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A Demon's Song

Page 4

by E. C. Land

  “Fuck yeah, be right behind you,” he chuckles with a shit eating grin.

  Shaking my head, I pay him no mind as I open the front door and head for my Crossfire, I hadn’t driven it in a while so figured tonight was a good night to take her out for a spin.

  Chapter Seven


  “So, you’re telling me Huntson’s dad moved you into his home with the rest of his family, told you to quit working here and you’re here, why?” Kit-Kat mutters from her seat across from me as I get myself set up behind the bar. Out of all the women in Sinner’s Cove who work here, besides Dean’s wife, she’s the coolest. I love the dominant demeanor she carries around herself.

  Total confidence.

  “I’m here ‘cause I won’t let Hunter take care of me. I refuse to be the little woman. I don’t want to let them win,” I snap in frustration. Over the past two weeks, I’ve pretty much lived in my head. If I was in the same room with someone else at the house, I wouldn’t look at them. I knew this was out of fear of repercussions.

  Especially when Bethany’s father and his club showed up at the house.

  “Let who win?” Kit-Kat asks, though she turns to the crowd with a watchful eye.

  “All of them,” I tell her while moving about in my station and begin filling orders. It takes me a couple minutes to do this but as I make it back to Kit-Kat she’s got her eyes trained on me.

  “Explain what you mean by that,” she demands, leaning forward on the bar. Her breasts nearly spilling out of her top.

  “What’s there to explain? Men are controlling and if I stop working here, it means he wins. They all win. I’ll become the woman, I swore I wouldn’t. The one I ran away to avoid becoming.” I know by the time I finish speaking, I’ve said more than I probably should have.

  “I don’t know who the hell fucked up your head, babe, but that’s some serious fucked up shit. You realize no man can ever stop you or control your body. If Huntson’s dad wanted to control you, your ass wouldn’t have left the house tonight to come here,” she states firmly, crooking a finger in my direction. Leaning in closer to Kit-Kat I suck in a breath as she begins again, “You know I can tell the differences between the women in this club. You’ve heard the rumors that it’s me who disciplines the dancers even the waitresses if they step out of line. They all know this, some of them get a kick out if, some of them beg for it. That’s not me controlling them, it’s me showing them the error of their ways. If I didn’t know they could take what I dish out like you for instance, then I’d never touch them. It would then be up to Mitch to step in since he’s head of security for our boss, Dean.”

  “Now when it comes to Huntson’s dad, does he know you were a virgin?” I shake my head immediately in answer to her question, my cheeks heating as I do so. “Alright, tell me why you didn’t tell him about his kid,” she demands.

  “Hey, I could use a refill over here, babydoll,” one of my customers yells from down the bar.

  “Got it,” I call out to him. “Be back,” I mutter to Kit-Kat while deciphering her question in my head, along with all the other stuff she’d just laid out for me.

  Kit-Kat was right, I’d heard the rumors about how she disciplines the employees when they misbehave. She was not only a dominant woman but one who was a lesbian.

  Nothing wrong with this fact. I find it actually appealing, though I know it’s not for me. I’m sure when Kit-Kat finds someone they’ll have to be a challenge for her. She doesn’t do weak. Which makes me wonder, why she’s breaking everything down for me now.

  Once all of my customers were taken care of and the waitresses were good, I make my way back to Kit-Kat.

  “Hunter’s hated me from the moment he first met me. I didn’t want him to think I was trying to trap him. Because I wasn’t, but when it comes to Huntson, I don’t regret what him and I had even if it was one night,” I tell her as I brace myself against the bar top, holding her gaze.

  “Do you have feelings for the man?” she asks inquisitively.

  “Honestly, I don’t know what feelings I have for Hunter, other than he makes my heart race anytime he’s around. I can barely breathe when he looks at me without it hurting,” I tell her.

  “Annslee, babe, you’ve got it bad for this man and he’s only fucked you once,” she chuckles.

  “Ugh, I’m a moron,” I mutter, shaking my head.

