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Lucas (Members From Money Book 20)

Page 16

by Katie Dowe

  “That you’re visiting your sick grandmother,” he snapped.

  “I have no idea. I do have a grandmother and she is sick. Why would I lie about that? Surely you’re not so conceit as to think that I came to Augusta to be near you?” she said in feigned shock.

  He didn’t answer and she chuckled.

  “Get over yourself, Wes. You are not all that,” she smirked. “But since we’re here in this dull town, there’s no reason why we can’t enjoy a drink together every now and again.”

  “That’s not a good idea. I will have to decline the invitation,” he said as he took another sip of his beer.

  “Why ever not?” she questioned.

  “It’s just better if we don’t see each other. There’s no future between us,” he said coldly. He hated to be rude but Adel was refusing to get the message.

  “Because of that woman,” she snapped.

  He stood and threw some cash on the bar.

  “Because I don’t want you,” he replied sharply.

  Wes walked out of the room. Adel ran behind him and watched him get on the elevator. The elevator was empty when he got on and then it stopped on the fifteenth floor. Adel smiled. Figures he would have the penthouse suite. She slowly walked back to the bar and sat on the stool. Her mind worked feverishly as she plotted her next move.


  Unique Designs had won the Ahlstrom project and Wes was there at the office every day to oversee the management of it. He and Chanel were almost inseparable and it hadn’t taken the staff long to put two and two together. Chanel had received some playful ribbing but everyone seemed sincerely happy for them. It was an idyllic time for the two of them. Chanel had created some amazing drawings with cutting edge flair. Wes would give her the engineering perspective and they made adjustments as needed. They worked very well together and their personal relationship growing each day.

  “Have dinner with me,” Wes said.

  Chanel was sitting at her drafting table going over some specs. It was late the staff had all left for the day. Wes stood behind her and bent to kiss the back of her neck. Chanel relaxed against his chest and savored his attention.

  “How about if we order in. I think I’m too tired to go out,” she sighed.

  “Sounds good to me. How do you feel about Chinese?” he asked.

  “Mmm! Yummy,” she answered.

  She turned to face him. He kissed her deeply. Chanel looped her arms about his neck and returned the kiss. She thrust her tongue into his mouth and gave as good as she got.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he croaked.

  They left the office and took the elevator to the lobby. Wes kissed her the entire time they were in the elevator. They had barely pulled apart when the doors opened. They laughed as they exited the elevator and crossed the lobby. They said goodnight to the night watchman and left the building. Wes had parked in his designated space in the front of the building and they moved to his car. Wes had been picking her up in the morning for the past two weeks and Chanel liked the feeling that it gave her. It further established him as her man and that was a feeling that she reveled in. They stopped the Chinese restaurant around the corner from her house and placed their order. It wasn’t long before they had their food and was sitting at the dining room table eating it. They spoke of the Ahlstrom project and the progress they were making as well as other things. They lapsed into silence as they finished their meal. It was a familiar and comfortable silence. Chanel sat back in her chair and sipped her iced tea. Wes had offered her red Bordeaux but she declined as she thought of her pregnancy.

  “For someone who knows a lot about wine, you don’t drink much,” he commented.

  Chanel shrugged.

  “I guess I’m feeling tea tonight,” she smiled nervously.

