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Daddy's Bite: Paranormal Age Play

Page 2

by Jayda Marx

  My chest ached when I asked, “Are you frightened of me?”

  “No. You’re so nice and I really like talking to you. I’m afraid of so many things, but you make me feel safe.” My heart nearly beat out of my chest; it was the greatest compliment he could give me.

  “Then why can’t you come out? Are you sure you’re not injured?”

  “I’m sure.” He sniffled and added, “I’m afraid you’ll laugh at me.”

  What? “I swear on my life I would never laugh at you.”

  “But...something happened.”

  “What happened, Izzy? You can tell me.”

  Sobs pierced the air again when he explained, “When I was running from those dog men, and I got so upset...I was just so scared. I thought they were going to eat me and I...I…” He finished in such a quiet whisper that I wouldn’t have heard him if not for my keen senses. “I peed my pants.” He wailed and the shame and guilt in his voice threatened to tear me apart.

  “Oh Izzy, it’s okay. Don’t be upset, little one.” The pet name came naturally and I didn’t have a care to give; whether he knew it yet or not, Israel needed his Daddy and I was going to make him feel better, dammit. “That’s just a natural human reaction to fear.” I slithered my hand between two boxes and flapped it around until I found what felt like hair. I pet my sweet mate’s head, and his long curls slipped between my fingers.

  “That feels nice." I beamed and continued to stroke his soft hair. "Thank you for not laughing."

  "Never," I repeated seriously. "So, since you know it's not a big deal, will you come out? I want to see you."

  "But what if someone else sees and laughs at me?"

  Then I'll rip out their fucking tongue. Again, probably not the best thing to say. "Hmm…" His home was only a few blocks away, but I'd never force him to do something he was uncomfortable with. Plus, it was a little chilly out and I didn't like the idea of him being in wet pants. "I'm sure there's a shop nearby; what if I go and get you some new pants?"

  "I don't have enough money to pay for them," he replied sadly.

  "Don't you worry about that; I'm happy to buy some for you."

  The top of his head trembled against my palm as he sniffed hard. "You'd do that for me?"

  "Of course. I want to take care of you." That's something I just couldn't hide. Before he could get upset again, I asked him, "What size do you need?"

  "Either twenty eight or small." Even though I first said it because of my desire to be his Daddy, it sounded like the name 'little one' fit him physically as well. I’d yet to lay eyes on him, but he already owned my heart.

  "Stay right here where you're safe, okay?" I hated to leave him, but I knew he didn't want to come out with wet pants, and I wouldn't make him. Beyond that, I had a way to make sure he was safe. I held my wrist to my mouth and whispered, "Are you close by?"

  "Yes, sir," Remus answered. "We're at the entrance to the alleyway standing guard."

  "Perfect. I need to retrieve something for my mate and need you to watch out for him while I'm gone."

  "Of course," Soren replied.

  "Thank you."

  "Okay, I'll stay right here," Israel agreed. "Thank you, Niko. Thank you so much."

  "You're welcome, little one. I'll be back as soon as I can." I regrettably brought my hand back through the boxes and stood up. I walked away a few feet and after making sure Israel couldn't see me, I sped up the side of the building again.

  Chapter Two

  I bounced from one rooftop to the next, missing Israel more with each step between us. I studied businesses as I whipped by them, looking for an open store that would have what I needed. Finally, I came upon an all-night pharmacy; since it was a large chain store, I hoped it would have what I needed, so I dropped to the ground.

  I entered the shop and hustled through the aisles looking for supplies. It was odd to be in a pharmacy since vampires never got sick, being immune to diseases. We also were difficult to injure and had healing and regeneration powers, making medicines unnecessary. Fortunately, when we bonded, Israel would gain immunity and become more resilient.

  I was in luck; the store carried generic sweatshirts and matching pants, so I collected one of each in a shade of dark green. Normally, I would have insisted on something nicer for my mate, but I needed to get back to him quickly.

  I gathered some medical supplies for his scrapes and, trusting my instincts and our fated match, a couple of surprises I thought he would enjoy.

