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Love at Blind Date Complete Series: Books 1-4

Page 34

by Lorelei M. Hart

  He lifted his arms and grabbed my thighs while his tongue slid along the side of my shaft. I yelped. My eyes were on his lips as they parted again, and he licked the tip of my dick like a lollipop.

  Goosebumps prickled over my skin as his tongue skimmed over my balls. “Jesus freaking Christ!” I yelled.

  “He won’t help you,” Jason mumbled as he parted his lips and swallowed my dick. His warm mouth sucked my length, and I moved my hips forward, being careful not to choke him. As I closed my eyes, I pictured my cock, moving in and out of his mouth. His warm, wet, soft mouth. He pressed his lips against me and allowed his teeth to graze my shaft.

  My knees wobbled and heated blood hummed in my veins as my breathing came in spurts and starts. But I wanted to be inside him. Needed to take him at the same time as I was giving him pleasure.

  My cock slid out of Jason’s mouth as I moved and sat beside him. “You don’t wanna keep going?” Jason asked me breathlessly.

  “Of course, I do,” I answered, “but I want to be inside you.” I got behind Jason, so we were spooning, though I had to shuffle a little so my length was in the right position. Was this going to work? “Bend your knees again, babe,” I instructed as I heaved his ass onto my right hip. Now my dick was aligned with his entrance. My fingers slid to his wet hole and I whispered, “Ready?”


  I eased in, stopping while he caught his breath, pushing in a little farther each time until I was buried deep inside him. Sticking my tongue in his ear, I said, “God, you’re so tight.” I pulled out so only the tip remained and glanced down at my length, glistening with slippery slick.

  Gently, I bucked my hips so my length glided in and out of Jason. Each gentle thrust sent molten desire coursing through me while every gasp, whimper, and moan from him lit a fire deep inside me.

  Each time I flicked his ear with my tongue, Jason groaned and squeezed around my dick. A savage lust burned in me and flames licked over my body as he moaned my name and gripped my thigh. While I pushed into his slick heat, he shuddered and something primitive stirred in me.

  I kissed his shoulder, and as we both panted and I got closer to orgasm, Jason reached back and gripped my neck. I wanted to possess this man in and out of the bedroom.

  “Rex!” he squealed as I splintered and my seed spurted into him while a stream of cum erupted from his cock.


  “Hey,” Jason’s head was snuggled into my armpit.

  “Are you hiding?” I asked.

  “Nope. Just enjoying that after-sex glow and also at me taking a sick day from work.” His hand reached out and fumbled for his phone, but I grabbed it and placed it on my semi-hard dick.

  “This is much more interesting than checking your messages,” I told him.

  “Mmmm, I agree.” His skillful fingers wrapped around my cock causing it to swell further. But as my breathing quickened and I caressed his bump, Jason’s stomach grumbled and my hand froze. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

  I kissed the top of his head. “You need to eat.”

  “Are you going to bound out of bed and cook me a three-course meal?”

  “Nah,” I told him. “Delivery only. What do you want?”

  As I scrolled through the options on my phone, Jason nudged me with his elbow. “Look at you using apps. I’m impressed.” He clapped.

  “Ha. Ha. Ha.”

  He turned over and rubbed his ass over me. “Wake me when the food arrives. I’m going to take a quick nap.”

  “Maybe you should think about going on paternity leave sooner rather than later?” I ran my hand over his ass and climbed out of bed ready to hit the shower.


  “Well, you don’t have to worry about money now. Perhaps you’d like to give up work completely and stay home with the baby?”

  “Seriously?” Jason sat up, flung off the covers and collected his clothes. “You’re an ass, Rex.”

  “What just happened? I was being helpful.” Wasn’t I? “Trying to come up with a solution to make things easier.”

  “Co-parenting means we need to coordinate and share, not use our extreme wealth to steamroll the other person.”

  “But you’re tired, and I thought you’d enjoy being able to do what you want, when you want it.”