  “No, babe, you’re not a moron. You’re a woman allowing her body to tell her what she feels with her heart rather than her mind. What you are is one of a kind. There aren’t many women who do that,” Kit-Kat murmurs softly as she reaches across the bar to touch my shoulder.

  “I don’t get what you mean.” Unable to understand what she means.

  “You will, Annslee. I can guarn-fuckin’-tee you will,” she grins.

  “What do you mean?” I ask her.

  “You’ll see, babe,” her grin widens further.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” My back stiffens at the sound of Hunter’s voice and fear begins to clog my throat.

  Oh shit. I’d told him I was going to the store when I asked him to watch Huntson. What the hell is he doing here?

  Worse what is he doing here with a bunch of other men, glaring at me while they grin in amusement behind him. Including Lex.


  Just freaking great.

  Can my life get any more complicated?

  “Hunter, what are you doing here?” I ask in return.

  “Finding out why you fuckin’ lied to me about where you were going.” he retorts.

  “This is Hunter?” Kit-Kat asks looking between the two of us. “Oh, babe, you are totally fuckin’ screwed. Might as well tell Dean to put an ad out for a new bartender,” she cackles slapping the bar top.

  “I’ll repeat, what the fuck are you doing here?” Hunter demands stepping closer to the bar.

  “What’s it look like I’m doing?” I snap, embarrassed he’d come here.

  “Looks like you’re working in a bar you shouldn’t have your ass in. Not when you’re supposed to be at home with our son,” he growls, placing his hands on the edge of the bar next to Kit-Kat.

  “Hey, brother, while you deal with this, we’re gonna watch the show. These bitches got some serious fuckin’ talent,” one of the men who’d come in with Bethany’s dad this week, I think his name’s Angel states, patting Hunter on the back.

  “Enjoy the show, but be on your best behavior, I have no problem kicking you out if need be,” Kit-Kat announces from her position on her stool in front of me.

  “Oh, baby, I will do my best. You might wanna come sit on my lap to keep me in check though,” he chuckles.

  “Sorry, but I prefer Annslee’s company rather than yours but if you behave, I’ll make sure one of our dancers comes over to join you in a bit,” Kit-Kat says waving her hand in dismissal.

  “Fuck, you’re on, baby, it’s hot finding a woman who has no problem speaking their mind about what they want.” Angel states before he and the rest of the men move to a table close by.

  “Do you mind?” Hunter mutters to Kit-Kat.

  “Yep, considering this is one of my girls, and since she’s working, I’m keeping an eye on the situation.” God, kill me now. This is so messed up.

  Chapter Eight


  This woman, sitting across from Annslee, is pissing me the fuck off, not because of what she said but the way she said it with her hand still touching what’s mine.


  Fuckin’ hell.

  Yeah, I might as well admit the truth in what I really feel for Annslee.

  She’s mine. In every way. I remember the night I spent with her in my bed. I know she was a virgin. Figured that out the morning after when I woke up. I’m also betting I’m the only one Annslee has ever been with. And that’s the way it’s going to stay if I have my way about it.

  “Kit-Kat,” Annslee murmurs, her eyes moving from the woman back to me.

’t say my name like that, babe. I’m just telling your man here how it is,” Kit-Kat states, grinning like a fuckin’ cat.

  “Ugh,” Annslee mutters, throwing her hands up, “I need to check on my customers.” With this announcement, she walks to the other end of the bar to do just as she said she needed to do.

  “You know, you hurt her, I’ll make sure you suffer,” Kit-Kat declares drawing my attention from staring at Annslee moving around behind the bar.

  “Not going to,” I tell her and turn back to watching Annslee work.

  “Good, then you’ll want to know that woman is yours, all you have to do is reach out for her. I also suggest you protect that heart of hers. It’s been through enough as it is.” Kit-Kat, I’m realizing isn’t wanting Annslee for herself. She’s being protective over my woman because she cares for her.

