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Lucas (Members From Money Book 20)

Page 17

by Katie Dowe

  “Being shut up in this house is only depressing you,” Sami said. “You have to start living again.”

  “She’s right, Chanel. Living like a monk is not going to change anything. Let’s go out and have a little fun,” Elli suggested.

  Chanel reluctantly agreed and they went to a club whose band played a variety of jazz, pop and R&B music. They sat in a corner booth and ordered drinks. The drinks arrived and Chanel sipped her customary strawberry iced tea. She looked at the people on the dance floor and smiled as good, bad and in between dancers did their thing. It wasn’t long before Elli and Sami were asked to dance. Chanel was content to sit and watch them having fun. She really wasn’t in the mood for dancing anyway. Her morning sickness had kicked in and by the time evening arrived she was felt completely drained. The waitress came by and asked her if she’d like anything to eat. Chanel was craving dill pickles and apple pie. The waitress grimaced at her selection. Chanel laughed and rubbed her stomach. Understanding dawned on the waitress face and she laughed.

  “I was the same way. My husband thought I was nuts,” she grinned. “I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

  The waitress moved away and Chanel watched the band. She didn’t see Wes standing across the room observing her. He’d watched the interchange between Chanel and the waitress and saw Chanel rub her tummy. When the waitress laughed he could guess what had been said. He smiled begrudgingly. He could only imagine what Chanel had ordered. He missed Chanel like crazy. He had expected Chanel to take some time off but when he found out that she was no longer working on the Ahlstrom project he had nearly ripped Dan’s head off. Dan had looked at him accusatory and made several comments to that effect. Wes had left the office in a rage. When he returned he’s apologized to Dan but the sting of not having Chanel on the project was still there. Despite what had happened between them personally, he needed her on this project. Her skill would be sorely missed. The waitress passed by him and he saw that she carried a plate of pickles and a slice of apple pie. He smiled even though he thought the combination disgusting.

  “Hi, Wesley.”

  Wes knew who spoke.

  “Hello, Adel,” Wes greeted her.

  “I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” Adel said.

  “It’s a public place,” he countered.

  They chatted but he never took his eyes off of Chanel. Finally she looked in his direction. He grasped Adel’s arm.

  “Let’s dance,” he said.

  The music was slow and he held Adel tight; tighter than he ever would have under different circumstances. He saw Chanel eyes widen before she averted her gaze. He knew seeing him with Adel would hurt her but somehow it didn’t give him any joy. Chanel rose from her booth holding her stomach. She hurried into the bathroom. Wes was alarmed but knew he couldn’t do anything.

  Chapter 4

  Three months had passed and Chanel had returned to work. Dan had allowed her to telecommute so she wouldn’t run into Wes. She buried herself in her work. She was glad to have something to focus on other than her personal misery. She produced excellent designs that Dan and general management raved about. Wes had called a couple to speak of work related business. The conversations had been brief and painfully awkward. She was heartily grateful that she didn’t have to see him every day. Since seeing Wes with Adel at the club she had become determined to put him out of her mind. She wasn’t having much success with it but at least the pain was beginning to lessen. And given time he would become a distant memory. Chanel picked up the cylinder of specs and headed to her garage. She needed to drop off the designs to Dan; hopefully she would not run into Wes. Her trip to the office was uneventful. She chatted with a few of the employees then left the building. Instead of going to her car in the garage she walked across the street to the park. She missed sitting on her favorite bench to watch the ducks glides across the lake. She bought a hotdog from a vendor then went to sit on the bench. She munched on her hotdog and gazed out at the lake. She felt the baby kick and she rubbed her tummy.

  “You’re active today, sweetie,” she murmured. “From the way you kick you’ll probably be a punter.”

  “For the Georgia Bulldogs?”

  Chanel spun around on the bench.

  “Wes!” she exclaimed.

  “Hello, Chanel,” he said pleasantly.

  “Hello,” she greeted him. She rubbed her stomach. “I’m sure he’ll punt for the Atlanta Falcons.”