  “I love my work. And while I’ll take some time off before and after the birth, I’m not giving it up. Why don’t you stay home, cook, clean,and look after our child?” He tapped his foot on the floor while grasping his clothes in one hand.

  “I… ummm… well… I hadn’t given… it’s not…” He’s right. I just assumed. Way to fuck things up, Rex.

  “Didn’t think so,” Jason snarked. He stomped out of the bedroom and flung open the front door, clad only in his briefs and oversized shirt. “But you’re right about one thing. This place does have a certain aroma. I get a whiff of it each time I walk in the door. I blamed Barry, but perhaps the stink comes from your inflated ego.”

  He slammed the door in my face, and by the time the delivery guy arrived, I’d lost my appetite.



  I never learn. I never fucking learn. We had the picture-perfect day, and I what? I let my hormones block my sense of reason, and then after I fucked up, I let my pride get in the way of crawling back and apologizing.

  I would apologize, though. I just needed to do it right. Why Rex still put up with me was beyond me. A nagging part of me questioned if it was all about the baby or not, and I shut that shit down. I had enough to worry about without second-guessing his intentions. I’d been there, done that, worn the heartache.

  “Why are you so grumpy, boss?” Keith asked as Sebastian and Andrew went on a coffee run...or in my case a tea run.

  “These hormones are no fucking joke.” I spoke candidly. “One minute life is great, the next everything bothers me, and I see it for the crazy it is but I can’t rein it in.” I sighed. “I fucked up with Rex.”

  “So un-fuck it up.” Because of course it was as easy as that. “I’m serious. Everyone knows that pregnancy makes you crazy, and not you specifically, but you as in people in general. As long as you don’t hide behind that, things will work out. Rex is a good guy. I know you haven’t always seen that in him, and it sounds like you had reasons not to, but trust me. He’s a keeper.”

  “Who’s a keeper?” Rex startled us both. That’s what we got for leaving the door propped open on a nice spring day.

  “Some guy I met on the app,” Keith lied. “I need to go get something to eat. Want anything, guys?”

  We both declined and watched as Keith left, closing the door behind him. I sent him a silent thank-you for that.

  “I need some suits.” Rex rubbed his chin. “It seems mine aren’t quite up to par, and from what I’ve seen and heard, you have the best ones in town.”

  “We have nothing on the racks, sir.” I played along with his pretense, trying to figure out how best to apologize. “There is a wait and the price is not value-mart comparable.”

  “Quality is worth it. I’m a size—”

  I held my hand up to him.

  “Here we don’t do sizes, we measure.” I walked around the counter and to the fitting area, crooking my finger for him to follow. “Normally, this is very platonic, but seeing it’s you…” I patted the stool for him to stand on… “it might be a little different.”

  His eyes widened and he rubbed his hands together. “I certainly hope so.”

  “Stop it,” I hissed, though I couldn’t stop a smile from escaping.

  “Does this mean I’m forgiven?” he asked as he took off his suit jacket. He’d been right, mine were nicer even though there was some quality to his. He’d probably paid as much as I normally charged too, which was why my business was growing.

  “I’m the one that should be asking forgiveness. I allowed myself to spiral, and you meant well.” I grabbed my tape and notepad.

  “How many were you thinking...suit-wise?” I asked, me
aning what kind of suit.

  “I don’t know. Maybe twenty?”

  I stood up, giving him my best fuck you glance. So much for me fixing things. I was already pissed.

  “Why would you do that? Come in here and try to buy twenty fucking suits?” I barked.

  “I just thought—you mentioned money, and I wanted to help and I…fuck.”

  “This is me, Rex. This store—this brand—it’s me. And I know I don’t make the money you do, and quite honestly, I never will. Shit, I was in the red so long I wasn’t sure I’d ever even break even, but this is mine. Mine.”

  I started to walk away. “You can leave now.”

