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Triple Sext: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance (Accidental Stepbrother Book 4)

Page 18

by Stephanie Brother

  I finally had to sit down and settled at the table Mom was at. “Why didn’t your boyfriend come?”

  “I didn’t want him getting ideas,” she said with a wink. “I’m not ready to get married again, even if I do like him.”

  “That’s up to you,” I answered carefully. “But you deserve to be happy, Mom.”

  I gave her a look and she brushed her hand as if to brush me away. “Hush. Marriage is for ninnies.”

  She laughed and hugged me, and I smiled with her. She might be right but for now, I’d jumped into it with both feet. Ninny or not, I was now a wife and about to be a mom.

  “What did the doctor say about your anemia?”

  “For now, he wants me to take the prenatal vitamins to see if that helps. When I get back from the honeymoon, he wants to test my blood again. He seems to think the vitamins will do the trick, though.”

  “Good.” She nodded and then started to move to the sound of the music that played. “I hope you’ll feel better soon.”

  “Apparently, you and I will have our feet up, overlooking a pool that overlooks the ocean in a couple of days. Rest, a little sun and some relaxation will do me good. It will do us both good.”

  “And a lot of time in bed, too.” She giggled then saw my shocked face and laughed out loud.

  “Mom. You’re being a slut, again,” I said in a miffed tone but then smiled. I liked this side of her. She’d been my mom my entire life, but now she was turning into a friend too. I liked that.

  “I think your husband wants the slut tonight, dear. Look at him over there.”

  “That’s Grant, Mom.” I rolled my eyes and laughed. “But yeah, he looks rather hungry, doesn’t he?”

  “Best go and feed the beast, baby.” She nudged me and I stood up before she said something that might really make me blush.

  “You’re terrible, do you know that?” I said and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning. Don’t miss your alarm!”

  “I won’t! As if I’d even forget something like that. Nope, I’ll be right there on that plane with you, baby.”

  Luckily, we’d both had our passports done a few years ago for a trip we’d planned to Cancun but hadn’t managed to take yet. We were about to use them now, and we were both excited about it.

  I went over to Grant and whispered in his ear that I was going to bed.

  I said my goodbyes to my family and to Nan who cackled something about wedding night antics that did make me blush, and then left the reception. When I got to the room, I found Colin there waiting for me. He picked me up, opened the door, and carried me into the room.

  We both laughed when he tripped over a stray shoe and dumped me on the bed. “Well, that’s not a great start, husband dear.”

  “No, I suppose not. But at least we got the trouble out of the way already.”

  “Yes, you did.” I pulled his head down to mine and kissed him with as much passion as I could muster. “I think the honeymoon extravaganza will have to wait until we’ve settled in at the resort in Bali I’m sorry to say.”

  “It’s fine if you don’t feel like doing too much tonight, Celia. We understand.” He sprawled out beside me and pulled me close. “I still want to hold my new wife, though.”

  “You can do all of that you want,” I murmured as he began to nuzzle at my cleavage. We’d discovered my nipples were even more sensitive than normal now that I was pregnant, and they all had a fascination with finding out how quickly they could make me come with a little nipple play.

  Keith had even come home with some kind of sex toy suction cup things. I’d glared at him but had allowed him to use them. I’d made sure he added a set to the suitcase we’d packed for me.

  “Mm,” I sighed. “Maybe a little wedding night fun would be acceptable.”

  “A little bit, huh?”

  “Just a little.”

  The other two showed up and before I knew it, we were all naked and sprawled on the bed, tangled up until you couldn’t tell one from the other. I’d been exhausted until Keith started on my nipples, then my tiredness disappeared. Now, I had two mouths on my nipples, and hands everywhere as I rode Colin into a screaming orgasm.

  Keith replaced Colin in my sensitive pussy, as he raised me to my hands and knees over his brother. I motioned to Grant and Colin moved away so I could do my new favorite thing. Suck a cock while I was fucked from behind.

  It made me come repeatedly and usually, with all the screaming I did, made the brother I was sucking off explode straight down my eager throat.

  Keith fucked me just right, the way he knew I liked and it wasn’t long before I went off. Grant followed, and we all fell onto the bed together, completely wiped out.

  “You three are going to kill me,” I said with a smile. “But I love you all.”

  It never got old and sometimes it still surprised me that I said it. I’d lost a friend for them and had gained an enemy because of them. My life had been hell from the moment I’d met them, but they’d made it all better and worth it. Now I had a future ahead of me beyond anything I could dream of. They were going to build Mom a proper house, and the family’s debt had all been paid off.

  The brothers had gifted them all with a new home, but the family had surprised us and turned it down. They wanted Mom to have a new home but otherwise, they were happy as they were. They’d get ahead now if the brothers would help them a little bit, and my loves had all agreed.

  They’d done more for us than anyone else ever had, and I couldn’t thank them enough. But I could love them with all that I was. And I planned to do that for the rest of my life, now that I had them.

