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Triple Sext: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance (Accidental Stepbrother Book 4)

Page 17

by Stephanie Brother

  Colin placed his mouth on my other nipple, and my back arched off its own accord. I’d lost control of myself and when my feet went up on Keith’s shoulders to get some traction, I wasn’t aware of it. I wasn’t aware of how I looked as my hips twisted and my chest swayed. I just felt and moved to the rhythm of Keith’s tongue and the blood in my veins. I lost all touch with reality when he slid two more fingers into me and opened me wide.

  I came apart so quickly, I wasn’t ready for it and knew this full-frontal assault was the best way to have done this. Creeping into it slowly would have been a mistake. Give it all to me at once. Show me what’s possible and make me fucking come. So, they did.

  Keith sucked at my clit until I screamed and pulled my nipples from the other brothers’ mouths. It was too much, I was done. Totally done and couldn’t do anymore. For the moment. I knew the night wasn’t over and I’d be begging for more as soon as my body caught up with itself.

  “I want to fuck you so much, Celia. Can I fuck you now?” Keith asked and I was more than happy to grant his wish.

  Yesterday, I’d had no idea how, or if I really wanted to do this, yet here I was about to either do the best thing I’d ever done or fuck my life up completely. I took his hand and went down to the floor with him.

  There was no more foreplay, I didn’t need it, I just needed to spear myself on him and ride him until we both found oblivion. I made my way down to the floor and straddled his lower body. With eager fingers, I clutched at his cock and then with exquisite precision, I guided him into my body. I had almost all of him inside me when I paused.

  “Promise me you’ll love me forever,” I demanded, suddenly bold because I really was the one with the upper hand here. They wanted me.

  That’s what Becky didn’t understand. This wasn’t a smutty fuck-for-all. It was a sharing of pleasure, giving and receiving. While we might talk smutty, but there was nothing about this that was degrading. It was empowering, entirely.

  “I will love you for the rest of my life, Celia. I swear that to you.” He held my gaze until I looked away. I looked back at Grant and Colin, naked and waiting.

  “And you?” I asked softly, sure of what they would say.

  “I’ll love you always, Celia,” Grant told me, his gaze just as steady and clear as Keith’s had been.

  “Colin?” I asked, my eyebrow lifted.

  “There will never be another woman in my life that makes me feel what you do, Celia. I will love you for the rest of my life,” Colin said, his gaze introspective. I knew he was pulling this from the depths of his soul.

  “Thank you, Colin.” It was still all new, our relationship when they were all just Keith only but now, I knew that love wasn’t a matter of time, it was a matter of emotion. It was a matter of how we felt about and with someone.

  I felt as safe with them as I did at home, and my trip back to Iowa had shown me that. They were my home in New York. They were the men I loved.

  “Right, you two aren’t going to leave us to this are you?” I asked, my eyes still on the other two brothers. “I need your hands all over me, touching me, making me scream. And I want to touch you.”

  “I’m not sure you’re ready for all of it yet, Celia,” Colin started but I put a hand up. I clenched around Keith for a moment, to let him know I hadn’t forgotten about him.

  “I’m not sure I am, either, but I want to be able to do things, still. Come on, come down here.” They came down to me and I inhaled deeply. “Right, let’s do this.”

  It wasn’t exactly the most romantic line I could think of, but this was my first foursome. I hadn’t even worked my way up. I’d gone straight from one partner to three. I wasn’t sure what was proper or not, or what to do even. I just wanted to start and learn as I went along.

  I sank down on Keith the moment they knelt beside me like two penitents came to pay homage. I wasn’t the least bit shy and did something that had made me giggle when I thought about it yesterday but made something surge inside of me now. I took both of their cocks in my hand and began to stroke them as I started to ride Keith.

  The room filled with gasped groans of pleasure and for the first time, I felt what they’d wanted, the sensation that we were all one. It took a little getting used to, but when Colin and Grant moved close to me to kiss me while their hands went down my body, I found the right rhythm for all of us.