  He smiled.

  “I bet he will. So you know it’s a boy?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said quietly.

  “May I join you?” he asked.

  Chanel would rather he not stay but refusing would have been rude. She shrugged and moved across the bench, leaving plenty of space between them. He didn’t try to close the distance.

  “I saw your drawings for the Cofield building. They’re very good. You are an excellent architect, Chanel,” he complimented her.

  “Thank you. I’m glad they passed muster,” she replied.

  “Of course they do. There’s not another architect in the office of your talent level. I wish you were still working on the Ahlstrom project,” he responded.

  Chanel didn’t know what to say so she remained silent. She missed not working on the Ahlstrom project. But she couldn’t work with him every day after what had happened between them.

  “Come back to the Ahlstrom project, Chanel. It needs you. We need you,” he said.

  She looked at him in shock. She couldn’t believe that he was asking.

  “No. I can’t and you know why,” she exclaimed.

  “Chanel, please. We can figure out a way of working together. The project needs you.” he said persuasively. “Think of it as a challenge. You know you’re not one to turn away from a difficult assignment.”

  “This is different and you know it,” she said in irritation.

  “It doesn’t have to be,” he said.

  “Well it is,” she cried.

  “What can I say to convince you? Tell me and I’ll say it,” he pleaded.

  “You’ve said quite enough. You’ve done more than enough as well,” she snapped.

  She stood up and walked several steps away. Wes rubbed his temple. He knew what she was talking about. He regretted his words to her that morning. And using Adel to make her jealous was also unforgivable. But he was going to ask for it, beg for it if necessary. He wanted her back in his life. He needed her; baby and all.

  “I’m sorry, Chanel. I accused you of despicable actions and I am sorry. I was so consumed with my own pain that I wanted to hurt you as well,” he said openly. “Forgive me.”

  She whipped around to stare at him in disbelief.

  “Forgive you? You have the nerve to ask for my forgiveness?” she asked incredibly.

  Wes became irritated. He stood up.

  “You’re not guilt free, Chanel. You played a huge part in this whole mess,” he snapped.

  “Damn you!” she cried out.

  Chanel spun on her heels and ran.

  “Chanel! Don’t run. Stop,” he called out.

  Wes ran after her. Chanel looked over her shoulder at him and increased her pace. She didn’t see the protruding tree root. Her foot encountered the bulging root and she flew headlong onto the ground. She screamed.

  “Chanel!” Wes yelled.

  He collided to the ground and knelt beside her. She fell hard on the unyielding surface. She sobbed as she clutched her stomach.

  “It’s going to be alright, sweetheart. I’m getting help,” he said urgently.

  Wes pulled out his cell phone and dialed 911. He told to operator what and demanded paramedics immediately. He noticed that Chanel had fallen on her side more so than directly on her stomach. That had to be a good thing. He held her hand and placed his other hand on her stomach. He felt the baby move. In that moment he determined that he would be his dad no matter what.

  “Just hang in there, Chanel. Help is coming,” he whispered.

  People had star
ted to mill around. Several of them had asked if they could help. Unfortunately, none of them were doctors. The paramedics finally arrived and they attended to Chanel. Within minutes she was in the ambulance and on her way to the hospital. Wes rode in the ambulance with her. It was a blessedly short ride to the hospital and Chanel was soon in emergency being attended to by several doctors; one of them her obstetrician. The nurse had shooed him out of the cubicle and shut the curtain. Wes called Elli and Sami. He knew they would want to be here. He held off on calling her parents just yet. He wanted to wait for news of her condition before alarming them. It seemed to take forever. Nurses rushed in and out of her cubicle, refusing to give him any information. Wes was worried out of his mind as he paced in front of the nurses station. Sami arrived and was none too friendly toward him.

  “How is she? What happened?” she said curtly.

  She was dressed in a chic white business suit with a bright red blouse. She would cut an imposing figure in the courtroom with her height and aggressive demeanor. Wes breathed deeply then told her what had occurred.