  Without taking my eyes off Annslee as she laughs with one of her customers, I answer the woman next to me. “I have no intention of hurting Annslee. Yeah, I’m fuckin’ pissed she kept my kid from me; however, after being able to think about the reasons why, I know it has to do with the fact I wasn’t there for her.”

  “She thinks you hate her,” Kit-Kat nods in Annslee’s direction.

  “Thought I did too,” I mutter truthfully.

  “Emotions run close together, it’s up to you to figure out what you’re feeling. Love and hate are far too similar it can sometimes be hard to decipher unless you know what you’re looking for.”

  Nodding I allow her words to sink into my head at the same time making a game plan of getting Annslee to understand where I’m coming from.

  “FYI, Dean’s already informed me to make this Annslee’s last night. He knows Annslee well since his cousin is one of her best friends. When he hired her here, Jordan made sure to inform him Annslee wasn’t to be on the pole. He already knew this. She doesn’t belong anywhere in here, but she needed this, at least for the time being. Now you’re in the picture finally and will sort her shit.” As Kit-Kat says this, I finally bring my gaze to hers to find her grinning at me yet again looking like the Cheshire cat.

  Fuckin’ hell.

  What is it with this woman?

  She goes from pissing me off to blowing my mind with this shit about what she’s just informed me of regarding Annslee.


  Grinning back at her, I make a decision in how this night is gonna end. “Since this is her last night, you won’t mind me doing something drastic?” I ask.

  “Nope not at all, I’ll send Mitch a message to keep security out of the way,” she laughs, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

  “Thanks that would be obliged. I’m gonna give my brother a heads up,” I state, nodding my head in Lex’s direction.

  Nodding, Kit-Kat doesn’t bother looking at me again as she focuses on her phone.

  Tapping the bar top, I move to the table where Lex, Angel, and the rest of the guys are sitting. Everyone but Lex are watching the girl dancing on the pole. My brother was simply scrolling through his phone looking at Facebook. “Hey, I’m about to get out of here,” I announce.

  “What? You’re leaving her here?” Lex asks, quirking a brow as he glances up to look at me.

  Grinning, I shake my head. “Nope, taking her with me. Kicking and screaming.”

  “Damn man, alright, I’ll head on out with y’all,” he chuckles as he stands, shoving his phone in his pocket.

  “Cool deal,” I laugh in return.

  “What y’all ain’t gonna stay and enjoy the show?” Angel asks, turning his attention from the woman on stage.

  “Naw, not my scene. Besides this is where Jordan used to work,” I inform Angel, mentioning Badger’s ol’ lady. I knew he’d met her along with Badger earlier this week and nearly got a fist to the eye when he hit on her in front of her ol’ man. Talk about hilarious.

  Angel loses his grin at the mention of Jordan and I know he’s remembering that experience as well.

  When it comes to Badger’s ol’ lady he doesn’t fuck around. They’d been through enough shit in their lives and now they were finally getting what they wanted.

  “Yeah, I think I’ll head out too,” he mutters.

  “Whatever man, stay and enjoy the show. Shit talk with Kit-Kat, do that smooth-talking shit you do on her, maybe she’ll let you play,” I joke.

  “Fuck, don’t put that image in my head. I can only imagine what I could do with her. And it doesn’t involve fuckin’ her in anyway,” Angel groans.

  “Don’t even want to think about that shit, man. Now I gotta woman to get home.” That and explain some things before showing her the error of her ways in coming to work here when she should have been with Huntson and myself.

  Never again will she be working in a place like this. In a world that is dark around me I now get what it is about her that rubbed me the wrong way. Annslee’s the light who can shine through the night, keeping the demons in my head at bay.

  I know this ‘cause not once this week, when she was around, did I feel them anywhere around me.

  Fuck me.

  Turning back to my woman, I find her staring at me and grin. Startled by this, Annslee quickly diverts her gaze to one of her customers.

  On a mission, I make my way to the end of the bar, finding Kit-Kat standing there, nodding at me. As I round the end, I step behind the bar, move directly to Annslee, grab her arm, turn her to face me as I bend at the waist to put her stomach to my shoulder.

