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Daddy's Bite: Paranormal Age Play

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by Jayda Marx

  Daddy’s Bite

  Love Bites: Book 1

  M/M Paranormal Age Play Romance

  Jayda Marx

  Author’s Note

  This M/M romance features my take on vampires and other paranormal beings. They share many (but not all) attributes of vampires found in other fictional works. This world is different from those found in my other paranormal series, and the vampires’ properties differ as well. This low angst book contains insta-love between fated mates on a fast track romance, steamy scenes, a touch of danger, and age play between a powerful vampire Daddy and his sweet human little. Together, they explore elements including diapers and latching. Thank you for taking a look and happy reading!

  Chapter One

  I lifted my wrist to my mouth and ordered into the microphone there, "Report in."

  "1st Street through 16th Street are clear," Soren’s voice answered through my earpiece.

  "So are 17th through 30th," Remus added.

  "Stay alert and report any suspicious activity immediately."

  "Yes, sir," they both answered.

  My two best security guards were accompanying me in the city as we searched for a pack of rogue coyote shifters. The police chief contacted me earlier in the evening to ask for assistance when he heard that the group had been seen on the outskirts of town.

  We often stepped in to help the police force when paranormal matters were involved. Though we had difficulties in the past, in general, paranormal beings and humans lived in peace, and had for nearly a century. We minded our own business and lived our own lives. But every now and then, an issue arose. In this case, it came in the form of coyote shifters.

  Normally, shifters and vampires aren’t so different; we live in covens or packs full of our brethren and focus on our safety and livelihood. But when rogues are involved, all ‘typical’ behavior goes out the window. They are beings who refuse to conform to rules and structure. They answer to no one, and live for chaos and destruction. And that’s where I come in.

  I offered my help to the police decades ago. At first, they were unsure about joining forces with a vampire, but after a few rogue attacks caused casualties of their men, they changed their tune. Vampires are stronger, faster, and more resilient than humans, and therefore better equipped to fight other paranormal beings who have many of the same properties.

  And so, any time the police reach out to me for assistance, I answer the call. This is my city too, and I am drawn to protect its citizens’ innocent human lives against forces too strong for them to fight. All of the members in my coven under my rule are honor bound to aid and protect.

  I have the utmost faith in my security team to protect our people and the people of our city, but I always join them on missions. As Coven Master, I’m stronger than any of my coven, and also have extra talents and abilities ingrained in me as the head of our coven; gifts granted by Fate to allow me to look after my kind.

  My earpiece crackled and Soren’s voice came through. “Rogues spotted on East 4th Street chasing a human. I’m in pursuit.”

  Damn. I was on the opposite side of town at 47th Street. I replied into my mic, “Remus, meet us there. I’m on my way.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Despite the late hour, the roadways were packed with vehicles full of people hustling and bustling as usual. It would be a maze to navigate...but I had a faster way to travel.

  I leapt straight up and clung to the building next to me just over the second story window. I quickly scaled the side of the building, my balance and stealth allowing me to move as well vertically as if I were running along the sidewalk.

  Once I made it over the ledge and onto the roof, I sprinted at top speed towards the other side and hurdled across the gap to the next rooftop. I vaulted from building to building so quickly, I’d be but a blur to human eyes. I knew every inch of the city, whether I was at ground level or gliding above it.

  When I came upon 4th Street, my attention was caught by a snarling group of coyotes in their animal forms, bolting into an alleyway with Soren following closely behind. I plunged off of the roof, dropping between two tall buildings and landing on the ground in a crouch.

  Soren was chasing the small pack towards a solid brick wall at the end of the alleyway. Yes! They’ll be trapped. But no such luck; the pack shifted into their human forms to scale up and over the wall.

  Great, that’s just what this city needs; a group of butt ass naked men running around causing trouble. I hoped they changed back into their animal forms once they cleared the wall, though I wasn’t sure which would be less shocking for the city’s inhabitants.

  Soren leapt over the wall in one bound, and I sprinted towards it...until my feet stopped on their own accord and I nearly fell flat on my face. What the hell? I stood perfectly still and took stock of my surroundings, trying to figure out why my body defied me; I had to be missing something important.

  Worried a shifter may be hiding in the shadows, I sniffed the air to detect any traces of the scent. But what I smelled instead sent my heart racing; a faint mixture of the sweetest blood and pheromones I’d ever encountered. The aroma lingered in the air and as it filled my lungs, my body came alive.

  The hairs on my neck stood upright as what felt like electricity skittered across my skin. My fangs dropped and burned with the need to bite and claim. My soul rejoiced as my brain buzzed with realization; my mate was near.

  Every vampire dreamed of the day they’d meet their mate; the one promised to them by Fate. A vampire’s mate was their perfect match in every way; the answer to every desire, fantasy and need in their heart. After six hundred ninety four years of waiting, I wondered if my desires were too unique to be matched, but Fate had not forsaken me. She’d blessed me with my forever love, and he was only steps from me.

  I listened for any sign of him, and it came in the form of quiet whimpers and sniffles from behind a pile of cardboard boxes and garbage bags. My mate was crying while hidden amongst trash and it broke my heart.

