The Retribution: A High School Light Bully Romance (Beverly Hills Prep Academy Book 3)

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The Retribution: A High School Light Bully Romance (Beverly Hills Prep Academy Book 3) Page 17

by Melissa Adams

  But I know that in his flawed, twisted way, he does love me.

  “Aubrey, I know that I haven't been a perfect father ...”

  “That's the fucking understatement of the year.”

  I don't say it out loud and let him continue.

  “Your mother asked me to resign from my position as CEO of RGS (Richmond Global Security). I would still be involved in many aspects of the business, but being free of the day to day running of it would allow me to be more present in the baby’s life and to support your mom a lot more. You'll be going to college next fall and I know how hard raising you without my constant presence was for your mom.

  This is why at the time, she didn't feel like she could take in Alex and Abi.”

  The fact that he wants to do right by the new baby, should make me mad but it doesn't.

  I'm actually happy that at forty, Daddy is starting to see that there's more to life than power and money.

  “Ok, that’s super. But what does it have to do with our fight? You can quit your job. I have my trust fund and I don't need a rich husband, so—”

  “Please, let me finish, Aubrey. I know that to build my legacy, I sacrificed a lot. And I know you don't approve of the means I used to reach my goals. But the company is thriving, especially after the contracts that came from our new governor.”

  He means Reece’s dad: when he tried to get Abi engaged to secure a business deal, fortunately for everyone, it turned out that his business partner was Reece’s father.

  So despite that fact destroying any residual love that my sister might have harboured for Daddy, she lives with Reece and they got engaged after graduating high school, last spring.

  Obviously, Abi got also engaged to Pryce, Max and Chaz but that's something that we don't discuss in the open.

  “Ok, so if the company is doing well—”

  He stares at me, annoyed by my constant interruptions.

  “I spoke to the board and we looked for someone to replace me as CEO. We found the perfect candidate but he lives in Seattle right now. He would have to relocate to LA to take the job and the guy in question is hesitant because his son doesn't want to transfer schools in his senior year. I tried to find him a spot at BHPA but your academy doesn't allow transfers once the school year has begun. So he'll have to enrol at Aylesbury.”

  I can't contain my question any longer.

  “Ok, good for him! But I don't see why I should marry him! Dad, please don't try to make it sound like I need to marry this guy so you can have your CEO. That's ridiculous!”

  He sighs.

  “Young lady, you definitely take after your oldest brother. You jump the gun and shoot before you ask questions. If you had let me finish last time, I’d have told you that no one expects you to marry anyone. All your mom and I were asking you is to go out with him, show him around. Include him with your friends, so that his father will be happy to move. He feels guilty about uprooting him during his senior year. But he's the only guy the board of directors of RGS will consider to replace me.”

  I narrow my eyes, unable to let go of my diffidence.

  “When you say ‘go out’, you mean?”

  Dad looks straight into my eyes: I have to give it to him, he's got some nerve.

  “I mean ‘hang out’. Is that what you young people say these days? If then you liked Tyler as more than a friend, I wouldn't be mad.”

  I shoot him a warning look.

  “Daddy, if it's a friend thing, I can do it. If you expect more, my answer is definitely no. My love life sucks already as it is. I don't need more complications.”

  And I can see the hard negotiator at work when he says calmly:

  “I’m not telling you to do anything you're not comfortable with, Aubrey. However, I did take notice of your taste in boys: Tyler plays football for his school.”

  He looks at me as if he'd scored a point and I realise that he doesn't even realise how controlling he is.

  “Ok. I’ll hang out but don't expect anything else other than me offering this Tyler my friendship.”

  And that's when he shrugs and quips:

  “Well, since you stormed here to cry on your mom’s shoulder about your ‘boy trouble’, I don't think you're doing that well on your own. Maybe Daddy knows best?”

  I’m about to tell him that Tyler can go fuck himself and my baby brother or sister can grow up the same way I did, because I'm not sure that more time with him is such a great thing.

  But then I see the desperation in Mom’s eyes and I decide to help for her sake.

  “Daddy, I mean it. I'm gonna show him around until he makes friends at his own school. That's it. If I catch wind of any monkey business, me and you are done. And I don't care if you don't let me see the new baby. I won't be blackmailed into a relationship with a guy to help your business. Are we clear?”

  His mouth flattens in a straight line.


  “Fine. Give me this guy’s details and I'll invite him to the game on Friday night.”

  I stand up and hug Mom before walking towards the door.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home. I promised Chaz to house sit. So I’m living there for the foreseeable future.”

  Yeah, all of a sudden being alone with my own thoughts doesn't sound like the end of the world.

  Can I be that surprised that my love life is such a giant mess if my family life is such a royal screw up?

  I drive home without turning my phone on: I need to be alone with my own thoughts.


  Rumour Has It


  I SWIPE SOME PINK LIPGLOSS on my lips and check my reflection in the mirror: I look positively fuckable.

  Hopefully tonight I'll finally seal the deal with Devon: make him my boyfriend and make sure that he gets back on the team.

  It's up to him: if he plays the game following my rules, his life will be awesome and we’ll rule on BHPA from the very top of the social rankings.

