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The Retribution: A High School Light Bully Romance (Beverly Hills Prep Academy Book 3)

Page 21

by Melissa Adams

“I know I screwed up royally with you, Aubrey. But if you give me the chance, I’ll show you that I’m not a selfish prick. And Teague, damn it, next time I’ll aim better and run you over!”

  His joke makes them all laugh but I sit down and stuff my face with food.

  It helps me not to think too much.

  So they all want just me and I want them all.

  And they expect me to choose, eventually.

  Fuck me!


  FRIDAY IS A REALLY surreal day: we all arrive at school early for a short practice and that's when coach informs us that effective immediately, Devon, Teague, and I are reinstated into the team on a probationary basis.

  “Since you’ve all passed two random drug tests a week for the last two weeks, I was able to pull some strings and got you reinstated. However, you three still have to submit to a mandatory drug test after every game. I want to make it clear gentlemen, that if you fail any of those tests, we risk being given a forfeit for the first time this occurs and we risk a ban from the State Championship for a year if there is a second positive test. The principal has also decided that regardless of the anti-doping body testing you three, the whole team will be tested on a regular basis to avoid any nasty surprises in the future.

  We're being watched and the academy’s honour is at stake. So I'm sure you understand how carefully you must tread.”

  We all nod aware of the extra pressure on us but elated that we’ll get to play tonight.

  Devon pulls me and Teague aside at the end of practice.

  “Guys, last night before leaving Aubrey’s we talked about those drinks. We thought that it would be a good idea for us three to only drink stuff that we sourced personally on game day. Aubrey offered to look after our drinks on the DL (down low).”

  I nod, and feel relieved that Devon is trusting Aubrey with this.

  But I guess that if he wants to date her, he must definitely be convinced that she had nothing to do with the whole thing to begin with.

  Something else that's surreal is that while we have rally girls, roles today seem to be reversed at least as far as Aubrey is concerned.

  Teague got her a cup of her favourite tea, Devon got her a hot breakfast sandwich, Knox got her some special cupcakes for after lunch and I was less practical and I put one single pink rose on her desk.

  So today, we seem to be her rally boys.

  Especially the one among us that has more to prove to her: Devon carries her books, since today we have Ms Webber's Latin translation and we have to carry our huge Latin dictionaries to class.

  Margaux has been pleading with our teacher to let us download the dictionary on our school issued tablets to no avail.

  For Ms Webber’s class we’re required to surrender all our electronic devices, including smart watches.

  So Devon carries Aubrey’s dictionary, moves her chair for her and even produces an extra bottle of water.

  “Just in case you get thirsty.”

  Yeah, he’s laying it on really thick but I don't blame him.

  If I were in his shoes, I’d do the same thing.

  At the end of the last period I approach Aubrey and remind her that we have to go super early for some mandatory team spirit building shit and that we’re all getting drug tested, so she’ll be done way before me.

  “When are you meeting this Tyler guy?”

  She tells me that she’s meeting him before the game starts but that she informed Tyler that she’ll be riding with me to the party.

  “We agreed that he’ll drive his own car.”

  I nod.

  “Good. I wanna spend some time with my girl.”

  I almost wish I didn't have to play tonight when she whispers in my ear:

  “I love the sound of that. Your girl.”

  I give her a kiss on the cheek and run to the gym, if I hug her or get any closer to her, I’ll play with a permanent hard-on.


  I ARRIVE EARLY TO THE game: I need to meet Tyler by the gate as Daddy made me buy him a ticket.

  I did it because I wanted to avoid a huge row about it but I mean we have apps, who buys real paper tickets anymore?

  Of course my father said that it would be a more personal touch and it would make Tyler feel welcome, which is what ‘we’ want.

  I just wanna keep the peace with my parents right now, I’ve had enough conflict in my life lately as it is, so I went along with it.

  But if my parents think I’m an idiot, they'll be sorely mistaken: I'm gonna make it more than clear that I'm taken, so there's no chance of anything other than friendship between us.

  Just in case Tyler hasn't been informed that this is a friendship thing.

  I wouldn't put it past my dad to go ahead with his world domination plans, one marriage at a time after what he tried to do to Abi last year.

  I spot Tyler immediately: he's wearing his school letterman jacket, so he looks exactly like his Instagram profile pic.

  He's about six feet tall, he's got chin length black hair and dark brown eyes.

  I don't miss the once over he gives me when I approach him in my cheerleader uniform and I accept his hug when he greets me.

  I'm normally not a very touchy feely person with strangers but since I moved back to the US from Hong Kong, I had to get used to different social conventions.

  I show Tyler to his seat and tell him that the plan is to go to a party after the game.

  “If you wait for me in the parking lot, I’ll meet you there but we need to wait for my date to be done.”

  His smile doesn't falter when he asks if my date’s playing tonight.

  I answer proudly.

  “Yeah he's one of the two starting running backs.”

  What I don't say is that I'm also dating the other starting running back ... and also the two quarterbacks.

  Tyler seems to consider my answer and then he winks at me.

  “I should say that I'm disappointed not to be your date tonight, but I guess you can introduce me to your girlfriends?”

