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A Demon's Song

Page 5

by E. C. Land

  “Hunter,” I murmur his name, breathlessly, staring up into his eyes. At first, I thought it was out of fear that might have caused this reaction out of me. No, fear is the last thing to enter my mind as Hunter steps directly in front of me, lifting one of his hands to tangle it in my hair at the back of my head.

  “We’ll talk in the room, Dimples,” he coos melancholily, his head tilted to press his forehead against mine. Our breaths mingling together and butterflies taking flight within my stomach.

  Oh my.

  I don’t know what’s going on here right now other than Hunter isn’t acting like himself. Is this a new game he’s decided to play with me? To make me think he doesn’t hate me for everything I’ve done to him. For keeping his son from him.

  Please, don’t let this be the case.

  It will hurt far worse if he plays any type of game with my heart right now. More so if what I feel for him now tenfolds at any time in the future.

  Breaking the moment, Hunter releases his hand from the back of my head, only to reach down and entwine our fingers together.

  “Um,” I mumble dumbfoundedly causing Hunter to grin at me.

  “Promise we’ll talk in the room, Annslee. Get on the same page about things. Get you to the point in understanding what’s happening right now,” Hunter proclaims, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

  “Okay,” I whisper, lightly, with a nod. All thoughts of anything else incinerate upon themselves as Hunter’s words penetrate every corner of my mind while he guides me into the house, up the stairs, and to his room.

  Taking a deep breath, I send a silent prayer to a God I know won’t answer my prayers. He never has.

  Stepping into Hunter’s room, he releases my hand, and steps back. “Sit on the bed, I’ll be right back. Gonna let Mackenzie know we’re back and grab the monitor from her,” he mutters, huskily at the same time there’s a knock at his bedroom door.

  Hunter moves swiftly to open it. Mackenzie was standing there smiling, holding out the monitor.

  “Lex texted letting me know you guys were all back,” she announces.

  “Thanks, Mackenzie, appreciate you watching him for us,” Hunter says, taking the monitor from Mackenzie.

  “No problem he’s been asleep the entire time.” A pang of jealousy I have no right to feel filters through my body at their easy interaction with each other.

  Why does it have to be so difficult for me to have something like that? Maybe even something as beautiful as what Chaz, Tanner, and Lex have with their women. Everything in my life has always been and always will be difficult in some way or the other.

  The sound of the door clicking shut draws me out of my thoughts, internally shaking my head, I focus on Hunter. Standing across the room, his head tilted to the side as if he were examining me.

  “You know when I first saw you tonight, my first reaction to the way you and Kit-Kat were cozied up, I wanted to rip her hands off you, shove her away and snarl in her face to keep her hands to herself. Never in my life have I felt something so strong when it comes to a woman.” Heart racing, I lick my suddenly dry lips.

  “I know you think I hate you. At first that’s what I thought as well but it’s recently been pointed out to me there is a fine line between love and hate. Granted I don’t know much about the feeling of love. After my sister Hailey died, my parents pretty much died along with her.”

  “Your sister died?” The question rushes out before I can stop myself.

  “Yeah, baby, she did. Hailey was my twin sister. Died from leukemia as a kid. Since then there’s always been a large void inside me. One that has allowed demons to fester and eat away at my soul. That is until this past week. This fact dawned on me earlier tonight. Not once has that happened. Same goes for the one night I had you under me,” Hunter says, slowly making his way across the room, straight to where I stood at the end of his bed.

  The very same bed I’ve longed to be in yet dreaded the thought of. To be in his bed would mean repercussions, though I don’t know what those would be yet.

  Right now, I’m more confused than ever. Hunter’s being gentle with me. Sharing personal things about his life with me.

  I can’t help but wonder if this is due to what he knows about my past. If he knew the true horrors of my past it’d make him cringe away in horror.

  Not even Connors or Jordan know the depths of pain I endured growing up at my father’s hand.

  Clearing my throat, I do my best to keep the tears and memories at bay. “You don’t mean that,” I whisper.

