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Love at Blind Date Complete Series: Books 1-4

Page 33

by Lorelei M. Hart

But shit, it felt like we were doing that.

  He immediately responded, and I decided to take a quick nap before showering. I had plenty of time until dinner.

  I’d been wrong about the shower part, sleeping through my alarm and only waking up at all because someone rang the doorbell. I raced to the door to open it and see a box on my porch. The delivery guy had only rung it to get my attention, and normally I’d have not been pleased, but given how late it was based on the sky, I gave him a huge wave and picked up the box, which ended up being a book I’d forgotten I pre-ordered months ago.

  I checked the time, and realizing I was already five minutes late, did a quick toothbrushing and called it good.

  I knocked on Rex’s door and was pleasantly surprised that the scent of Barry and Ben had been banished, and instead smelled like lasagna.

  “Come in. I was afraid you changed your mind.” He stepped out of the way, and I gave him an awkward hug as I walked in. “Sorry. I’m not sure how to do this,” I confessed.

  “I say we do whatever feels right.” He held out his hand for me and I took it. “Would you like to see what I’ve had done to the place?”

  He took me around room by room, and unlike his penthouse, this place felt like home. It still had some of his prized pieces, but not all of them were on display and what was out were in shadow boxes or cases. It was all very fancy while somehow feeling comfortable.

  One room was empty. Completely empty.

  “What’s this for?”

  “For our baby, but I figured we should decide on that together.” He bit his bottom lip. “The little one needs a room in my house as well as the one in yours.”

  “I know.” I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek. “This is sweet. And I love what you’ve done to the place.”

  “Wait til you see what I’ve done to the kitchen.” He was so right. It was a dream. The space was small, but he’d utilized every inch of it beautifully.

  “I made lasagna.” He grabbed the oven mitts off the counter and took it out of the oven. “They said it should sit for ten minutes, but I have salad.”

  “Salad will do.” We sat down and chatted over our food about our days, the work being done to the house, and about how quickly Barry agreed to move when he offered to buy him his home of choice. Turned out Barry had originally chosen this place as a fixer-upper thinking he and Ben would enjoy working on it in their spare time. They did not.

  “That was amazing.” It had been. The blend of cheese and sauce mixed with what I suspected was a sausage and ground beef blend had been utter perfection.

  “Want to watch a cooking show?” he asked as he cleared the table, refusing my help. “I still need to learn a dessert.”

  “Television and dessert?” I sassed. Was he hinting at a deliciously sweet end to the evening, delicious in the sense of naked? Because while my head was “No. No. No,” my body was all in for that.

  Which was exactly how I ended up in this position to begin with.

  “Sorry I can’t offer you dessert tonight, but television?” He set the dishes on the counter beside the sink. “This can wait.”

  “Can we watch the one where they bring out something pre-made and they have to make a masterpiece from it?”

  “We can watch whatever you want, omega. Whatever you want.”

  And wasn’t that the problem. I had no clue what I wanted, or more accurately, what I should allow myself to have.

  And as he walked me home, leaving me on the doorstep with only a kiss on the cheek, I only knew one thing for sure, that whatever it was I wanted, it included Rex. I just wasn’t sure what to do about that.



  After locking my door, I walked the short distance to Jason’s and rang the bell. He had given me a set of keys to his house on the condition that I couldn’t barge in any time I wanted. They were only to be used in an emergency.

  “Ready?” I asked as he appeared. He was wearing a flowing white shirt over dark paternity pants. His bump had emerged and blossomed in the past few weeks, and while we were still trying to work out what we were to one another, one of my favorite things was to put my hand on the bump and hope the baby was awake.

  During the course of Jason’s pregnancy, many of his customers asked for paternity clothes similar to the ones he was wearing. So, he and Keith designed a range of shirts and pants for expectant omegas, and Jason was the guinea pig who showed off the designs.