  I paid for everything and since the sidewalks were growing more bare as the night ticked on, I stuck to them as I hurried back through town. When I reached the alley again, Soren and Remus each gave me a smile and nod as they guarded the entrance.

  "Don't be scared, Izzy," I said as I walked along the asphalt. "It's just me."

  "Niko?" he asked from his place behind the trash pile. "That was so fast."

  "I found a store close by," I fibbed. "Here you go." I curled my arm around the corner of the boxes, offering him the bag that held his new outfit and a pack of cleansing wipes. I kept the second bag in my other hand.

  Israel took the sack and told me, "I don't know how to thank you for this."

  "No thanks necessary; I'm happy to do it."

  "You're the nicest person I've ever met." I smiled at his sweet words and took a few steps back to give him some privacy. After some shuffling sounds and the noise of the rustling plastic bag, Israel announced, “I’m ready to come out.”

  I held my breath as my heart raced inside my chest. This was the single most important moment of my life; when I’d lay eyes on my forever mate. Israel's shoes scuffled across the asphalt and my jaw dropped when he appeared from around the corner.

  He was a whole head shorter than me; the legs of the sweatpants I bought for him bunched over his shoes, even though they were size small. Israel had a slim body; I was slender as well, but also strong with lean muscles. Israel appeared almost fragile, like he needed me to protect him from anything that could harm him; to defend him with my strength and wrap him in my love.

  His chestnut brown hair fell to his shoulders in soft curls, and his chocolate colored eyes were wide and full of innocence.

  “You’re incredibly beautiful,” I told him in awe.

  “So are you.” I’d gotten compliments before on my golden locks, honey colored eyes and scruffy jaws, but they’d never meant as much as when they came from Israel’s pouty lips.

  I would happily stare at him and indulge in his beauty all night, but I had an important matter to tend to. I knelt on one knee in front of him and asked, “May I see your scrapes?” He placed the plastic bag he held (which I assumed contained his dirty clothes) on the ground, nodded and pulled the legs of his sweatpants up his shins. I helped stretch the elastic bands over his knees so that it didn’t rub against his injured skin.

  “Okay, let’s take a look.” I inspected his scratches and saw that although his skin was abraded, it thankfully wasn’t actively bleeding. “The scrapes don’t look so bad, but they need to be cleaned. I’ve got some stuff here to help.” I took a bottle of hydrogen peroxide out of the bag at my feet.

  “This may burn a bit,” I warned him, even though I wasn’t sure if it would or not, having never used the solution. Israel whimpered, but he didn’t protest when I twisted the cap off of the bottle and poured some of the liquid over his injuries. The fluid bubbled and fizzed while Israel chewed his lip.

  “You’re being very brave,” I told him, and his lip popped out from between his teeth as he smiled sweetly. When the peroxide ran clear and I was satisfied that his wounds were clean, I peeled open two bandages and draped them over his knees. “All done. How do they feel?”

  “Much better, thank you.” He smiled down at the superhero bandages I chose for him before I lowered his pant legs back down to his shoes.

  “You’re welcome.” I stood up and lifted the bag at my side. “Because you were such a good patient, I’ve got something for you.” Izzy’s eyes lit
up and he looked on excitedly. He gasped when I pulled out a swirled lollipop.

  “Oh wow, look how big it is!” The sucker was nearly as big around as his face. I saw it in the shop and couldn’t help myself. “Thank you, Niko!” He threw his arms around my waist, hugging me tightly and sending my heart into overdrive. After a slight hesitation from shock, I wrapped him in my arms as well. He was so slim, I could nearly encase him twice. I rested my cheek on the top of his head and by the time I thanked Fate for such a precious gift, Israel pulled away all too soon to pull at the wrapper of his lollipop.

  Though I hated to ruin his fun, I told him, "It's getting very late; I think you should save your treat for tomorrow."

  Izzy's shoulders slumped and though he obviously didn't like the sound of that, he sighed and replied, "Okay."

  "But I have something else for you that I hope you'll like just as much."

  "Is it more candy?" he asked excitedly, making me chuckle.