  I stroked them with my hands, felt the surge of blood in their cocks and felt how hard it made them. Along with their moans, it all became intertwined into threads of the tapestry that bound us all together. I’d had them all individually, and now I could tell the differences between them even more.

  Colin had this gasp that made my stomach go tight. A sound he made when he was close to getting off. I slowed my hand on him, gave him a reprieve, and focused on Grant. When Grant groaned that groan of his, it curled my toes. I smiled and quickened my pace on Colin. I had so many ideas, so many things I wanted to try, but for now, I wanted to see if I could make them all come at the same time.

  I squeezed my walls around Keith, quickened the way I moved on him until I felt like the leader of an orchestra. I was listening for the hints each one gave, the sounds or faces they made, the way they breathed, every single thing that was a sign until I felt Colin go off first.

  “Celia.” He groaned my name, and then Grant caught my attention.

  His fingers had slid down to the point where I was joined to his brother. He’d teased at my clit, made me groan with the intensity of it all. But now, his fingers faltered, the pace he’d set slowed, and I felt his release in my hand as a sudden burst. That’s when Keith went off as well, and they all groaned in the same exact way together.

  It tightened things in me and sent bolts of pleasure down my spine until I was with them and we all got what we wanted most. A taste of heaven with each other.

  I sank down onto Keith, exhausted, and complete. I’d had concerns that this would be gross. That it wouldn’t live up to my expectations, but it had.

  Keith stroked my hair and held me tightly to his body. “I thought we’d lost you forever.”

  “I thought you had to. I didn’t know how to deal with it all.” I told him bluntly.

  “We knew that that’s why we left you alone. You had to find your own way back to us. Which is one of the amazing things about you, Celia. You don’t actually need anyone. You get what you want, one way or another.”

  “But I do it honestly.” I pointed out and sat up on him. “I’ve had to work for what I want my whole life. Admittedly, that’s not been a very long life yet, but I’ve had to overcome obstacles others couldn’t overcome. I’ve had some help from my family, but I got here under my own merit. I had to do the same thing with this situation. I had to figure out if I wanted it and once I’d decided that… well, here I am.”

  “No more secrets, Celia. No more games. Just us from now on,” Grant said and sat up from where he’d slumped back on the floor. Colin grabbed his t-shirt and cleaned us both up. Grant did the same and he looked at me.

  “Celia, when is your cycle due?” He looked confused, and as I calculated I realized why. It should be time for my period.

  “It was late last month, so maybe it’s off this month too. All the stress has thrown me off-kilter, that’s all.”

  “Hmm.” He didn’t look like he believed me.

  “What?” I asked him, dread in the back of my mind. Trust him to notice when I had my period and when I didn’t.

  “You were late?” He didn’t look upset, just curious.

  “Yeah. But it’s just the stress. It made me sick too for a few weeks, but that’s all done now.”

  “Hmm. You’re going to see a doctor on Monday.”

  “I’m not pregnant, Grant!” I said loudly, terror gripped around my heart. I couldn’t be pregnant. I’d have to quit school, and I’d probably never go back. Even if they took care of me for the rest of my life, I still wanted to find a cure for that horrible disease. I wanted to work on


  “We weren’t exactly careful,” Keith said and sat up. I moved off him and slumped back against the couch.

  “No, it’s just stress.” I refuted. I didn’t want to have a baby right now. In a few years, maybe, when I was done with school, but not right now. I wasn’t even nineteen yet!

  “Celia.” Colin took my hand, very calmly, and spoke in a soothing tone. “We’ll take you to the doctor and find out for sure. If it’s stress, great. We’ll get you on birth control and you won’t have to worry. I know your studies are important to you, and we should have all been more careful.”

  “I can’t be pregnant. It’s just… not…,” but it was possible. I started to cry, and Colin took me in his arms. He crooned to me softly, and held me in his lap, as if I were a small child, and compared to him, I almost was, in size anyway.