  “Why wouldn’t I, Dimples? Do you prefer me being harsh to you? Is that what you want?” To answer Hunter’s questions, I shake my head in denial. I didn’t want any of that, but I didn’t want him to lie to me either by being nice to me for no reason, when I don’t deserve his kindness.

  “Baby, I’m gonna show you tonight what you are to me. What you’ll always be to me. I felt it that first time when you gave me your virginity.” My eyes widen and I open my mouth to protest but Hunter moves quickly, stopping me by placing a finger over my lips. “Don’t deny it, Annslee. I know you felt it as much as I did and it fuckin’ scared the hell out of you. Scared you so much you ran from my bed the first chance you got. So much more to the point you couldn’t face me, let alone tell me we had a kid. I’m betting this has to do with your past. Fearing that because I was a man, I’d punish you. Clue in, Dimples, not every man is like the fucked-up men you grew up around.”

  With that said, Hunter doesn’t give me a chance to give him a response. Instead I find his mouth latched to my own, our tongues mingling in a dance, I’ve only ever experienced with him.

  Moaning into his mouth, Hunter takes this as encouragement to deepen the kiss further at the same time moving us until he has me lying on my back in his bed. My mind completely muffles with each sensation his touch gives me.

  Hunter lifts his head breaking the kiss long enough to look down at me. “From tonight, Dimples, your mine. You stay in here with me. We’re going to see this out. The two of us together. No more hiding from me. No keeping yourself reclusive from life. Whatever comes our way, I got you. No one will ever hurt you again. Not if I can help it.” And just like that my heart becomes his in an instant.

  He might not have said it but he knew. Knew about my past.

  Giving him a single nod in response, Hunter returns this by smiling a radiant smile I’ve only ever seen him give Melody and our son.

  Yeah, he definitely has stolen my heart.

  “Gonna have you now, baby, you good with that?”

  “Yes,” I murmur, nodding while trying to find my brain cells that he’s scattered everywhere.

  “Good,” he chuckles, probably sensing what he does to me. “Close your eyes, Annslee, I want you to keep them shut and just feel what I do to your body. Feel the goodness that is between the two of us, the connection we share. It’s not just about us having a kid together. It’s about the soul baring sensation that draws you to me and vice versa.”

  Talk about swoon worthy.

  If I weren’t already in his bed, lying down, I would have buckled at the knees.

  Closing my eyes, I allow myself to feel every sensation Hunter gives me. Each kiss along my jaw, down my neck. The way his hands slide under my shirt lifting it until it’s completely removed from my body. Leaving me in my bra.

  My arms jerk to try and cover myself only to have him grip my wrist. “Don’t cover yourself, baby. Never think you can’t show me all of you,” he rasps, his breath so close between my breasts.

  Moaning, I’m unable to stop my body from reacting.

  “Keep your hands above your head, Annslee,” Hunter commands, releasing my wrists after placing them against the bed, bent directly above my head.

  “Oh–okay,” I stutter.

  “Remember, baby, keep your eyes closed and feel.” Nodding at Hunter’s reminder, my breathing becomes hindered as he runs his hands along my bare arms to my shoulders, one moving up to cup my neck i
n a gentle way while he uses the other to draw one of my breasts from its bra cup. “Fuckin’ love these, Annslee,” he murmurs.

  “Mhmm,” moaning my body jerks toward Hunter when his tongue flicks against my nipple. “Hunter.”

  “Right here, Dimples, just lie back and feel every little thing I do to this gorgeous as fuck body,” Hunter rasps, his voice going gravelly.

  With slow torturous motions, Hunter takes his time lavishing one nipple then the other while his hand at my neck stays firmly in place, the tips of his fingers at my pulse.

  Something about the way he does this seems so right. He’d done this the last time as well, but that time he’d placed his hand there after sinking inside me.

  Hunter moves further down my body to unfasten my jeans, only then does he release his grip around my neck. The feel of him peppering kisses along my stomach down to the opening in my jeans.

  “Fuckin’ love the way you react to me, Annslee,” he murmurs against my skin.