  I fell asleep against Keith’s back, with Colin on the other side of me. We’d started out as a joke, a way to pass the lonely hours, and now here we were, expecting a baby and with wedding rings on our fingers. Even Grant and Keith had their own rings now. We were a family and there was nothing and nobody that could change that. We were what they’d always wanted us to be.


  I smiled as I slept knowing that the future was bright. I went to college expecting to be with one guy. I never expected to end up with three who fulfilled my every need and more.

  ###The End###

  About the Accidental Stepbrother Series:

  If you loved this book, then why not check out the whole series which is out now.

  The Accidental Stepbrother series:

  Book #1 - Forbidden Sext -

  Book #2 - Sext Me -

  Book #3 - Dirty Sext -

  Book #4 - Triple Sext - Coming soon!

  Here's what reviewers are saying about The Accidental Stepbrother series:

  Hacking can be a form of love!

  This was an incredible book. Following a slight crush to a guy just trying to find answers to why a girl hates him. Playing on feelings only to fall in love. A surprise pregnancy leading to a happily ever after.

  If you love contemporary college romance, this is the book for you.

  Awesome book!

  This was a really great book. Love the story line and the way the author keeps you interested. The hot hot steamy sex scenes are awesome too! Will definitely check out other books from this author.

  Gotta read this book!

  They are in college and he hacks into her computer and he doesn't find a thing on her except the dating site. They chat for a while and they decide to meet. Her Mom is coming to visit and when she does it's a big huge surprise it was a great book this series is awesome.

  Fun Hot Read!

  Another sweet,passionate,heart hugging taboo story from the Queen of Step Brother Romance! I love this college based lovefest,with its strong well developed characters,fast paced feel, a sprinkling of drama and copious amounts of hotness!

  As Always I look forward to more taboo goodness in the future!!

  The Single Brother series is out. You can grab each copy in Kindleunlimited.

  The Single Brothers Series:

  Book #1 - Single Daddy -

  Book #2 - Fake Daddy -

  Book #3 - Accidental Daddy -

  Book #4 - Cowboy Daddy -

  Book #5 - Seal Daddy -

  Book #6 - Dirty Daddy -

  More Books By Stephanie Brother…

  Single Daddy

  Book 1 in the Single Daddy series

  Chapter One


  “Who’s at the fucking door?” I shout out as I leave my bedroom. They’d better have a good excuse for continually ringing the doorbell like that.

  “I’m not deaf!” I shout as I start to walk down the stairs. I’ve a killer hangover from the rodeo last night. I don’t even feel like getting up today, especially with the sweet pussy that I had after the rodeo. These cowgirls get a kick out of riding not only the horses but guys too.


  I’m getting even more agitated at the idea that they keep ringing the bell. They’re not saying anything—just ringing the damn thing.

  I walk glumly toward the door as the person gets the hint and stops ringing the bell. Obviously, it’s no one from the ranch. They typically just walk in the house and shout my name. It can’t be Harper who comes to clean the house every other day. No, it must be someone I don’t know. Maybe I should have pretended not to be in just so that they’ll go away and stop ringing the damn bell as if their life depends on it.

  As I open the door, I see something on the doorstep. I wonder if I woke up drunk because I must be fucking hallucinating.

  I spot Carl sloughing by, so I point at it with my eyes half-open. Shit, I can't even focus properly, because the sun’s shining hard. I shout out, “Dude!”

  I wish I would stop talking like that, but that’s what happens when you spend too much time in sunny California.

  “Who left this?”

  He lifts up his shoulders in a half-shrug, as if it’s too much effort for him to do a proper one. Why does he always look as if he’s been trekking around America for the last few months? The guy always looks tired. No matter the time of day or how many hours he’s slept, the guy looks the same. If he weren't such a good hand on the ranch, I would get rid of him. Not only because of his tired looks but because he’s just clueless. He’s a hard worker, but everything has to be spelled out for him. Thinking out of the box, isn’t an option.

  “But, you must have seen someone come by and just…”

  I can’t even get the words out. I keep looking at my feet, and I’m trying to pretend that it isn’t there. That this isn’t happening to me.

  My life’s simple here. Get a few cowgirls that want to live on a big ranch, tease them and please them, and then when it’s all done, I tell them that I can’t commit. I can’t. Not now, not ever. I tried a relationship once, but after my ex, Jessica, spat in my face about the idea, I promised myself never again would I ask a girl to move in. She told me that I love playing and never take anything serious. If that was the case, I never would have asked her to move in with me.

  “Oh, welcome to the land of the living,” Aria sings as she comes closer to the house. I want to go inside and close the door. This never happened. No one left a basket outside my fucking door with a baby in it. The baby’s crying. Shit!

  “Holy cow, Noah. I thought that she was leaving a basket of fruit or something.”

  I grab hold of Aria’s arm as she comes closer, thinking that maybe if I catch up with the person, I can give it back.


  She bends down and sighs, “Isn’t he the cutest?”

  She’s joking. Sure, it’s cute or that’s what people always say about their babies. I steer well clear of them, which is why someone must have made a mistake when they dropped this one here. But, why would someone just come and drop a baby at my doorstep?