  He poured himself a glass and swirled it around thoughtfully. Her wine selection had increased significantly since Wes had been in her life. He kept her wine cooler stocked with excellent wines. Things were going very well between them and Chanel couldn’t be happier. Elli and Sami adored him from the moment she introduced them to him. Wes had been charming and funny; causing Chanel to love him all the more. Chanel realized that she was falling for him. She could only hope that he was having the same kind of feelings her. He turned to look into her clear golden eyes and smiled slowly. His deep blue eyes told her what he wanted. He stood and held out his hand to her. Chanel knew that if she put her hand into his there would be no turning back. She hadn’t yet told him that she was pregnant. The moment never seemed to present itself as Elli had said that it would. And now as she looked into his beautiful vivid blue eyes she knew that she would give him what he sought, and deal with the consequences later. She laid her hand into his. She rose from her chair and he led her into her bedroom. Wes gathered her in his arms and lowered his head to kiss her. Chanel was soon swept away by the magic of his kiss. She had never been so enthralled by a man’s kiss. She looped her arms about his neck and he picked her up and laid her on the bed; coming down atop her. She could taste a bit of the soy sauce on his tongue and it heightened her need for him. Chanel began to unbutton his shirt as he trailed kisses down her neck. She pushed his shirt off of his broad shoulders and it slipped from his torso. He yanked his undershirt over his head and his bare chest was exposed to her wandering fingers. She delighted in the smooth firm muscles that rippled over his back. Her hands traveled down his torso to encounter the waistband of his trousers. Her fingers quickly unfastened his belt and pants button. She slowly slid the zipper down and slipped her hand inside his pants. He gasped at her bold gesture but swiftly pushed his pants over his hips and down to his ankles. He kicked them off of him then focused on undressing her. He removed her soft silk blouse and suckled her breasts through her lacy black bra. Chanel realized that her breasts had grown in size due to her pregnancy. He seemed to luxuriate in their fullness. He quickly unsnapped her front closure of her bra and her breasts sprang free. He squeezed them then began to suckle of them again. Chanel was lost in the desire that he was invoking. All she could think about was his tongue on her nipple doing all kinds of delicious things to it. She arched her back to push further into his mouth. His arms were like steel bands around her waist, holding her tightly to him as his mouth devoured her.

  “Oh, Wes!” she exclaimed.

  He moved his hands to the waistband of her skirt. He slid the side zipper down and pushed the skirt off of her body. Chanel kicked it off as he stared at her scant black lace panties. He pushed her legs further apart and dived into her private. Chanel screamed when his tongue touched her heat through her undies. The feel of his tongue rubbing and pushing the panty against her inflamed nub was electrifying. She bucked against his face; unable to control the raging passion that was consuming her. He finally raised up long enough to remove his briefs and her panties. He looked at her longingly.

  “You’re so lovely. You’re absolutely beautiful,” he said hoarsely as he caressed her smooth, brown belly. His finger played in her navel for a moment then he wrapped her shapely legs about his waist as he buried his head in her womb. Chanel thought she would burst into a million pieces when his tongue caressed her damp vijajay. She clutched the sheets and arched her back as he assaulted her with sweet torture. Chanel could feel the pressure mounting. She was peeking and would not be able to stop.

  “Wes!” she yelled.

  He rose above her and entered her snug hollow.

  “Ahh! You feel so good. You’re so tight, baby,” he groaned.

  He began moving in and out. Slowly at first then with increased speed. He soon was thrusting so rapidly that Chanel could barely wait for the explosion. Suddenly she clenched and screamed as he bellowed in release. It was such a powerful feeling that she couldn’t stop the tremors of passion. He held her tightly as his own climax was slow to cease. He had never experienced such amazing satisfaction with a woman before. She was incredible. He rolled off of her and pulled her tightly against him. He kissed her temple.

  “You were mind-blowing. No other woman can compare,” he whispered.

  “So were you, babe. Incredible doesn’t begin to describe how you make me feel,” she murmured.

  Wes smiled contentedly. Her words made him proud; there was no denying it. But she was equally as wonderful. He had found the woman that he wanted to be with forever. And he wasn’t about to let her go. He closed his eyes and slept. Chanel could feel the even rise and fall of his chest. He was asleep. She wouldn’t wake him now. She would tell him about her pregnancy tomorrow. Chanel kissed his chest and slept as well.


  Elli and Sami sat in the Blue River restaurant having a delicious steak dinner. They sat on the patio overlooking the Savannah River. Brilliant rays of crimson, orange and yellow infused the sky as the sun made its way to bed.