  “Celia, if you’re pregnant, we’ll take care of the baby and it’ll have three dads. It won’t interfere with your studies. We’ll be finished with school in the spring, and then we’re free to take care of the baby.”

  “Can they even do DNA testing on triplets?” The sentence wasn’t exactly right, but my brain was just too full of terror to think straight.

  “We don’t care, Celia. We’ll all be the baby’s dad.”

  “But, can they?” I focused on that one thing for the moment, my mind too afraid to even think about a baby at this point.

  “There is research into identifying ways to tell identical multiples, whether twins or triplets, apart. I’m not sure they’ve gone far enough to really tell yet but yeah, there are studies into ways to tell us apart on a genetic level that can be identified.”

  “Cool.” I stood up and walked out of the living room. “I’m going to have a shower and then, I’m going to sleep. Good night, fellas.”

  I was numb again, afraid despite what they’d said. I couldn’t have a baby right now. I just couldn’t.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  I was fucking mad as Colin drove me to the clinic. I didn’t want to do this, but I soon as I woke up this morning, they’d insisted. They’d called a doctor to come in on a Sunday and paid him a fortune to run the blood test on me. It took an hour or so, but after what felt like days of chewing my thumb the doctor called us back to his office.

  “Celia, the test was positive,” he said bluntly and looked at the three brothers behind me. “She’ll need to rest too since she’s a little anemic. So, whichever one of you is the dad needs to take care of her until we can get her blood built back up.”

  “Of course,” they said in unison, and I blushed. I wasn’t sure I was ready for other people to know about us, but they would soon enough. I couldn’t think about that right now, however. I had a baby on the way.

  I’d gone to sleep, alone, terrified, but now that it had been confirmed, I felt calm. Maybe I’d freak out later, but for now, I was happy just knowing the truth at last. Now, I could go about the business of dealing with it.

  “I’ll make an appointment for you with my staff tomorrow, Celia, and have you come back in. We’ll get you an appointment with an OB/GYN and give you more information on what to do from here. I want to keep an eye on you until you get into see the OB/GYN. That anemia can cause a lot of problems for you, so don’t blow this off, alright?”

  “Yes, sir,” I said and nodded my head like a good girl. I’d been taught to be polite I couldn’t help it.

  “Good, now, I have a golf game to get back to, boys. Have a good Sunday.” He showed us the door and locked up behind us.

  “What do we do now?” I asked as we all piled into the car.

  “We get married, of course,” Colin said with a grin on his face. “And we take care of you, and that little one, until you’re all better.”

  “Married? What the fuck for?” I looked over at him, surprised. “It’s not 1860, Colin. The baby can still take your name if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “No, it’s not just that. I want to know you’re secure. Just in case something happens to the three of us. Stranger things have happened,” Colin said, and Grant started to go on about how the military had rules that if brothers couldn’t be in the same war zones, or something, and something else about if so many brothers joined up, and so many died then the rest would be taken out of the military, or a war zone, he thought, so that the parents wouldn’t lose all of their children in a war.

  I stared out of the window as they debated over what the rules were exactly and then took out their phones to prove each other wrong. Well, Keith and Grant did. Colin was beside me driving.

  “Which one of you am I meant to marry then?” I asked as he pulled into the parking spot on the road beside our house. “Or, have you not thought about that part yet?”

  “Oh, we discussed it last night,” Grant supplied and climbed out of the car to open the door for me. “You’re going to marry Colin. He’s the calmest, the most like to make something of himself, and the most responsible. We thought he would be the best husband on paper. And we thought we’d have a little ceremony here at home for us alone.”

  “Wait, does that mean we’re having a ceremony somewhere else?” I stopped as we all walked up the steps. “I’m not sure I want a huge wedding.”

  “Why not?” They all stared up at me, surprised.

  “I’m pregnant. I don’t want to get married just because of that. But if it will make you all feel better, fine. But fuck, don’t make me go through the whole thing with a dress and all of that. I would like to just fly home and have a small ceremony that my Mom can go to.”