  After all, it doesn't get much better than QB1 and cheerleading captain, right?

  I don't feel that bad about Knox losing his starting spot, because he only got it after I fucked with Devon's sport drink.

  Teague and Landon were just necessary collateral damage because I couldn't make sure that Devon drank the tainted bottle by doctoring only his without making it too obvious that I was the one that fucked with it.

  My plan was to have Aubrey take the blame for it all along.

  First of all, how dare she fuck the guy I want before me?

  And I needed to kill Devon's crush for her: I hated the way he looked at her when he thought that she wasn't looking his way.

  And if my plan doesn't work, I have an ace up my sleeve to get retribution against them both.

  My sister taught me well after all: always cover all your bases, get the dirt on all the other people involved, just in case you get caught.

  Always get your way or raise hell if you don't.

  So I'm confident that this date will go like I hope and by tomorrow night, if Devon has passed all his drug tests in the last couple of weeks, he’ll be back on that field being BHPA’s brightest star and leading us towards the playoffs and the State Championship title.

  And I’ll be there on his arm, in all the yearbook pictures.

  We’ll be Prom Queen and King, and like this, history will be fixed, I owe it to my big sis.

  Devon looks so fucking hot!

  He’s wearing a collarless dark green shirt that makes his eyes pop and dark slacks that do nothing to hide how muscular his long legs are.

  He takes me to this really hip sushi restaurant and I spot at least two major movie stars and a guy that I’m pretty sure plays for the Lakers.

  Devon’s kind and charming in his usual quiet and brooding way, but he seems really interested in my stories and asks all the right questions at the right time.

  When we leave the restaurant, he helps me up into his truck: he’s driving a raptor t
oday and not his usual red corvette.

  And when he stops in a quiet spot by the sea front, I think that obviously a corvette is too small to have sex in but the raptor’s just fine.

  It’s quite dark around us and as he kills the engine, Devon stares ahead for a few minutes.

  I look at his perfect profile: he's movie star gorgeous and his black hair looks so silky that I can't wait to touch it.

  He also smells incredible: he's got this ocean scent, alluring and masculine and subtle enough that I can only smell it because I’ve been scooting closer to him on the bench seat.

  I run my hand on the smooth, tanned skin of his forearm and when he turns to look at me, I offer him my lips to kiss.

  And this is when he grabs both my biceps to hold me still.

  “Margaux, I need to tell you something.”

  “Why don't you kiss me for now? We can talk later.”

  I give him my sultry smile and I’d placed my hand on his thigh, to suggest that kissing is just the beginning but his hold is quite firm.

  “Margaux, this is my senior year and I don't think I have the time for a relationship. I need to concentrate on my academics and hopefully football, if I want a scholarship to Harvard. It would be really unfair to any girl to tie her up when I know that I won't have the time she deserves. And also, we’ll all go to college next fall, so I don't see the point in starting something that we know has an expiration date. I hope we can stay friends but I don't think it would be fair to take things further.”

  I can't believe he's rejecting me!

  Any other guy at school would fucking die to be in his shoes right now!

  But I try to stay calm and try a different angle: most guys can be talked into a relationship if you're slutty enough.

  So I keep my smile firmly in place and whisper:

  “We don't have to put a label on it, Devon. We can just act on our attraction and see where that takes us. Plus my daddy knows the Dean of Admissions at Harvard and I can have him write you a letter or even introduce you in person—”

  “I wanna make it on my own. I—”

  I interrupt him.

  “Nonsense! Why would you wanna risk not getting in when your girlfriend can make sure that you do?”

  His gaze hardens and so does his grip on my arms, but it's just a little, he isn't being forceful or squeezing too hard.

  “It's not that simple, Margaux. I play football with your brother and I know how much he hates when other guys on the team treat you like a meaningless hookup.”

  “That's not for you to worry about. I’m a big girl and I don't let my brother tell me who I can and can't see.”

  Devon sighs.

  “Margaux, you aren't listening to me. I really can't make my life more complicated than it already is. And getting involved with you, or any other girl for that matter, would be a stupid idea. Please don't hate me. I’m only trying to do right by you.”

  I narrow my eyes annoyed and incredulous that he's refusing even a hookup.

  “Is it because you still have feelings for Aubrey?”

  His pupils dilate in surprise.

  “Did she tell you—”

  “I’m not an idiot, Devon. I saw you two coming out of the locker room, remember? She certainly seems to have moved on from whatever was going on between you two. At least if I have to judge by the fact that she fucked my brother last night.”

  He doesn't seem surprised by my revelation, his eyes darken and I see that he's closing off: I have to bring in the heavy artillery.

  “I don't suppose you thought things were serious between you? Or were you already dreaming about making her ‘Mrs Whitbeck’ and riding with her into the sunset?”

  At my mention of what was Devon's last name up until a few weeks ago, his head snaps back as if he'd been punched.

  He better know that if I can't have him, I'll make sure that his status at school will be affected.


  WHEN SHE SAYS ‘MRS Whitbeck’, I realise that my secret will be out soon.