  “What’s wrong?” sounded from my right. I turned to find Remus at my side, but before I could answer, he held his hand up and snarled, “Someone’s hiding.” He took a step towards the boxes, but I grabbed his wrist to keep him still.

  “No!” When he gave me a curious look, I explained quietly, “The man who is hiding...he’s mine. He’s my mate.”

  Remus’ eyes sparkled as he smiled. “Congratulations.” He was mated to a lovely woman named Beatrice and knew all about the wonders that came with it. After just a moment, his smile vanished and he asked, "Where's Soren?"

  Fuck. I was so consumed by having my mate near that I completely forgot about Soren. "He chased the shifters over that wall. We need to follow him." Try as I might, I couldn't get my feet to move. I couldn't leave my mate without meeting him, and especially not when he was so upset. No matter what, he would always come first in my life.

  "Stay with your mate; it sounds like he needs you."

  "I hate to leave you alone."

  Remus patted my back. "A few mangy mutts are no match for two vampire guards." I was still unconvinced until he added, "I promise if we need you, we'll call." I nodded; it was for the best. I knew I couldn't fully focus on the pack when my mate was in need. Remus bolted down the alley and over the wall.

  I couldn't wait to meet my mate; to hold him and talk him through whatever was upsetting him, so I walked over to the pile of rubbish. But when I went to move one of the boxes, the sniffling grew louder and a panicked voice cried out, "Go away! Leave me alone!"

  I quickly removed my hands from the cardboard and took a step back. "I'm sorry I frightened you. I mean you no harm."

  "You're trying to trick me. Y
ou're one of those mean dog men and you're going to eat me!"

  Dog men? Oh shit. My mate was the person who the shifters were chasing, and he must have ducked behind the trash to hide.

  "I promise you that I'm not a coyote shifter." I was a blood drinking, powerful master vampire. Obviously, I wasn't going to tell him that just yet. "They're all gone, and I just want to help you."

  "I don't believe you."

  I took another step back and sighed. I couldn't blame him for being afraid, but it hurt that he was afraid of me. I would forever protect, nurture and love my mate, but of course he didn't know that yet. As far as he knew, I was just some creep in an alley. I had to make him see that I was different than the beings that had chased and terrified him.

  I took a seat on the cold, hard asphalt on the other side of the boxes. "So, do you live around here?" I hoped not; this certainly wasn't the best part of town. My mate was silent, so I assumed he didn't hear me and asked more loudly, "Do you live near here?" When he still didn't answer, I asked, "Can you hear me?" He could just a minute ago.

  "Yes, but I don't talk to strangers," he finally replied, and a smile stretched across my face. He was too damn adorable.

  "That's very smart, but we don't have to be strangers. Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Nikolai."

  After a moment's pause, he asked, "Do people call you Niko?"

  People only referred to me by my name, sir, or 'Master' as a sign of respect. "You may call me Niko if you like." There was another name I craved to hear on his lips, but it wasn't the time to bring it up.

  "My name's Israel."

  "That's a very pretty name." It was lyrical and unique; I'd never met anyone with the name, and I'd been around a long time.

  "Thank you." I was glad to hear that his voice was much calmer. "Are the bad men really gone?"

  "I swear it." Israel sighed in relief. "Did they hurt you?" May god have mercy on them if they touched my mate.

  "No, but I think they wanted to. They saw me leaving work and followed me. When I started running, they ran too. I was so scared that I...I started crying," he added quietly, and my heart shattered. "They thought it was funny."

  "Israel, I'm so sorry," I offered, but his story wasn't over yet.

  "I tripped and fell when I ran into the alley and I scraped up my knees. Then I saw the boxes and crawled back here."

  That explained the scent of his blood. "May I see your knees? I want to make sure you're okay." The need to care for my mate was already deep seated within me.

  "I can't come out," Israel replied with fear and shame in his voice.

  "It's okay; we're not strangers anymore, remember?"

  "I just can't." He started to cry again and I kicked myself for being so forward. He'd been through a lot and it made sense that he'd be leery.

  "Hey, hey, it's okay," I soothed. "You can stay right there. I'm enjoying our conversation."

  "Thanks." He sniffed hard and said, "I do live close; just a few blocks from here actually."

  Damn. I was familiar with the living arrangements on this end of town, and they were not up to the level of safety, comfort or cleanliness that I wished for my mate.

  "And you work close by too?"

  "Yes, at Al's." I knew Al's; it was a greasy spoon with low quality food and questionable health codes. I'd never eaten there personally, which is why I'd never crossed paths with my mate.

  "Do you always work so late?" It was nearly eleven o'clock at night; much later than I was comfortable with Israel being out, especially in this area.

  "Yeah. I do the dishes on evening shifts and close up almost every night."

  I bit my cheek to keep from insisting that he quit immediately; my mate deserved better than working late hours on his feet. Besides, I could provide him with everything he needed; it was not only my wish, but my duty. It wasn’t a good idea to bring up my request; we’d just met, and Israel had no idea about our eternal bond or my love for him.