  “If that’s what you want, darling, that’s what you’ll get.” Colin came up the steps to unlock the door, and I walked into the house. I went straight to the living room and sank down to the couch. Now what?

  I’d have to call Mom, I guess. She might be the only one that could make any sense out of all of this.

  “Oh, where do you want to go on the honeymoon?” Colin popped his head into the doorway to ask.

  “What?” I stared at him not in a good mood at all. I should be, my dream was kind of coming true, just not in the right order. I wasn’t in the best frame of mind.

  “I’d like to order tickets and I need to know where you want to go. If we wait another week, we’ll be on the winter break and we’ll have almost a month. We can spend Christmas week with your mom and then go on our honeymoon. Or stay out there if you’d prefer.”

  “Uh, you can’t all fit into my mom’s trailer.” I looked at him in horror. I wasn’t ashamed of where I came from, I was just uncertain how they’d react.

  “Oh, then we’ll rent one of those really long RVs with the bedrooms and stuff. No problem.” He grinned. “So, is next week alright then?”

  “Colin, what if I lose the baby and you’ve married me for nothing?” I didn’t want to say it out loud, but I had to. I had to remind him that this might not turn out perfectly, especially if I was already having complications. They’d have to find out why I was anemic and what problems it could cause the baby.

  “I won’t have married you for nothing, Celia.” He came into the living room to sit beside me. “I’ll have married you for the best reason. For you, Celia. I don’t want to marry you out of obligation, baby. I want to marry you, so I have the right to call you my wife. So that I know you’re taken care of if anything happens to me. So you feel secure, as you deserve.”

  “But so soon, Colin?” I knew he was the sensible one and that he’d thought it through, but I had to be sure.

  “What're a few more months going to matter Celia? I’m not going to change and my feelings won’t change.”

  “You don’t know that,” I challenged him, my eyebrows lifted. “Everything could be different.”

  “Then you can divorce me and take half of what I own. But I doubt anything like that will happen. We’re all too perfect together.” He leaned over and kissed me then and the feel of his lips again mine reminded me of exactly how right he was.

“Fine. But when I say I do; I mean it forever. Just so you know.”

  “Good. Now let me order tickets.” He kissed my nose and I could only shake my head and smile. They were determined I’d have nothing to worry about. Darn them, making life easy and shit.


  A week later, we were in a small chapel in Las Vegas, where the boys had flown my entire family, and I was walking down an aisle. I had on a knee-length lace dress with a broad skirt and flat heels that somehow looked demure but suitable to my rock star haircut. I had a small veil attached to a pillbox hat, and light makeup on. Colin stood at the front of the aisle, waiting on me with his brothers by his side.

  My mom was the only one that knew the truth right now but as the vows were spoken, I looked at each brother in turn before I repeated my own. We might not be able to marry legally, but I could marry them all in spirit. We were going to stay at the hotel for the night and in the morning, we were jetting off to Bali to have our honeymoon. Mom was coming with us because we’d all decided she needed a vacation.

  Rather than being upset with me, she accepted the fate I’d ended up with, and embraced the brothers as my chosen mates. I’m sure the fact they were wealthy didn’t hurt. Maybe that was cynical, but I was logical and that made me feel better. Mom wasn’t greedy after all. She just knew it was sensible and when she saw how happy they all made me; she didn’t care. She wanted my happiness above anything else.

  As for the family, none of them could tell the brothers apart, so if I kissed one in front of the family, I just made sure to call him Colin. I don’t know if they suspected anything, but I really didn’t care when it came down to it. They made me too happy to care.

  The ceremony finished and we made our way out of the small chapel to the reception area they had. It was only my family. The boys didn’t have anyone they cared about enough to invite, so it was a small gathering.

  I danced with Colin, then Grant, then Keith. They all promised to give me a night to remember. I reminded them I was pregnant, not exactly healthy, and we were flying early in the morning. They just smiled and kept dancing.


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