  "Nope, not candy." I once again reached into the bag and this time retrieved a light brown plush rabbit with a pink nose and long, floppy ears.

  Israel stared at the toy with wide, glistening eyes. "It's...for me?" he asked in an unreadable tone. I prayed it was hope and not confusion or disgust; he was young, appearing to be in his early twenties, and it was possible that he had never explored his interests. Maybe he didn't even understand them, and I was moving too quickly. But I understood my desires very well, and it was impossible to turn them off, so I trusted our bond and doubled down.

  "It is. I thought it might make you feel better after the tough night you've had. I think it should be nice to snuggle; it's very soft. Would you like to feel?"

  Izzy nodded and his hand trembled as it crept towards the toy and stroked the rabbit's long ears. "It is soft." He pet its stomach and smiled. "I've not had a toy in a very long time, and I've never had one like this."

  His smile gave me the confidence to ask, "Do you like it?"

  "I love it." He took the bunny from my outstretched hand and gave it a big hug. When he looked up at me, his large eyes were full of gratitude. "This means a lot to me."

  I understood; finding someone who accepted and shared your needs wasn't an easy thing. Hell, I'd been waiting over half of a millennium. I smiled at him and went to swipe a stray curl off of his forehead and tuck it behind his ear, but I recoiled my hand when he jerked away. "I'm sorry."

  "It's not you," he replied quickly. He hugged his toy tighter and explained, "It's my ear."

  "Does it hurt? I can take you back to the pharmacy."

  Izzy shook his head no. "It doesn't hurt. It's just...different. I'm afraid you'll think it's ugly."

  "That's not possible," I insisted, but when Israel seemed unconvinced, I touched his toy rabbit's head. "The store had many different animals to choose from, but I chose this one for you because its ears were different; they made it special and extra cute, and I bet the same is true for you."

  He chewed his lip again and his breathing sped up when I eased the lock of hair across his forehead. When I tucked it behind his ear, I found that it was only half there; its lobe and the bottom of the shell were missing.

  "It used to be normal," he said in a quiet voice.

  "What happened?"

  Again he squeezed and drew comfort from his toy. "I got my ear pierced when I was fifteen; I thought it looked pretty. But when I got home, my dad got really mad. He said it was bad enough that he had a fag for a son; that he didn't need me to parade around town like I was proud of myself."

  He shrugged and stared at the ground when he continued, "I offered to take it out, but instead, he took out his pocket knife and sliced it off. He said that I should look like the freak I was, and if I ever pulled a stunt like that again, I'd lose both ears."

  My blood boiled. I wanted Israel's father's head on a pike right next to his boss. But Izzy didn't need to see my vengeful side; he needed kind words and a tender touch. Maybe that's why he needed a Daddy; to experience unconditional love that it sounded like he'd been deprived of all of his life.

  I bent down to rub my cheek to his, in turn running my nose along the outside of his ear and whispered, "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but listen to what I say; you are not a freak. Nothing you desire is wrong or dirty, and you are absolutely stunning." I pressed a soft kiss to the top of his ear and when I pulled back, his eyes were glistening.

  "Thank you."

  I smiled and asked, "May I walk you home now?" When Israel nodded, I eased his sucker from his fingers and placed it back in the sack full of medical supplies. I whispered into my mic that my guards were free to go, and they wished me luck.

  I offered to carry Israel’s bag of dirty clothes, but he blushed and shook his head no. He did tuck his rabbit under his arm and let me hold his hand as we walked, and my heart sang; his skin was soft and smooth against mine, and our fingers fit together perfectly.

  I hated to stay on a sore subject, but I needed to know about Izzy's situation, and what I’d be walking into when I took him home, so I asked, “Do you still live with your father?”

  “No. He told me to leave when I turned eighteen; I haven’t spoken to him in nearly two years.”

  “What about your mother?”

  “My mother agrees with my father; she said it’s shameful that I chose to be gay and live a life of sin. I tried telling her that it wasn’t a choice, but that just made her angry. She said I was accusing her of doing something to make her child turn out so horribly.” Okay, apparently I need three pikes. “I haven’t spoken to her either.”