  “She fell because of you?” Sami accused.

  “No. She fell because she wasn’t watching where she was going,” Wes said.

  “But she was trying to get away from you,” Sami snapped.

  “We were having a discussion and she became upset,” Wes said patiently.

  Wes tried to remain calm. He could well imagine how witnesses felt under Sami’s cross examination.

  “Haven’t you done enough to her?” Sami retorted.

  “Calm down, Sami,” Elli said. Elli had approached without their notice. “Blaming Wes will not help Chanel. Besides, it’s not his fault.”

  “How can you say that?” Sami argued.

  “You know Chanel as well as I do. She knew she shouldn’t have been running in her condition, but she did it anyway. She’s stubborn just like someone else I know,” Elli stated firmly.

  Sami was forced to acknowledge Elli’s words as truth. Wes breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God for Elli for he didn’t know how much more of Sami’s interrogation he could have taken without saying something he knew he would regret later on. The doctor finally came out.

  “Are you the one who brought Chanel Cambridge in?” the doctor asked.

  “Yes,” Wes answered.

  “I’m doctor Robert Knowles, Chanel’s obstetrician. Are you her husband?” Doctor Knowles asked.

  “Her boyfriend,” Wes said quickly.

  Wes heard Sami hiss but ignored it.

  “She took a serious tumble but fortunately she fell on her side. She has two bruised ribs but the baby is fine,” Doctor Knowles said.

  “Thank God,” Elli said in relief.

  “We’re going to keep her here for a few hours for observation. If all is well she’ll be free to go,” Doctor Knowles said.

  “Thank you, Doctor. May we go in to see her?” Elli asked.

  “Yes but no more than two at a time,” the doctor said. He then walked away.

  “I’ll let the two of you go in,” Wes said.

  Sami immediately walked away. Elli frowned at her.

  “We won’t be long. I know you want to see her,” Elli said kindly. “Thank you for getting Chanel to the hospital so quickly. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude.”

  “I will always take care of Chanel,” he said simply.

  “I feel you will. And don’t mind Sami. She’s just extremely protective of her friends. She will come around,” Elli smiled.

  “I hope so. I wouldn’t want to remain on the other side of the courtroom from her,” he grimaced.

  Elli laughed.

  “You won’t,” she grinned.

  Elli walked into Chanel’s cubicle. Wes sighed deeply and sat in the waiting room to wait his turn.


  Chanel opened her eyes slowly. She rubbed them to regain focus. She saw Wes sitting in a chair at her bedside. He moved to sit on the side of her bed. He clasped her hand.

  “Hey sleepyhead. How do you feel?” he smiled.

  “Like I’ve been run over with a truck,” Chanel grumbled. She looked at him sorrowfully. “But I have no one to blame for that but myself.”

  “It was an accident and it’s over now. You and the baby are fine,” he smiled.

  Chanel rubbed her stomach and smiled.

  “I’m so grateful I didn’t hurt my baby. It was such a stupid thing to do. What was I thinking?” she sighed.

  “You were just trying to get away from an uncomfortable situation. I’m sorry I put you in that space. I shouldn’t have pushed,” he apologized.

  She shook her head negatively.

  “No, Wes. I over reacted. I should have stayed and talked to you instead of running away. Doing only endangered my baby,” she said softly.

  “You’re right. Running doesn’t solve a problem and I walked out on you when I should have stayed. I regret that more than you’ll ever know,” he murmured.

  He squeezed her hand. He wanted to raise it to his lips in a kiss but decided against it. He needed to take things slowly. She looked away from him.

  “Well, that’s in the past and we have moved on,” she said quietly. She pushed herself up in bed. Wes adjusted her pillows. She could smell his cologne as he leaned over her. She had always liked how he smelled. So clean, fresh and masculine. But those days were over and she needed to remember that. She gathered her thoughts. “Thank you. How long have I been asleep?”

