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Lucas (Members From Money Book 20)

Page 15

by Katie Dowe

They ate and chatted and did a lot of laughing. Wes was a very amusing guy and he kept her in stitches. After they ate they relaxed against the pillows and closed their eyes to meditate. They were lying side by side and Wes reached across the narrow space between them and grasped her hand. Chanel enjoyed the feel of his large palm encompassing hers. She turned her hand and interlocked her fingers with his. They shared a comfortable silence for least forty minutes. Chanel had never thought that she would encounter someone who shared her interests in meditation. It was an added bonus that he did and made him all the more appealing. Wes roused and played some jazz on his IPod. They conversed more and eventually watched as the sun set on the river. The vivid colors of orange, red, and yellow were breathtaking. The sun was almost completely down when Wes spoke.

  “We probably should pack up,” Wes said softly.

  “Umm! I don’t feel like moving,” she complained. “I’m content just where I am.”

  He closed the space between them in less than a second. He loomed over her and gently caressed her cheek.

  “Do you feel like doing this?” he asked softly.

  He lowered his head and touched her lips ever so lightly. She looked at him in surprise but did not recoil from him.

  “That was very nice. I’ll have another,” she smiled suggestively.

  He grinned and lowered his head again. This time he deepened the kiss, pushing her lips apart for entry. She opened her mouth and he swept his tongue inside. He couldn’t believe how good she tasted. He couldn’t get enough of her. Chanel looped her arms about his neck and relaxed into his kiss. It was heavenly. He left her mouth to trail kisses down her neck. Chanel turned her head to the side to give him better access. As he suckled her neck she raised her hips in response to the excitement he was creating in her womb. His hands moved onto waist, caressing and squeezing. From her waist his hands traveled to her hips and then beneath her to cupped her buttocks. Chanel grasped his wrists.

  “Wes,” she breathed. “We have to stop.”

  Stopping was the last thing that he wanted to do but knew he had to. They were in a public place and people were bound to notice. He sat up and stared at her.

  “You are so beautiful. You make me forget everything but you,” he rasped.

  He was breathing heavily as he moved off of her.

  “It’s alright. I understand what you’re feeling because I feel it too. But we need to take this friendship slowly, Wes,” she said haltingly for she was out of breath as well.

  “That will be a bit of a challenge,” he returned.

  “But you will, won’t you? I’ve been hurt and I don’t want to experience those feeling again,” she said. “It sounds cliché but it’s the truth. And you’ve probably been hurt as well and I don’t want to cause you that same pain again.”

  “I will take whatever pace you want to set, Chanel. I’m not going anywhere,” he said.

  Chanel smiled. Those words were music to her ears.

  “I’m glad. Neither am I,” she responded.

  “Wesley, darling!”

  They both looked up into a pair of green eyes. Chanel immediately thought of cat eyes. The woman was a tall, slender red head. She was pretty, sophisticated, polished and confident. She also looked like she could chop Chanel up with a cleaver given half a chance.

  “Adel,” Wes said in surprise.

  He stood up. Adel hugged and kissed his mouth. Wes jumped back and Chanel bristled.

  “Who the hell was she?” Chanel thought.

  “Chanel, this is Adel Ramsey. Adel, this is Chanel Cambridge,” Wes introduced them.

  The women exchanged a curt hello with one another but that was all.

  “Wes and I are very good friends. We go way back,” Adel said sweetly.

  Wes groaned silently.

  “What are you doing in Augusta, Adel?” Wes asked.

  Of all people to show up in Georgia it had to be Adel. Although they’re brief relationship in New York had ended badly he’d thought that was the end of it.

  “I’m here to visit Grandmother. She feeling poorly and I wanted to spend some time with her,” Adel said smoothly.

  Wes hadn’t known Adel had a grandmother in Augusta. Talking about horrific coincidences; not that he believed in them. He actually suspected that Adel was stalking him, which was something she was more than capable of.

  “I see. Well I hope your grandmother feel better very soon,” he said politely.

