finally smiled as he curled his fingers against his palm, but his voice still held a hint of awe as he said, “Kasey, sweetheart...I...I don't know what to say...except thank you, and I love you.”

  Kasey returned his smile and gave him yet another hug as she murmured, “That's all you needed to say, Ashwin. I love you too. Please be careful when you ride.”

  “Oh, I will, because you'll always be riding with me.”

  Kasey laughed at his words, and everyone laughed when the chief quipped, “Leave it to a woman to color coordinate his motorcycle with his car.”

  Ashwin gave the chief a good-natured jab in his ribs, and after listening to a few more cheerful comments over his new toy, he took Kasey by the hand and led her back inside.

  Kasey sighed as she stared up at the ceiling, her mind swirling with thoughts of her upcoming wedding. She glanced over at Ashwin, who had his head propped on his palm as he smiled at her. “Something on your mind, sweetheart?”

  Kasey sighed again. “Well, yes.”

  “Such as?”

  “I'm getting married in a week! What about my dress? And bridesmaids? And a maid of honor? And invitations? And--”

  Ashwin laughed as he gently placed his finger against her lips and murmured, “That's all been taken care of, sweetheart.”

  Kasey gave him a puzzled, incredulous look as she breathed, “But how? And by whom?”

  Ashwin laughed again before he replied, “By yours truly.”

  Kasey frowned as she gazed up at him. “Ashwin Ross, I know you're a smart man, but I just don't see how you could've planned an entire DOUBLE wedding that fast!”

  “I had a little help.”

  Kasey rolled onto her side and mimicked his pose as she said, “Do tell.”

  “Little Bird helped quite a bit, as did my mother.”

  Kasey nodded. “Ah, I see. The pieces are starting to fit together now.” She sighed before she added, “But what about Ed and Holly? I'd like for them to be here as well.”

  Ashwin's smile widened as he said, “That's already been taken care of, sweetheart. They'll be here on New Year's Eve. And Holly is going to be your maid of honor, if that's alright with you.”

  Kasey smiled. “Of course it's alright, but how did you--”

  Ashwin chuckled softly as he replied, “I have my ways, sweetheart.” He suddenly pulled her close and murmured, “And at the moment, I'd love to have my way with you.” He slowly sat up and gave her that mysterious smile before he added, “But not here.”

  Kasey raised an eyebrow in surprise at his odd statement, but before she had a chance to say anything, Ashwin helped her out of bed and pressed his finger against her lips again before he whispered, “Be vewy, vewy quiet...”

  Kasey giggled softly as she whispered, “Why? Are you hunting wabbits?”

  Ashwin laughed and pressed his finger a bit harder against her lips as he shook his head and helped her into his robe. It was warm and much too big for her, but Kasey didn't mind as she watched Ashwin don another robe before he took her hand and quietly led her out of the house. He was careful not to lock them out or let the screen door slam shut behind him, and as they stood on the porch, Kasey softly inquired, “What are we doing out here?”

  Ashwin smiled and helped her down the steps before he murmured, “I figured you and I would take a little ride on my new motorcycle. Figuratively speaking, of course.”

  Kasey's eyes widened as she finally understood what he meant, and Ashwin laughed softly at her surprised look before he mounted the bike and helped Kasey on as well. He turned her around so that she was facing him, then pushed open the robe she was wearing and smiled as the cold air immediately made her nipples rock hard. Kasey gasped at the sudden rush of cold air against her warm skin, then gasped again when Ashwin lowered his head and drew one of her nipples into his war
m, moist mouth. She leaned forward and closed her eyes as she slid her fingers through his hair, and she couldn't stop the moan that escaped her when Ashwin suddenly slid a finger between her thighs and murmured, “I love how wet you get for me,” as he slowly withdrew his finger and just as slowly slid it back into her. The combination of the cold leather seat and Ashwin's warm finger sliding deep inside her was doing crazy things to Kasey's equilibrium, and she had to rest both of her arms on his broad, strong shoulders to keep from toppling off the bike as Ashwin continued his maddening tease with his finger. She gasped and pressed her forehead against his when she felt a second finger join the first, and Ashwin's voice was low and seductive as he whispered, “I know you like you want me to put another finger in?”