  “Hunter,” I moan his name with a plea.

  “Gonna have to take time later on to savor the taste of your pussy, right now though, baby, I need to sink my fuckin’ cock inside you. You on the pill or do I need to wrap up?”

  “I, um, I’m not on the pill,” I whisper embarrassingly.

  “That’s fine, baby, we’ll talk about that later. You want me to wrap up?” he asks, his hands pulling my jeans and underwear down swiftly down my legs.

  “Um, would you be mad if I said no?” I ask quietly.

  “Fuck no, Annslee, I’m not about to be pissed about feeling you unsheathed. Way your pussy grips me like a motherfuckin’ vice grip. I have no problem taken you without,” he declares heavily.

  Oh, okay then.

  Sucking in a breath, I peek through narrowed eyes as I watch Hunter move, pulling my jeans completely from my body, then strip out of his clothes. My breath catches at the sight of him, his shaft hard, thick, and beautiful.

  Yeah, beautiful is the only word I can possibly come up with as I stare at the silver balls sticking out from beneath the head of his cock.

  Climbing up the bed, Hunter slides my legs open for him to move between them. As he gets closer to my core, I watch while he strokes his length and lines himself up.

  With slow and calculated thrusts, Hunter slides his cock all the way in until our bodies are fully connected.

  “Fuck me, baby, you’re even tighter than I remember,” he groans, leaning forward on his arms pressing himself even deeper.

  “Hunter,” I pant, needing more. So much more.

  “I’ve got you, Annslee,” he growls and begins to slowly thrust his cock in with a steady pace, bringing me to the peak. Just as I’m about to tip over the edge into oblivion, Hunter pulls nearly all the way out causing me to whimper in protest. “Told you, baby, I got you,” he chuckles, as he slams back in to the hilt starting a faster and more erratic movement sending me skyrocketing over the edge while I scream out his name as I come undone around him.

  “That’s it, Annslee, fuck, I’m gonna come,” he groans his cock jerking inside me. “Fuckin’ hell, baby, your pussy squeezed my cock so tight you drew it right the fuck out of me,” he chuckles, in the process of catching his breath.

  Opening my eyes fully, I stare up at him, giving him a slight smile. “I’m sorry,” I murmur.

  “That’s the last time you apologize for making me come with you,” he grins, falling to his side, rolling to his back and pulling me with him as he does this.

  Straddling him, I rest my head on his chest, thinking about how good this moment truly feels.

  Chapter Ten


  If there was a God to believe in, I’d be on bended knee right now thanking him for bringing Annslee into my life. Over the past month, the two of us have grown close, with not only taking care of Huntson together, but with each other in general.

  During the day, she would go to work, do what she did normally, Huntson went to daycare, and I went to work at the music shop. At night we spent it as a family, whether alone, together, or with everyone else in the house. My favorite part came when we put our son to bed, and I got to explore every inch of Annslee’s body. I’d been shocked as shit when she agreed to allow me to tie her wrists to the bed and took everything I gave her. Best part of all, not once did she complain about me needing to have my hand at her throat. I needed this so I felt the rush of her pulse. To feel her reaction from that one spot to know she was with me.

  I’d also been working on a new song for the band to record. Normally it’s Chaz and Lex’s expertise; however, I’d woken up the day after spending most of the night between Annslee’s legs once I explained to her how I felt, it came to me. I knew it needed to be written and I’d been working on it ever since. I only just showed the song to my brothers.

  They’d been shocked when I told them about it.

  “Perfect song, Hunter. This shit will sound fuckin’ awesome,” Chaz declares with a grin. “Knew you always had it in you to write something. You should take lead on this one.”

  “Yeah, nope, I’d prefer to stick to my guitar and add my voice when needed,” I mutter, shaking my head.

  “Nope,” Tanner chuckles. “This is your song, you sing it lead. Besides, it’s for Annslee anyway. Who better to sing it than the one it’s meant to come from?”

  “Tan’s right, you’re lead with this one. Shit that might become the next number one song we have that people constantly want to download,” Lex states, adding his input.