  “You must come see her. You know she would love to see you again,” Adel urged. “I’ll set it up.”

  “I’ll have to get back with you on that,” Wes said non-committedly.

  He had never met her grandmother or any of her family for that matter. Adel was trying to make it appear to Chanel that they were closer than in actuality. She was here to make trouble and he needed to nip it in the bud before she could do real harm. He looked at Chanel. She had lain back on her elbows with one knee slightly bent. She looked incredibly sexy in her white two piece bathing suit. She was sending a message but not to him. He glanced at Adel and knew she knew had gotten the memo loud and clear. Her pale face was red with fury.

  “We were just on our way home,” Chanel said.

  Adel wasn’t the only one who could toss around implications.

  “Really? You appeared to be busy doing other things when I initially saw you,” Adel said caustically.

  “We’ll finish what we started when we get home,” Chanel smirked.

  The look that Adel gave Chanel was pure evil. Chanel smiled slyly. Wes rolled his eyes.

  “I’ll call you, Wes,” Adel said. “We have so much to catch up on—in private.”

  She threw Chanel a triumphant glance then sauntered off. Chanel rose up to her knees and began hurriedly packing up their belongings. Wes knelt beside her and stilled her hands.

  “Don’t allow Adel to spoil an otherwise unblemished day,” he pleaded.

  “Who is she?” Chanel demanded.

  “Someone from New York. We dated very briefly,” he said.

  “Her definition of ‘brief’ is obviously different from yours,” Chanel snapped.

  “Chanel, it was over between us practically before it began. It took me all of one date to know that she and I were suited,” he explained. “She means nothing to me.”

  “Well, you sure as hell mean a lot to her,” Chanel snapped as she looked away from him.

  “Look at me, Chanel,” Wes begged. He placed a finger under her chin to turn her face to him. “You’re the one I want to be with. If I wanted Adel I wouldn’t be here with you.”

  “Damn it, Wes! You had better not be lying to me,” Chanel retorted.

  “I swear I’m telling you the truth, Chanel. Adel can’t hurt us. Don’t give her the power to do so,” Wes urged.

  Chanel saw his sincerity and honesty shining in his glistening eyes. She reached up and looped her arms about his neck. She hugged him tightly. He kissed her necked.

  “I only want you Chanel. Only you,” he whispered.

  She pulled back and smiled tremulously at him.

  “We better get going,” she said in a low tone.

  Wes would have preferred to talk it out further but he wouldn’t push. He’d just follow her lead and hope for the best. They packed up their things and headed toward the car. As they left the river Chanel thought about their time together. They’d had a great time together. Wes was a great companion and she had loved his kiss. The only unpleasant incident that had occurred was Adel and Chanel decided that she would not be a problem. She breathed deeply and closed her eyes. Today had been a good day indeed.


  Chanel had just come out onto her porch with a glass of strawberry iced tea when she saw her two best friends; Elli and Samantha get out of Elli’s white E-Class Cabriolet. Elli Bordeaux’s parents were loaded and they gave their kids the world. The girls got out of the car. Elli opened the back door to get something from the back seat. She bent into the car and showed off her long s
hapely brown legs in a pair of green shorts. Elli was a gorgeous twenty-five year old African French lady who began her modeling career while she lived in France. She was now a super model and sought after by the top fashion designers. Although she had been all over the world she made her home here in Augusta. Samantha Williams was also stunning. While she had not modeled she was tall, beautiful with long blond hair and hazel eyes; and she commanded the court room when she tried a case. At twenty-six she was one of the best defense attorneys in the country. Chanel was proud to have them as her best friends. Elli grabbed a fast food bag and closed the car door. They then came onto the porch. Chanel greeted them happily.

  “Did you bring food?” Chanel asked excitedly.

  “Yep! Burgers and fries for everyone,” Elli grinned.

  “Great! Would you like some iced tea?” Chanel asked.

  “As hot as it is, Lord yes!” Sami exclaimed.

  Chanel laughed.

  “Be right back. Have a seat,” Chanel said as she went into the house.