  “It’s so gorgeous,” Elli murmured as she looked at the sunset.

  “Too bad Chanel and Wes are not here to enjoy it,” Sami said.

  “Yes. Chanel loves the sunset. So how long do you think it will be before they marry,” Elli asked.

  “Not long. Wes looks like he would do it tomorrow if Chanel were willing,” Sami answered.

  “I think he’s just following her lead,” Elli said sagely. “When Chanel is ready he will be too.”

  “There’s just something she has to tell him first,” Sami said.

  “You mean that she’s pregnant,” Elli said softly.

  “Yes. She can’t keep putting it off. Soon her waistline will tell the story if she doesn’t,” Sami whispered.

  “Chanel will tell him soon. She doesn’t have a choice. And he will be fine with it,” Elli said.

  Sami raised her eyebrows in doubt.

  “He may be surprised at first but he will get used to the idea and come to love the baby. Just give him a little time,” Elli concluded.

  They began speaking of other things. But the damage had been done. Adel was sitting behind them and had heard every word that was said. She grinned deviously. She had her weapon of mass destruction.


  Wes packed his belongings. He was more than ready to move out of the hotel. He eagerly anticipated moving in with Chanel. Although he hadn’t asked her yet, he could not imagine her saying no after the wonderful night had just shared. He folded and laid a final sweater into his case and shut the lid. He zipped it and set it beside his door. He would come back to get it when he got off work. As he was moving away from the door there was an insistent wrapping on it. He wondered who was so impatient. He moved through the living area and opened the door. He wanted to immediately shut it again. He began to do so but Adel stuck her leg in the opening. Rather than risk seriously injuring her leg he widened the door. She pushed her way into the room.

  “Really, Wesley there’s no need to be rude. I’ve only come to congratulate you,” Adel simpered.

  “On what?” he snapped.

  “Why on the coming arrival of your baby. You must be thrilled to be having a child. When is the little bundle of joy due?” Adel asked innocently.

  “What are you talking about, Adel? I’m not having a baby,” he said gruffly.

  “Oh but Chanel is. But of course you already knew that,” Adel said casually. “She must be at least three months by now. I’m sure she is showing a little.”

  “You’re lying. Chanel is not pregnant,” Wes said tautly.

  “Oh but she is. Has she not told you? Shame on her. Everyone in town knows of her pending motherhood,” she smiled. “Everyone but you, it seems.”

  Wes wrenched the door open.

  “Get out!” Wes ordered. “Now!”

  Adel walked slowly to the door.

  “Wesley, I’m a good listener should you need someone to talk to,” she said softly.

  “Get out,” he nearly yelled.

  Adel left and he slammed the door shut. He believed Adel. Even she would not make up such a story knowing he would soon discover the truth if she lied. How could Chanel not tell him? She had allowed him to make love to her without telling him that she was pregnant. Did she hope to pass the baby off as his? How far along was she? Adel had said three months. Chanel’s belly had been flat. He would have noticed a baby bump, no matter how slight. Maybe Adel was lying. Well, he would find out the truth right now. He slammed out of his room.


  Chanel stood on her back patio and stared glumly through the trees to the river some distance away. Normally she could appreciate the beauty of the scene before her but not today. It was a cloudy, overcast day and it reflected her mood. She knew that she had to tell Wes about her pregnancy and she was nervous about it. She knew it had been a mistake to make love to Wes before telling him. But in that moment all she cared about was feeling him within her and exulting in the way he made her feel. But in the harsh light of day she knew she should have been honest with him before they had sex. How would he react to the news? Would he lash out at her dishonesty? Would their relationship be over just when she acknowledged that she was in love with him? Her mistake could cost her the man of her dreams. Was her crime that severe to justify such extreme punishment? She heard the front door slam. She turned to look inside the house. She didn’t see anybody which scared her. She had given Wes a key but he would never bang her door so violently. She moved to go inside the house when Wes suddenly appeared inside the patio doorway. She screamed in fright.