  “I doubt that,” I grumble, shoving my hands in my pockets.

  “Don’t doubt it, brother. Oh, before I forget, got a call from a record label. They wanted us to come meet with them,” Chaz informs us.

  “You know we all agreed we didn’t want to sign with a record label,” Lex scoffs.

  “Yep, and that’s what I told them; however, they were persistent in wanting to explain their deal. Told them they didn’t need a meeting to tell me what they wanted. Evidently, they don’t want us to sign with them, they just want to distribute our music further than we already have.”

  “And what do they want in return if we do this?” Tanner grumbles.

  “Twenty percent of all sales,” Chaz mutters, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Fuck that,” I sneer. “I say we keep doing what we’ve been doing. It’s not like we don’t already do a fuckin’ awesome job with our music reaching out. Alexis is great at managing all of our internet shit. We have tons of followers and people buying our music constantly. If we want to reach out even further why not do it through the MC clubs, have them spread the word for us? Shit, the Satan’s Keepers could help do that out their way and the Devil’s Riot could do the same theirs.”

  “Smart idea,” Lex states, nodding his head in agreement. “Word of mouth is how we’ve always done it. With small gigs. We’re not the type for the big life and why give our money away when we can split that shit even between the four of us?”

  “Exactly,” Tanner adds his voice.

  “Then it’s settled, we tell them to fuck off and keep on keeping on with what we’ve been doing from the beginning,” Chaz chuckles.

  “Right, now one more thing, Twister has declared us members of the Devil’s Riot MC. Do we do this or what?” Lex asks.

  “It’s a fuckin’ honor to have them ask us,” Tanner grins.

  “Yeah, you all know, I approached Twister a while back about wanting to prospect. This shit is something I always wanted to do. It’s not like we don’t have our own bikes sitting in the garage,” Chaz reminds us of something we all already knew, we’d all gone and bought a motorcycle when we were eighteen.

  “Then when we see Twister this weekend, we tell him, we want in,” I remark, pulling my hand out of my pocket to look at the watch on my wrist to see the time.

  I’d told Annslee I would pick Huntson up from daycare today so she could go out to dinner with Kit-Kat who demanded time with her girl as she’d stated loudly throug
h the phone yesterday to where I could hear her.

  “I gotta get to the daycare to pick up Huntson,” I inform my brothers.

  “Yeah, I need to get to the house. Bethany is starting to go nuts not going out of the house. She’s ready to come back to work but doesn’t want to leave Jason,” Chaz sighs.

  “Alexis is the same way. She’s chomping at the bit to come back to work. Unfortunately, Lyra and Lennox are only two weeks old. She’s not about to leave them with anyone else,” Tanner mutters.

  Two weeks ago, Alexis went into labor during a football game when the Colts had scored a touchdown. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this considering when her water broke it was because she’d been standing right next to me shaking my arm excitedly. One thing about Tanner’s woman she loves her sports along with her music. Even supports Tanner’s brother, Kobi, in his path to playing pro basketball. So, to say, I still have bruises from her nails sinking into my bicep from her squeezing the shit out of me and crying out in pain when the first contraction hit her. That and my shoes ended up wet.

  Shaking my head, chuckling, I head out of the recording section of the music shop. “I’ll catch you guys later,” I call out, knowing they aren’t far behind me.

  “Yeah,” Tanner returns as my phone vibrates in my pocket, pulling it out I checked the caller ID and grin as I swipe the screen to answer.

  “Hey, Dimples, you headed to meet Kit-Kat?” I ask her in greeting as I step out of the shop.

  “Um, no, she had to cancel. I went ahead and picked up Huntson, but Connors wanted him to come spend the night with her three kiddos, so he’s over there until the morning. I, um, I just pulled up at the house and was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out to dinner tonight with me.” Fuck, I love how shy she can be when it comes to asking for things she wants.

  “Yeah, baby, we can go out tonight,” I chuckle.

  “Okay,” she whispers through the line.

  “Since I don’t have to pick Huntson up, I’ll be home in about fifteen minutes,” I tell her.


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