  Business was booming—a little too much. A well-known department store had even offered to carry the line after their buyer came in and saw his samples while getting an alteration of his own done. Jason didn’t say as much, but I half-suspected he was considering selling them the designs and calling it good. He was just too busy with what he had, even with the two new employees he’d hired. And while one was a seasoned tailor who was new in town, the other was an apprentice and required as much work as he produced at the moment.

  I thought he was working too hard, but once he got past the sickness and exhaustion of the first trimester, he had tons of energy. More than me.

  And now as my gaze wandered over his body, my stomach tightened and my cock took note. I turned away hoping he hadn’t noticed my hard-on.

  Jason headed for his car. “Follow me as you don’t know where the clinic is.”

  “I thought we’d go together.” I couldn’t see the point of us taking two cars.

  “But I’m headed to the shop afterwards.”

  “I thought you took the day off.” My voice rose. “That was the plan.”

  “It was. It is, but I need to check that Keith and Andrew have things under control. Sebastian took the day off to close on his new place.”

  “Fine,” I agreed. “But there’s no need for both of us to drive there.”

  “I’ll do it,” Jason insisted.

  “No, let me.”

  “Why?” He made a face. “Because you’re the big strong alpha?”

  Yes. My alpha instincts had come bubbling to the surface since Jason had announced his pregnancy. I was constantly tamping them down. “You have a lot going on with the pregnancy and work, not to mention the stress of what we are to one another.”

  Jason crossed his arms over his bump. “I can still get behind the wheel.”

  “I know. But I’d like to drive us to our…your first ultrasound.”


  This was an argument we’d been having since I moved in next door. How to manage ‘us’. We’d arranged to eat dinner together every day and that had worked well. We’d sit and watch TV after the meal, and I’d do the dishes because Jason stubbornly refused to use the dishwasher I’d bought and had installed. God, I hated washing up.

  First thing in the morning, he’d give me a call and we’d chat about the day ahead. I’d done my best to ignore and bottle my emotions about us and instead concentrate on the pregnancy and the baby.

  It was hard, though, wanting to caress him, give him a kiss or yank his pants down and suck his dick. I’d offered to do all three, but so far all he’d let me do was give him a foot massage. It had turned us both on and we’d been left panting. And unsure where that left us. Horny was where it left me. Damn!

  Jason engineered him and his belly into my passenger seat. “The last time I sat here was the night you moved in next door.”

  “I remember,” I told him.

  “You do?”

  “Of course. Don’t sound so surprised. I’ll never forget the look on your face when you discovered I’d bought Barry’s house.”

  “Ummm. I have a confession. I was worried we’d be on top of one another with you being next door.”

  “Jason, I’d love to be on top of you.” I stole a look at him as I stopped at a red light. Two pinks spots appeared on his cheeks. I loved it when he got all squirmy at the mention of sex. He was so old-fashioned in some ways.

  He peered out the window. “It’s worked well, and I’m glad you did it.”

  “Me too.”
As I turned into the clinic parking lot, I gripped the wheel tightly. “I’m nervous.”

  “About the ultrasound?” he asked. “It doesn’t hurt.” He squeezed my hand.

  “But what if…?” I couldn’t finish the sentence.

  Jason placed a finger on my lips and said, “It’ll be fine.”

  Everything outside the car blurred and faded. A group of kids waiting to cross the road, the traffic coming to a halt at the corner, a horn beeping and birds chirping in the trees behind the building. It was him and me. And baby makes three.

  He took my hand and put it on his bump. The baby wriggled under my palm. “You see,” Jason explained. “Our son or daughter is saying, “Don’t worry, Daddy.’”

  And in that moment, I believed him.

  When the technician put the gel on Jason’s belly and glided the wand over it, the thumping of our child’s heartbeat was the only sound in the room. Jason’s voice cracked as he said, “Told you.”

  “Mmmm.” I couldn’t say anything else. The words choked in my throat as tears threatened to spill over my cheeks. I blinked them away and concentrated on the technician pointing out our little one was sucking its thumb.