  “Jason,” he called to me as I reached my workstation. “Please don’t do this. I keep putting my foot in my mouth and I don’t mean to.” He pushed out his lower lip in an adorable pout, and I rolled my eyes.

  “Stop that!” But dagnabbit, his sincerity had me second-guessing my reaction. Which I needed to do with everything the rate I was going.

  “Tell me you don’t think your job is more important than mine,” I challenged.

  “It’s not that it isn’t important, it’s just babies need money.” He snapped his mouth shut.

  “Babies have been born and raised in non-wealthy homes since the beginning of time. In fact, this may surprise you, but that’s how most kids grow up.”

  “It’s how I grew up.” He rubbed his hand over his eyes. “I was trying to be helpful.”

  “Because you have a job of worth, while I have a hobby.”

  He opened his mouth and closed it three times. There was my answer.

  “And that’s how it is.” The question was, was I okay with that.

  The door jingled and in came a customer carrying a pile of clothing.

  “May I help you?” I asked as he approached the workspace I was at.

  “Your sign says you do next-day hemming?” Which had been Andrew’s idea and a good one, even though he was only an apprentice. It kept him busy a chunk of the day and brought in new people. Win-win.

  “We do. Let’s get you measured up.”

  Ignoring Rex, I had the guy try on pair after pair of pants and I pinned them accordingly. His one leg was just a tad shorter than the other, and I could see why he went the tailor route versus a do-it-yourself option like he had walked in with.

  “I’ve never had anyone do this before.”

  “It is much easier than doing it yourself.” I ignored the quality issues, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

  “No, I mean, have me try them on. Usually they just ask my inseam and call it good,” he confessed. Ewww a tailor was charging for that quality.

  “Well, I hope you’ll be pleased with our work. I’ll go write this up while you get changed.”

  I walked to the register and filled out the invoice, focusing on not watching Rex. He might not see the importance of my job, but when people like my current customer came in, I did. Tomorrow the guy would pick up his pants and be able to go to work in confidence because of what we did here—of what I started here.

  Now if only Rex could see that.



  Why do I always say the wrong thing with Jason? That rarely happens when I’m hammering out the details of a contract at work.

  My omega was pissed at me—again. I was getting dizzy with me fucking things up, Jason getting annoyed, and then me apologizing. Things were never easy. But then didn’t someone much smarter than me say, “Life wasn’t meant to be easy”?

  We rubbed one another the wrong way like sandpaper on rough concrete and yet despite our differences, we’d managed to get rid of some of the rough edges and were muddling along sort of okay. At least I thought so. Maybe I should find out once I’d stopped driving him crazy.

  I watched as he expertly helped his customer, keeping everything positive even as anyone who’d seen the man’s current attire could tell he had a half-ass job at best from his previous tailor. There was something mesmerizing about watching Jason in his element. This shop really was an extension of him.

  “Guys, why don’t you take your lunch break. Our next appointment isn’t for an hour,” Jason said as Keith and two other assistants walked in with a tray of hot beverages. At first they looked confused, looking from Jason to me and back, but then as if the lightbulb turned on, they agreed and scuttled out of the shop.

  “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings,” I said. “But if you’re trying to make me feel bad for creating a successful business, I won’t do that.”

  “Do you hear yourself, Rex?”

  “Ummm… yes. Nothing wrong with my hearing,” I replied.

  Jason tapped on my skull with a rolled-up fist. “Knock, knock. Is anyone there?”

  “Owww. That hurts.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Oh please, you’re being a big baby.”

  I stuck out my bottom lip. It was my thing but I wasn’t sure it worked on my cranky omega.

  “Thank you for proving my point.” Jason gestured toward me, reminding me of a game show host. “And here we are, ladies and gentlemen, omegas and alphas, boys and girls. Exhibit A.”

  “You’re being ridiculous.”

  “Says the alpha giving me a pout that would impress a toddler.” But he cracked a smile when I stuck out my tongue. “Stop that right now.”