  “I’m so sorry.” It made my heart ache that Israel had no one in this world, but that wasn’t the case anymore.

  “It’s better this way.” I had to agree; his own father cut off his fucking ear, and both parents were ashamed of him. He didn’t need that kind of negativity in his life. I squeezed his hand and gave him a tight smile, and we walked along in silence for a while.

  Israel piped up a few minutes later, asking, "What were those creatures doing in the city tonight? I thought they were banished to the woods."

  Banished? "They live in the woods,” I corrected. “Shifters like having room to run and being connected to nature.”

  “My mom always said that they were cursed; that they must have done something terrible to be turned into lowly vermin.” Oh, for fuck’s sake. I wasn’t upset with Israel for his words; he didn’t know any better. He was just repeating what he’d heard all of his life from an ignorant woman. But I wanted to help him understand.

  “Shifters aren’t turned into anything; they’re a different species, born with the ability to change from animal form to human form. They’re very special, and most of them are as kind and civilized as you or me. But just like any species, there are good and bad shifters. That particular group was just up to no good." Israel was listening intently, and I decided to press my luck. “I have many friends who aren’t humans; cougar shifters, bear shifters...even vampires.”

  He gasped as his eyes went wide. “Vampires?” I nodded and he swallowed hard. “ can vampires have friends? They trick people into following them with their mind powers and then they lock them in a room and drink their blood every day until they die.”

  I blinked in surprise as my feet came to a stop. “Did your mother tell you that?” He nodded yes and I let go of his hand to massage my temples. Despite the medical advancements and benefits to human life that vampires had achieved over the years, there was still lingering animosity towards us from ass crabs like Israel’s mother.

  “Israel, that’s simply not true. Vampires are gifted with the ability of persuasion, but they certainly don’t use it to lure people to their deaths.” Granted, in the past, we would use it to put people in a relaxed daze so that we could feed and they wouldn’t remember the encounter, but it was a one-time thing, not a death sentence. And that had been a very long time ago. “They only use those powers when attacked, and it’s usually to avoid a fight. They’re n
ot evil creatures lurking in the darkness to kill.”

  Israel hugged his rabbit and looked down at the ground. “Are you mad at me?”

  “What? Why in the world would I be mad at you?”

  “Because I said mean things about your friends. I’m so sorry; I didn’t know.”

  I quickly realized why Israel thought I was angry with him; my fists were clenched and my brow was furrowed in at the frustration of his mother’s ignorance. I relaxed in an instant and stepped closer to him. “No, Izzy; I’m not mad at you. I’m sorry if it seemed that way. Come here, little one.” He let me wrap my arms around him and hold him against me.

  “I like it when you call me that,” he said into my chest.

  “Izzy? Or little one?”


  I chuckled into his curly hair. “Me too.” I placed a kiss to the top of his head and stepped back. “Are we getting close to your home?”

  “Mmhmm. It’s right up there.” He pointed down the street to an old, dilapidated apartment building. Though my stomach knotted up with anguish over his living conditions, I nodded and took his hand again.

  When we made it into his building, it was worse than I feared; there were cracks in the walls and holes in the threadbare carpet. Water damage stained the ceiling and lightbulbs flickered as we walked down the hall. There was an elevator, but it had caution tape stretched across it, so we took the stairs to the third floor, where I followed Israel to a warped wooden door.

  He slid a key inside the knob, but when he turned it, nothing happened. “It sticks a little,” he explained before nudging the door with his shoulder, but it remained closed. “Ouch,” he whispered, rubbing his shoulder before squaring up to try again.

  “Please allow me.” I didn’t want him to hurt himself. Israel nodded and stepped back, and I turned the knob as I knocked my shoulder into the wood. The door gave way and opened to reveal his tiny shoebox apartment.

  Israel thanked me and motioned for me to follow him inside. His entire living quarters were held in one square room. In the corner was a twin size bed, across from which was the smallest kitchen I’d ever seen; it consisted of two stacked cabinets, a hot plate, sink, mini fridge, and microwave. There was no other furniture and no television to be found, and near the front entrance was a slender door which I assumed led to the bathroom.


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