  “Do you want to find out the sex?” the technician asked.

  Did we? My gaze locked on Jason’s blue eyes, and we both shook our heads at the same time. His quivering bottom lip and nails digging into my palm let me know how this was affecting him. “No, thanks,” I gulped. “It’ll be a surprise.”

  “Okay.” She printed off a pic and left us alone. Jason made no attempt to get dressed as I put my arm over his shoulder and we stared at the grainy black-and-white photo.

  “That’s our baby, Rex.” Jason’s eyes glimmered with unshed tears as I lost the battle and my cheeks were streaked with wetness. He buried his face in my chest, and I lost track of time while cradling him.

  “Forget work today. Keith will call if there are any problems. Let’s go home.”



  I called Keith and he reassured me that things were fine at the shop. Andrew was a quick learner and Keith was...Keith.

  Things had been insane there, especially after I got mad at the entire fashion world and had to design my own paternity clothing. How no one had realized that pregnant men didn’t want to wear the equivalent of oversized t-shirts and sweats was beyond me. I was now selling them as fast as I could make them, even with my high price point. If I had more time, I could put quite a little nest egg away doing them, but I didn’t. Business was booming and suits made more money.

  “Keith says he’s golden,” I told Rex. He was right. I needed the day off, and if I could spend even part of it with him...that was a double bonus.

  “Want to grab some food? Waffles maybe?” I had been thinking more of going home and snuggling on the couch, but the second he said waffles, I was all in.

  “With real syrup, not that fake stuff.” I picked my phone out of the cup holder and started a search. “I’ll find us someplace.”

  “Trust me?” he asked, pressing the ignition.

  It was such a loaded question. Did I trust him? To find me syrup? Of course. That was a no-brainer. But on the important things? Had he asked even a week ago, I’d have hemmed and hawed, but ever since he fell to his knees on my stoop, he’d done nothing but prove to me time and time again that he was not only worthy of my trust, but that he’d deserved it all along.

  The same couldn’t be said for me. I’d been the one to mess all things up. It was me who jumped to conclusions and then acted on them in the most childish manner possible. It was me who didn’t listen when he tried to explain. It was me who almost ruined a chance at love.

  “It wasn’t meant to be a difficult question. I’m sorry my actions deemed it so.” His hand squeezed my knee. “I just meant I knew a place with great waffles and all kinds of syrup, including Vermont maple syrup.”

  “I know and the answer is yes. I do trust you. I trust you with waffles. I trust you with our baby. I trust you with my heart.” I placed my hand on his. “I just wish I could trust me. Trust me not to ruin what we have here. I want more, Rex. Timing be damned. I want more.”


  “I’m sorry. We can go now.” Great. Leave it to me to make things worse.

  “Never, ever be sorry for telling me how you feel.” I heard the rustle of him moving in his seat as his hand came up to my cheek and guided me gently to look at him. “I was silent because you had just given me everything I’ve been dreaming for and I wanted to respond correctly. Failed it.” He leaned in and I met him halfway. He spoke against my lips, “I want everything.”

  He kissed me sweetly. Too sweetly. I wanted more—so much more.

  “Now let’s get you some waffles.”

  I squirmed in my seat, trying to nonchalantly adjust my now-aching cock. I’d have felt bad, except he was doing it too, which I took as a good sign—a very good sign.

  He drove us to a little hole-in-the-wall place I’d never heard off that had the most delicious waffles and more topping choices than I ever imagined possible.

  “Thanks for my waffles.” I held his hand on the way back to the car. “We could come here every weekend for years and still not try everything on the menu.” I might have been exaggerating, but not by much.

  “I’d be okay with that—making this a regular thing, I mean.” He opened the car door for me.

  “Yeah,” I climbed in, not loving how ungainly I was and knowing it was only going to get worse as my belly grew—as our baby grew. “I would too.” I reached back to grab the seat belt only to have it handed to me by Rex.