  “Wes!” she exclaimed. “You scared me.”

  Wes looked at her blankly. But Chanel could see his darkened blue eyes were full of emotion. Something was lurking just beneath the surface of his irises. What was it? Sorrow? Pain? Was it barely contained rage in their depths? Why was he upset? He couldn’t possibly know, could he?

  “Wes, what’s wrong? Why are you acting like this?” she asked nervously.

  “Isn’t there something you forgot to tell me?” he asked harshly as he stepped out onto the patio.

  “What are you talking about?” Chanel asked warily. Her heart sank. He knew. Somehow he had found out in less than twelve hours since she last saw him.

  “Stop pretending, Chanel. You’ve done enough of that for a lifetime,” he snapped.

  “I would rather not guess at what you’re talking about. Just come out with it,” she said with false bravado.

  “Are you pregnant?” he asked starkly.

  Hearing him ask in such harsh tones made her situation seem messy and disgusting. And that wasn’t how she felt about of her pregnancy.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I’m pregnant.”

  “My God, Chanel! No wonder you never drank any wine. And when were you going to tell me? Or was it your intention to pass the child off as mine?” he asked angrily.

  “No! Never. I would never try to do that,” Chanel denied. “I had planned to tell you today. That’s way I took today off from work.”

  “You didn’t want to face the staff with red eyes if your confession didn’t go well?” he surmised. “Well, things are not going well.”

  “You’re right. I didn’t want to have to face the staff if things went south,” she murmured.

  “How far along are you? I didn’t notice anything last night,” he asked curtly.

  “I’m almost eight weeks. I haven’t started showing yet,” she said softly.

  “Time was slipping away. You had every intention of making love to me last night. You needed to if your plan was to work,” he snarled. “And of course the baby would be weeks early.”

  “No! I wouldn’t do that,” she cried.

  He moved several steps away from her. Paused then turned to face her again. His face was infused with pain and betrayal.

  “How could you let me make love to you knowing you had this secret?” he asked. “You say you wouldn’t try to dupe me but your actions speak differently.”

  She crossed to him and grasped his arm. He pulled his arm out of her hand.

  “I swear to you I wouldn’t use in that way. The father of the baby is my ex-boyfriend. A black man. I could ne
ver pass the child off as yours knowing this,” she wailed. “Please believe me. I would never insult your intelligence with such a scheme.”

  “But you want me to be a part of this child’s life, don’t you?” he said bluntly.

  “Only if you want to be. I was totally prepared to be a single parent. My ex wants nothing to do with the child,” she said. “Then we met again and I thought that maybe things could be different. That I wouldn’t have to be alone raising my child. But everything has changed now. Should you walk away I will be fine raising my baby. I’m not the first woman to rear a child on her own. And I’m sure I won’t be the last.”

  “It’s a damned good thing that you feel that way,” he said sharply.

  Wes then left her house abruptly. Chanel flinched when the front door slammed shut. She sank into a patio chair and lowered her head to her lap. She cried. Wes stood on her porch for a moment. One of her living room windows was opened and he could hear her sobbing. It wrenched his heart to hear her crying but he couldn’t go back in. He forced himself to move away from the window. He ran down the steps to his car. Getting in, he gunned the motor and took off at a furious speed.


  Chanel was numb. She walked around in a fog for several days. She requested a week off from work and removed herself from the Ahlstrom project. Dan was surprised and concerned by her actions but did not press her for answers. He told her that she could take as much time as she needed. Her job would be there when she returned. Chanel had been grateful for his kindness. She really didn’t know how long she would stay away from work. She just knew she couldn’t be there now. Not with Wes being there. She did not think she could manage working with him after their argument. Elli and Sami came over every day to offer their support and encouragement. Sami called Wes every horrific name she could think of and Elli swore that things would work themselves out. Chanel appreciated their support. She didn’t know what she would have done without them. One Saturday evening the girls came over and insisted that Chanel get out of the house.


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