  “Hunter, what are . . .” Annslee squeals as I lift her up and turn. “This isn’t funny, put me down,” she yells slapping my lower back.

  “Dimples, shut it,” I command, tapping my hand against her ass lightly.

  “Don’t tell me to shut it, Mr. Jerk,” she snaps, pressing her hands into my back. “Kit-Kat aren’t you going to help?

  “Nope, I’m enjoying the show, babe, but just so you know it’s your last night here. I’ll bring your check and tips by Monday,” Kit-Kat calls out as several people make catcalls and whistling sounds.

  Fuckin’ hell, now to seriously get my woman out of here.

  Chapter Nine





  I’m going to kill Hunter.

  I’ve never in my life wanted to hurt anyone more than I do right now. Then again him touching me, his hand tapping my ass as he commands me to shut it, sent shivers down my spine all the way down between my legs.

  What is it about Hunter that even if I’m mad at him for throwing me over his shoulder like he-man, I find his antics hot?

  “Hunter, put me down,” I snap once again as he steps out into the cool air of Sinner’s Cove.

  “When I get you to the car I will,” he says, rubbing my ass with his hand not wrapped around my legs.

  “I have my own car here,” I mutter, trying to push myself up off his shoulder.

  “Yeah, I know you do, Dimples; however, since you lied to me about going to the store but came here instead, your ass is in my car and I’ll get one of my brothers to come help me get your car tomorrow. Hell, I might just have them take it straight to the junk yard considering the damn thing is a fuckin’ hooptie.” He did not just say that.

  Oh my freaking God.

  “My car is not a hooptie,” I declare, smacking a hand against his ass, only for him to bring his hand harder against my own.

  Dang it.

  “Hunter,” I whine as Hunter comes to a stop next to his car and places me on my feet.

  “Shut it, Annslee. When we get home we’ll talk. For now, take this time to get it through your fuckin’ head, shit’s changed and you’re not in this alone anymore. You wouldn’t have been in it alone this entire time if you had just fuckin’ come to me in the beginning. Now get in the car, fasten up, and stay quiet until we get home and in our room.”

  Did he just say our room?

  Oh no.

  This is not good.

  Not good at all.

  I’m completely and
utterly screwed if he means what I’m thinking he does. I can’t go there. Not without losing myself to him. I do that and there is no return.

  What will happen if my father or Terry Nelson make their move?

  I’ll be destroyed.

  Pulling into the driveway of Hunter’s house, I still can’t get over the fact they call this place something so miniscule to what it really is. This place is a mansion with each one of them having their own wing as their residence.

  When I first stayed here when Chaz had been shot, I’d felt dumb struck at the fact these men lived in a mansion. I thought they would all be rude, condescending jerks who thought their shit didn’t stink. The first week, they proved me wrong. Well at least Chaz, Tanner, and Lex did. Hunter on the other hand was always rude and snarky toward me whenever I was around.

  Now staring up at the monstrosity, my heart races as my head is filled with thoughts of what’s to come between Hunter and myself.

  He’d said our room, like we shared one together. Did he mean his part of the house? I don’t know and that scares me more than anything. Because if he means for me to come into his room, I’ll cave, give him anything and everything he asked me for. Long as it meant him touching me the way he did the one time before.

  Stop. Stop. Stop right there.

  That’s not going to happen.

  I have to stay strong. Hunter doesn’t even like me, why would he want me in his room let alone his bed again. Last time, I just laid there and let him do what he wanted to my body. He probably thought what we did was horrible anyway. Doesn’t matter if Huntson came out of the deal.

  “Come on, baby, let’s get inside. I’m sure Huntson’s sleepy still and Mackenzie is probably ready for bed herself.” So that’s who he got to watch our son while he decided to follow me up to Sinner’s Cove.

  Ugh, God.

  Hunter is insufferable.

  Sighing, I quietly open my door and climb out. Hunter rounds the hood of the car as I’m closing the door.


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