  I nod enthusiastically: he seems a nice enough guy but definitely not naive, so I’m sure he'll be more than ok swimming in the piranha tank that's the BHPA cheer squad.

  Once Tyler’s settled in his seat, I take my cooler bag with me and knock twice on the locker room door.

  I already warned the guys that I was on my way, so Devon opens the door and takes the bag with their water and sports drinks from me.

  “Thank you for doing this, baby.”

  His eyes are impossibly intense and when he takes the bag, his fingers brush against mine intentionally.

  His touch makes heat rise to my face: despite everything and how mad I still am at him, I can't help but feel attracted to him, that's never really gone away.

  “The bag has been with me the whole time.”

  I reassure him and when he whispers that he trusts me, I’m surprised at how much I needed to hear that.

  “Good luck on the field tonight.”

  He gives my hand a squeeze, and I wait until he closes the door behind him, to go join the other cheerleaders for our pre-game routine warm up.


  WE WIN THE GAME: WE're absolutely on fire.

  I know that I'm not the only one playing to impress Aubrey, I see how the others try to meet her gaze after a winning play.

  At the end of the game, I unapologetically jump the queue for the drug test and take a quick shower: I don't want to leave her alone too long with this Tyler guy.

  But as I run towards my truck, I realise that maybe I worried too much.

  Aubrey is standing by my Ford F-150 with a tall guy who’s literally surrounded by a gaggle of flirting cheerleaders.

  When I see the way Margaux, Rachel and Macy are all touching him and giggling at everything Tyler says, I don't know if to high five the guy or feel really sorry for him.

  I mean he's definitely getting laid tonight but then again, I wouldn't wish those three on my worst enemy.

sp; Aubrey introduces me to Tyler and we exchange a brief handshake, assessing each other like men usually do.

  When we’re ready to drive to Margaux's, a fight starts among the girls for who’ll get to ride with Tyler.

  Margaux’s voice reaches such a high pitch, that I worry about the windows of all the cars in the stadium lot.

  “Of course I’m riding with Tyler! First off, I'm the fucking captain and second, we're going to my house, to my fucking party! So back off, bitches!”

  She says it laughing but I'm pretty sure that Rachel, Macy and the other few girls around got the message loud and clear that Margaux is determined to have first pick of the fresh meat.

  I help Aubrey into my truck and start driving, content to have her by my side.

  “So, Tyler won't be bored tonight, huh?”

  She giggles.

  “Definitely not. But he wanted me to introduce him to the cheerleaders, so in this case I’d say ‘be careful to what you wish for’.”

  “No shit! But that's ok, he’ll be entertained and I'll have some undisturbed quality time with my girl.”

  The party is soon in full swing, with people playing the ever so popular beer pong, others chatting by the pool and we immediately spot Tyler who's being offered food and beer by Margaux, Rachel and Macy.

  I'm about to ask Aubrey if she's hungry, when Devon arrives with a plate of food for her and Teague with a drink.

  “I got you some OJ, princess.”

  “Unless you prefer beer or a wine cooler?”

  That’s Knox.

  I’m looking for an excuse to ditch the guys the whole time we spend eating but to my surprise it’s Aubrey who asks the guys to clean up our empty plates and takes my hand, walking towards end of the backyard where the mansion’s extensive gardens sprawl out and away from the house.

  She stops by a gazebo surrounded by bushes with the last roses of the season and she sighs when she looks into my eyes.

  “Landon, I’m so sorry. Between the whole Tyler thing and the guys being so ... intense—”

  Her face is lifted towards me and I cut her off with a soft kiss.

  “It's ok, sweetie. It's my fault for asking you on a date somewhere where they're around.”

  She strokes my cheek with delicate fingertips, her lips still extremely close to mine.

  “But we can leave the party early and you can hang out with me at my place.”

  The look in her eyes causes my heart to beat faster and I kiss her hard, exploring her mouth and breathing her in, enjoying the feeling of her soft body against mine.

  We kiss for a while, surrounded by the scent of the roses and enjoying the warmth of this early fall night.

  My lips begin wandering behind Aubrey's ear and down her neck but I stop when she shudders and I see goosebumps appear on her skin.

  “Are you all right?”

  She tightens the hold on my biceps and nods.

  “Hmm, yeah. I just love being kissed on that particular spot.”

  I take notice of the fact that I was kissing at the base of her neck, where her shoulder starts and I place another kiss there making her moan softly.

  She pushes her body closer to mine and feeling her tits against my chest makes me start to harden in my jeans.

  This is when usually things would start progressing possibly towards a hand job or a blowjob, or I would try to sneak my hand into the girl’s panties.

  And judging by the way Aubrey's looking at me, she probably wouldn't reject me if I tried to do any of those things.

  But there's some things I need to tell her before things go any further between us and I don't wanna do it here at the party, I want some real privacy.

  “Do you wanna get out of here?”

  She nods and tells me that it would probably be a good idea to find the others and tell them that we're going.

  “I also wanna make sure that Tyler’s all right. I don't want it to get back to my daddy that I ditched him.”