  Not trusting herself to speak, Kasey gave a slow nod and melted against his warm chest as he slipped a third finger into her hot, aching depths. Kasey shuddered and slowly leaned back against the ice-cold handlebars, allowing Ashwin's fingers to slide even deeper as his thumb lightly stroked across her sensitive little bud. Before she could comprehend what was happening, Ashwin had smoothly turned her onto her stomach, and she gasped again when she felt him slide into her from behind. Ashwin's warm breath tickled her ear as he murmured, “Put your hands on the handlebars,” before he wrapped his arm around her waist and pushed even deeper into her. Kasey clung to the handlebars as Ashwin made love to her beneath the milky-white light of the full winter moon, and as he drove her mindless with desire, Kasey finally allowed instinct to take over as she began grinding her tight, sensitive little bud against the cold leather seat. The cold metal of the bike against her sensitive breasts was yet another pleasure, and Kasey moaned as she restlessly moved her head from side to side. The plethora of sensations she was experiencing only served to increase her arousal, and within moments she was gasping and panting as she pushed back against Ashwin's every stroke. Her sudden, reckless abandon was enough to bring Ashwin to the very brink, and as he gave a final, deep push, Kasey's breaking point came when she felt him slide a finger deep into that dark, forbidden place that he had so gently and thoroughly deflowered. She sucked in an icy breath and gave a strangled cry as she was drenched in white-hot pleasure, and her climax compelled Ashwin to tighten his grip around her waist as he emptied himself into her. Kasey collapsed forward against the cold steel of the bike, and moments later Ashwin leaned forward and gently inquired, “Are you alright, sweetheart?”

  Kasey gave a weak nod and replied, “Mm-hmm,” as she continue to lay sprawled on the bike, oblivious to everything except what she and Ashwin had just shared. He chuckled softly and carefully pulled her into a sitting position, then wrapped her up in the too-big robe and said, “I think we should go back inside now. What do you think?”

  “I think that's a wonderful idea.”

  Ashwin smiled and murmured, “It's going to be so much fun being your husband. I can only hope you feel the same way about being my wife,” before he leaned down and captured her mouth in a deep, hungry kiss that put to rest any questions she may have had regarding how much he loved her. Ashwin raised his head and gave her a slow, knowing smile, then expertly dismounted the bike before he effortlessly lifted Kasey off the seat and cradled her against his chest. Moments later he quietly entered the house, and after carefully shutting their bedroom door, he tucked Kasey into bed and climbed in beside her before he pulled her close and drifted off to sleep.


  Three days after Christmas, Ashwin led Kasey outside to his new bike and helped her on. Kasey gave him a puzzled look and inquired, “Um, are we going somewhere?”

  Ashwin laughed and teased, “Now whatever gave you that idea?”

  Kasey shrugged. “Just a hunch?”

  Ashwin laughed again and helped Kasey with her helmet, then mounted the bike and said, “Put your arms around my waist and hold on. It's imperative that you move with me—lean with me when I make a turn. OK?”

  Kasey nodded and nervously inquired, “Have you ever ridden one of these things before?”

  Ashwin laughed before he replied, “Yes, I have, although it's been a while. Don't worry, though, I promise I'll be extra careful.”

  “So where are we going?” Kasey inquired as she watched Ashwin don his own helmet.

  Ashwin turned to give her that mysterious smile as he said, “You'll see.” He raised the kickstand with his boot and curled his fingers around the handlebars, and after Kasey wrapped her arms around his waist, he took off along the dirt road that would lead them to their destination. Ten minutes later he pulled up in front of the large church where his elaborate, fake funeral had been held, and Kasey couldn't help the tears that welled in her eyes or the way her chest tightened as she remembered that awful day. When Ashwin removed her helmet, he frowned when he saw the bright sheen of tears in her eyes, as well as how pale she'd become. He helped her off the bike and pulled her against his chest before he murmured, “Kasey, sweetheart, what's wrong?”

  Kasey shook her head as the dreadful memories from that day slammed into her mind with cruel force, and her voice was barely a whisper as she replied, “Oh God...I can't...please don't make me...”

  Ashwin's concern deepened considerably at her broken words, and he tightened his arms around her as he repeated, “Kasey, sweetheart, what's wrong?”