  “Won’t.” I stomped my foot and took a step toward him.

  He backtracked. “Stay away from me, you fiend.”

  “Don’t want to.” I stuck a thumb in my mouth and sucked.

  Jason giggled as he waddled behind the counter.

  “You can’t escape, you know.”

  Jason paused and inspected his nails. And then in a very small voice he said, “Don’t want to.”

  I leaned over the counter so we were face to face. His cool breath washed over me and reminded me of the tropical breeze during my vacation. “Say that again. For the people across the street who didn’t hear it the first time.”

  “You’re an idiot.”

  “That isn’t news, but just in case there are people who don’t know…” I opened the shop door and cupped my hands around my mouth. “Hey, everyone. I’m an idiot.”

  “You’re insane,” Jason muttered.

  “Probably, but taking a chance on my brother’s dating app was the best thing I’ve ever done.”

  “Me too.”

  I stroked his cheek and examined his big blue eyes. There was a softness to them that I’d only caught glimpses of previously. He put a hand over mine, and it was the sexiest, most romantic gesture I’d ever witnessed. Something stirred inside me and it wasn’t my cock.

  “But let’s get something straight,” he whispered. “My job is just as valuable as yours. As is Keith’s and Andrew’s and Sebastian’s.” He gestured outside. “And the sanitation workers and grocery store workers. Everyone’s working hard, and you don’t matter more than anyone else just because you’re exceptionally good at wheeling and dealing and make a lot of money.”

  I raised a brow and winked. “Shame you’re at work. I’m in the mood for wheeling and dealing.” I glanced toward the back of the shop. “Does the fitting room have a lock on it?”

  A delightful pink flush spread over Jason’s throat and cheeks. “You’re outrageous.”

  I took a chance and pecked him on the lips. “And you love it.”

  We both froze. The L word. It wasn’t so long ago we were going to be co-parenting while ignoring any feelings we had for one another. When did that change?

  “I might do.” There was an underlying tremor in his voice. “What about you?”

  I’d imagined this moment years ago. Finding Mr. Omega Right. And I’d always assumed it would hit me like a train, but instead it was similar to water seeping into parched earth. First the soil was dry and crumbly. It was unworkable. Then gradually it became moist, and finally it had absorbed enough water so the gardener could dig, plant, and reap the benefits of a beautiful garden.

  “I feel the same.
” I took a deep breath. “And you’re right. No job, no amount of money, makes one person more worthy than another.”


  “Double wow!” I slid over the counter in what anyone who knew me would call being overly dramatic and took Jason in my arms. We fit together perfectly even with the bump between us. He rested his head on my shoulder while I rubbed his back.

  I wanted us to stay like that, but the clock ticking on the wall above Jason’s head reminded me Keith and the others would return soon. “I have a suggestion.”

  Jason didn’t move but said, “Go on.”

  “How about we hire a manny?”

  “Great idea. You need discipline and guidance.” Jason sniggered and nuzzled my throat.

  I squeezed his ass. “For the baby. Then some days the manny and our little one can come to work with you, and other days they’ll be with me.”

  “That’s a great idea.” He kissed my ear.

  “We both get to be with our son or daughter, do what we love at work, and then… hopefully come together as a family in the evening.”

  “Who knew you were so smart?”

  I pulled away. “If you weren’t pregnant, I’d put you over my knee and spank you.”

  He shivered and goosebumps covered his arms. “Will you take a rain check?”

  Glancing at my dick that was outlined and swelling under my pants, I sighed, “Guess I’ll have to. But I’m sure I can arrange some late afternoon delight when you finish work.”

  His employees appeared outside, and Jason waved them in. “You’re just in time. I was about to call security and have this guy kicked out.” The wicked grin on his face had me anticipating the evening ahead.



  “I brought goodies!” Rex walked through the door of my shop with a bakery bag and a couple of cups of what I assumed were tea. Gods I missed coffee, but the aroma of it just sent my stomach into mutiny.


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