  “She has no idea that I saw her at the river yesterday,” Elli giggled.

  “Let’s see if she says anything about that handsome hottie she was with,” Sami whispered.

  A few minutes later Chanel came out of the house carrying a tray with glasses and a pitcher full of strawberry iced tea. She laid it on the round rattan table. Elli began pouring the tea as Chanel took a seat.

  “So what have you guys been up to?” Chanel asked.

  “Not a whole lot for me. I went to Savanah to see my parents yesterday,” Sami said.

  “That’s nice. How are they? I haven’t seen them in a while,” Chanel asked.

  “They’re fine. Mom is busy with her charity work and dragging dad to the endless benefits,” Sami giggled.

  “He may moan and groan but he would go to the ends of the earth with your mom. That’s the kind of man I want,” Chanel said wistfully.

  “Maybe you’ve found him,” Elli piped up.

  Sami stared daggers at Elli

  “What?” Chanel asked in surprise.

  “I mean….he could be just around the corner. Maybe you will find him soon,” Elli tried to cover her blunder.

  “Why would you say that?” Chanel asked suspiciously.

  “Well, it’s possible,” Sami tried to help Elli out. “You never know when you’ll meet Mister Perfect.”

  “I guess,” Chanel responded.

  Chanel was still wary of her friend’s explanation. She knew them and they were hiding something. Elli couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. She had already made a slip and Sami was trying to help her cover.

  “What did you do yesterday, Elli?” Chanel asked.

  “Oh nothing much. A little of this and that,” Elli said evasively.

  “What about you, Chanel? What did you do yesterday?” Sami questioned.

  Chanel was a bit uncomfortable. She didn’t want to lie to her friends but she wasn’t ready to talk about Wes.

  “Not much,” she murmured.

  “It was so hot yesterday. A lot of people went to the river to cool off. Were you one of them?” Sami persisted.

  Chanel took a swallow of her drink to delay answering. Maybe Sami would forget the question if she stalled long enough. She put her glass down and picked up her burger. She took a big bite and chewed slowly.

  “This is so good. I was starved,” Chanel mumbled with her mouth full. “Mmm! Thank you.”

  Chanel took another bite. Sami and Elli looked at each other knowingly. Chanel caught the look that passed between them.

  “I saw that. What’s that look all about?” Chanel demanded.

  Elli giggled.

  “I can’t hold out any longer. I’ve got to tell it,” Elli announced. Her accent was very pronounced in her excitement.

  “Figures,” Sami said dryly.

  “Tell what?” Chanel said in bewilderment.

  “I was at the river yesterday,” Elli said. She allowed the statement to sink into Chanel’s brain. Chanel’s eyes grew bigger than the moon. “I saw you with a particularly handsome hunk. The two of you seemed pretty close—if you know what I mean.”

  “Uh….I…,” Chanel was not expecting to be caught. There were a lot of people at the river but she would have thought had one of her friend seen her they would have approached them. “Alright. I was there.”

  “And you were not alone,” Sami smiled broadly.

  “And I was not alone,” Chanel confessed.

  Chanel was actually glad that the secret was out. It was a lifted burden. Now she could talk freely about Wes with her friends which she realized she’d wanted to do anyway.

  “Who is he?” Sami asked as she bit into her hamburger.

  “Remember when I was working in New York?” Chanel asked.

  “Yes,” Elli answered.

  “Well I met the president of Unique Designs. I only spoke with him once and then he flew off to Asia. I had wanted to get to know him better but had never had the chance,” Chanel explained. “Well, now I do. The man I was with at the river is Wesley Vaughn, president of Unique Designs.”

  Elli and Sami screamed in excitement. Chanel laughed delightedly.

  “That was him? OMG!” Elli exclaimed. “He is sooo handsome. A hottie if I ever saw one!”

  “How did you meet again? And how did you end up making out at the river?” Sami asked in awe.

  Chanel explained how she met him in the park and everything that happened since.