  Kasey's arms were tight around his waist as she moaned, “This church...oh God...this is where they had your funeral! I just...I can't go back in there...”

  Ashwin gently set her away from him far enough so that he could force her to look at him as he soothed, “Kasey, sweetheart, that's all in the past. I'm here, I'm alive and well, and I am going to marry you in a few days. This is the church we're getting married in. I brought you here so we could practice.”

  “P-p-practice?” Kasey stammered as she quickly swiped her damp cheeks with her fists.

  Ashwin nodded and said, “Yes, sweetheart, practice. It's called a rehearsal.”

  “I know that.”

  “This is an informal rehearsal. The formal dinner rehearsal will be held on New Year's Eve, after Ed and Holly get here.”

  Kasey pressed her palms against her eyes and said, “I'm sorry, Ashwin, I just--”

  Ashwin sighed and pulled her against his chest as he murmured, “It's alright, sweetheart. I understand.”

  Kasey said nothing else as she savored Ashwin's warm, comforting embrace, and a few minutes later she had regained enough control of herself to enter the church. The Chief was the only other person there, and his smile was genuine as he embraced Ashwin and inquired, “So how's that new bike?”

  Ashwin grinned and replied, “It runs like a charm.”

  The Chief laughed and turned his attention to Kasey, then said, “Good afternoon, young lady. How are you doing today?”

  Kasey nodded and smiled. “I'm fine, thank you.”

  “Did Ashwin tell you why he brought you here?”

  Kasey nodded again. “Yes, sir.”

  “Since this is going to be a traditional Cherokee wedding, Ashwin felt that you needed to practice before the big day.”

  Kasey bit her lip as she glanced at Ashwin and said, “Must be pretty complicated if we need two rehearsals.”

  Ashwin shook his head. “Not really. All you have to do is follow our instructions, and everything will go smoothly.”

  Kasey nodded and allowed Ashwin to lead her outside, and she was surprised when he led her over to a large circle with a high stone wall. In the middle of the circle were several types of wood, neatly arranged and ready to be lit on fire. At the north and south ends of the circle were two smaller stacks of wood. Ashwin gently took Kasey's hand and explained, “This is for the Sacred Fire/Seven Steps Ceremony, which we'll participate in before the wedding ceremony.”

  Kasey nodded, fascinated and honored that she was about to be a part of something that held great importance for the Cherokee people. She listened carefully as Ashwin said, “Before we approach the fire, we will each be cov
ered in a blue blanket.”


  Ashwin smiled. “Yes.”

  Kasey bit her lip and frowned as she thought back to the few weddings she'd attended. “But I thought the groom wasn't supposed to see the bride until she walks down the aisle. That's tradition.”

  Ashwin laughed softly and said, “That's not Cherokee tradition, sweetheart.”

  Kasey nodded. “OK. What's the blanket for, then?”

  “The blue blanket represents our separate aloneness, weaknesses, sorrows, failures, and spiritual depression in our individual lives.”

  Kasey nodded again. “I see.”

  “Once we've reached this circle, you and I will light the smaller stacks of wood. After they have burned for a few minutes, you and I will push the smaller fires into the large fire in the center.”

  Kasey's interest was piqued as she inquired, “What are the fires for?”

  Ashwin smiled as he pointed at the smaller stacks of wood and explained, “The two smaller fires are arranged at the north and south positions of the circle to represent our individual lives. Once we push the smaller fires into the large fire, that is symbolic of the life we will begin sharing together.”

  Kasey nodded thoughtfully. “OK. So after we've done that, then what?”

  Ashwin took her hand again and said, “Then we begin walking around the circle. I will take a step and say a vow, and then you will take a step and say a vow. We do that seven times, hence the term the Seven Steps Ceremony.”

  “What am I supposed to say?”

  Ashwin smiled. “Don't worry. The Chief and my mother will be participating as well. Just repeat what she says.”

  Kasey's eyes widened as a sudden, horrifying thought occurred to her. “What if I mess it up?”

  Ashwin shook his head and gently framed her face with his hands before he murmured, “You won't mess it up. Either way, I'm still marrying you.” He glanced over at the Chief and added, “Would you like to give it a try?”


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