  We head back into the house and we find Teague playing beer pong with some of his teammates, while Devon and Knox are leaning against a wall watching with matching brooding expressions.

  Knox looks especially angry.

  Aubrey approaches to tell them that she's going home with me and ask them if they’ve seen Tyler.

  Knox grunts clenching his fists, I’ve never seen him so angry.

  “Tyler’s upstairs. With my sister.”

  I know how much he hates Margaux's hooking up habits and I see from Aubrey's expression that she feels responsible for bringing Tyler along.

  “I’m sorry. I—”

  She offers and Knox's gaze softens a little when he fixes his eyes on her.

  “It's not your fault, Aubrey. Margaux does what she wants, she couldn't give two fucks what others think.”

  She tells him that she'll send Tyler a message on Insta to tell him that she decided to go home and asks if they could make sure that he knows.

  This is when Devon puts a possessive hand on her shoulder.

  “Baby, can I speak to you before you go?”

  Aubrey's tone is kind but firm when she tells him that whatever it is, it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

  “Sorry, Devon. This is my date with Landon. I'll talk to you tomorrow.”

  And just like that, Aubrey and I are alone again as I drive my truck back to her house.

  It's a quiet ride as each of us is lost in thought and I debate within myself how to tell her something I’ve never told anyone, especially not a girl.

  The opportunity presents itself when I walk her to her front door and our goodnight kiss soon turns into a heated make out session against the door.

  Her lips are so soft and her body feels so incredible against mine that I’d rather keep kissing her instead of having uncomfortable conversations.

  But Aubrey finally breaks the kiss to invite me in and I know it's time, especially because we’ve been talking about how her and I have had less alone time compared to the others.

  I follow her into her living room and when she takes my hand guiding me towards her couch, I follow her down, landing on top of her.

  We kiss softly at first but soon I can't ignore the feeling of her underneath me and my hands skim the sides of her tits as if they had a will of their own.

  Aubrey’s back arches into my touch and her teeth nip my bottom lip, sending a smouldering hot wave of excitement straight to my crotch. I'm so hard that I could explode, but I know that I need to tell her how I feel before we go any further.

  I'm trying to muster the courage to talk when one of her hands starts sneaking inside my t-shirt and her touch makes me hesitate.

  Maybe I should let things evolve naturally and ...

  “Aubrey, I’m a virgin!”

  She immediately stops touching me and straightens herself up to a sitting position.

  Maybe I should have said it less abruptly but I guess there's no taking it back now.

  She looks confused and so fucking beautiful, her chest heaving while she tries to calm down enough to speak.

  “You're a —”

  I’ve never been so embarrassed in my whole life: this is why I never told anyone.

  Especially none of the guys on the team.


  She looks perplexed.

  “Landon, I mean no disrespect but how's that possible? You're as popular as Knox and Teague and I’ve seen Macy and Rachel literally chasing you down the sports building hallways begging you to let them blow you.”

  Her incredulity makes me feel marginally better but now that the cat’s out of the bag, I know I owe her an explanation.

  “I didn't say that I never had any kind of sex, I’ve hooked up with my fair share of girls, I just never did ... it. Other things, lots of other things.”

  She seems to consider my words and she nods.

  “Ok. I ... we don't have to do anything you don't want.”

  I groan: this isn't going well.

ey, I want to. You’ve no idea how much I do. But the reason why I haven't done it yet, is that I want to it to mean something. I want it to be special.”

  Her eyes darken when I say that and I rush to clarify what I mean.

  “I’m saying this all wrong. I want you, so much. I’ve been waiting for the right girl and I think you're it. What made me hesitate is this ‘situation’ we’re in. What I’m trying to say is that if I made love to you now and then you made your choice and it were one of the others—”

  She sighs and comes closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder and looking into my eyes.

  From this close, her eyes have beautiful silver coloured flecks in their dark blue depths.

  When she speaks, I can feel the emotion in her voice.

  “Thank you for being honest with me, Landon. Can I be honest with you?”

  I nod and I’d be lying if I said that I weren't worried about what she’s gonna say.

  If I just put too much pressure on her with what I want my first time to mean, that really wasn't my intention.

  “You did everything but. I was in the opposite situation: nothing beyond a few kisses until that night on the beach with Devon. And I understand how you feel, you want it to mean something. And if we did it now, trust me, it would mean a lot to me because I care about you Landon. But I get what you're saying and ... I don't know what I’m gonna do with you guys. I have feelings for all of you and every time I think about letting even one of you go, I ... I can't even breathe.”

  She looks away but I catch her chin with my hand, forcing her gaze back to mine.

  “I can't breathe when I think that you might choose and it might not be me.”

  A single tear falls down her cheek, creating a wet trail on her perfect skin.

  I trace that wet track with my lips and I ask a question that was lingering in the back of my mind since last night, when I walked into this room and realised that Aubrey and Teague had just slept together.

  “Do you even want to choose, sweet girl?”

  She hugs me tighter, hiding her face in my chest.

  “I wish I didn't have to.”

  Her words have a strange effect on me: on one side, I wish she could just say that she wants only me.


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