  “A few hours. You obviously needed the rest. You’re working long hours at home, aren’t you?” he determined.

  “Maybe. Sometimes. But it keeps me busy and I stop when I get tired,” she explained.

  “Obviously, you don’t stop soon enough,” he said censoriously. “You have to get more rest. You have precious cargo on board.”

  He gently touched her belly. Chanel was shocked at his words and gesture. She didn’t know what to make of it.

  “I think I’ve been in this joint long enough. Would you get the nurse for me?” she asked.

  “Sure,” he said. He rose from the bed. “I’ll be right back.”

  He left the cubicle. In a few minutes Dr. Knowles came in carrying her chart. Wes followed him.

  “How are you feeling?” Dr. Knowles asked.

  “My ribs are a little sore but otherwise I feel fine,” Chanel said.

  “Good,” the doctor said. He handed her a prescription. “This is a mild prescription to ease the pain. Take no more than two pills a day. Your ribs should heal in two weeks.”

  “Two weeks?” Chanel exclaimed.

  “Yes. The body heals at its own pace. Allow it the time to do so,” Dr. Knowles replied. “Come see me on Friday for a follow-up. My nurse will call you with the appointment time. Do you have someone to take you home?”

  “Yes. I will,” Wes said quickly before Chanel could answer.

  “Good. See you on Friday,” Dr. Knowles said. He left the cubicle.

  Wes took the prescription out of Chanel’s hand.

  “I’ll stop and get this filled for you. Let’s get you home,” Wes said.

  He helped her out of bed and into the wheelchair that a candy striper had brought into the room. Wes wheeled her outside of the hospital and waited for his car to be brought around.

  “How is it that your car is here? You rode with me in the ambulance,” Chanel asked.

  “I had a friend drop it off for me,” he answered.

  “It must be a very good friend for you to trust your beloved Porsche to,” Chanel grinned.

  “He is my best friend. He’s been in Portugal for the last year but returned last month,” he said.

  “What’s his name?” Chanel asked. She chided herself for asking. It wasn’t like she would ever meet this friend of his.

  “Ivan LeFluer,” Wes replied.

  “Nice name,” Chanel responded.

  “Very nice man,” Wes said.

  His car arrived and he settled Chanel in the car. He then got into the car and drove
to the pharmacy to fill her prescription. After that he took her home.


  When they arrived at Chanel’s house Wes helped her out of the car then swept her up in his arms.

  “Wes! Put me down. I can walk,” Chanel exclaimed.

  “But you’re not going to,” he said adamantly. He walked onto her porch and stood at the door. “Take the key out of my breast pocket and unlock the door.”

  “You still have a key,” she murmured.

  “Yes. I would never get rid of it, Chanel,” he replied softly.

  Chanel didn’t reply. She fished the key out of his pocket and opened the door. He pushed the door wide with his foot and entered the house.

  “Put me down, Wes. I’m heavy,” she pleaded.

  “You have picked up a few pounds. Eating too many burritos?” he grinned.

  “Oooh!” she exclaimed. She punched him on his shoulders.

  “Oof! You pack a wallop,” he feigned pain.

  “You’re not hurt,” she accused.

  “No, I’m not,” he smiled.

  He placed her on the sofa and stretched her legs out. He then stuffed several pillows behind her back to support her.

  “Thank you for bringing me home,” she said.

  Wes was walking into the kitchen.

  “You’re welcome,” he called out.

  Chanel could hear him open and close the refrigerator. He came back into the living room and sat on the coffee table beside her. He handed her a pain pill and a bottle of cold water. She took them from him gratefully.

  “I imagine you’re in a bit of pain by now,” he said in concern.

  “A little,” she replied. She down the pill and sighed. “Thank you again.”

  “I know this may be coming out of left field but I have every intention of taking care of you,” he said.

  “That’s not necessary. I can manage on my own,” she said quickly.

  “You probably could but you don’t have to. I’m here and I’m not leaving,” he said evenly.


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