  “Here.” He kissed the top of my head and closed the door as I buckled up.

  I loved how things had changed already, just subtle signs of affection and words of affirmation he’d not spoken before. I was so filled with happy I could barely contain it. If I hadn’t been such a scaredy cat, this could have been my life weeks ago.

  Or maybe not. Maybe we needed the time to get to know each other without the pressure of sex, of romance, of...more.

  “What are you thinking?” Rex sat down in the driver's seat.

  “All kinds of things. But mostly about getting naked,” I blurted out.

  “With me?” I couldn’t tell if he was being silly or not. Did he really think there might be someone else? “Or because you ate too much?” Oh…

  “Yeah, with you, and I did eat too much.” Not that I regretted one single bite. “But no pressure.”

  “Oh there’s lots of pressure—against my zipper.” I couldn’t help but giggle at his sass.

  “Maybe you need a better tailor.”

  “Maybe I already have all the tailor I need.” He squeezed my knee and then put his hand back on the wheel as he backed out of the spot and drove us home.

  “Which door would you like me to walk you to?” Rex asked, putting the car in park.

  “Will you be with me at either place?” I asked, unsure if he wanted to know where we were doing this or if we even were.

  “I will be where you want and how you want, omega mine. You might not realize this yet, but your heart has to recognize that I am yours—all of me.” He clicked open his door and climbed out, walking around the front of his car, the front of his pants deliciously tight.

  “I think we need to get a better car—one that sits higher off the ground.” He helped me out of my seat.

  “Agreed.” Because at this rate I wasn’t going to be able to get out on my own soon and that would be just plain embarrassing.

  “Want to come inside? We can peruse new cars that are suitable for families?” he asked.

  Families. I liked that. I closed the distance between us and brought my lips to his ear, “Can we do it naked?”

  He scooped me into his arms.

  I guess that answered that.



  Leaning over Jason’s shoulder, I asked, “How do you want to do this?” I was worried I’
d hurt him, not knowing if sticking my cock inside him would harm the baby. I was a novice at pregnancy sex.

  “Slow and easy, okay? You’re not going to be pounding my brains out.” He got on his side and bent one knee. Light shining in the through the parted curtains had the slick coating his ass glistening. I ran my hand through it and rubbed the sticky, slipperiness over my stiff length.

  Getting into position with my cock in one hand, I snuggled behind him. “Can you bend both knees or is that too hard?” I whispered.

  “I can manage.” Now his butt was pressed against my groin.

  “Mmmm.” He pushed his ass back and wriggled, blanketing me in wetness. “I need your dick, Rex. Inside me.”

  Part of me was uneasy as my natural instinct was to plow into him. I took a few deep breaths, telling myself to go slow. Using my fingers, I probed his tight puckered entrance, and he groaned. “I like that. More, please.”

  With my lips nibbling Jason’s shoulder, I eased a finger inside up to the knuckle. We both panted, and Jason arched his back. I paused and asked, “Is that okay?”

  “Yeah. Try two fingers. Or even three.” He dug his nails into my thigh as I pushed my fingers into him and slowly withdrew. “In and out, Rex. Fuck me. I won’t break.”

  As I finger-fucked him, my cock was begging to be in Jason’s tight, snug channel. His grunts echoed around the room while droplets of sweat slid over his belly. One of his hands grasped the sheet while the other reached behind to grab my length and pumped it.

  “More baby. More,” I pleaded as his hand tugged at my engorged cock while my fingers glided in and out of his warm depths.

  “Stop,” he whispered.

  I froze. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, the opposite. I’m so turned on right now and I want you inside me, but first I want to lick your cock.”

  Air whooshed out of me as I pictured my length going in and out of his mouth.

  Jason lay on his back while I turned around so I was facing his feet and straddled him. I shuffled back so I hovered over his head and my dick lolled over his lips. I trembled at the thought of him sucking me, and I got up on my knees.


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