  My body flinched when a voice came over my earpiece again; I worried that Soren and Remus needed my help and I’d have to leave my mate. But I was relieved when Soren announced, “We’ve run the shifters out of city limits and into the neighboring forest. We’re at the mouth of the woods; should we follow and engage?”

  I wanted them to. I wanted my guards to follow them into the forest and rip them to shreds for scaring Israel. But when it came down to it, they hadn’t hurt him. I could guess what they may have done if they caught him, but I had no proof of their intentions. Besides that, there was no way of knowing just how many shifters waited in the forest. There were only two of my men and I wouldn’t put them in harm’s way.

  “Negative,” I whispered into my microphone. “I don’t want you risking your lives. They’re gone and the city is safe for tonight. I doubt they’ll return, but call into the coven and place a few guards at the treeline to monitor activity. Report back to me but keep out of sight; my mate is skittish.”

  “Copy that,” Soren replied. “Congratulations on finding your mate, sir.” Soren was mated as well, and had been for many decades. It was difficult for a master to be utterly alone when many of his coven members were complete and happy, but none of that mattered now, because I’d found my future. “We’ll make the call and then head your way to stay close by if you need us. Over and out.”

  “What do you do?” Israel’s sweet voice asked from behind the cardboard wall that separated us. My heart warmed at the fact that he wanted to know more about me as well.

  “I run a large business uptown.” If he asked for more information, I’d give it to him, but I was trying to be discreet; my business was a multi-million dollar corporation that manufactured a blood substitute that was used by humans and vampires alike.

  To live in harmony, it was imperative that vampires no longer used humans as a food source, but we still needed to feed on blood or we would perish. It took a century of engineering and testing to create a product that could sustain a vampire’s life force, while being safe for human transfusion use as well in the event of a blood shortage. The product had saved countless human lives and created peace between species; I was proud of my coven’s work and achievements.

  But everyone knew that a vampire ran the corporation, and I was trying to take things slow with Israel. He was understandably nervous about the ‘dog men’ and I didn’t want him to think less of me if he found out I wasn’t human. I would be honest with him; I must, considering that now that I’d met my mate, the blood substitute would do me no good. My body would reject it. I had to feed from my beloved human mate to survive. But I needed a little more time before I disclosed the truth.

  “I was just enjoying a nice stroll through the city when I heard the commotion and wanted to check on you,” I lied.

  “You walk around the city at night? For fun?” he asked, sounding shocked and making me chuckle.

  “I do; the city is gorgeous at night. Don’t you think so?”

  “I guess I never really noticed. I’m always so scared when I leave work that I stare at the ground and count the squares on the sidewalk until I’m home.”

  My heart clenched. “Are you afraid of the nighttime?”

  “Yes,” he answered in a small voice.

  “Why do you work such late hours?”

  “I used to work in the daytime, waiting tables. But one day I accidentally spilled some food and Al, the owner of the diner, got mad and said I wasn’t allowed out of the kitchen anymore, so he put me in charge of dishes and said I had to work later shifts as punishment for my clumsiness.” That’s it; I want Al’s head on a pike. “I wouldn’t be afraid of the night if it weren’t so dark. I don’t like the dark. It feels so creepy and...lonely.” My sweet Israel.

  My body ached with the need to scoop him into my arms and never let him go; to protect him from everything that frightened him and fill him with so much light that it blocked out the darkness around him. I wanted to care for him not only because he was my mate, but because I w
as a Daddy.

  Every fiber of my being longed to pamper, nurture, and dote, and those instincts were magnified now that I’d met my mate. I wanted to read Israel stories and snuggle up with him and cook his meals. I wanted to sing him lullabies and rock him to sleep. I wanted to give him a life of luxury and surround him with Daddy’s love.

  I’d waited so long, it was hard not to pounce and live the life I’d dreamed of; especially since I knew it was what Israel had dreamed of as well. He hadn’t said the words, but he didn’t have to; Fate matched us together, which meant that his needs met my own. Maybe he didn’t know the terms or that the lifestyle was an option. Or, maybe he was well versed and knew exactly what he needed. It didn’t matter. The fact remained that our souls were the same, and they belonged together.

  Needing to comfort him, I said, “Look up at the sky, Izzy.” I flinched and asked, “May I call you Izzy?” I was slipping into my Daddy role deeper by the second, and the nickname just slipped out.

  “I’d like that.”

  I smiled and turned my own eyes to the sliver of sky that showed between the buildings on either side of us. There wasn’t a cloud in sight, and countless bright dots dazzled against the blackness. “Do you see all of the stars up there?”

  “There’s so many.”

  “That’s right. I bet there are more stars in the sky than there are people on this whole planet.”

  “Wow,” Izzy replied in a whisper.

  “So if you ever get lonely at night, look up and see all of those stars watching over you. They break up the gloominess and help us find our way. Even if it’s cloudy and we can’t see them, they’re always there. You’re never alone.” And he’d never be alone again; I’d always be there for him.

  “That’s really beautiful, Niko. Thank you for sharing that with me.”

  “You’re so welcome. Now, no matter how beautiful the night sky is, it’s getting very late. I’d very much like to walk you home.”

  “I...I still can’t come out,” he replied, his voice warbling again.


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