  “This is so meant to be,” Elli grinned. “You have to believe that this is fate.”

  “I want to. But there is one huge problem lurking on the horizon,” Chanel said cautiously.

  The women were silent for a moment.

  “Your pregnancy,” Sami said quietly. “I take it he doesn’t know.”

  “You would be correct,” Chanel confirmed.

  “How do you think he will react when you tell him?” Elli questioned.

  “I don’t know. He’s a great guy. Very thoughtful and considerate. But I’m sure he’s not expecting to be changing diapers on a child that not even his,” Chanel sighed.

  “But you’re going to tell him, right?” Elli said. “I mean you have to if you want to continue seeing him.”

  “I do. And I will. I just don’t know how. What if he bolts at the news,” Chanel asked.

  “Then he’s not the man for you. There’s someone better for you,” Sami said gently.

  “But I really want him to be that man,” Chanel sighed. “I really like him…..a lot.”

  “And I’m sure that he’ll be thrilled with the news,” Elli said confidently. She looked at the doubtful faces of Chanel and Sami. “Well, if not thrilled, he will come around soon enough.”

  “I agree,” Sami said. “Just be honest with him and God will do the rest.”

  Chanel looked at her friends with tears in her eyes.

  “Thank you, guys. I have the best friends in the world,” Chanel said. “You would say my cooking is fabulous if it would make me feel better.”

  “And we all know that is a straight up lie,” Sami grinned.

  They laughed.

  “I will tell him. I just have to find the right moment,” Chanel said.

  “The right moment will come naturally. And it will be the perfect time,” Elli said. “Don’t try and force the conversation. It will happen on its own.”

  “You’re right. It will come about when I least expect it,” Chanel said.

  They chatted continued to chat and eat. Elli told them about her quirky modeling job in Fiji and had them all in stitches. Sami detailed her antics in her most recent courtroom drama. It was late evening by the time Elli and Sami left. Chanel sat on the porch a little longer and wondered what Wes was doing. She wished she was with him.

  Chapter 3

  Little did Chanel know that Wes was thinking about her at that exact moment. He sat at the bar in the St. Regis Hotel restaurant drinking a beer and thinking about their outing the day before
. It had been a fun day full of good conversation and laughter. Kissing her had been exciting as well. The only blemish on an otherwise perfect day had been Adel. Adel was the last person he had expected to see in Augusta. And her reason for being there sounded contrived. Was Adel stalking him? He thought about their parting. It had been a bad scene, one that he had promptly forgotten. But he remembered her saying that he hadn’t seen the last of her. He had not taken her seriously at the time. But what if she had been prophesying the future? What if she knew that she’d had no intention of letting go? It seemed crazy to think that she would follow him to Georgia to pursue a relationship that was doomed from the start. Adel had shown her instability from their first date. It was then that he’d decided to end it before her feelings were engaged. Even in her unbalanced mind she could not constitute a relationship from one date. Wes turned up the beer bottle and drained it. He signaled to bartender that he wanted another.

  “I’ll have one as well.”

  Wes turned his head to see Adel take a seat on the bar stool next to him.

  “What are you doing here?” Wes asked curtly.

  “I needed a break from sitting at my grandmother’s bedside. And since I am staying here at the hotel I decided to come in for a drink,” she said. “Imagine my surprise when I saw you sitting here all by your lonesome.”

  “I’m not lonely,” he said.

  “Well, it would be downright unsociable not to keep you company,” she smiled seductively.

  The bartender set the two beers in front of them. Wes down a swig to keep from saying something rude to her. He swallowed slowly to control his irritation.

  “Why are you here, Adel?” Wes asked.

  “I told you. I’m staying at this hotel. It’s not strange that I would come to the bar for a drink,” Adel replied.

  He would bet his last dollar that she had investigated where he was staying before checking in. Somehow she had found out where he was and followed him. Wes knew he would have to make other living arrangements immediately.

  “Why don’t I believe you?” he asked.

  “What? That I’m staying at this hotel? I can show you my room if you like,” she said slyly.


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