  Whatever happens at school, I’ll have to face but I know that I need to talk to Aubrey before she hears the rumours.

  I’m really scared that aside from the way I treated her, learning the truth about my origins will be a deal breaker.

  And Margaux knows it too, because she has a little satisfied smirk on her face.

  She must see my troubled expression because she becomes suddenly serious.

  “Look Devon, I’ll put my cards on the table, so to speak. As your rally girl, I had lots of awesome plans to lift your ... morale. I wasn't gonna be as slutty as Macy and Rachel, offering their player a blowjob in the middle of the school parking lot. I was gonna surprise you by bringing you some of your favourite treats and the sweetest treat of them all: me in a skimpy underwear set with our team colours. To do that, I needed your home address and I asked you, remember? I sent you a text. But you never texted me back, so I thought to go to the admissions office and get your address from your records.”

  “I thought students’ records were confidential.”

  I grumble but my murderous expression doesn't seem to concern my date, because she continues, completely undeterred.

  “Of course Mrs Avery told me that the records were confidential but the principal called her into his office and I happened upon your file. Unbelievable that in this day and age, a prep school like ours still keeps a paper backup of every student’s personal file, isn't it?”

  “With ‘you happened upon’ my file, do you mean that you illegally looked into the school archive?”

  Again, she seems completely comfortable with her actions.

  “Well, I was there to deliver the records I maintain for Mrs Stubbs on the cheerleaders uniforms, so the file cabinet of the varsity sports participants was unlocked. Anyway, how I came upon it is irrelevant, babe. All I wanted was your home address so that I could deliver a sexy surprise. But think of my shock when I saw that you changed your address and your last name since school started. And you had been accepted on a scholarship but it's no longer the case. So I became curious and I started digging.”

  Oh, shit!

  “Margaux, I—”

  “I drove by your old house and met your mom. Then I saw the garage where you used to work. See, if you look at Devon Archer on Facebook, you see the prep school, rich athlete who lives in a mansion and doesn't need a scholarship or a job at ‘Downtown Motors’ in LA.

  Devon Whitbeck is a completely different kind of guy.”

  She grabs my hands, feeling the roughness that working at the auto shop has caused.

  Her fingers caress my knuckles and I hate that her touch feels good. Her voice is nothing but a suggestive whisper when she says:

  “I don't care that you're an illegitimate child that grew up on the wrong side of town. I still like you, Devon. But think about the way Aubrey and all the others will look at you when they learn the truth about you ...”

  The way she described me is accurate but it makes me feel so dirty.

  It's the same way my mother talks to me when she asks for money and I don't miss the veiled threat in her tone.

  This is why I’ve been staying away from Aubrey: because I know that she’d feel disgusted by my white trash, gold digging Mom, who sleeps with rich married men and saw me as a meal ticket.

  This is why I ignored her, pretending that our summer fling meant nothing to me: because I was worried that she'd break up with me anyway.

  Her family would never approve of me.

  I know how these rich people think. Caroline told me the day I moved in with her and my dad.

  That I could live in a mansion and drive expensive cars, wear expensive clothes and go to a fancy prep school and an Ivy League college.

  But rich people are really snobby about ‘new money’ and they would figure out the way I grew up immediately.

  “You’ll never belong, Devon. I’d keep quiet at school or people will know what you are. Nothing but the product
of a dirty affair. And I’d be very careful not to screw up at school and bring ridicule upon your father’s good name. The novelty of having a son will wear off soon enough. Just be careful not to become a liability or be seen as an embarrassment or Nick will send you back where you came from.”

  So I saw Aubrey as the weak link in my new image, the one that could ruin everything by revealing that I was working in South Carolina, that I wasn't there vacationing in my mansion.

  Margaux concludes with an offer.

  “If you date me, I’ll make sure that no one finds out. I don't care that you were poor and that your mom looks like a cheap stripper. We’ll be the power couple at BHPA, we’ll take the spot that the A-Team left vacant when Max, Reece and their friends graduated. No one has to know.”

  I shake my head.

  “Are you telling me that if I don't date you, you'll tell everyone that I’m not one of you? That I don't belong at BHPA?”

  Margaux shrugs.

  “No, of course not. I'm not that desperate that I need to blackmail you into dating me. But let's say that I’d be less motivated to keep your secret. You see, Macy was with me in the office as my co-captain and she saw your records. And you know how she's famous for her big mouth, and that isn’t only because of the sloppy blowjobs that are her specialty, that girl can't keep a secret like she can't keep her panties on. And the only reason why she's kept quiet is that I scared her into silence. Also, Aubrey is my friend and only earlier on, she was literally crying in my arms about how you and Teague hate her. If she were to talk about you again, my conscience wouldn't allow me to break girl code and not tell her how you’ve been lying to the whole school, posing as a rich kid. Of course I’d lie for my boyfriend ...”

  And then all of a sudden I feel so tired!

  Tired of being ashamed of who I am, tired of women like my mom and Margaux.

  Margaux might have been born with all the privilege one can think of, but she's as petty, cruel and manipulative as my mom.

  So unless I agree to be her boyfriend, she'll tell everyone, especially Aubrey.


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