  “Are you going to tell me who, or are you going to keep me guessing all day?”

  My head’s throbbing, and the last thing I need at this time of the morning is to play guessing games with Aria. She’s bitchy because she thought that I was coming on to her and that I was into her. No, I was fucking horny. Dad always said don’t mix business with pleasure. I did, and now I have to play the price. She works with the horses, and I should have known better than to try and get it on with one of the staff.

  “Some girl. She was holding the basket and pressing the bell like crazy. I thought that she was an idiot like me.”

  Aria’s looking me directly in the eye, trying to figure out if there will be some reaction from me. There’s none because I told her once and I’m not doing it again. It was one night. I was horny, wanted to get my leg over, and she thought that I wanted a relationship. I made it clear that I didn’t. So, if she’s still upset about it, she could leave. There’s plenty of ranches around here. This isn’t the only one. Besides, she’s good at her job, and I pay her more than any ranch would pay her—which is probably why she sticks around.

  “Look, there’s a note.”

  I grab it quickly and read it out loud. I don’t need her to wind me up even further. There’s a baby outside my house. She lifts the basket saying, “You can’t leave him here all day.”

  “Sure, his mom will come back for him. Maybe she left a number on this note.” I realize that I’m fucking talking to myself, as Aria’s already in the house with someone else’s baby. I turn around and she’s making those funny sounds, the noises that people tend to make whenever they see a baby. It’s as if they’ve lost their mind.

  Dear Noah,

  I know that we met that one night when you were in Vegas eleven months ago.

  I can’t cope with the baby. His name is Richard, after my granddad. I need you to look after him for a while.

  I hope that you become friends.

  Please don’t try and contact me.

  I had nowhere else to go. I need Richard to be safe, and he’s your son.


  Holy shit!

  The one-night stand… My hands are trembling and my heart’s beating out of control as I flashbacks of the night enter my head. Dan, my best friend from high school, was getting married. I was best man, and I booked the whole damn bachelor party—the hotel, car, and flights. I remember having a one-night stand, and I was pretty wasted that weekend.

  But, I used a condom. I’m like 99% sure that I used one, just so that I didn’t get in trouble. Like I seem to have done now. Besides, Vegas is fucking notorious for one-night stands. I scratch my head as I now realize her name.


  That’s it. I kept teasing her asking if she’s ‘as sweet as candy,’ and I meant from the waist down. She can’t just come here and drop a baby on me. What was she doing during those eleven months? Why didn’t she try and get in contact then?

  I avoid going to the living room where Aria’s still making the noises with the baby. I get my phone from my back pocket and call Dan. Shit, we’ve got to go back to Vegas. We need to find Candy. I shut the door and start making the call.


  “Hey, man, surprised you’re up. You were pretty wasted last night.”

  Fuck the small talk.

  “Who’s that?”

  Right then, little Richard starts crying again as I pace in the hallway to avoid going directly into the living room.

  “That’s exactly what I’m calling you about.”

  He starts laughing. “You’re a daddy.”

  “Look, it’s not funny. Some chick just left a note and said that I’m the daddy.”

  “Shit, I thought they only did that type of shit in movies.”

  I’ll say, but for the first time, this is happening to me in real life. I think that maybe he’s right. I was pretty wasted last night, so this could be a bad dream. It must be as I look up and see Aria in front of me trying to soothe Richard. I only have nightmares with
her in them.

  But, I’m not fucking delusional. There is a baby in front of me. My dreams are vivid, but not so fucking real that I’m walking around with this killer of a hangover. Whatever Aria’s doing to Richard, it’s not working.

  Her phone rings and she starts walking toward me. “You take him. Maybe he wants his daddy.”

  Again, Dan starts laughing. “Shit, you are a daddy. Don’t go anywhere. I’m coming over, and I’m bringing the boys. They’ll love to see this.”

  Any other time, I would join in and have a laugh too, but when it comes at my expense it’s not fucking funny. I’m balancing my phone in one hand and Richard in the other. That’s when I notice something.

  Aria laughs as she comes back into the room. “See, he did want his daddy. Good luck, Noah. I’ve got to get a job.”

  Then she leaves. What the fuck is she talking about? She works here on the ranch. What job?

  I attempt to put little Richard back into his basket. Every time I do, he starts crying. I still need a DNA test. The fact that Richard’s winding me up kind of proves that he’s mine, but it’s not enough to convince me. I can’t do this. Not all day. I’ve got a hangover to get rid of, horses that I need to tend to. My day’s filled with chores, and none of them involve looking after a baby.

  Fake Daddy

  Book 2 in the Single Daddy Series

  Chapter One


  Fuck, why are strollers so fucking hard to control?

  I thought that with modern technology they would have made them easier, not fucking impossible. I bet my sister, Olivia, paid a small fortune for this fucking monstrosity. I was an IT guy, I built apps, developed programs, but that was fucking easy compared to trying to fold or unfold a stroller.

  “Do you need a hand?”


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